be9e5faa96a0773d42929c54f58ded53f40b7e88 braney Mon Dec 12 15:59:17 2016 -0800 some changes that make it easier for trash cleaner to squirrel away custom tracks holding BLAT results diff --git src/hg/hgBlat/hgBlat.c src/hg/hgBlat/hgBlat.c index a78ebdf..510eb7e 100644 --- src/hg/hgBlat/hgBlat.c +++ src/hg/hgBlat/hgBlat.c @@ -251,58 +251,67 @@ { char url[1024]; safef(url, sizeof(url), "%s?position=%s:%d-%d&db=%s&ss=%s+%s&%s%s", browserUrl, psl->tName, psl->tStart + 1, psl->tEnd, database, pslName, faName, uiState, unhideTrack); /* htmlStart("Redirecting"); */ /* Odd it appears that we've already printed the Content-Typ:text/html line but I can't figure out where... */ htmStart(stdout, "Redirecting"); printf("", url); printf("", url); htmlEnd(); } +static char *replaceSuffix(char *input, char *newSuffix) +/* Given a filename with a suffix, replace existing suffix with a new suffix. */ +{ +char buffer[4096]; +safecpy(buffer, sizeof buffer, input); +char *dot = strrchr(buffer, '.'); +safecpy(dot+1, sizeof buffer - 1 - (dot - buffer), newSuffix); +return cloneString(buffer); +} + static void makeBigPsl(char *pslName, char *faName, char *db, char *outputBigBed) /* Make a bigPsl with the blat results. */ { -struct tempName bigPslTn; -trashDirFile(&bigPslTn, "hgBlat", "bp", ".bigPsl"); +char *bigPslFile = replaceSuffix(outputBigBed, "bigPsl"); char cmdBuffer[4096]; -safef(cmdBuffer, sizeof(cmdBuffer), "loader/pslToBigPsl %s -fa=%s stdout | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > %s", pslName, faName, bigPslTn.forCgi); +safef(cmdBuffer, sizeof(cmdBuffer), "loader/pslToBigPsl %s -fa=%s stdout | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > %s", pslName, faName, bigPslFile); system(cmdBuffer); char buf[4096]; char *twoBitDir; if (trackHubDatabase(db)) { struct trackHubGenome *genome = trackHubGetGenome(db); twoBitDir = genome->twoBitPath; } else { safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "/gbdb/%s", db); twoBitDir = hReplaceGbdbSeqDir(buf, db); safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s.2bit", twoBitDir, db); twoBitDir = buf; } safef(cmdBuffer, sizeof(cmdBuffer), "loader/bedToBigBed -verbose=0 -udcDir=%s -extraIndex=name -sizesIs2Bit -tab -as=loader/ -type=bed9+16 %s %s %s", - udcDefaultDir(), bigPslTn.forCgi, twoBitDir, outputBigBed); + udcDefaultDir(), bigPslFile, twoBitDir, outputBigBed); system(cmdBuffer); -unlink(bigPslTn.forCgi); +unlink(bigPslFile); } void showAliPlaces(char *pslName, char *faName, char *customText, char *database, enum gfType qType, enum gfType tType, char *organism, boolean feelingLucky) /* Show all the places that align. */ { struct lineFile *lf = pslFileOpen(pslName); struct psl *pslList = NULL, *psl; char *browserUrl = hgTracksName(); char *hgcUrl = hgcName(); char uiState[64]; char *vis; char unhideTrack[64]; char *sort = cartUsualString(cart, "sort", sortList[0]); @@ -597,55 +606,55 @@ } else { safef(shortName, sizeof shortName, "blat %s+%d", names->name, count - 1); safef(description, sizeof description, "blat on %d queries (%s, %s, ...)", count, names->name, names->next->name); } *pName = makeNameUnique(shortName, database, cart); *pDescription = cloneString(description); } static char *outBigPsl(char *db, struct psl *pslList, char *pslFilename, char *faFilename, boolean isProt) // Make a bigPsl from a list of psls and return its name. { struct tempName bigBedTn; -trashDirFile(&bigBedTn, "hgBlat", "bp", ".bb"); -makeBigPsl(pslFilename, faFilename, db, bigBedTn.forCgi); -struct tempName customTextTn; -trashDirFile(&customTextTn, "hgBlat", "ct", ".txt"); -FILE *fp = fopen(customTextTn.forCgi, "w"); +trashDirDateFile(&bigBedTn, "hgBlat", "bp", ".bb"); +char *bigBedFile = bigBedTn.forCgi; +makeBigPsl(pslFilename, faFilename, db, bigBedFile); +char *customTextFile = replaceSuffix(bigBedFile, "txt"); +FILE *fp = fopen(customTextFile, "w"); char* host = getenv("HTTP_HOST"); char* reqUrl = getenv("REQUEST_URI"); // remove everything after / in URL char *e = strrchr(reqUrl, '/'); if (e) *e = 0; char *trackName = NULL; char *trackDescription = NULL; getCustomName(db, cart, pslList, &trackName, &trackDescription); -char *customTextTemplate = "track type=bigPsl visibility=pack showAll=on htmlUrl=http://%s/goldenPath/help/hgUserPsl.html %s bigDataUrl=http://%s/%s/%s name=\"%s\" description=\"%s\"\n"; +char *customTextTemplate = "track type=bigPsl ctpsl_%s=%s visibility=pack showAll=on htmlUrl=http://%s/goldenPath/help/hgUserPsl.html %s bigDataUrl=http://%s%s/%s name=\"%s\" description=\"%s\"\n"; char *extraForMismatch = "showDiffBasesAllScales=. baseColorUseSequence=lfExtra baseColorDefault=diffBases"; if (isProt) extraForMismatch = ""; -fprintf(fp, customTextTemplate, host, extraForMismatch, host, reqUrl, bigBedTn.forCgi, trackName, trackDescription); +fprintf(fp, customTextTemplate, db, bigBedTn.forCgi, host, extraForMismatch, host, reqUrl, bigBedTn.forCgi, trackName, trackDescription); fclose(fp); char buffer[4096]; -safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "http://%s/%s/%s", host, reqUrl, customTextTn.forCgi); +safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "http://%s/%s/%s", host, reqUrl, customTextFile); return cloneString(buffer); } void blatSeq(char *userSeq, char *organism, char *database) /* Blat sequence user pasted in. */ { boolean doHyper = sameString(cartUsualString(cart, "output", outputList[0]), "hyperlink");; boolean useBigPsl = cfgOptionBooleanDefault("useBlatBigPsl", FALSE) && doHyper; FILE *f; struct dnaSeq *seqList = NULL, *seq; struct tempName pslTn, faTn; int maxSingleSize, maxTotalSize, maxSeqCount; int minSingleSize = minMatchShown; char *genome, *db;