  Mon Jan 30 16:18:41 2017 -0800
Check-in of CSP2 Content-Security-Policy work. All C-language CGIs should now support CSP2 in browser to stop major forms of XSS javascript injection. Javascript on pages is gathered together, and then emitted in a single script block at the end with a nonce that tells the browser, this is js that we generated instead of being injected by a hacker. Both inline script from script blocks and inline js event handlers had to be pulled out and separated. You will not see js sprinkled through-out the page now. Older browsers that support CSP1 or that do not understand CSP at all will still work, just without protection. External js libraries loaded at runtime need to be added to the CSP policy header in src/lib/htmshell.c.

diff --git src/hg/lib/tablesTables.c src/hg/lib/tablesTables.c
index cdcfc0b..5856e9c 100644
--- src/hg/lib/tablesTables.c
+++ src/hg/lib/tablesTables.c
@@ -1,477 +1,479 @@
 /* tablesTables - this module deals with two types of tables SQL tables in a database,
  * and fieldedTable objects in memory. It has routines to do sortable, filterable web
  * displays on tables. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "jsHelper.h"
 #include "sqlSanity.h"
 #include "fieldedTable.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "web.h"
 #include "cart.h"
 #include "tablesTables.h"
 struct fieldedTable *fieldedTableFromDbQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query)
 /* Return fieldedTable from a database query */
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 char **fields;
 int fieldCount = sqlResultFieldArray(sr, &fields);
 struct fieldedTable *table = fieldedTableNew(query, fields, fieldCount);
 char **row;
 int i = 0;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     fieldedTableAdd(table, row, fieldCount, ++i);
 return table;
 static void showTableFilterInstructionsEtc(struct fieldedTable *table, 
     char *itemPlural, struct  fieldedTableSegment *largerContext, void (*addFunc)(void))
 /* Print instructional text, and basic summary info on who passes filter, and a submit
  * button just in case user needs it */
 /* Print info on matching */
 int matchCount = slCount(table->rowList);
 if (largerContext != NULL)  // Need to page?
      matchCount = largerContext->tableSize;
 cgiMakeButton("submit", "search");
 printf("  &nbsp ");
 printf("%d %s found. ", matchCount, itemPlural);
 if (addFunc)
 printf("You can further filter search results field by field below. ");    
 printf("Wildcard * and ? characters are allowed in text fields. ");
 printf("&GT;min or &LT;max are allowed in numerical fields.<BR>\n");
 static void printSuggestScript(char *id, struct slName *suggestList)
 /* Print out a little javascript to wrap auto-suggester around control with given ID */
-printf("$(document).ready(function() {\n");
-printf("  $('#%s').autocomplete({\n", id);
-printf("    delay: 100,\n");
-printf("    minLength: 0,\n");
-printf("    source: [");
+struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(256);
+dyStringPrintf(dy,"$(document).ready(function() {\n");
+dyStringPrintf(dy,"  $('#%s').autocomplete({\n", id);
+dyStringPrintf(dy,"    delay: 100,\n");
+dyStringPrintf(dy,"    minLength: 0,\n");
+dyStringPrintf(dy,"    source: [");
 char *separator = "";
 struct slName *suggest;
 for (suggest = suggestList; suggest != NULL; suggest = suggest->next)
-    printf("%s\"%s\"", separator, suggest->name);
+    dyStringPrintf(dy,"%s\"%s\"", separator, suggest->name);
     separator = ",";
-printf("    });\n");
+dyStringPrintf(dy,"    });\n");
 static void printWatermark(char *id, char *watermark)
 /* Print light text filter prompt as watermark. */
-printf("$(function() {\n");
-printf("  $('#%s').watermark(\"%s\");\n", id, watermark);
+char javascript[1024];
+safef(javascript, sizeof javascript,
+"$(function() {\n"
+"  $('#%s').watermark(\"%s\");\n"
+"});\n", id, watermark);
 static void showTableFilterControlRow(struct fieldedTable *table, struct cart *cart, 
     char *varPrefix, int maxLenField, struct hash *suggestHash)
 /* Assuming we are in table already drow control row.
  * The suggestHash is keyed by field name.  If something is there we'll assume
  * it's value is slName list of suggestion values */
 /* Include javascript and style we need  */
 jsIncludeFile("jquery.js", NULL);
 jsIncludeFile("jquery.plugins.js", NULL);
 jsIncludeFile("jquery-ui.js", NULL);
 jsIncludeFile("jquery.watermark.js", NULL);
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<table->fieldCount; ++i)
     char *field = table->fields[i];
     char varName[256];
     safef(varName, sizeof(varName), "%s_f_%s", varPrefix, field);
     /* Print out input control.  As you can see from all the commented out bits
      * this part has been a challenge.  We'd like to make the input cell fit the
      * table size, but if we do it with style it makes whole table wider. */
     char *oldVal = cartUsualString(cart, varName, "");
     printf("<input type=\"text\" name=\"%s\" style=\"display:table-cell; width=100%%\""
 	   " value=\"%s\">", varName, oldVal);
 #endif /* MAKES_TOO_WIDE */
     /* Approximate size of input control in characters */
     int size = fieldedTableMaxColChars(table, i);
     if (size > maxLenField)
 	size = maxLenField;
     /* This way does work last I checked and is just a line of code.
      * Getting an id= property on the input tag though isn't possible this way. */
     cartMakeTextVar(cart, varName, "", size + 1);
     /* Print input control getting previous value from cart.  Set an id=
      * so auto-suggest can find this control. */
     char *oldVal = cartUsualString(cart, varName, "");
     printf("<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=\"%s\" id=\"%s\" SIZE=%d VALUE=\"%s\">\n",
 	varName, varName, size+1, oldVal);
     /* Write out javascript to initialize autosuggest on control */
     printWatermark(varName, " filter ");
     if (suggestHash != NULL)
 	struct slName *suggestList = hashFindVal(suggestHash, field);
 	if (suggestList != NULL)
 	    printSuggestScript(varName, suggestList);
 static void showTableSortingLabelRow(struct fieldedTable *table, struct cart *cart, char *varPrefix,
     char *returnUrl)
 /* Put up the label row with sorting fields attached.  ALso actually sort table.  */
 /* Get order var */
 char orderVar[256];
 safef(orderVar, sizeof(orderVar), "%s_order", varPrefix);
 char *orderFields = cartUsualString(cart, orderVar, "");
 char pageVar[64];
 safef(pageVar, sizeof(pageVar), "%s_page", varPrefix);
 /* Print column labels */
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<table->fieldCount; ++i)
     printf("<A class=\"topbar\" HREF=\"");
     printf("%s", returnUrl);
     printf("&%s=1", pageVar);
     printf("&%s=", orderVar);
     char *field = table->fields[i];
     if (!isEmpty(orderFields) && sameString(orderFields, field))
     printf("%s", field);
     printf("%s", field);
     if (!isEmpty(orderFields))
 	char *s = orderFields;
 	boolean isRev = (s[0] == '-');
 	if (isRev)
 	if (sameString(field, s))
 	    if (isRev)
 /* Sort on field */
 if (!isEmpty(orderFields))
     boolean doReverse = FALSE;
     char *field = orderFields;
     if (field[0] == '-')
 	field += 1;
 	doReverse = TRUE;
     fieldedTableSortOnField(table, field, doReverse);
 static void showTableDataRows(struct fieldedTable *table, int pageSize, int maxLenField,
     struct hash *tagOutputWrappers, void *wrapperContext)
 /* Render data rows into HTML */
 int count = 0;
 struct fieldedRow *row;
 boolean isNum[table->fieldCount];
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<table->fieldCount; ++i)
     isNum[i] = fieldedTableColumnIsNumeric(table, i);
 for (row = table->rowList; row != NULL; row = row->next)
     if (++count > pageSize)
     int fieldIx = 0;
     for (fieldIx=0; fieldIx<table->fieldCount; ++fieldIx)
 	char shortVal[maxLenField+1];
 	char *longVal = emptyForNull(row->row[fieldIx]);
 	char *val = longVal;
 	int valLen = strlen(val);
 	if (maxLenField > 0 && maxLenField < valLen)
 	    if (valLen > maxLenField)
 		memcpy(shortVal, val, maxLenField-3);
 		shortVal[maxLenField-3] = 0;
 		strcat(shortVal, "...");
 		val = shortVal;
 	if (isNum[fieldIx])
 	boolean printed = FALSE;
 	if (tagOutputWrappers != NULL && !isEmpty(val))
 	    char *field = table->fields[fieldIx];
 	    webTableOutputWrapperType *printer = hashFindVal(tagOutputWrappers, field);
 	    if (printer != NULL)
 		printer(table, row, field, longVal, val, wrapperContext);
 		printed = TRUE;
 	if (!printed)
 	    printf("%s", val);
 static void showTablePaging(struct fieldedTable *table, struct cart *cart, char *varPrefix,
     struct fieldedTableSegment *largerContext, int pageSize)
 /* If larger context exists and is bigger than current display, then draw paging controls. */
 /* Handle paging if any */
 if (largerContext != NULL)  // Need to page?
      if (pageSize < largerContext->tableSize)
 	int curPage = largerContext->tableOffset/pageSize;
 	int totalPages = (largerContext->tableSize + pageSize - 1)/pageSize;
 	printf("Displaying page ");
 	char pageVar[64];
 	safef(pageVar, sizeof(pageVar), "%s_page", varPrefix);
 	cgiMakeIntVar(pageVar, curPage+1, 3);
 	printf(" of %d", totalPages);
 void webFilteredFieldedTable(struct cart *cart, struct fieldedTable *table, 
     char *returnUrl, char *varPrefix,
     int maxLenField, struct hash *tagOutputWrappers, void *wrapperContext,
     boolean withFilters, char *itemPlural, 
     int pageSize, struct fieldedTableSegment *largerContext, struct hash *suggestHash, 
     void (*addFunc)(void) )
 /* Show a fielded table that can be sorted by clicking on column labels and optionally
  * that includes a row of filter controls above the labels .
  * The maxLenField is maximum character length of field before truncation with ...
  * Pass in 0 for no max */
 if (strchr(returnUrl, '?') == NULL)
      errAbort("Expecting returnUrl to include ? in showFieldedTable\nIt's %s", returnUrl);
 if (withFilters)
     showTableFilterInstructionsEtc(table, itemPlural, largerContext, addFunc);
 /* Set up our table within table look. */
 /* Draw optional filters cells ahead of column labels*/
 if (withFilters)
     showTableFilterControlRow(table, cart, varPrefix, maxLenField, suggestHash);
 showTableSortingLabelRow(table, cart, varPrefix, returnUrl);
 showTableDataRows(table, pageSize, maxLenField, tagOutputWrappers, wrapperContext);
 /* Get rid of table within table look */
 if (largerContext != NULL)
     showTablePaging(table, cart, varPrefix, largerContext, pageSize);
 void webSortableFieldedTable(struct cart *cart, struct fieldedTable *table, 
     char *returnUrl, char *varPrefix,
     int maxLenField, struct hash *tagOutputWrappers, void *wrapperContext)
 /* Display all of table including a sortable label row.  The tagOutputWrappers
  * is an optional way to enrich output of specific columns of the table.  It is keyed
  * by column name and has for values functions of type webTableOutputWrapperType. */
 webFilteredFieldedTable(cart, table, returnUrl, varPrefix, 
     maxLenField, tagOutputWrappers, wrapperContext,
     FALSE, NULL, 
     slCount(table->rowList), NULL, NULL, NULL);
 void webTableBuildQuery(struct cart *cart, char *from, char *initialWhere, 
     char *varPrefix, char *fields, boolean withFilters, 
     struct dyString **retQuery, struct dyString **retWhere)
 /* Construct select, from and where clauses in query, keeping an additional copy of where 
  * Returns the SQL query and the SQL where expression as two dyStrings (need to be freed)  */
 struct dyString *query = dyStringNew(0);
 struct dyString *where = dyStringNew(0);
 struct slName *field, *fieldList = commaSepToSlNames(fields);
 boolean gotWhere = FALSE;
 sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "%s", ""); // TODO check with Galt on how to get reasonable checking back.
 dyStringPrintf(query, "select %s from %s", fields, from);
 if (!isEmpty(initialWhere))
     dyStringPrintf(where, " where ");
     sqlSanityCheckWhere(initialWhere, where);
     gotWhere = TRUE;
 /* If we're doing filters, have to loop through the row of filter controls */
 if (withFilters)
     for (field = fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
 	char varName[128];
 	safef(varName, sizeof(varName), "%s_f_%s", varPrefix, field->name);
 	char *val = trimSpaces(cartUsualString(cart, varName, ""));
 	if (!isEmpty(val))
 	    if (gotWhere)
 		dyStringPrintf(where, " and ");
 	        dyStringPrintf(where, " where ");
 		gotWhere = TRUE;
 	    if (anyWild(val))
 		 char *converted = sqlLikeFromWild(val);
 		 char *escaped = makeEscapedString(converted, '"');
 		 dyStringPrintf(where, "%s like \"%s\"", field->name, escaped);
 	    else if (val[0] == '>' || val[0] == '<')
 		 char *remaining = val+1;
 		 if (remaining[0] == '=')
 		     remaining += 1;
 		 remaining = skipLeadingSpaces(remaining);
 		 if (isNumericString(remaining))
 		     dyStringPrintf(where, "%s %s", field->name, val);
 		     warn("Filter for %s doesn't parse:  %s", field->name, val);
 		     dyStringPrintf(where, "%s is not null", field->name); // Let query continue
 		 char *escaped = makeEscapedString(val, '"');
 		 dyStringPrintf(where, "%s = \"%s\"", field->name, escaped);
 dyStringAppend(query, where->string);
 /* We do order here so as to keep order when working with tables bigger than a page. */
 char orderVar[256];
 safef(orderVar, sizeof(orderVar), "%s_order", varPrefix);
 char *orderFields = cartUsualString(cart, orderVar, "");
 if (!isEmpty(orderFields))
     if (orderFields[0] == '-')
 	dyStringPrintf(query, " order by %s desc", orderFields+1);
 	dyStringPrintf(query, " order by %s", orderFields);
 // return query and where expression
 *retQuery = query;
 *retWhere = where;
 void webFilteredSqlTable(struct cart *cart, struct sqlConnection *conn, 
     char *fields, char *from, char *initialWhere,  
     char *returnUrl, char *varPrefix, int maxFieldWidth, 
     struct hash *tagOutWrappers, void *wrapperContext,
     boolean withFilters, char *itemPlural, int pageSize, struct hash *suggestHash, void (*addFunc)(void) )
 /* Given a query to the database in conn that is basically a select query broken into
  * separate clauses, construct and display an HTML table around results. This HTML table has
  * column names that will sort the table, and optionally (if withFilters is set)
  * it will also allow field-by-field wildcard queries on a set of controls it draws above
  * the labels. 
  *    Much of the functionality rests on the call to webFilteredFieldedTable.  This function
  * does the work needed to bring in sections of potentially huge results sets into
  * the fieldedTable. */
 struct dyString *query;
 struct dyString *where;
 webTableBuildQuery(cart, from, initialWhere, varPrefix, fields, withFilters, &query, &where);
 /* Figure out size of query result */
 struct dyString *countQuery = dyStringNew(0);
 sqlDyStringPrintf(countQuery, "%s", ""); // TODO check with Galt on how to get reasonable checking back.
 dyStringPrintf(countQuery, "select count(*) from %s", from);
 dyStringAppend(countQuery, where->string);
 int resultsSize = sqlQuickNum(conn, countQuery->string);
 char pageVar[64];
 safef(pageVar, sizeof(pageVar), "%s_page", varPrefix);
 int page = 0;
 struct fieldedTableSegment context = { .tableSize=resultsSize};
 if (resultsSize > pageSize)
     page = cartUsualInt(cart, pageVar, 0) - 1;
     if (page < 0)
         page = 0;
     int lastPage = (resultsSize-1)/pageSize;
     if (page > lastPage)
         page = lastPage;
     context.tableOffset = page * pageSize;
     dyStringPrintf(query, " limit %d offset %d", pageSize, context.tableOffset);
 struct fieldedTable *table = fieldedTableFromDbQuery(conn, query->string);
 webFilteredFieldedTable(cart, table, returnUrl, varPrefix, maxFieldWidth, 
     tagOutWrappers, wrapperContext, withFilters, itemPlural, pageSize, &context, suggestHash, addFunc);