  Mon Dec 12 09:25:06 2016 -0800
Better cookies and validation for hgLogin: instead of sending gbMembers.idx as
the login cookie and then never checking the value of the incoming cookie, use
a salted hash.  The salt is a secret text value specified by login.cookieSalt
in hg.conf.private.  For remote login, both hosts' hg.conf.private files must
specify the same login.cookieSalt.  In order to avoid logging out all users,
for now the correct value of gbMembers.idx is accepted in place of the salted
hash for local logins.  For remote logins without login.cookieSalt, there is
still no way to check the incoming cookie.  For local logins without
login.cookieSalt, the correct gbMembers.idx is accepted.
refs #17327

diff --git src/hg/lib/wikiLink.c src/hg/lib/wikiLink.c
index 0ce09ab..70d3b92 100644
--- src/hg/lib/wikiLink.c
+++ src/hg/lib/wikiLink.c
@@ -1,233 +1,440 @@
 /* wikiLink - interoperate with a wiki site (share user identities). */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 #include "hui.h"
-#include "cart.h"
+#include "md5.h"
 #include "web.h"
 #include "wikiLink.h"
+// Flag to indicate that loginValidateCookies has been called:
+static boolean alreadyAuthenticated = FALSE;
+// Set by loginValidateCookies, used by wikiLinkUserName
+static boolean authenticated = FALSE;
+// If we need to change some cookies, store cookie strings here in case loginValidateCookies
+// is called multiple times (e.g. validate before cookie-writing, then later write cookies)
+static struct slName *cookieStrings = NULL;
 char *loginSystemName()
 /* Return the wiki host specified in hg.conf, or NULL.  Allocd here. */
 return cloneString(cfgOption(CFG_LOGIN_SYSTEM_NAME));
 boolean loginSystemEnabled()
 /* Return TRUE if login.systemName  parameter is defined in hg.conf . */
 #ifdef USE_SSL
 return (cfgOption(CFG_LOGIN_SYSTEM_NAME) != NULL);
 return FALSE;
+boolean wikiLinkEnabled()
+/* Return TRUE if all wiki.* parameters are defined in hg.conf . */
+return ((cfgOption(CFG_WIKI_HOST) != NULL) &&
+static char *wikiLinkLoggedInCookie()
+/* Return the cookie name specified in hg.conf as the wiki logged-in cookie, or a default.
+ * Do not free result. */
+return cfgOptionDefault(CFG_WIKI_LOGGED_IN_COOKIE, "hgLoginIdKey");
+static char *wikiLinkUserNameCookie()
+/* Return the cookie name specified in hg.conf as the wiki user name cookie, or a default.
+ * Do not free result.. */
+return cfgOptionDefault(CFG_WIKI_USER_NAME_COOKIE, "hgLoginUserName");
+static char *getLoginCookieSalt()
+/* Return the secret salt that we hash with userName to verify cookie key, NULL if undefined. */
+return cfgOption(CFG_LOGIN_COOKIE_SALT);
+static uint getCookieIdxOrKey(char **retKey)
+/* The LoggedIn cookie value may be NULL, a number <idx>, or a long string <key>.
+ * If value is NULL/empty, return 0 and set *retKey to NULL;
+ * If value is just a number, return the number and set *retKey to NULL.
+ * Otherwise return 0 and set *retKey to the cookie value. */
+uint idx = 0;
+char *key = NULL;
+char *cookieIdKeyStr = findCookieData(wikiLinkLoggedInCookie());
+if (isNotEmpty(cookieIdKeyStr))
+    {
+    if (isAllDigits(cookieIdKeyStr))
+        idx = (uint)atoll(cookieIdKeyStr);
+    else
+        key = cloneString(cookieIdKeyStr);
+    }
+if (retKey)
+    *retKey = key;
+return idx;
+char *getCookieDomainString()
+/* Get a string that will look something like " domain=.ucsc.edu;" if central.domain
+ * is defined, otherwise just "".  Don't free result. */
+static char domainString[256];
+char *domain = cloneString(cfgOption(CFG_CENTRAL_DOMAIN));
+if (domain != NULL && strchr(domain, '.') != NULL)
+    safef(domainString, sizeof(domainString), " domain=%s;", domain);
+    domainString[0] = '\0';
+return domainString;
+#define NO_EXPIRE_COOKIE_DATE "Thu, 31-Dec-2037 23:59:59 GMT"
+#define EXPIRED_COOKIE_DATE "Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT"
+struct slName *newCookieString(char *name, char *value)
+/* Return a cookie string that sets cookie to value if non-empty and
+ * deletes/invalidates the cookie if value is empty or NULL. */
+char *domain = getCookieDomainString();
+char cookieString[2048];
+if (isNotEmpty(value))
+    // Set the cookie to value
+    safef(cookieString, sizeof(cookieString), "%s=%s;%s path=/; expires="NO_EXPIRE_COOKIE_DATE,
+          name, value, domain);
+    // Invalidate the cookie
+    safef(cookieString, sizeof(cookieString), "%s=;%s path=/; expires="EXPIRED_COOKIE_DATE,
+          name, domain);
+return slNameNew(cookieString);
+static struct slName *wikiLinkUserNameCookieString(char *userName)
+/* Return a cookie string that sets userName cookie to userName if non-empty and
+ * deletes/invalidates the cookie if empty/NULL. */
+return newCookieString(wikiLinkUserNameCookie(), cgiEncodeFull(userName));
+static struct slName *wikiLinkLoggedInCookieString(uint idx, char *key)
+/* Return a cookie string that sets ID cookie to key if key is non-empty, otherwise idx if > 0,
+ * and deletes/invalidates the cookie if key is empty and idx is 0. */
+char newVal[1024];
+if (isNotEmpty(key))
+    safef(newVal, sizeof(newVal), "%s", key);
+else if (idx > 0)
+    safef(newVal, sizeof(newVal), "%u", idx);
+    newVal[0] = '\0';
+return newCookieString(wikiLinkLoggedInCookie(), isNotEmpty(newVal) ? newVal : NULL);
+static char *makeUserKey(char *userName, char *salt)
+/* Add salt to userName and hash. */
+char *userMd5 = md5HexForString(userName);
+char saltedBuf[1024];
+safef(saltedBuf, sizeof(saltedBuf), "%s-%s", salt, userMd5);
+char *key = md5HexForString(saltedBuf);
+return key;
+struct slName *loginLoginUser(char *userName, uint idx)
+/* Return cookie strings to set for user so we'll recognize that user is logged in.
+ * Call this after validating userName's password. */
+alreadyAuthenticated = TRUE;
+authenticated = TRUE;
+cookieStrings = NULL;
+char *key = NULL;
+char *cookieSalt = getLoginCookieSalt();
+if (isNotEmpty(cookieSalt))
+    key = makeUserKey(userName, cookieSalt);
+slAddHead(&cookieStrings, wikiLinkLoggedInCookieString(idx, key));
+slAddHead(&cookieStrings, wikiLinkUserNameCookieString(userName));
+return cookieStrings;
+struct slName *loginLogoutUser()
+/* Return cookie strings to set (deleting the login cookies). */
+alreadyAuthenticated = TRUE;
+authenticated = FALSE;
+cookieStrings = NULL;
+slAddHead(&cookieStrings, wikiLinkLoggedInCookieString(0, NULL));
+slAddHead(&cookieStrings, wikiLinkUserNameCookieString(NULL));
+return cookieStrings;
+static char *getLoginUserName()
+/* Get the (CGI-decoded) value of the login userName cookie. */
+char *userName = cloneString(findCookieData(wikiLinkUserNameCookie()));
+if (isNotEmpty(userName))
+    cgiDecodeFull(userName, userName, strlen(userName));
+return userName;
+static boolean loginIsRemoteClient()
+/* Return TRUE if wikiHost is non-empty and not the same as this host. */
+char *wikiHost = cfgOption(CFG_WIKI_HOST);
+return (isNotEmpty(wikiHost) &&
+        differentString(wikiHost, "HTTPHOST") &&
+        differentString(wikiHost, hHttpHost()));
+static boolean idxIsValid(char *userName, uint idx)
+/* If login is local, return TRUE if idx is the same as hgcentral.gbMembers.idx for userName.
+ * If remote, just return TRUE. */
+if (loginIsRemoteClient())
+    return TRUE;
+// Look up idx for userName in gbMembers and compare to idx
+struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
+char query[512];
+sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select idx from gbMembers where userName='%s'", userName);
+uint memberIdx = (uint)sqlQuickLongLong(conn, query);
+return (idx == memberIdx);
+struct slName *loginValidateCookies()
+/* Return possibly empty list of cookie strings for the caller to set.
+ * If login cookies are obsolete but (formerly) valid, the results sets updated cookies.
+ * If login cookies are present but invalid, the result deletes/expires the cookies.
+ * Otherwise returns NULL (no change to cookies). */
+alreadyAuthenticated = TRUE;
+authenticated = FALSE;
+char *userName = getLoginUserName();
+char *cookieKey = NULL;
+uint cookieIdx = getCookieIdxOrKey(&cookieKey);
+char *cookieSalt = getLoginCookieSalt();
+if (userName && (cookieIdx > 0 || isNotEmpty(cookieKey)))
+    {
+    if (cookieSalt)
+        {
+        if (cookieKey && sameString(makeUserKey(userName, cookieSalt), cookieKey))
+            {
+            authenticated = TRUE;
+            }
+// BEGIN TODO: remove in Feb 2017
+        else
+            {
+            // For the first couple months, also accept gbMembers.idx to smooth the transition.
+            if (idxIsValid(userName, cookieIdx))
+                {
+                authenticated = TRUE;
+                // Create and store a new key, and make a cookie string with the new key.
+                char *newKey = makeUserKey(userName, cookieSalt);
+                slAddHead(&cookieStrings, wikiLinkLoggedInCookieString(cookieIdx, newKey));
+                slAddHead(&cookieStrings, wikiLinkUserNameCookieString(userName));
+                }
+            }
+// END TODO: remove in Feb 2017
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // hg.conf doesn't specify login.cookieSalt -- check memberIdx if local,
+        // blindly accept if remote.
+        authenticated = idxIsValid(userName, cookieIdx);
+        }
+    if (!authenticated)
+        {
+        // Invalid key; delete cookies
+        slAddHead(&cookieStrings, wikiLinkLoggedInCookieString(0, NULL));
+        slAddHead(&cookieStrings, wikiLinkUserNameCookieString(NULL));
+        }
+    }
+return cookieStrings;
 char *wikiLinkHost()
 /* Return the wiki host specified in hg.conf, or NULL.  Allocd here. 
- * Returns hostname from http request if hg.conf entry is HTTPHOSTNAME.
+ * Returns hostname from http request if hg.conf entry is HTTPHOST.
  * */
 char *wikiHost = cfgOption(CFG_WIKI_HOST);
-if ((wikiHost!=NULL) && sameString(wikiHost, "HTTPHOST"))
+if (isEmpty(wikiHost) || sameString(wikiHost, "HTTPHOST"))
     wikiHost = hHttpHost();
 return cloneString(wikiHost);
 boolean loginUseHttps()
 /* Return TRUE unless https is disabled in hg.conf. */
 return cfgOptionBooleanDefault(CFG_LOGIN_USE_HTTPS, TRUE);
 static char *loginUrl()
 /* Return the URL for the login host. */
 char buf[2048];
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "http%s://%s/cgi-bin/hgLogin",
       loginUseHttps() ? "s" : "", wikiLinkHost());
 return cloneString(buf);
-boolean wikiLinkEnabled()
-/* Return TRUE if all wiki.* parameters are defined in hg.conf . */
-return ((cfgOption(CFG_WIKI_HOST) != NULL) &&
-static char *wikiLinkUserNameCookie()
-/* Return the cookie name specified in hg.conf as the wiki user name cookie. */
-return cfgOption(CFG_WIKI_USER_NAME_COOKIE);
-static char *wikiLinkLoggedInCookie()
-/* Return the cookie name specified in hg.conf as the wiki logged-in cookie. */
-return cfgOption(CFG_WIKI_LOGGED_IN_COOKIE);
 char *wikiLinkUserName()
 /* Return the user name specified in cookies from the browser, or NULL if 
  * the user doesn't appear to be logged in. */
-if (wikiLinkEnabled())
+if (loginSystemEnabled())
+    {
+    if (! alreadyAuthenticated)
+        errAbort("wikiLinkUserName: loginValidateCookies must be called first.");
+    if (authenticated)
+        return cloneString(getLoginUserName());
+    }
+else if (wikiLinkEnabled())
     char *wikiUserName = findCookieData(wikiLinkUserNameCookie());
     char *wikiLoggedIn = findCookieData(wikiLinkLoggedInCookie());
     if (isNotEmpty(wikiLoggedIn) && isNotEmpty(wikiUserName))
-	{
         return cloneString(wikiUserName);
-    }
     errAbort("wikiLinkUserName called when wiki is not enabled (specified "
         "in hg.conf).");
 return NULL;
 static char *encodedHgSessionReturnUrl(char *hgsid)
 /* Return a CGI-encoded hgSession URL with hgsid.  Free when done. */
 char retBuf[1024];
 char *cgiDir = cgiScriptDirUrl();
 safef(retBuf, sizeof(retBuf), "http%s://%s%shgSession?hgsid=%s",
       cgiAppendSForHttps(), cgiServerNamePort(), cgiDir, hgsid);
 return cgiEncode(retBuf);
+//#*** TODO: replace all of the non-mediawiki "returnto"s here and in hgLogin.c with a #define
 char *wikiLinkUserLoginUrlReturning(char *hgsid, char *returnUrl)
 /* Return the URL for the wiki user login page. */
 char buf[2048];
 if (loginSystemEnabled())
-    if (! wikiLinkEnabled())
-        errAbort("wikiLinkUserLoginUrl called when login system is not enabled "
-           "(specified in hg.conf).");
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
         loginUrl(), returnUrl);
     if (! wikiLinkEnabled())
         errAbort("wikiLinkUserLoginUrl called when wiki is not enabled (specified "
             "in hg.conf).");
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
         wikiLinkHost(), returnUrl);
 char *wikiLinkUserLoginUrl(char *hgsid)
 /* Return the URL for the wiki user login page with return going to hgSessions. */
 char *retUrl = encodedHgSessionReturnUrl(hgsid);
 char *result = wikiLinkUserLoginUrlReturning(hgsid, retUrl);
 return result;
 char *wikiLinkUserLogoutUrlReturning(char *hgsid, char *returnUrl)
 /* Return the URL for the wiki user logout page. */
 char buf[2048];
 if (loginSystemEnabled())
-    if (! wikiLinkEnabled())
-        errAbort("wikiLinkUserLogoutUrl called when login system is not enabled "
-            "(specified in hg.conf).");
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
         loginUrl(), returnUrl);
     if (! wikiLinkEnabled())
         errAbort("wikiLinkUserLogoutUrl called when wiki is not enable (specified "
             "in hg.conf).");
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
          wikiLinkHost(), returnUrl);
 char *wikiLinkUserLogoutUrl(char *hgsid)
 /* Return the URL for the wiki user logout page that returns to hgSessions. */
 char *retEnc = encodedHgSessionReturnUrl(hgsid);
 char *result = wikiLinkUserLogoutUrlReturning(hgsid, retEnc);
 return result;
 char *wikiLinkUserSignupUrl(char *hgsid)
 /* Return the URL for the user signup  page. */
 char buf[2048];
 char *retEnc = encodedHgSessionReturnUrl(hgsid);
 if (loginSystemEnabled())
-    if (! wikiLinkEnabled())
-        errAbort("wikiLinkUserSignupUrl called when login system is not enabled "
-            "(specified in hg.conf).");
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
         loginUrl(), retEnc);
     if (! wikiLinkEnabled())
         errAbort("wikiLinkUserLogoutUrl called when wiki is not enable (specified "
             "in hg.conf).");
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
          wikiLinkHost(), retEnc);
 char *wikiLinkChangePasswordUrl(char *hgsid)
 /* Return the URL for the user change password page. */
 char buf[2048];
 char *retEnc = encodedHgSessionReturnUrl(hgsid);
 if (loginSystemEnabled())
-    if (! wikiLinkEnabled())
-        errAbort("wikiLinkChangePasswordUrl called when login system is not enabled "
-            "(specified in hg.conf).");
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
         loginUrl(), retEnc);
     if (! wikiLinkEnabled())
         errAbort("wikiLinkUserLogoutUrl called when wiki is not enable (specified "
             "in hg.conf).");
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
          wikiLinkHost(), retEnc);