  Wed Nov 2 14:15:58 2016 -0700
First cut of a bamToPsl utility.

diff --git src/utils/bamToPsl/bamToPsl.c src/utils/bamToPsl/bamToPsl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..195fa2c
--- /dev/null
+++ src/utils/bamToPsl/bamToPsl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+/* bamToPsl - Convert a bam file to a psl and optionally also a fasta file that contains the reads.. */
+#include "common.h"
+#include "linefile.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+#include "options.h"
+#include "bamFile.h"
+#include "psl.h"
+#include "fa.h"
+void usage()
+/* Explain usage and exit. */
+  "bamToPsl - Convert a bam file to a psl and optionally also a fasta file that contains the reads.\n"
+  "usage:\n"
+  "   bamToPsl in.bam out.psl\n"
+  "options:\n"
+  "   -fasta=output.fa\n"
+  );
+/* Command line validation table. */
+static struct optionSpec options[] = {
+   {"fasta", OPTION_STRING},
+   {NULL, 0},
+void bamToPsl(char *inBam, char *outPsl, char *outFasta)
+/* bamToPsl - Convert a bam file to a psl and optionally also a fasta file that contains the reads.. */
+samfile_t *in = bamMustOpenLocal(inBam, "rb", NULL);
+bam_header_t *head = sam_hdr_read(in);
+if (head == NULL)
+    errAbort("Aborting ... bad BAM header in %s", inBam);
+/* Open up psl output and write header. */
+FILE *f = mustOpen(outPsl, "w");
+/* Optionally open up fasta output */
+FILE *faF = NULL;
+if (outFasta != NULL)
+    faF = mustOpen(outFasta, "w");
+bam1_t one;
+ZeroVar(&one);	// This seems to be necessary!
+/* Write next sequence to fa file. */
+for (;;)
+    {
+    if (sam_read1(in, head, &one) < 0)
+	{
+	break;
+	}
+    struct psl *psl = bamToPslUnscored(&one, head);
+    if (psl != NULL)
+         pslTabOut(psl, f);
+    if (faF != NULL)
+        {
+	char *dna = bamGetQuerySequence(&one, TRUE);
+	char *qName = bam1_qname(&one);
+	faWriteNext(faF, qName, dna, strlen(dna));
+	freez(&dna);
+	}
+    }
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+/* Process command line. */
+optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
+if (argc != 3)
+    usage();
+char *fastaName = optionVal("fasta", NULL);
+bamToPsl(argv[1], argv[2], fastaName);
+return 0;