1cc8c6d3d7f2357898ad366c94b1f33a403a2aee angie Thu Dec 8 14:14:33 2016 -0800 Libifying isAllDigits from a handful of places into common.c. diff --git src/lib/wormdna.c src/lib/wormdna.c index 99518f0..4f88cde 100644 --- src/lib/wormdna.c +++ src/lib/wormdna.c @@ -1,1211 +1,1200 @@ /* wormDna - Stuff for finding worm DNA and annotation features. * This is pretty much the heart of the cobbled-together 'database' * behind the intronerator. * * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */ #include "common.h" #include "dnautil.h" #include "dnaseq.h" #include "fa.h" #include "gdf.h" #include "nt4.h" #include "snof.h" #include "wormdna.h" #include "cda.h" #include "sig.h" #include "dystring.h" static char *jkwebDir = NULL; static char *cdnaDir = NULL; static char *featDir = NULL; static char *nt4Dir = NULL; static char *sangerDir = NULL; static char *genieDir = NULL; static char *xenoDir = NULL; static void getDirs() /* Look up the directories where our data is stored. */ { if (jkwebDir == NULL) { char buf[512]; /* Look up directory where directory pointer files are stored * in environment string if it's there. */ if ((jkwebDir = getenv("JKWEB")) == NULL) jkwebDir = ""; sprintf(buf, "%scdna.dir", jkwebDir); firstWordInFile(buf, buf, sizeof(buf)); cdnaDir = cloneString(buf); sprintf(buf, "%sfeat.dir", jkwebDir); firstWordInFile(buf, buf, sizeof(buf)); featDir = cloneString(buf); sprintf(buf, "%snt4.dir", jkwebDir); firstWordInFile(buf, buf, sizeof(buf)); nt4Dir = cloneString(buf); sprintf(buf, "%ssanger/", featDir); sangerDir = cloneString(buf); sprintf(buf, "%sgenie/", featDir); genieDir = cloneString(buf); sprintf(buf, "%sxeno.dir", jkwebDir); firstWordInFile(buf, buf, sizeof(buf)); xenoDir = cloneString(buf); } } char *wormFeaturesDir() /* Return the features directory. (Includes trailing slash.) */ { getDirs(); return featDir; } char *wormChromDir() /* Return the directory with the chromosomes. */ { getDirs(); return nt4Dir; } char *wormCdnaDir() /* Return directory with cDNA data. */ { getDirs(); return cdnaDir; } char *wormSangerDir() /* Return directory with Sanger specific gene predictions. */ { getDirs(); return sangerDir; } char *wormGenieDir() /* Return directory with Genie specific gene predictions. */ { getDirs(); return genieDir; } char *wormXenoDir() /* Return directory with cross-species alignments. */ { getDirs(); return xenoDir; } static char *chromIds[] = {"i", "ii", "iii", "iv", "v", "x", "m", }; void wormChromNames(char ***retNames, int *retNameCount) /* Get list of worm chromosome names. */ { *retNames = chromIds; *retNameCount = ArraySize(chromIds); } int wormChromIx(char *name) /* Return index of worm chromosome. */ { return stringIx(name, chromIds); } char *wormChromForIx(int ix) /* Given ix, return worm chromosome official name. */ { assert(ix >= 0 && ix <= ArraySize(chromIds)); return chromIds[ix]; } char *wormOfficialChromName(char *name) /* This returns a pointer to our official string for the chromosome name. * (This allows some routines to do direct pointer comparisons rather * than string comparisons.) */ { int ix = wormChromIx(name); if (ix < 0) return NULL; return chromIds[ix]; } static struct snof *cdnaSnof = NULL; static FILE *cdnaFa = NULL; static void wormCdnaCache() /* Set up to read cDNAs */ { getDirs(); if (cdnaSnof == NULL) { char buf[512]; sprintf(buf, "%s%s", cdnaDir, "allcdna"); cdnaSnof = snofMustOpen(buf); sprintf(buf, "%s%s", cdnaDir, "allcdna.fa"); cdnaFa = mustOpen(buf, "rb"); } } void wormCdnaUncache() /* Tear down structure for reading cDNAs. */ { snofClose(&cdnaSnof); carefulClose(&cdnaFa); freez(&cdnaDir); } void wormFreeCdnaInfo(struct wormCdnaInfo *ci) /* Free the mother string in the cdnaInfo. (The info structure itself normally isn't * dynamically allocated. */ { freeMem(ci->motherString); zeroBytes(ci, sizeof(*ci)); } static char *realInfoString(char *s) /* Returns NULL if s is just "?", the NULL placeholder. */ { if (s[0] == '?' && s[1] == 0) return NULL; return s; } static void parseRestOfCdnaInfo(char *textInfo, struct wormCdnaInfo *retInfo) /* Parse text info string into a binary structure retInfo. */ { int wordCount; char *words[32]; char *s; wordCount = chopString(textInfo, "|", words, ArraySize(words)); if (wordCount < 8) errAbort("Expecting at least 8 fields in cDNA database, got %d", wordCount); if ((s = realInfoString(words[0])) != NULL) retInfo->orientation = s[0]; retInfo->gene = realInfoString(words[1]); retInfo->product = realInfoString(words[2]); if ((s = realInfoString(words[3])) != NULL) { char *parts[2]; int partCount; partCount = chopString(s, ".", parts, ArraySize(parts)); if (partCount == 2) { retInfo->knowStart = retInfo->knowEnd = TRUE; if (parts[0][0] == '<') { retInfo->knowStart = FALSE; parts[0] += 1; } if (parts[1][0] == '>') { retInfo->knowEnd = FALSE; parts[1] += 1; } retInfo->cdsStart = atoi(parts[0]); retInfo->cdsEnd = atoi(parts[1]); } } if ((s = realInfoString(words[4])) != NULL) { if (sameString("embryo", s)) retInfo->isEmbryonic = TRUE; else if (sameString("adult", s)) retInfo->isAdult = TRUE; } if ((s = realInfoString(words[5])) != NULL) { if (sameString("herm", s)) retInfo->isHermaphrodite = TRUE; else if (sameString("male", s)) retInfo->isMale = TRUE; } if ((s = realInfoString(words[6])) != NULL) { /* Reserved. Unused currently */ } retInfo->description = realInfoString(words[7]); } void wormFaCommentIntoInfo(char *faComment, struct wormCdnaInfo *retInfo) /* Process line from .fa file containing information about cDNA into binary * structure. */ { if (retInfo) { char *s; zeroBytes(retInfo, sizeof(*retInfo)); /* Separate out first word and use it as name. */ s = strchr(faComment, ' '); if (s == NULL) errAbort("Expecting lots of info, just got %s", faComment); *s++ = 0; retInfo->name = faComment+1; retInfo->motherString = faComment; parseRestOfCdnaInfo(s, retInfo); } } boolean wormCdnaInfo(char *name, struct wormCdnaInfo *retInfo) /* Get info about cDNA sequence. */ { char commentBuf[512]; char *comment; long offset; wormCdnaCache(); if (!snofFindOffset(cdnaSnof, name, &offset)) return FALSE; fseek(cdnaFa, offset, SEEK_SET); mustGetLine(cdnaFa, commentBuf, sizeof(commentBuf)); if (commentBuf[0] != '>') errAbort("Expecting line starting with > in cDNA fa file.\nGot %s", commentBuf); comment = cloneString(commentBuf); wormFaCommentIntoInfo(comment, retInfo); return TRUE; } boolean wormCdnaSeq(char *name, struct dnaSeq **retDna, struct wormCdnaInfo *retInfo) /* Get a single worm cDNA sequence. Optionally (if retInfo is non-null) get additional * info about the sequence. */ { long offset; char *faComment; char **pFaComment = (retInfo == NULL ? NULL : &faComment); wormCdnaCache(); if (!snofFindOffset(cdnaSnof, name, &offset)) return FALSE; fseek(cdnaFa, offset, SEEK_SET); if (!faReadNext(cdnaFa, name, TRUE, pFaComment, retDna)) return FALSE; wormFaCommentIntoInfo(faComment, retInfo); return TRUE; } struct wormFeature *newWormFeature(char *name, char *chrom, int start, int end, char typeByte) /* Allocate a new feature. */ { int size = sizeof(struct wormFeature) + strlen(name); struct wormFeature *feat = needMem(size); feat->chrom = chrom; feat->start = start; feat->end = end; feat->typeByte = typeByte; strcpy(feat->name, name); return feat; } static struct wormFeature *scanChromOffsetFile(char *dir, char *suffix, bits32 signature, int nameOffset, char *chromId, int start, int end, int addEnd) /* Scan a chrom.pgo or chrom.cdo file for names of things that are within * range. */ { FILE *f; char fileName[512]; bits32 sig, nameSize, entryCount; int entrySize; int *entry; char *name; bits32 i; struct wormFeature *list = NULL, *el; char *typePt; char typeByte; sprintf(fileName, "%s%s%s", dir, chromId, suffix); f = mustOpen(fileName, "rb"); mustReadOne(f, sig); if (sig != signature) errAbort("Bad signature on %s", fileName); mustReadOne(f, entryCount); mustReadOne(f, nameSize); entrySize = nameSize + nameOffset; entry = needMem(entrySize + 1); name = (char *)entry; name += nameOffset; typePt = name-1; for (i=0; i end) break; if (entry[1] < start) continue; typeByte = *typePt; el = newWormFeature(name, chromId, entry[0], entry[1]+addEnd, typeByte); slAddHead(&list, el); } slReverse(&list); fclose(f); freeMem(entry); return list; } struct wormFeature *wormCdnasInRange(char *chromId, int start, int end) /* Get all cDNAs that overlap the range. freeDnaSeqList the returned * list when you are through with it. */ { /* This routine looks through the .CDO files made by cdnaOff */ getDirs(); return scanChromOffsetFile(cdnaDir, ".cdo", cdoSig, 2*sizeof(int)+1, chromId, start, end, 0); } struct wormFeature *wormSomeGenesInRange(char *chromId, int start, int end, char *gdfDir) /* Get info on genes that overlap range in a particular set of gene predictions. */ { return scanChromOffsetFile(gdfDir, ".pgo", pgoSig, 2*sizeof(int)+1, chromId, start, end, 0); } struct wormFeature *wormGenesInRange(char *chromId, int start, int end) /* Get names of all genes that overlap the range. */ { /* This routine looks through the .PGO files made by makePgo */ getDirs(); return wormSomeGenesInRange(chromId, start, end, sangerDir); } struct wormFeature *wormCosmidsInRange(char *chromId, int start, int end) /* Get names of all genes that overlap the range. */ { /* This routine looks through the .COO files made by makePgo */ getDirs(); return scanChromOffsetFile(featDir, ".coo", pgoSig, 2*sizeof(int)+1, chromId, start, end, 1); } FILE *wormOpenGoodAli() /* Opens good alignment file and reads signature. * (You can then cdaLoadOne() it.) */ { char fileName[512]; getDirs(); sprintf(fileName, "%sgood.ali", cdnaDir); return cdaOpenVerify(fileName); } struct cdaAli *wormCdaAlisInRange(char *chromId, int start, int end) /* Return list of cdna alignments that overlap range. */ { struct cdaAli *list = NULL, *el; char fileName[512]; FILE *ixFile, *aliFile; bits32 sig; int s, e; long fpos; aliFile = wormOpenGoodAli(); sprintf(fileName, "%s%s.alx", cdnaDir, chromId); ixFile = mustOpen(fileName, "rb"); mustReadOne(ixFile, sig); if (sig != alxSig) errAbort("Bad signature on %s", fileName); for (;;) { if (!readOne(ixFile, s)) break; mustReadOne(ixFile, e); mustReadOne(ixFile, fpos); if (e <= start) continue; if (s >= end) break; AllocVar(el); fseek(aliFile, fpos, SEEK_SET); el = cdaLoadOne(aliFile); if (el == NULL) errAbort("Truncated cdnaAli file"); slAddHead(&list, el); } slReverse(&list); fclose(aliFile); fclose(ixFile); return list; } boolean nextWormCdnaAndInfo(struct wormCdnaIterator *it, struct dnaSeq **retSeq, struct wormCdnaInfo *retInfo) /* Return next sequence and associated info from database. */ { char *faComment; if (!faReadNext(it->faFile, "unknown", TRUE, &faComment, retSeq)) return FALSE; wormFaCommentIntoInfo(faComment, retInfo); return TRUE; } struct dnaSeq *nextWormCdna(struct wormCdnaIterator *it) /* Return next sequence in database */ { return faReadOneDnaSeq(it->faFile, "unknown", TRUE); } boolean wormSearchAllCdna(struct wormCdnaIterator **retSi) /* Set up to search entire database or worm cDNA */ { char buf[512]; struct wormCdnaIterator *it; it = needMem(sizeof(*it)); getDirs(); sprintf(buf, "%s%s", cdnaDir, "allcdna.fa"); it->faFile = mustOpen(buf, "rb"); *retSi = it; return TRUE; } void freeWormCdnaIterator(struct wormCdnaIterator **pIt) /* Free up iterator returned by wormSearchAllCdna() */ { struct wormCdnaIterator *it = *pIt; if (it != NULL) { carefulClose(&it->faFile); freez(pIt); } } static boolean isAllAlpha(char *s) /* Returns TRUE if every character in string is a letter. */ { char c; while ((c = *s++) != 0) { if (!isalpha(c)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } -static boolean isAllDigit(char *s) -/* Returns TRUE if every character in string is a digit. */ -{ -char c; -while ((c = *s++) != 0) - { - if (!isdigit(c)) return FALSE; - } -return TRUE; -} - boolean wormIsOrfName(char *in) /* Check to see if the input is formatted correctly to be * an ORF. */ { return strchr(in, '.') != NULL; } boolean wormIsGeneName(char *name) /* See if it looks like a worm gene name - that is * abc-12 * letters followed by a dash followed by a number. */ { char buf[128]; int partCount; strncpy(buf, name, sizeof(buf)); partCount = chopString(buf, "-", NULL, 0); if (partCount == 2) { char *parts[2]; chopString(buf, "-", parts, 2); - return isAllAlpha(parts[0]) && isAllDigit(parts[1]); + return isAllAlpha(parts[0]) && isAllDigits(parts[1]); } else { return FALSE; } } struct slName *wormGeneToOrfNames(char *name) /* Returns list of cosmid.N type ORF names that are known by abc-12 type name. */ { struct slName *synList = NULL; char synFileName[512]; FILE *synFile; char lineBuf[128]; int nameLen = strlen(name); /* genes are supposed to be lower case. */ tolowers(name); /* Open synonym file and loop through each line of it */ sprintf(synFileName, "%ssyn", wormFeaturesDir()); if ((synFile = fopen(synFileName, "r")) == NULL) errAbort("Can't find synonym file '%s'. (errno: %d)\n", synFileName, errno); while (fgets(lineBuf, ArraySize(lineBuf), synFile)) { /* If first part of line matches chop up line. */ if (strncmp(name, lineBuf, nameLen) == 0) { char *syns[32]; int count; count = chopString(lineBuf, whiteSpaceChopper, syns, ArraySize(syns)); /* Looks like we got a synonym. Add all the aliases. */ if (strcmp(name, syns[0]) == 0) { int i; for (i=1; iname); slFreeList(&synList); return name; } boolean wormGeneForOrf(char *orfName, char *geneNameBuf, int bufSize) /* Look for gene type (unc-12 or something) synonym for cosmid.N name. */ { FILE *f; char fileName[512]; char lineBuf[512]; int nameLen = strlen(orfName); boolean ok = FALSE; sprintf(fileName, "%sorf2gene", wormFeaturesDir()); f = mustOpen(fileName, "r"); while (fgets(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf), f)) { if (strncmp(lineBuf, orfName, nameLen) == 0 && lineBuf[nameLen] == ' ') { char *words[2]; chopLine(lineBuf, words); // ignore return wordCount assert((int)strlen(words[1]) < bufSize); strncpy(geneNameBuf, words[1], bufSize); ok = TRUE; break; } } fclose(f); return ok; } boolean wormInfoForGene(char *orfName, struct wormCdnaInfo *retInfo) /* Return info if any on ORF, or NULL if none exists. freeMem() return value. */ { FILE *f; char fileName[512]; char lineBuf[512]; int nameLen; char *info = NULL; char *synName = NULL; int lineCount = 0; /* Make this one work for orfs as well as gene names */ if (wormIsGeneName(orfName)) { synName = wormGeneFirstOrfName(orfName); if (synName != NULL) orfName = synName; } sprintf(fileName, "%sorfInfo", wormFeaturesDir()); nameLen = strlen(orfName); f = mustOpen(fileName, "r"); while (fgets(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf), f)) { ++lineCount; if (strncmp(lineBuf, orfName, nameLen) == 0 && lineBuf[nameLen] == ' ') { info = cloneString(lineBuf); break; } } freeMem(synName); fclose(f); if (info == NULL) return FALSE; wormFaCommentIntoInfo(info, retInfo); return TRUE;; } boolean getWormGeneDna(char *name, DNA **retDna, boolean upcExons) /* Get the DNA associated with a gene. Optionally upper case exons. */ { struct gdfGene *g; struct slName *syn = NULL; long lstart, lend; int start, end; int dnaSize; DNA *dna; struct wormGdfCache *gdfCache; /* Translate biologist type name to cosmid.N name */ if (wormIsGeneName(name)) { syn = wormGeneToOrfNames(name); if (syn != NULL) name = syn->name; } if (strncmp(name, "g-", 2) == 0) gdfCache = &wormGenieGdfCache; else gdfCache = &wormSangerGdfCache; if ((g = wormGetSomeGdfGene(name, gdfCache)) == NULL) return FALSE; gdfGeneExtents(g, &lstart, &lend); start = lstart; end = lend; /* wormClipRangeToChrom(chromIds[g->chromIx], &start, &end); */ dnaSize = end-start; *retDna = dna = wormChromPart(chromIds[g->chromIx], start, dnaSize); gdfOffsetGene(g, -start); if (g->strand == '-') { reverseComplement(dna, dnaSize); gdfRcGene(g, dnaSize); } if (upcExons) { int i; struct gdfDataPoint *pt = g->dataPoints; for (i=0; idataCount; i += 2) { toUpperN(dna + pt[i].start, pt[i+1].start - pt[i].start); } } gdfFreeGene(g); return TRUE; } boolean getWormGeneExonDna(char *name, DNA **retDna) /* Get the DNA associated with a gene, without introns. */ { struct gdfGene *g; struct slName *syn = NULL; long lstart, lend; int start, end; int dnaSize; DNA *dna; int i; struct gdfDataPoint *pt = NULL; struct wormGdfCache *gdfCache; struct dyString *dy = newDyString(1000); /* Translate biologist type name to cosmid.N name */ if (wormIsGeneName(name)) { syn = wormGeneToOrfNames(name); if (syn != NULL) name = syn->name; } if (strncmp(name, "g-", 2) == 0) gdfCache = &wormGenieGdfCache; else gdfCache = &wormSangerGdfCache; if ((g = wormGetSomeGdfGene(name, gdfCache)) == NULL) return FALSE; gdfGeneExtents(g, &lstart, &lend); start = lstart; end = lend; /*wormClipRangeToChrom(chromIds[g->chromIx], &start, &end);*/ dnaSize = end-start; dna = wormChromPart(chromIds[g->chromIx], start, dnaSize); gdfOffsetGene(g, -start); if (g->strand == '-') { reverseComplement(dna, dnaSize); gdfRcGene(g, dnaSize); } pt = g->dataPoints; for (i=0; idataCount; i += 2) { dyStringAppendN(dy, (dna+pt[i].start), (pt[i+1].start - pt[i].start)); } *retDna = cloneString(dy->string); dyStringFree(&dy); gdfFreeGene(g); return TRUE; } static void makeChromFileName(char *chromId, char *buf) { getDirs(); sprintf(buf, "%s%s.nt4", nt4Dir, chromId); } void wormLoadNt4Genome(struct nt4Seq ***retNt4Seq, int *retNt4Count) /* Load up entire packed worm genome into memory. */ { int count = ArraySize(chromIds); struct nt4Seq **nt4s = needMem(count*sizeof(*nt4s)); int i; char fileName[512]; for (i=0; inext) { char *name = feat->name; if (!wormIsNamelessCluster(name)) { struct gdfGene *gene = wormGetGdfGene(name); gdfUpcExons(gene, feat->start, dna, size, start); gdfFreeGene(gene); } } slFreeList(&geneFeat); return dna; } void wormClipRangeToChrom(char *chrom, int *pStart, int *pEnd) /* Make sure that we stay inside chromosome. */ { int chromEnd = wormChromSize(chrom); int temp; /* Swap ends if reversed. */ if (*pStart > *pEnd) { temp = *pEnd; *pEnd = *pStart; *pStart = temp; } /* Generally speaking try to slide the range covered by * start-end inside the chromosome rather than just * truncating an end. */ if (*pStart < 0) { *pEnd -= *pStart; *pStart = 0; } if (*pEnd > chromEnd) { *pStart -= *pEnd - chromEnd; *pEnd = chromEnd; } /* This handles case where the range is larger than the chromosome. */ if (*pStart < 0) *pStart = 0; } boolean wormParseChromRange(char *in, char **retChromId, int *retStart, int *retEnd) /* Chop up a string representation of a range within a chromosome and put the * pieces into the return variables. Return FALSE if it isn't formatted right. */ { char *words[5]; int wordCount; char *chromId; char buf[128]; strncpy(buf, in, sizeof(buf)); wordCount = chopString(buf, "- \t\r\n:", words, ArraySize(words)); if (wordCount != 3) return FALSE; chromId = wormOfficialChromName(words[0]); if (chromId == NULL) return FALSE; if (!isdigit(words[1][0]) || !isdigit(words[2][0])) return FALSE; *retChromId = chromId; *retStart = atoi(words[1]); *retEnd = atoi(words[2]); wormClipRangeToChrom(chromId, retStart, retEnd); return TRUE; } boolean wormIsChromRange(char *in) /* Check to see if the input is formatted correctly to be * a range of a chromosome. */ { char *chromId; int start, end; boolean ok; ok = wormParseChromRange(in, &chromId, &start, &end); return ok; } boolean wormFixupOrfName(char *name) /* Turn something into a proper cosmid.# style name. Return FALSE if it can't be done. */ { char *dot = strrchr(name, '.'); if (dot == NULL) return FALSE; toUpperN(name, dot-name); /* First part always upper case. */ if (!isdigit(dot[1])) /* Nameless cluster - just leave following digits be. */ return TRUE; else tolowers(dot+1); /* Suffix is lower case. */ return TRUE; } boolean wormIsAltSplicedName(char *name) /* Is name in right form to be an isoform? */ { char *dot = strrchr(name, '.'); if (dot == NULL) return FALSE; if (!isdigit(dot[1])) return FALSE; return isalpha(dot[strlen(dot)-1]); } static void makeIsoformBaseName(char *name) { if (wormIsAltSplicedName(name)) name[strlen(name)-1] = 0; } static boolean findAltSpliceRange(char *name, struct snof *snof, FILE *f, char **retChrom, int *retStart, int *retEnd, char *retStrand) /* Return range of chromosome covered by a gene and all of it's isoforms. */ { char baseName[64]; char bName[64]; int snIx, maxIx; int start = 0x7fffffff; int end = -start; char lineBuf[128]; char *words[3]; int wordCount; int baseNameSize; strcpy(baseName, name); makeIsoformBaseName(baseName); baseNameSize = strlen(baseName); if (!snofFindFirstStartingWith(snof, baseName, baseNameSize, &snIx)) return FALSE; maxIx = snofElementCount(snof); for (;snIx < maxIx; ++snIx) { long offset; char *geneName; snofNameOffsetAtIx(snof, snIx, &geneName, &offset); if (strncmp(geneName, baseName, baseNameSize) != 0) break; strcpy(bName, geneName); makeIsoformBaseName(bName); if (sameString(baseName, bName)) { int s, e; fseek(f, offset, SEEK_SET); mustGetLine(f, lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf)); wordCount = chopLine(lineBuf, words); assert(wordCount == 3); wormParseChromRange(words[0], retChrom, &s, &e); *retStrand = words[1][0]; if (start > s) start = s; if (end < e) end = e; } } *retStart = start; *retEnd = end; return TRUE; } boolean wormGeneRange(char *name, char **retChrom, char *retStrand, int *retStart, int *retEnd) /* Return chromosome position of a chrom range, gene, ORF, cosmid, or nameless cluster. */ { static struct snof *c2gSnof = NULL, *c2cSnof = NULL; static FILE *c2gFile = NULL, *c2cFile = NULL; long offset; char fileName[512]; struct slName *syn = NULL; boolean ok; if (wormIsChromRange(name)) { *retStrand = '.'; return wormParseChromRange(name, retChrom, retStart, retEnd); } getDirs(); /* Translate biologist type name to cosmid.N name */ if (wormIsGeneName(name)) { syn = wormGeneToOrfNames(name); if (syn != NULL) { name = syn->name; } } if (wormFixupOrfName(name)) /* See if ORF, and if so make nice. */ { if (c2gSnof == NULL) { sprintf(fileName, "%sc2g", featDir); c2gSnof = snofMustOpen(fileName); sprintf(fileName, "%sc2g", featDir); c2gFile = mustOpen(fileName, "rb"); } ok = findAltSpliceRange(name, c2gSnof, c2gFile, retChrom, retStart, retEnd, retStrand); } else /* Lets say it's a cosmid. */ { char lineBuf[128]; char *words[3]; int wordCount; touppers(name); if (c2cSnof == NULL) { sprintf(fileName, "%sc2c", featDir); c2cSnof = snofMustOpen(fileName); sprintf(fileName, "%sc2c", featDir); c2cFile = mustOpen(fileName, "rb"); } if (!snofFindOffset(c2cSnof, name, &offset) ) return FALSE; fseek(c2cFile, offset, SEEK_SET); mustGetLine(c2cFile, lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf)); wordCount = chopLine(lineBuf, words); assert(wordCount == 3); assert(strcmp(words[2], name) == 0); assert(wormIsChromRange(words[0])); *retStrand = words[1][0]; ok = wormParseChromRange(words[0], retChrom, retStart, retEnd); } slFreeList(&syn); return ok; } boolean wormIsNamelessCluster(char *name) /* Returns true if name is of correct format to be a nameless cluster. */ { char *e = strrchr(name, '.'); if (e == NULL) return FALSE; if (e[1] != 'N') return FALSE; if (!isdigit(e[2])) return FALSE; return TRUE; } DNA *wormGetNamelessClusterDna(char *name) /* Get DNA associated with nameless cluster */ { char *chrom; int start, end; char strand; if (!wormGeneRange(name, &chrom, &strand, &start, &end)) errAbort("Can't find %s in database", name); return wormChromPart(chrom, start, end-start); } struct wormGdfCache wormSangerGdfCache = {&sangerDir,NULL,NULL}; struct wormGdfCache wormGenieGdfCache = {&genieDir,NULL,NULL}; struct wormGdfCache *defaultGdfCache = &wormSangerGdfCache; static void wormCacheSomeGdf(struct wormGdfCache *cache) /* Cache one gene prediction set. */ { if (cache->snof == NULL) { char fileName[512]; char *dir; bits32 sig; getDirs(); dir = *(cache->pDir); sprintf(fileName, "%sgenes", dir); cache->snof = snofMustOpen(fileName); sprintf(fileName, "%sgenes.gdf", dir); cache->file = mustOpen(fileName, "rb"); mustReadOne(cache->file, sig); if (sig != glSig) errAbort("%s is not a good file", fileName); } } #if 0 /* unused */ static void wormCacheGdf() /* Set up for fast access to GDF file entries. */ { wormCacheSomeGdf(defaultGdfCache); } #endif void wormUncacheSomeGdf(struct wormGdfCache *cache) /* Uncache some gene prediction set. */ { snofClose(&cache->snof); carefulClose(&cache->file); } void wormUncacheGdf() /* Free up resources associated with fast GDF access. */ { wormUncacheSomeGdf(defaultGdfCache); } struct gdfGene *wormGetSomeGdfGene(char *name, struct wormGdfCache *cache) /* Get a single gdfGene of given name. */ { long offset; wormCacheSomeGdf(cache); if (!snofFindOffset(cache->snof, name, &offset) ) return NULL; fseek(cache->file, offset, SEEK_SET); return gdfReadOneGene(cache->file); } struct gdfGene *wormGetGdfGene(char *name) /* Get a single gdfGene of given name. */ { return wormGetSomeGdfGene(name, defaultGdfCache); } struct gdfGene *wormGetSomeGdfGeneList(char *baseName, int baseNameSize, struct wormGdfCache *cache) /* Get all gdfGenes that start with a given name. */ { int snIx; int maxIx; struct snof *snof; FILE *f; struct gdfGene *list = NULL, *el; wormCacheSomeGdf(cache); snof = cache->snof; f = cache->file; if (!snofFindFirstStartingWith(snof, baseName, baseNameSize, &snIx)) return NULL; maxIx = snofElementCount(snof); for (;snIx < maxIx; ++snIx) { long offset; char *geneName; snofNameOffsetAtIx(snof, snIx, &geneName, &offset); if (strncmp(geneName, baseName, baseNameSize) != 0) break; fseek(f, offset, SEEK_SET); el = gdfReadOneGene(f); slAddTail(&list, el); } slReverse(&list); return list; } struct gdfGene *wormGetGdfGeneList(char *baseName, int baseNameSize) /* Get all gdfGenes that start with a given name. */ { return wormGetSomeGdfGeneList(baseName, baseNameSize, defaultGdfCache); } struct gdfGene *wormGdfGenesInRange(char *chrom, int start, int end, struct wormGdfCache *geneFinder) /* Get list of genes in range according to given gene finder. */ { char *dir = NULL; struct gdfGene *gdfList = NULL, *gdf; struct wormFeature *nameList, *name; if (geneFinder == &wormSangerGdfCache) dir = wormSangerDir(); else if (geneFinder == &wormGenieGdfCache) dir = wormGenieDir(); else errAbort("Unknown geneFinder line %d of %s", __LINE__, __FILE__); nameList = wormSomeGenesInRange(chrom, start, end, dir); for (name = nameList; name != NULL; name = name->next) { char *n = name->name; if (!wormIsNamelessCluster(n)) { gdf = wormGetSomeGdfGene(n, geneFinder); slAddHead(&gdfList, gdf); } } slFreeList(&nameList); slReverse(&gdfList); return gdfList; }