  Thu Oct 27 11:03:48 2016 -0700
canIntersect wasn't recognizing bigDataUrl-only tracks.  refs #18289

diff --git src/hg/hgTables/intersect.c src/hg/hgTables/intersect.c
index 88318f9..6b27ac4 100644
--- src/hg/hgTables/intersect.c
+++ src/hg/hgTables/intersect.c
@@ -1,774 +1,780 @@
 /* intersect - handle intersecting beds. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "cart.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "trackDb.h"
 #include "bits.h"
 #include "bed.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "featureBits.h"
 #include "jsHelper.h"
 #include "hgTables.h"
 #include "customTrack.h"
 #include "hubConnect.h"
 #include "wikiTrack.h"
 /* We keep two copies of variables, so that we can
  * cancel out of the page. */
 static char *curVars[] = {hgtaIntersectGroup, hgtaIntersectTrack,
 	hgtaIntersectOp, hgtaMoreThreshold, hgtaLessThreshold,
 	hgtaInvertTable, hgtaInvertTable2,
 static char *nextVars[] = {hgtaNextIntersectGroup, hgtaNextIntersectTrack,
 	hgtaNextIntersectOp, hgtaNextMoreThreshold, hgtaNextLessThreshold,
 	hgtaNextInvertTable, hgtaNextInvertTable2,
 /* This is already duplicated in correlate.c and is handy -- should be
  * libified, probably in cart.h. */
 void removeCartVars(struct cart *cart, char **vars, int varCount);
+boolean hasBigDataUrl(char *db, char *table)
+struct trackDb *tdb = hashFindVal(fullTableToTdbHash, table);
+return (tdb && isNotEmpty(trackDbSetting(tdb, "bigDataUrl")));
 boolean canIntersect(char *db, char *table)
 /* Return true if table exists and is positional. */
 if (isCustomTrack(table) && ctLookupName(table) != NULL)
     return TRUE;
-if (! hTableOrSplitExists(db, table))
+if (! hTableOrSplitExists(db, table) && ! hasBigDataUrl(db, table))
     return FALSE;
 if (isLongTabixTable(table))
     return TRUE;
 if (isBamTable(table))
     return TRUE;
 if (isBigWigTable(table))
     return TRUE;
 if (isBigBed(database, table, curTrack, ctLookupName))
     return TRUE;
 if (isVcfTable(table, NULL))
     return TRUE;
 if (isHubTrack(table))
     return TRUE;
 if (sameWord(table, WIKI_TRACK_TABLE))
     return TRUE;
 return isPositional(db, table);
 boolean anyIntersection()
 /* Return TRUE if there's an intersection to do. */
 boolean specd = (cartVarExists(cart, hgtaIntersectTrack) &&
 		 cartVarExists(cart, hgtaIntersectTable));
 if (specd && canIntersect(database, curTable) && ! isNoGenomeDisabled(database, curTable))
     char *table = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectTable);
     if (isNoGenomeDisabled(database, table))
         // Don't clear the cart vars, just ignore in case region later changes back to position
         return FALSE;
     if (canIntersect(database, table))
 	return TRUE;
 	/* If the specified intersect table doesn't exist (e.g. if we
 	 * just changed databases), clear the settings. */
 	removeCartVars(cart, curVars, ArraySize(curVars));
 	return FALSE;
     return FALSE;
 boolean intersectionIsBpWise()
 /* Return TRUE if the intersection/union operation is base pair-wise. */
 char *op = cartUsualString(cart, hgtaIntersectOp, "any");
 return (sameString(op, "and") || sameString(op, "or"));
 static char *onChangeEnd(struct dyString **pDy)
 /* Finish up javascript onChange command. */
 dyStringAppend(*pDy, "document.hiddenForm.submit();\"");
 return dyStringCannibalize(pDy);
 static struct dyString *onChangeStart()
 /* Start up a javascript onChange command */
 struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(1024);
 dyStringAppend(dy, "onChange=\"");
 jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, hgtaNextIntersectGroup);
 jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, hgtaNextIntersectTrack);
 jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, hgtaNextIntersectTable);
 jsTrackedVarCarryOver(dy, hgtaNextIntersectOp, "op");
 jsTextCarryOver(dy, hgtaNextMoreThreshold);
 jsTextCarryOver(dy, hgtaNextLessThreshold);
 if (!isBigWigTable(curTable))
     jsTrackedVarCarryOver(dy, hgtaNextInvertTable, "invertTable");
 jsTrackedVarCarryOver(dy, hgtaNextInvertTable2, "invertTable2");
 return dy;
 static char *onChangeEither()
 /* Get group-changing javascript. */
 struct dyString *dy = onChangeStart();
 return onChangeEnd(&dy);
 void makeOpButton(char *val, char *selVal)
 /* Make region radio button including a little Javascript
  * to save selection state. */
 jsMakeTrackingRadioButton(hgtaNextIntersectOp, "op", val, selVal);
 struct trackDb *showGroupTrackRow(char *groupVar, char *groupScript,
     char *trackVar, char *trackScript, struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Show group & track row of controls.  Returns selected track */
 struct trackDb *track;
 struct grp *selGroup;
 selGroup = showGroupField(groupVar, groupScript, conn, FALSE);
 track = showTrackField(selGroup, trackVar, trackScript, TRUE);
 return track;
 void doIntersectMore(struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Continue working in intersect page. */
 struct trackDb *iTrack;
 char *name = curTableLabel();
 char *iName, *iTable;
 char *onChange = onChangeEither();
 char *op, *setting;
 boolean wigOptions = (isWiggle(database, curTable) || isBedGraph(curTable));
 // Note - bigWig is purposely left out of wigOptions.   It supports more intersection options
 // than wig does.
 struct hTableInfo *hti1 = maybeGetHti(database, curTable, conn), *hti2 = NULL;
 htmlOpen("Intersect with %s", name);
 hPrintf("<FORM ACTION=\"%s\" NAME=\"mainForm\" METHOD=GET>\n", getScriptName());
 hPrintf("<TABLE BORDER=0>\n");
 /* Print group and track line. */
 hPrintf("Select a group, track and table to intersect with:\n");
 iTrack = showGroupTrackRow(hgtaNextIntersectGroup, onChange,
 	hgtaNextIntersectTrack, onChange, conn);
 iName = iTrack->shortLabel;
 iTable = showTableField(iTrack, hgtaNextIntersectTable, FALSE);
 hti2 = maybeGetHti(database, iTable, conn);
 if (!wigOptions)
     if (hti1 && hti1->hasBlocks)
 	hPrintf("<BR>Note: %s has gene/alignment structure.  "
 		"Only the exons/blocks will be considered.\n", name);
     if (hti2 && hti2->hasBlocks)
 	hPrintf("<BR>Note: %s has gene/alignment structure.  "
 		"Only the bases covered by its exons/blocks will be "
 		"considered.\n", iName);
     hPrintf("<H4>Intersect %s items with bases covered by %s:</H4>\n",
 	    name, iName);
     hPrintf("These combinations will maintain the names and "
 	    "gene/alignment structure (if any) of %s: <P>\n",
 op = cartUsualString(cart, hgtaNextIntersectOp, "any");
 jsTrackingVar("op", op);
 makeOpButton("any", op);
 printf("All %s records that have any overlap with %s <BR>\n",
        name, iName);
 makeOpButton("none", op);
 printf("All %s records that have no overlap with %s <BR>\n",
        name, iName);
 if (!wigOptions)
     makeOpButton("more", op);
     printf("All %s records that have at least ",
     setting = cartCgiUsualString(cart, hgtaNextMoreThreshold, "80");
     cgiMakeTextVar(hgtaNextMoreThreshold, setting, 3);
     printf(" %% overlap with %s <BR>\n", iName);
     makeOpButton("less", op);
     printf("All %s records that have at most ",
     setting = cartCgiUsualString(cart, hgtaNextLessThreshold, "80");
     cgiMakeTextVar(hgtaNextLessThreshold, setting, 3);
     printf(" %% overlap with %s <P>\n", iName);
     /*	keep javaScript onClick happy	*/
     hPrintf("<input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"hgta_nextMoreThreshold\" VALUE=80>\n");
     hPrintf("<input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"hgta_nextLessThreshold\" VALUE=80>\n");
     hPrintf(" <P>\n");
 if (!wigOptions)
     boolean bigWig = isBigWigTable(curTable);
     hPrintf("<H4>Intersect bases covered by %s and/or %s:</H4>\n",
 	    name, iName);
     if (!bigWig)
 	hPrintf("These combinations will discard the names and "
 		"gene/alignment structure (if any) of %s and produce a simple "
 		"list of position ranges.<P>\n",
     makeOpButton("and", op);
     printf("Base-pair-wise intersection (AND) of %s and %s <BR>\n",
 	name, iName);
     makeOpButton("or", op);
     printf("Base-pair-wise union (OR) of %s and %s <P>\n",
 	name, iName);
     hPrintf("Check the following boxes to complement one or both tables.  "
 	    "To complement a table means to include a base pair in the "
 	    "intersection/union if it is <I>not</I> included in the table."
     if (!bigWig)
 	jsMakeTrackingCheckBox(cart, hgtaNextInvertTable, "invertTable", FALSE);
 	printf("Complement %s before base-pair-wise intersection/union <BR>\n",
     jsMakeTrackingCheckBox(cart, hgtaNextInvertTable2, "invertTable2", FALSE);
     printf("Complement %s before base-pair-wise intersection/union <P>\n",
     /*	keep javaScript onClick happy	*/
     jsTrackingVar("op", op);
     hPrintf("var invertTable=0;\n");
     hPrintf("var invertTable2=0;\n");
     hPrintf("(data track %s is not composed of gene records.  Specialized intersection operations are not available.)<P>\n", name);
 cgiMakeButton(hgtaDoIntersectSubmit, "submit");
 hPrintf(" ");
 cgiMakeButton(hgtaDoMainPage, "cancel");
 /* Hidden form - for benefit of javascript. */
     static char *saveVars[32];
     int varCount = ArraySize(nextVars);
     memcpy(saveVars, nextVars, varCount * sizeof(saveVars[0]));
     saveVars[varCount] = hgtaDoIntersectMore;
     jsCreateHiddenForm(cart, getScriptName(), saveVars, varCount+1);
 void removeCartVars(struct cart *cart, char **vars, int varCount)
 /* Remove array of variables from cart. */
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<varCount; ++i)
     cartRemove(cart, vars[i]);
 void copyCartVars(struct cart *cart, char **source, char **dest, int count)
 /* Copy from source to dest. */
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
     char *s = cartOptionalString(cart, source[i]);
     if (s != NULL)
         cartSetString(cart, dest[i], s);
         cartRemove(cart, dest[i]);
 void doIntersectPage(struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Respond to intersect create/edit button */
 if (ArraySize(curVars) != ArraySize(nextVars))
 copyCartVars(cart, curVars, nextVars, ArraySize(curVars));
 void doClearIntersect(struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Respond to click on clear intersection. */
 removeCartVars(cart, curVars, ArraySize(curVars));
 void doIntersectSubmit(struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Respond to submit on intersect page. */
 copyCartVars(cart, nextVars, curVars, ArraySize(curVars));
 static void bitSetClippedRange(Bits *bits, int bitSize, int s, int e)
 /* Clip start and end to [0,bitSize) and set range. */
 int w;
 if (e > bitSize) e = bitSize;
 if (s < 0) s = 0;
 w = e - s;
 if (w > 0)
     bitSetRange(bits, s, w);
 static void bedOrBits(Bits *bits, int bitSize, struct bed *bedList,
 		      boolean hasBlocks, int bitOffset)
 /* Or in bits.   Bits should have bitSize bits.  */
 struct bed *bed;
 if (hasBlocks)
     for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
 	int i;
 	for (i=0;  i < bed->blockCount;  i++)
 	    int s = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[i] - bitOffset;
 	    int e = s + bed->blockSizes[i];
 	    bitSetClippedRange(bits, bitSize, s, e);
     for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
 	bitSetClippedRange(bits, bitSize, (bed->chromStart - bitOffset),
 			   (bed->chromEnd - bitOffset));
 static int countBasesOverlap(struct bed *bedItem, Bits *bits, boolean hasBlocks,
 			     int chromSize)
 /* Return the number of bases belonging to bedItem covered by bits. */
 int count = 0;
 int i;
 if (bedItem->chromEnd > chromSize)
     errAbort("Item out of range [0,%d): %s %s:%d-%d",
 	     chromSize, (bedItem->name ? bedItem->name : ""),
 	     bedItem->chrom, bedItem->chromStart, bedItem->chromEnd);
 if (bedItem->chromStart == bedItem->chromEnd)
     /* Zero-size item: count overlap with adjacent bases. */
     for (i = bedItem->chromStart-1;  i < bedItem->chromEnd+1;  i++)
 	if (i >= 0 && i < chromSize && bitReadOne(bits, i))
 else if (hasBlocks)
     for (i=0;  i < bedItem->blockCount;  i++)
 	int start = bedItem->chromStart + bedItem->chromStarts[i];
 	count += bitCountRange(bits, start, bedItem->blockSizes[i]);
     count = bitCountRange(bits, bedItem->chromStart, bedItem->chromEnd - bedItem->chromStart);
 static struct bed *bitsToBed4List(Bits *bits, int bitSize,
 	char *chrom, int minSize, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd,
 	struct lm *lm)
 /* Translate ranges of set bits to bed 4 items. */
 struct bed *bedList = NULL, *bed;
 int start = 0;
 int end = 0;
 int id = 0;
 char name[128];
 if (rangeStart < 0)
     rangeStart = 0;
 if (rangeEnd > bitSize)
     rangeEnd = bitSize;
 end = rangeStart;
 /* We depend on extra zero BYTE at end in case bitNot was used on bits. */
 for (;;)
     start = bitFindSet(bits, end, rangeEnd);
     if (start >= rangeEnd)
     end = bitFindClear(bits, start, rangeEnd);
     if (end - start >= minSize)
 	lmAllocVar(lm, bed);
 	bed->chrom = chrom;
 	bed->chromStart = start;
 	bed->chromEnd = end;
 	snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.%d", chrom, ++id);
 	bed->name = lmCloneString(lm, name);
 	slAddHead(&bedList, bed);
 boolean intersectOverlapFilter(char *op, double moreThresh, double lessThresh, double overlap)
 /* Return TRUE if have enough (or not too much) overlap according to thresholds and op. */
 return ((sameString("any", op) && (overlap > 0.0)) ||
     (sameString("none", op) && (overlap <= 0.0)) ||
     (sameString("more", op) && (overlap >= moreThresh)) ||
     (sameString("less", op) && (overlap <= lessThresh)));
 static struct bed *filterBedByOverlap(struct bed *bedListIn, boolean hasBlocks,
 				      char *op, double moreThresh, double lessThresh,
 				      Bits *bits, int chromSize)
 /* Return list of beds that pass overlap filter. */
 struct bed *intersectedBedList = NULL;
 struct bed *bed = NULL, *nextBed = NULL;
 /* Loop through primary bed list seeing if each one intersects
  * enough to keep. */
 for (bed = bedListIn;  bed != NULL;  bed = nextBed)
     int numBasesOverlap = countBasesOverlap(bed, bits, hasBlocks, chromSize);
     int length = 0;
     double pctBasesOverlap;
     nextBed = bed->next;
     if (hasBlocks)
 	int i;
 	for (i=0;  i < bed->blockCount;  i++)
 	    length += bed->blockSizes[i];
 	length = (bed->chromEnd - bed->chromStart);
     if (length == 0)
 	length = 2;
     pctBasesOverlap = ((numBasesOverlap * 100.0) / length);
     if (intersectOverlapFilter(op, moreThresh, lessThresh, pctBasesOverlap))
 	slAddHead(&intersectedBedList, bed);
 return intersectedBedList;
 void expandZeroSize(struct bed *bedList, boolean hasBlocks, int chromSize)
 /* Expand any bed items with size=0 to size=2 so insertion points are not
  * invisible when intersecting with items (as opposed to base-pair-wise). */
 struct bed *bed;
 for (bed = bedList;  bed != NULL;  bed = bed->next)
     if (bed->chromStart == bed->chromEnd)
 	if (bed->chromStart > 0)
 	if (bed->chromEnd < chromSize)
 	if (hasBlocks)
 	    if (bed->blockCount != 1)
 		errAbort("expandZeroItem: how did a zero-length bed (%s:%d-%d) with blocks "
 			 "get a blockCount of %d not 1?",
 			 bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, bed->blockCount);
 	    bed->chromStarts[0] = 0;
 	    bed->blockSizes[0] = bed->chromEnd - bed->chromStart;
 Bits *bitsForIntersectingTable(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *region, int chromSize,
 	boolean isBpWise)
 /* Get a bitmap that corresponds to the table we are intersecting with.
  * Consult CGI vars to figure out what table it is. */
 boolean invTable2 = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaInvertTable2, FALSE);
 char *table2 = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectTable);
 struct hTableInfo *hti2 = getHti(database, table2, conn);
 struct lm *lm2 = lmInit(64*1024);
 Bits *bits2 = bitAlloc(chromSize+8);
 struct bed *bedList2;
 if (isBigWigTable(table2))
     bedList2 = bigWigIntervalsToBed(conn, table2, region, lm2);
     // We should go straight to raw beds here, not through the routines that
     // do filter & intersections, because the secondary table has no filter
     // and sure shouldn't be intersected. :)
     bedList2 = getFilteredBeds(conn, table2, region, lm2, NULL);
 if (!isBpWise)
     expandZeroSize(bedList2, hti2->hasBlocks, chromSize);
 bedOrBits(bits2, chromSize, bedList2, hti2->hasBlocks, 0);
 if (invTable2)
     bitNot(bits2, chromSize);
 return bits2;
 char *intersectOp()
 /* Get intersect op from CGI var and make sure it's ok. */
 char *op = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectOp);
 if ((!sameString("any", op)) &&
     (!sameString("none", op)) &&
     (!sameString("more", op)) &&
     (!sameString("less", op)) &&
     (!sameString("and", op)) &&
     (!sameString("or", op)))
     errAbort("Invalid value \"%s\" of CGI variable %s", op, hgtaIntersectOp);
 return op;
 static struct bed *intersectOnRegion(
 	struct sqlConnection *conn,	/* Open connection to database. */
 	struct region *region, 		/* Region to work inside */
 	char *table1,			/* Table input list is from. */
 	struct bed *bedList1,	/* List before intersection, should be
 	                                 * all within region. */
 	struct lm *lm,	   /* Local memory pool. */
 	int *retFieldCount)	   /* Field count. */
 /* Intersect bed list, consulting CGI vars to figure out
  * with what table and how.  Return intersected result,
  * which is independent from input.  This potentially will
  * chew up bedList1. */
 /* Grab parameters for intersection from cart. */
 double moreThresh = cartCgiUsualDouble(cart, hgtaMoreThreshold, 0);
 double lessThresh = cartCgiUsualDouble(cart, hgtaLessThreshold, 100);
 boolean invTable = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaInvertTable, FALSE);
 char *op = intersectOp();
 /* --- TODO MIKE - replace bedList2, bits2 with baseMask stuff. */
 /* Load up intersecting bedList2 (to intersect with) */
 int chromSize = hChromSize(database, region->chrom);
 boolean isBpWise = (sameString("and", op) || sameString("or", op));
 Bits *bits2 = bitsForIntersectingTable(conn, region, chromSize, isBpWise);
 /* Set up some other local vars. */
 struct hTableInfo *hti1 = getHti(database, table1, conn);
 struct bed *intersectedBedList = NULL;
 /* Produce intersectedBedList. */
 if (isBpWise)
 /* --- TODO MIKE - replace, bits1 with baseMask stuff. */
     /* Base-pair-wise operation: get bitmap  for primary table too */
     Bits *bits1 = bitAlloc(chromSize+8);
     boolean hasBlocks = hti1->hasBlocks;
     if (retFieldCount != NULL && (*retFieldCount < 12))
 	hasBlocks = FALSE;
     bedOrBits(bits1, chromSize, bedList1, hasBlocks, 0);
     /* invert inputs if necessary */
     if (invTable)
 	bitNot(bits1, chromSize);
     /* do the intersection/union */
     if (sameString("and", op))
 	bitAnd(bits1, bits2, chromSize);
 	bitOr(bits1, bits2, chromSize);
     /* clip to region if necessary: */
     if (region->start > 0)
 	bitClearRange(bits1, 0, region->start);
     if (region->end < chromSize)
 	bitClearRange(bits1, region->end, (chromSize - region->end));
     /* translate back to bed */
     intersectedBedList = bitsToBed4List(bits1, chromSize,
     	region->chrom, 1, region->start, region->end, lm);
     if (retFieldCount != NULL)
 	*retFieldCount = 4;
     intersectedBedList = filterBedByOverlap(bedList1, hti1->hasBlocks, op,
 					    moreThresh, lessThresh, bits2,
 return intersectedBedList;
 struct bed *getRegionAsMergedBed(
 	char *db, char *table, 	/* Database and table. */
 	struct region *region,  /* Region to get data for. */
 	char *filter, 		/* Filter to add to SQL where clause if any. */
 	struct hash *idHash, 	/* Restrict to id's in this hash if non-NULL. */
 	struct lm *lm,		/* Where to allocate memory. */
 	int *retFieldCount)	/* Number of fields. */
 /* Return a bed list of all items in the given range in subtrack-merged table.
  * Cleanup result via lmCleanup(&lm) rather than bedFreeList.  */
 if (! anySubtrackMerge(db, table))
     return getRegionAsBed(db, table, region, filter, idHash, lm, retFieldCount);
     struct hTableInfo *hti = getHtiOnDb(database, table);
     int chromSize = hChromSize(database, region->chrom);
     Bits *bits1 = NULL;
     Bits *bits2 = NULL;
     struct bed *bedMerged = NULL;
     struct trackDb *subtrack = NULL;
     char *primaryType = findTypeForTable(database,curTrack,table, ctLookupName);
     char *op = cartString(cart, hgtaSubtrackMergeOp);
     boolean isBpWise = (sameString(op, "and") || sameString(op, "or"));
     double moreThresh = cartDouble(cart, hgtaSubtrackMergeMoreThreshold);
     double lessThresh = cartDouble(cart, hgtaSubtrackMergeLessThreshold);
     boolean firstTime = TRUE;
     if (sameString(op, "cat"))
 	struct bed *bedList = getRegionAsBed(db, table, region, filter,
 					     idHash, lm, retFieldCount);
 	struct slRef *tdbRefList = trackDbListGetRefsToDescendantLeaves(curTrack->subtracks);
 	struct slRef *tdbRef;
 	for (tdbRef = tdbRefList; tdbRef != NULL; tdbRef = tdbRef->next)
 	    subtrack = tdbRef->val;
 	    if (! sameString(curTable, subtrack->table) &&
 		isSubtrackMerged(subtrack->table) &&
 		sameString(subtrack->type, primaryType))
 		struct bed *bedList2 =
 		    getRegionAsBed(db, subtrack->table, region, NULL,
 				   idHash, lm, retFieldCount);
 		bedList = slCat(bedList, bedList2);
 	return bedList;
     bits1 = bitAlloc(chromSize+8);
     bits2 = bitAlloc(chromSize+8);
     /* If doing a base-pair-wise operation, then start with the primary
      * subtrack's ranges in bits1, and AND/OR all the selected subtracks'
      * ranges into bits1.  If doing a non-bp-wise intersection, then
      * start with all bits clear in bits1, and then OR selected subtracks'
      * ranges into bits1.  */
     if (isBpWise)
 	struct lm *lm2 = lmInit(64*1024);
 	struct bed *bedList1 = getRegionAsBed(db, table, region, filter,
 					      idHash, lm2, retFieldCount);
 	bedOrBits(bits1, chromSize, bedList1, hti->hasBlocks, 0);
     struct slRef *tdbRefList = trackDbListGetRefsToDescendantLeaves(curTrack->subtracks);
     struct slRef *tdbRef;
     for (tdbRef = tdbRefList; tdbRef != NULL; tdbRef = tdbRef->next)
 	subtrack = tdbRef->val;
 	if (! sameString(curTable, subtrack->table) &&
 	    isSubtrackMerged(subtrack->table) &&
 	    sameString(subtrack->type, primaryType))
 	    struct hTableInfo *hti2 = getHtiOnDb(database, subtrack->table);
 	    struct lm *lm2 = lmInit(64*1024);
 	    struct bed *bedList2 =
 		getRegionAsBed(db, subtrack->table, region, NULL, idHash,
 			       lm2, NULL);
 	    if (firstTime)
 		firstTime = FALSE;
 		bitClear(bits2, chromSize);
 	    bedOrBits(bits2, chromSize, bedList2, hti2->hasBlocks, 0);
 	    if (sameString(op, "and"))
 		bitAnd(bits1, bits2, chromSize);
 		bitOr(bits1, bits2, chromSize);
     if (isBpWise)
 	bedMerged = bitsToBed4List(bits1, chromSize, region->chrom, 1,
 				   region->start, region->end, lm);
 	if (retFieldCount != NULL)
 	    *retFieldCount = 4;
 	struct bed *bedList1 = getRegionAsBed(db, table, region, filter,
 					      idHash, lm, retFieldCount);
 	bedMerged = filterBedByOverlap(bedList1, hti->hasBlocks, op,
 				       moreThresh, lessThresh, bits1,
     return bedMerged;
 static struct bed *getIntersectedBeds(struct sqlConnection *conn,
 	char *table, struct region *region, struct lm *lm, int *retFieldCount)
 /* Get list of beds in region that pass intersection
  * (and filtering) */
 struct bed *bedList = getFilteredBeds(conn, table, region, lm, retFieldCount);
 /*	wiggle tracks have already done the intersection if there was one */
 if (!isWiggle(database, table) && anyIntersection())
     struct bed *iBedList = intersectOnRegion(conn, region, table, bedList,
     	lm, retFieldCount);
     return iBedList;
     return bedList;
 struct bed *cookedBedList(struct sqlConnection *conn,
 	char *table, struct region *region, struct lm *lm, int *retFieldCount)
 /* Get data for track in region after all processing steps (filtering
  * intersecting etc.) in BED format.  The retFieldCount variable will be
  * updated if the cooking process takes us down to bed 4 (which happens)
  * with bitwise intersections. */
 return getIntersectedBeds(conn, table, region, lm, retFieldCount);
 struct bed *cookedBedsOnRegions(struct sqlConnection *conn,
 	char *table, struct region *regionList, struct lm *lm, int *retFieldCount)
 /* Get cooked beds on all regions. */
 struct bed *bedList = NULL;
 struct region *region;
 for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
     struct bed *rBedList = getIntersectedBeds(conn, table, region, lm, retFieldCount);
     bedList = slCat(bedList, rBedList);
 return bedList;