  Fri Jan 6 15:32:57 2017 -0800
bigTransMap hgc working

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c
index ff84cef..148f10b 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c
@@ -6745,85 +6745,59 @@
 			  heightPer, tg->track, tg->mapItemName(tg, bed),
 			  s, directUrl, withHgsid, NULL);
     errAbort("No color for track %s in rgdQtlDrawAt.", tg->track);
 void rgdQtlMethods(struct track *tg)
 /* Fill in methods for rgdQtl track. */
 tg->drawItemAt  = rgdQtlDrawAt;
 tg->drawName    = TRUE;
-char *orgShortName(char *org)
-/* Get the short name for an organism.  Returns NULL if org is NULL.
- * WARNING: static return */
-static int maxOrgSize = 7;
-static char orgNameBuf[128];
-if (org == NULL)
-    return NULL;
-strncpy(orgNameBuf, org, sizeof(orgNameBuf)-1);
-orgNameBuf[sizeof(orgNameBuf)-1] = '\0';
-char *shortOrg = firstWordInLine(orgNameBuf);
-if (strlen(shortOrg) > maxOrgSize)
-    shortOrg[maxOrgSize] = '\0';
-return shortOrg;
-char *orgShortForDb(char *db)
-/* look up the short organism scientific name given an organism db.
- * WARNING: static return */
-char *org = hScientificName(db);
-char *shortOrg = orgShortName(org);
-return shortOrg;
 char *getOrganism(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc)
 /* lookup the organism for an mrna, or NULL if not found */
 // cache results, as this can be called a lot of times trying to pack tracks and test
 // for row overflow
 static struct hash *cache = NULL;
 if (cache == NULL)
     cache = hashNew(0);
 // N.B. NULL is a valid value in the cache
 struct hashEl *cacheEl = hashLookup(cache, acc);
 if (cacheEl == NULL)
     char query[256];
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof query,
 	"select o.name from %s g,%s o where g.acc = '%s' and g.organism = o.id", gbCdnaInfoTable, organismTable, acc);
     char *org = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
     if ((org != NULL) && (org[0] == '\0'))
         org = NULL;
     cacheEl = hashAdd(cache, acc, org);
 return cacheEl->val;
 char *getOrganismShort(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc)
 /* lookup the organism for an mrna, or NULL if not found.  This will
  * only return the genus, and only the first seven letters of that.
  * WARNING: static return */
-return orgShortName(getOrganism(conn, acc));
+return hOrgShortName(getOrganism(conn, acc));
 char *getGeneName(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc)
 /* get geneName from refLink or NULL if not found.
  * WARNING: static return */
 static char nameBuf[256];
 char query[256], *name = NULL;
 if (sqlTableExists(conn,  refLinkTable))
     /* remove the version number if any */
     static char accBuf[1024];
     safecpy(accBuf, sizeof accBuf, acc);