  Tue Dec 27 10:34:35 2016 -0800
Javascript for the cdwSummary pages, refs #16300

diff --git src/hg/js/cdwSummaryJs.js src/hg/js/cdwSummaryJs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d44dfbc
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/js/cdwSummaryJs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+function cellIdMouseOver(d) {
+    /* show a mouse over for objects that have a cellId attribute */
+    var ptIdx = d.pointIndex;
+    cellId = d.series[0].values[ptIdx].cellId;
+    lines = [];
+    dataMap = cellInfo[cellId];
+    for (var key in dataMap) {
+    if (dataMap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+        lines.push(("<b>"+ (cellTagLabels[key] || key) + "</b>: " + dataMap[key]));
+      }
+    }
+    return lines.join("<br>\n");
+function addPcaGraph() {
+    /* add PCA graph to DOM */
+    nv.addGraph(function() {
+        console.log("updating PCA start");
+        xTag = $("#xAxisSelect").val();
+        yTag = $("#yAxisSelect").val();
+        groupBy = $("#pcaGroupSelect").val();
+        console.log("PCA update: "+xTag+" "+yTag+" "+groupBy);
+        var pcsByGroup = d3.nest()
+          .key(function(d) { return cellInfo[d.cellId][groupBy] })
+          .entries(pcaData);
+        pcaChart = nv.models.scatterChart()
+                    .showDistX(false)    //showDist, when true, will display those little distribution lines on the axis.
+                    .showDistY(false)
+                    .showLegend(true)
+                    .x(function(d) { return d[xTag] })
+                    .y(function(d) { return d[yTag] });
+        pcaChart.xAxis.axisLabel(xTag);
+        pcaChart.yAxis.axisLabel(yTag);
+        pcaChart.tooltip.contentGenerator(cellIdMouseOver);
+        pcaChart.tooltip.headerEnabled(false);
+        //pcaChart.tooltip.fixedTop(50);
+        pcaChart.xAxis.tickFormat(d3.format(',f'));
+        pcaChart.yAxis.tickFormat(d3.format(',f'));
+        pcaDataElement = d3.select("#pcaChartDiv svg")
+            .datum(pcsByGroup);
+        pcaDataElement.call(pcaChart);
+        nv.utils.windowResize(pcaChart.update);
+      return pcaChart;
+    });
+var tsneColors = {};
+function seuratMouseOver(d) {
+    /* show a mouse over for objects that have a cellId attribute */
+    console.log("MouseOver");
+    var ptIdx = d.pointIndex;
+    cellId = d.series[0].values[ptIdx].cellId;
+    lines = [];
+    lines.push("<b>T-SNE Cluster:</b> Cluster" + cellToCluster[cellId]);
+    dataMap = cellInfo[cellId];
+    for (var key in dataMap) {
+    if (dataMap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+        lines.push(("<b>"+ (cellTagLabels[key] || key) + "</b>: " + dataMap[key]));
+      }
+    }
+    return lines.join("<br>\n");
+var tsnePointsByGroup; // easier debugging
+function addSeuratGraph() {
+    /* add Seurat T-SNE graph to DOM */
+	nv.addGraph(function() {
+        var groupBy = $("#tsneGroupSelect").val();
+        console.log("grouping tsne by|"+groupBy+"|");
+        if (groupBy=="tsneCluster")
+            // cluster info is stored in a separate map
+            {
+            console.log("2nd try: grouping tsne by "+groupBy);
+            tsnePointsByGroup = d3.nest()
+              .key(function(d) { return "Cluster "+cellToCluster[d.cellId] }).sortKeys(d3.ascending)
+              .entries(seuratTsnePoints);
+            console.log('group by cluster');
+            }
+        else 
+            // all other meta info is in the cellInfo map
+            tsnePointsByGroup = d3.nest()
+              .key(function(d) { cellId = d.cellId; return cellInfo[cellId][groupBy] }).sortKeys(d3.ascending)
+              .entries(seuratTsnePoints);
+        // if we have color info specified for this attribute, color dots 
+        if (groupBy in tsneColors) {
+            var groupColors = tsneColors[groupBy];
+            for(var groupIdx in tsnePointsByGroup) {
+                groupId = tsnePointsByGroup[groupIdx].key;
+                if (groupId in groupColors) {
+                    tsnePointsByGroup[groupIdx]['color'] = groupColors[groupId];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        seuratChart = nv.models.scatterChart()
+                    .showDistX(false)    //showDist, when true, will display those little distribution lines on the axis.
+                    .showDistY(false)
+                    .showLegend(true)
+                    .x(function(d) { return d["x"] })
+                    .y(function(d) { return d["y"] });
+        seuratChart.xAxis.axisLabel("T-SNE 1");
+        seuratChart.yAxis.axisLabel("T-SNE 2");
+        seuratChart.xAxis.tickFormat(d3.format('.2f'));
+        seuratChart.yAxis.tickFormat(d3.format('.2f'));
+        seuratChart.tooltip.contentGenerator(seuratMouseOver);
+        seuratChart.scatter.dispatch.elementClick(function(e) {
+          console.log(e);
+          });
+        console.log("Added generator");
+        seuratChart.tooltip.headerEnabled(false);
+        seuratChart.tooltip.fixedTop(50);
+        seuratChartElement = d3.select("#seuratChartDiv svg")
+            .datum(tsnePointsByGroup);
+        seuratChartElement.call(seuratChart);
+        nv.utils.windowResize(seuratChart.update);
+        return seuratChart;
+    });