a53b9958fa734f73aeffb9ddfe2fbad1ca65f90c galt Mon Jan 30 16:18:41 2017 -0800 Check-in of CSP2 Content-Security-Policy work. All C-language CGIs should now support CSP2 in browser to stop major forms of XSS javascript injection. Javascript on pages is gathered together, and then emitted in a single script block at the end with a nonce that tells the browser, this is js that we generated instead of being injected by a hacker. Both inline script from script blocks and inline js event handlers had to be pulled out and separated. You will not see js sprinkled through-out the page now. Older browsers that support CSP1 or that do not understand CSP at all will still work, just without protection. External js libraries loaded at runtime need to be added to the CSP policy header in src/lib/htmshell.c. diff --git src/hg/js/jquery.contextmenu.js src/hg/js/jquery.contextmenu.js index 3200071..5b1910e 100644 --- src/hg/js/jquery.contextmenu.js +++ src/hg/js/jquery.contextmenu.js @@ -1,276 +1,276 @@ /** * Copyright (c)2005-2009 Matt Kruse (javascripttoolbox.com) * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * This basically means you can use this code however you want for * free, but don't claim to have written it yourself! * Donations always accepted: http://www.JavascriptToolbox.com/donate/ * * Please do not link to the .js files on javascripttoolbox.com from * your site. Copy the files locally to your server instead. * */ /** * jquery.contextmenu.js * jQuery Plugin for Context Menus * http://www.JavascriptToolbox.com/lib/contextmenu/ * * Copyright (c) 2008 Matt Kruse (javascripttoolbox.com) * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * * @version 1.1 * @history 1.1 2010-01-25 Fixed a problem with 1.4 which caused undesired show/hide animations * @history 1.0 2008-10-20 Initial Release * @todo slideUp doesn't work in IE - because of iframe? * @todo Hide all other menus when contextmenu is shown? * @todo More themes * @todo Nested context menus */ ;(function($){ $.contextMenu = { shadow:true, shadowOffset:0, shadowOffsetX:5, shadowOffsetY:5, shadowWidthAdjust:-3, shadowHeightAdjust:-3, shadowOpacity:.2, shadowClass:'context-menu-shadow', shadowColor:'black', offsetX:0, offsetY:0, appendTo:'body', direction:'down', constrainToScreen:true, showTransition:'show', hideTransition:'hide', showSpeed:null, hideSpeed:null, showCallback:null, hideCallback:null, className:'context-menu', itemClassName:'context-menu-item', itemHoverClassName:'context-menu-item-hover', disabledItemClassName:'context-menu-item-disabled', disabledItemHoverClassName:'context-menu-item-disabled-hover', separatorClassName:'context-menu-separator', innerDivClassName:'context-menu-item-inner', themePrefix:'context-menu-theme-', theme:'default', separator:'context-menu-separator', // A specific key to identify a separator target:null, // The target of the context click, to be populated when triggered menu:null, // The jQuery object containing the HTML object that is the menu itself shadowObj:null, // Shadow object bgiframe:null, // The iframe object for IE6 shown:false, // Currently being shown? useIframe:/*@cc_on @*//*@if (@_win32) true, @else @*/false,/*@end @*/ // This is a better check than looking at userAgent! // Create the menu instance create: function(menu,opts) { var cmenu = $.extend({},this,opts); // Clone all default properties to created object // If a selector has been passed in, then use that as the menu if (typeof menu=="string") { cmenu.menu = $(menu); } // If a function has been passed in, call it each time the menu is shown to create the menu else if (typeof menu=="function") { cmenu.menuFunction = menu; } // Otherwise parse the Array passed in else { cmenu.menu = cmenu.createMenu(menu,cmenu); } if (cmenu.menu) { cmenu.menu.css({display:'none'}); $(cmenu.appendTo).append(cmenu.menu); } // Create the shadow object if shadow is enabled if (cmenu.shadow) { cmenu.createShadow(cmenu); // Extracted to method for extensibility if (cmenu.shadowOffset) { cmenu.shadowOffsetX = cmenu.shadowOffsetY = cmenu.shadowOffset; } } $('body').bind('contextmenu',function(){cmenu.hide();}); // If right-clicked somewhere else in the document, hide this menu return cmenu; }, // Create an iframe object to go behind the menu createIframe: function() { - return $('<iframe frameborder="0" tabindex="-1" src="javascript:false" style="display:block;position:absolute;z-index:-1;filter:Alpha(Opacity=0);"/>'); + return $('<iframe frameborder="0" tabindex="-1" src="#" style="display:block;position:absolute;z-index:-1;filter:Alpha(Opacity=0);"/>'); }, // Accept an Array representing a menu structure and turn it into HTML createMenu: function(menu,cmenu) { var className = cmenu.className; $.each(cmenu.theme.split(","),function(i,n){className+=' '+cmenu.themePrefix+n}); var $t = $('<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0></table>').click(function(){cmenu.hide(); return false;}); // We wrap a table around it so width can be flexible var $tr = $('<tr></tr>'); var $td = $('<td></td>'); var $div = $('<div class="'+className+'"></div>'); // Each menu item is specified as either: // title:function // or title: { property:value ... } for (var i=0; i<menu.length; i++) { var m = menu[i]; if (m==$.contextMenu.separator) { $div.append(cmenu.createSeparator()); } else { for (var opt in menu[i]) { $div.append(cmenu.createMenuItem(opt,menu[i][opt])); // Extracted to method for extensibility } } } if ( cmenu.useIframe ) { $td.append(cmenu.createIframe()); } $t.append($tr.append($td.append($div))) return $t; }, // Create an individual menu item createMenuItem: function(label,obj) { var cmenu = this; if (typeof obj=="function") { obj={onclick:obj}; } // If passed a simple function, turn it into a property of an object // Default properties, extended in case properties are passed var o = $.extend({ onclick:function() { }, className:'', hoverClassName:cmenu.itemHoverClassName, icon:'', disabled:false, title:'', hoverItem:cmenu.hoverItem, hoverItemOut:cmenu.hoverItemOut },obj); // If an icon is specified, hard-code the background-image style. Themes that don't show images should take this into account in their CSS var iconStyle = (o.icon)?'background-image:url('+o.icon+');':''; var $div = $('<div class="'+cmenu.itemClassName+' '+o.className+((o.disabled)?' '+cmenu.disabledItemClassName:'')+'" title="'+o.title+'"></div>') // If the item is disabled, don't do anything when it is clicked .click(function(e){if(cmenu.isItemDisabled(this)){return false;}else{return o.onclick.call(cmenu.target,this,cmenu,e)}}) // Change the class of the item when hovered over .hover( function(){ o.hoverItem.call(this,(cmenu.isItemDisabled(this))?cmenu.disabledItemHoverClassName:o.hoverClassName); } ,function(){ o.hoverItemOut.call(this,(cmenu.isItemDisabled(this))?cmenu.disabledItemHoverClassName:o.hoverClassName); } ); var $idiv = $('<div class="'+cmenu.innerDivClassName+'" style="'+iconStyle+'">'+label+'</div>'); $div.append($idiv); return $div; }, // Create a separator row createSeparator: function() { return $('<div class="'+this.separatorClassName+'"></div>'); }, // Determine if an individual item is currently disabled. This is called each time the item is hovered or clicked because the disabled status may change at any time isItemDisabled: function(item) { return $(item).is('.'+this.disabledItemClassName); }, // Functions to fire on hover. Extracted to methods for extensibility hoverItem: function(c) { $(this).addClass(c); }, hoverItemOut: function(c) { $(this).removeClass(c); }, // Create the shadow object createShadow: function(cmenu) { cmenu.shadowObj = $('<div class="'+cmenu.shadowClass+'"></div>').css( {display:'none',position:"absolute", zIndex:9998, opacity:cmenu.shadowOpacity, backgroundColor:cmenu.shadowColor } ); $(cmenu.appendTo).append(cmenu.shadowObj); }, // Display the shadow object, given the position of the menu itself showShadow: function(x,y,e) { var cmenu = this; if (cmenu.shadow) { cmenu.shadowObj.css( { width:(cmenu.menu.width()+cmenu.shadowWidthAdjust)+"px", height:(cmenu.menu.height()+cmenu.shadowHeightAdjust)+"px", top:(y+cmenu.shadowOffsetY)+"px", left:(x+cmenu.shadowOffsetX)+"px" }).addClass(cmenu.shadowClass)[cmenu.showTransition](cmenu.showSpeed); } }, // A hook to call before the menu is shown, in case special processing needs to be done. // Return false to cancel the default show operation beforeShow: function() { return true; }, // Show the context menu show: function(t,e) { var cmenu=this, x=e.pageX, y=e.pageY; cmenu.target = t; // Preserve the object that triggered this context menu so menu item click methods can see it if (cmenu.beforeShow(e)!==false) { // If the menu content is a function, call it to populate the menu each time it is displayed if (cmenu.menuFunction) { if (cmenu.menu) { $(cmenu.menu).remove(); } cmenu.menu = cmenu.createMenu(cmenu.menuFunction(cmenu,t),cmenu); cmenu.menu.css({display:'none'}); $(cmenu.appendTo).append(cmenu.menu); } var $c = cmenu.menu; x+=cmenu.offsetX; y+=cmenu.offsetY; var pos = cmenu.getPosition(x,y,cmenu,e); // Extracted to method for extensibility cmenu.showShadow(pos.x,pos.y,e); // Resize the iframe if needed if (cmenu.useIframe) { $c.find('iframe').css({width:$c.width()+cmenu.shadowOffsetX+cmenu.shadowWidthAdjust,height:$c.height()+cmenu.shadowOffsetY+cmenu.shadowHeightAdjust}); } $c.css( {top:pos.y+"px", left:pos.x+"px", position:"absolute",zIndex:9999} )[cmenu.showTransition](cmenu.showSpeed,((cmenu.showCallback)?function(){cmenu.showCallback.call(cmenu);}:null)); cmenu.shown=true; $(document).one('click',null,function(){cmenu.hide()}); // Handle a single click to the document to hide the menu $(document).one('keyup', null, function(event){ // hide menu when user presses the escape key // XXXX This doesn't work on the Mac (we never get any keyup events). if (event.keyCode == 27) { cmenu.hide(); } }); } }, // Find the position where the menu should appear, given an x,y of the click event getPosition: function(clickX,clickY,cmenu,e) { var x = clickX+cmenu.offsetX; var y = clickY+cmenu.offsetY; var h = $(cmenu.menu).height(); var w = $(cmenu.menu).width(); var dir = cmenu.direction; if (cmenu.constrainToScreen) { var $w = $(window); var wh = $w.height(); var ww = $w.width(); if (dir=="down" && (y+h-$w.scrollTop() > wh)) { dir = "up"; } var maxRight = x+w-$w.scrollLeft(); if (maxRight > ww) { x -= (maxRight-ww); } } if (dir=="up") { // use scrollTop to make sure menu doesn't disappear off the top (#7687). y = Math.max(y - h, $w.scrollTop()); } return {'x':x,'y':y}; }, // Hide the menu, of course hide: function() { var cmenu=this; if (cmenu.shown) { if (cmenu.iframe) { $(cmenu.iframe).hide(); } if (cmenu.menu) { cmenu.menu[cmenu.hideTransition](cmenu.hideSpeed,((cmenu.hideCallback)?function(){cmenu.hideCallback.call(cmenu);}:null)); } if (cmenu.shadow) { cmenu.shadowObj[cmenu.hideTransition](cmenu.hideSpeed); } } cmenu.shown = false; } }; // This actually adds the .contextMenu() function to the jQuery namespace $.fn.contextMenu = function(menu,options) { var cmenu = $.contextMenu.create(menu,options); this.each(function(){ $(this).bind('contextmenu',function(e){cmenu.show(this,e);return false;}); }); return cmenu; }; })(jQuery);