  Mon Jan 30 16:18:41 2017 -0800
Check-in of CSP2 Content-Security-Policy work. All C-language CGIs should now support CSP2 in browser to stop major forms of XSS javascript injection. Javascript on pages is gathered together, and then emitted in a single script block at the end with a nonce that tells the browser, this is js that we generated instead of being injected by a hacker. Both inline script from script blocks and inline js event handlers had to be pulled out and separated. You will not see js sprinkled through-out the page now. Older browsers that support CSP1 or that do not understand CSP at all will still work, just without protection. External js libraries loaded at runtime need to be added to the CSP policy header in src/lib/htmshell.c.

diff --git src/hg/js/alleles.js src/hg/js/alleles.js
index 0badd1b..c14fb8f 100644
--- src/hg/js/alleles.js
+++ src/hg/js/alleles.js
@@ -1,424 +1,441 @@
 // JavaScript Especially for the Gene Haplotype Alleles section of hgGene CGI
 // Don't complain about line break before '||' etc:
 /* jshint -W014 */
 // Alleles supports gene haplotype alleles section
 var alleles = (function()
     var sectionName         = "haplotypes";  // This define is used throughout
     var seqCharsPerPos      = 1;  // These globals should only need to be calculated once
     var seqPxPerPos         = 7;
     var ajaxUpdates         = 0;
     // persistence between ajax calls
     var persistRareHapsShown = false; 
     var persistScoresShown   = false; 
     var persistSortReverse   = false;
     var persistSortColId     = '';
     function initSortTable()
     { // Initialize the sortable table
         var allelesTable = $('table#alleles.sortable');
         if (allelesTable.length === 1) {
     function update(content, status)
     { // Update the geneAlleles section based upon ajax request
         hideLoadingImage(this.loadingId);  // Do this first
+	var pageNonce = getNonce();
+	var ajaxNonce = stripNonce(content, false);
+	var jsNonce = stripJsNonce(content, ajaxNonce, false);// DEBUG msg with true
         var geneAlleles = $('div#' + sectionName);
         if (geneAlleles.length > 0) {
             var cleanHtml = content;
             //cleanHtml = stripJsFiles(cleanHtml,true);   // DEBUG msg with true
             //cleanHtml = stripCssFiles(cleanHtml,true);  // DEBUG msg with true
             //cleanHtml = stripJsEmbedded(cleanHtml,true);// DEBUG msg with true
             var sectionBegin = "<!-- " + sectionName + " begin -->";
             var sectionEnd   = "<!-- " + sectionName + " end -->";
             var ix = cleanHtml.indexOf(sectionBegin);
             if (ix > 0)
                 cleanHtml = cleanHtml.substring(ix);
             ix = cleanHtml.indexOf(sectionEnd);
             if (ix > 0)
                 cleanHtml = cleanHtml.substring(0,ix + sectionEnd.length);
             if (cleanHtml.length > 0) {
                 $(geneAlleles[0]).html( cleanHtml );
+		// append ajax js blocks with nonce
+		for (i=0; i<jsNonce.length; ++i) {
+		    var sTag = document.createElement("script");
+		    sTag.type = "text/javascript";
+		    sTag.text = jsNonce[i];
+		    sTag.setAttribute('nonce', pageNonce); // CSP2 Requires
+		    document.head.appendChild(sTag);
+		}		
                 alleles.initialize();  // Must have prefix, since ajax call
     function ajaxRequest(data)
     { // Request an ajax update of this section
         // Use current url but make sure it is relative
         var thisUrl = window.location.href;
         var ix = thisUrl.indexOf("cgi-bin");
         if (ix > 0)
             thisUrl = "../" + thisUrl.substring(ix);
                 type: "GET",
                 url: thisUrl,
                 data: "ajax=1&" + data + "&ajaxSection=" + sectionName,
                 dataType: "html",
                 trueSuccess: update,
                 success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                 error: errorHandler,
                 //async: false,
                 //cmd: cmd,
                 loadingId: showLoadingImage(sectionName),
                 cache: false
     function afterSort(obj)
     {   // The sort table is controlled by utls.js, but this is some allele specific stuff
         var thisId = $(obj).attr('id');
         if (persistSortColId !== thisId)
             persistSortColId  = thisId;
             persistSortReverse = ( !persistSortReverse );
         // Sorted variant is hilited special
         if ($(obj).hasClass('var')) {
             hiliteId = thisId;
             hiliteSpecial( hiliteId );
     function persistThroughUpdates()
     { // When an ajax update occurs, restore the non-ajax settings state
         // See if table was sorted previously
         if (persistSortColId !== '') {
             var col = $('table#alleles').find('TH#' + persistSortColId);
             if (col && col.length !== 0) {
                 var colIx = Number( $(col).attr('cellIndex') );
                 if (persistSortReverse) {// click twice if reverse order!
                     persistSortReverse = false; // Needed so that it is set again
                     setTimeout(function() { 
                                     $('table#alleles').find('TH#' + persistSortColId).click(); 
                                 }, 50);
         // Make sure that sort command saves the coumn for persistence
         $('table#alleles').find('TH').click(function (e) { afterSort(this); });
         // Persist on lighlite as red
         if (hiliteId !== '')
             hiliteSpecial( hiliteId );
     function propgateTitle(obj)
     { // Adds this objects title to all other objs with the same class
       // Relies upon a span and fixed width text
         // Find pointer position within text
         // Is there a title?
         var theTitle = obj.title;
         if (!theTitle || theTitle.length === 0)
         var varId = $( obj ).attr('id');
         $('table#alleles').find('TD.' + varId).not("[title]").attr('title', theTitle);
     var hilites  = [];  // Hold on to all the hilite ids that are currently displayed
     var hiliteId = '';
     function hiliteTag(xPx, widthPx)
     { // returns an id based upon dimensions 
         return "hilite" + xPx.toFixed(0) + "-" + widthPx.toFixed(0);
     function hiliteAdd(xPx, widthPx, yPx, heightPx)
     {   // Adds a hilite div with the specific dimensions.
         // Returns the div for further customization
         if (xPx === 0)
         // make sure it doesn't already exist!
         var hId = hiliteTag(xPx,widthPx);
         if (hilites.indexOf(hId) !== -1)
             return hId;
         var tbl = $('table#alleles');
         var tripleView = ($(tbl).find('TD.dnaToo').length > 0);
         if (yPx === undefined || yPx === null) {  // number could be 0 so be explicit
             if (tripleView)
                 yPx = $(tbl).position().top + 2;  // span whole height of table
                 yPx = $(tbl).find('TH#seq').position().top; // skip first row of header
         if (!heightPx || heightPx === 0) {
             if (tripleView)
                 heightPx = $(tbl).height() - 8;  // span whole height of table
                 heightPx = $(tbl).height() - (2 * $(tbl).find('TH#seq').height()) + 4;
         var div = $("<div class='hilite' id='"+hId+"' style='display:none' />");
         $(div).css({ width: widthPx + 'px', height: heightPx + 'px', 
                       left: xPx     + 'px',    top: yPx      + 'px'});
         hilites.push( hId );
         return div;
     function hiliteRemove(id)
     {   // removes a specific hilite or all hilite divs if id is not supplied. 
         if (!id || id === "") {
             hilites = [];
         } else {
             $('div.hilite').remove('#' + id);
             var ix = hilites.indexOf(hId);
             if (ix !== -1)
     function hiliteSpecial(id)
     {   // makes one single hilite more noticeable
         if (id && id !== "") {
             // Need to find column, then highlight each cell in column with some additional style.
     function hilitesResize()
     {   // resizes all hilite divs based upon the table height 
         // In theory just changing height will work.  In practice, need to recalc all
         //$('div.hilite').css('height',($('table#alleles').height() - 4) + 'px');
         if (hilites.length > 0) {
             if (hiliteId !== '')
                 hiliteSpecial( hiliteId );
     function hiliteAllDiffs()
     {   // Adds all hilites
         // Don't even bother if full sequence isn't showing
         var fullSeq = $('input#'+sectionName+'_fullSeq');
         if (fullSeq.length !== 0 && $(fullSeq).val().indexOf('Hide') === -1)
         // DNA view or AA view?
         var spans;
         var dnaView = $('input#'+sectionName+'_dnaView');
-        if (dnaView && $(dnaView).val().indexOf('DNA') === -1) {
+        if (dnaView.length !== 0 && $(dnaView).val().indexOf('DNA') === -1) {
             spans = $('table#alleles').find('TH.seq').find('B');
         } else { // AA view
             spans = $('table#alleles').find('TH.seq').find('span');
         // At this point, hilighting should be identical
         $(spans).each(function (ix) {
             var xPx     = $(this).position().left;
             var widthPx = $(this).width();
             if (widthPx === 0)
                 widthPx = seqPxPerPos;
             var div = hiliteAdd(xPx,widthPx);
             // Can we give it a title and class?
             var varClass = $( this ).attr("class").split(' ');
             if (varClass.length > 0) {
                 // One of the classes should be the id for the TH defining the variant
                 for (var cIx=0; cIx < varClass.length; cIx++ ) {
                     if (varClass[cIx].indexOf('text') !== 0) {
                         var variant = $('table#alleles').find('TH.var#' + varClass[cIx]);
                         if (variant && variant.length === 1) {
     // - - - - - Public methods - - - - - 
     return { // returns an object with public methods
         positionTitle: function (e, obj)
         { // sets the current title to show the position of the pointer
           // Relies upon a span and fixed width text
           // Note: charsPerPos === 3 to show aa position when showing DNA triplets
             e = e || window.event; // protection against IE<9
             var over = ((e.pageX - $(obj).offset().left) / seqPxPerPos) + 0.5; // round up
             $(obj).attr('title',over.toFixed(0)); // title is simply position
         rareAlleleToggle: function (btn,setCart)
         { // toggle the visibility of rare alleles
             if (setCart === undefined || setCart === null) // boolean
                 setCart = true;
             var trs = $('table#alleles tbody tr.allele');
             persistRareHapsShown = ($(btn).val().indexOf('Show') !== -1);
             var counts;
             if (persistRareHapsShown) {
                 counts = $(trs).filter(':visible').length + ' of ' + $(trs).length + ".";
                 $('span#alleleCounts').text( 'All gene haplotypes shown: ' + counts);
                 $(btn).val('Hide rare haplotypes');
                 if (setCart === true)
             } else {
                 counts = $(trs).filter(':visible').length + ' of ' + $(trs).length + ".";
                 $('span#alleleCounts').text( 'Common gene haplotypes shown: ' + counts );
                 $(btn).val('Show rare haplotypes');
                 if (setCart === true)
         scoresToggle: function (btn,setCart)
         { // toggle the visibility of scores
             if (setCart === undefined || setCart === null) // boolean
                 setCart = true;
             persistScoresShown = ($(btn).val().indexOf('Show') !== -1);
             if (persistScoresShown) {
                 $('table#alleles').find('.andScore').each(function (ix) { 
                     $(this).attr('colspan',Number($(this).attr('colspan')) + 1);
                 $(btn).val('Hide scoring');
                 if (setCart === true)
             } else {
                 $('table#alleles').find('.andScore').each(function (ix) { 
                     $(this).attr('colspan',Number($(this).attr('colspan')) - 1);
                 $(btn).val('Show scoring');
                 if (setCart === true)
         scoresShow: function (obj,val)
         { // toggle the visibility of scores
             persistScoresShown = (val === 'set');
             if (persistScoresShown) {
             } else {
         // TODO: Would be good to hide pop and popScore columns, instead of ajax setAndRefresh
         /* popShow: function (obj,val)
         { // toggle the visibility of scores
             persistScoresShown = (val === 'set');
             if (val === 'set') {
                 return setAndRefresh(obj.id,val)
             } else {
         setAndRefresh: function  (varName,val)
         { // Resets all display options to defaults
             ajaxRequest(varName + '=' + val);
             return false; // Fake link
         delayedHilites: function ()
         { // Delayed call of private function
             // Persist on lighlite as red
             if (hiliteId !== '')
                 hiliteSpecial( hiliteId );
         initialize: function  (sectionId)
         { // Initialize or reinitailze (after ajax) the sortable table
             // This whole section could be renamed
             //if (sectionId && sectionId.length !== 0)
             //    sectionName = sectionId;
             var tbl = $('table#alleles');
             $(tbl).find('TH.var').each(function (ix) { 
             // Calculate some useful constants:
             seqCharsPerPos = 1; // Most cases
             var tripletButton = normed( $('input#'+sectionName+'_triplets') );
             if (tripletButton && $(tripletButton).val().indexOf('Show') === -1)
                 seqCharsPerPos = 3;
             seqPxPerPos = 7;
             var fullSeqHeader = normed( $(tbl).find('TH.seq') );
             if (fullSeqHeader) {
                 var seqLen = $(fullSeqHeader).text().length;
                 //if (seqCharsPerPos === 3)
                 //    seqLen /= 2;
                 seqPxPerPos = Math.round( $(fullSeqHeader).width() / (seqLen / seqCharsPerPos));
                 if (theClient.isIePre11()) 
                     seqPxPerPos = $(fullSeqHeader).width() / (seqLen / seqCharsPerPos);
             // Highlight variants in full sequence
             setTimeout(alleles.delayedHilites, 200);  // Delay till after page settles
             // Want to sort on previos column if there was a sort before ajax update
 }()); // end & invocation of function that makes alleles
 // The following js depends upon the jQuery library
     // Gene Alleles table is sortable
     // This is really hgGene specific at this point...
     // If the haplotypes section has full sequence displayed, then other sections would
     // scroll horrizontally off the page without setting the max-width of those sections.
     $('div.subheadingBar').parents('table').css({maxWidth:$(window).width()  + "px"});