a53b9958fa734f73aeffb9ddfe2fbad1ca65f90c galt Mon Jan 30 16:18:41 2017 -0800 Check-in of CSP2 Content-Security-Policy work. All C-language CGIs should now support CSP2 in browser to stop major forms of XSS javascript injection. Javascript on pages is gathered together, and then emitted in a single script block at the end with a nonce that tells the browser, this is js that we generated instead of being injected by a hacker. Both inline script from script blocks and inline js event handlers had to be pulled out and separated. You will not see js sprinkled through-out the page now. Older browsers that support CSP1 or that do not understand CSP at all will still work, just without protection. External js libraries loaded at runtime need to be added to the CSP policy header in src/lib/htmshell.c. diff --git src/hg/qaPushQ/qaPushQ.c src/hg/qaPushQ/qaPushQ.c index 60386f1..33ec08f 100644 --- src/hg/qaPushQ/qaPushQ.c +++ src/hg/qaPushQ/qaPushQ.c @@ -1,3905 +1,3909 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ /* qaPushQ - Push Queue cgi */ /* we don't use the cart, we have our own table to store cart-like info */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "cheapcgi.h" #include "htmshell.h" #include "jksql.h" #include "hgConfig.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "portable.h" #include "pushQ.h" #include "formPushQ.h" #include "versionInfo.h" /* stuff to support outputting Release Log html */ #include "web.h" #include "hui.h" #include "dbDb.h" #include "htmlPage.h" char msg[2048] = ""; char ** saveEnv; #define BLSIZE 512000 /* size of strings for processing big lists of tables and files */ #define BUFMAX 512000 char html[BUFMAX]; char *action = NULL; /* have to put declarations first */ boolean crossPost = FALSE; /* are we doing cross-post from dev to beta (or vice versa)? */ /* support showSizes across machines */ char *database = NULL; char *host = NULL; char *user = NULL; char *password = NULL; struct sqlConnection *conn = NULL; struct sqlConnection *conn2 = NULL; char *qaUser = NULL; #define SSSZ 256 /* MySql String Size 255 + 1 */ #define MAXBLOBSHOW 128 #define TITLE "Push Queue v"CGI_VERSION time_t curtime; struct tm *loctime; struct utsname utsName; struct users myUser; char *showColumns = NULL; char *defaultColumns = "pqid,qid,priority,importance,qadate,track,dbs,tbls,cgis,files,currLoc,makeDocYN,onlineHelp,ndxYN,stat,sponsor,reviewer,extSource,notes"; char *newRandState = NULL; char *oldRandState = NULL; /* "qid,pqid,priority,rank,qadate,newYN,track,dbs,tbls,cgis,files,sizeMB,currLoc," "makeDocYN,onlineHelp,ndxYN,joinerYN,stat,sponsor,reviewer,extSource,openIssues,notes," pushState,initdate,bounces,lockUser,lockDateTime,releaseLog,featureBits,releaseLogUrl,importance"; */ /* structural improvements suggested by MarkD: static struct { enum colEnum col; char *name; char *hdr; } colTbl [] = { {e_qid, "qid"}, {0, NULL}, } ArraySize(colTbl) numWords = chopString(liststr, ",", NULL, NULL); */ static char const *colName[] = { "qid" , "pqid" , "priority" , "rank" , "qadate" , "newYN" , "track" , "dbs" , "tbls" , "cgis" , "files" , "sizeMB" , "currLoc" , "makeDocYN" , "onlineHelp", "ndxYN" , "joinerYN" , "stat" , "featureBits", "sponsor" , "reviewer" , "extSource" , "openIssues", "notes" , "pushState" , "initdate" , "lastdate" , "bounces" , "lockUser" , "lockDateTime", "releaseLog", "releaseLogUrl", "importance" }; enum colEnum { e_qid , e_pqid , e_priority , e_rank , e_qadate , e_newYN , e_track , e_dbs , e_tbls , e_cgis , e_files , e_sizeMB , e_currLoc , e_makeDocYN , e_onlineHelp, e_ndxYN , e_joinerYN , e_stat , e_featureBits, e_sponsor , e_reviewer , e_extSource , e_openIssues, e_notes , e_pushState , e_initdate , e_lastdate , e_bounces , e_lockUser , e_lockDateTime, e_releaseLog, e_releaseLogUrl, e_importance, e_NUMCOLS }; char *colHdr[] = { "Queue ID", "Parent Queue ID", "Priority", "Rank", "    Date    ", "New?", "Track", "Databases", "Tables", "CGIs", "Files", "Size MB", "Current Location", "MakeDoc", "Online help", "Index", "All. Joiner", "          Status          ", "Feature Bits", "Sponsor (local)", "Reviewer", "External Source or Collaborator", "Open Issues", "              Notes              ", "PushState", "Initial   Submission   Date", "Last   QA   Date", "Bounce Count", "Lock User", "Lock Date Time", "Release Log", "Release Log Url", "Importance" }; char *numberToMonth[]={"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"}; char pushQtbl[256] = "pushQ"; /* default */ char month[256] = ""; enum colEnum colOrder[e_NUMCOLS]; int numColumns = 0; int randInt(int N) /* generate random number from 0 to N-1 */ { return (int) N * (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); } char *randDigits(int length) /* generate string of random digits 0-9. String will need to be free'd later. */ { int i = 0; char *s = needMem(length+1); for(i=0;i 2100) return FALSE; if ( mm > 12 ) return FALSE; if ( mm < 1 ) return FALSE; if ( dd > 31 ) return FALSE; if ( dd < 1 ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } void encryptPWD(char *password, char *salt, char *buf, int bufsize) /* encrypt a password */ { /* encrypt user's password. */ safef(buf,bufsize,"%s",crypt(password, salt)); } void encryptNewPWD(char *password, char *buf, int bufsize) /* encrypt a new password */ { unsigned long seed[2]; char salt[] = "$1$........"; const char *const seedchars = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST" "UVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; int i; /* Generate a (not very) random seed. */ seed[0] = time(NULL); seed[1] = getpid() ^ (seed[0] >> 14 & 0x30000); /* Turn it into printable characters from `seedchars'. */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) salt[3+i] = seedchars[(seed[i/5] >> (i%5)*6) & 0x3f]; encryptPWD(password, salt, buf, bufsize); } bool checkPWD(char *password, char *encPassword) /* check an encrypted password */ { char encPwd[35] = ""; encryptPWD(password, encPassword, encPwd, sizeof(encPwd)); if (sameString(encPassword,encPwd)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } void doMsg() /* callable from htmShell */ { printf("%s",msg); } bool mySqlGetLock(char *name, int timeout) /* Tries to acquire (for 10 seconds) and set an advisory lock. * note: mysql returns 1 if successful, * 0 if name already locked or NULL if error occurred * blocks another client from obtaining a lock with the same name * lock is automatically released by mysql when connection is closed or detected broken * may even detect program crash and release lock. */ { char query[256]; struct sqlResult *rs; char **row = NULL; bool result = FALSE; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select get_lock('%s', %d)", name, timeout); rs = sqlGetResult(conn, query); row=sqlNextRow(rs); if (row[0] == NULL) { safef(msg, sizeof(msg), "Attempt to GET_LOCK of %s caused an error\n",name); htmShell(TITLE, doMsg, NULL); exit(0); } if (sameWord(row[0], "1")) result = TRUE; else if (sameWord(row[0], "0")) result = FALSE; sqlFreeResult(&rs); return result; } void mySqlReleaseLock(char *name) /* Releases an advisory lock created by GET_LOCK in mySqlGetLock */ { char query[256]; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select release_lock('%s')", name); sqlUpdate(conn, query); } void setLock() /* set a lock to reduce concurrency problems */ { mySqlGetLock("qapushq",10); /* just an advisory semaphore, really */ } void releaseLock() /* release the advisory lock */ { mySqlReleaseLock("qapushq"); } enum colEnum mapFieldToEnum(char *f, bool must) { int i = 0; for(i=0;i= ssize) { errAbort("buf size exceeded. strlen(temp)=%ld, size of buf= %d",(unsigned long)strlen(temp),ssize); } safef(s,ssize,"%s",temp); freez(&temp); } bool parseList(char *s, char delim, int num, char *buf, int bufsize) /* parse list to find nth element of delim-separated list in string * returns l if not found which points to the string end 0 * otherwise returns offset in s where begins */ { int n = 0; int i = 0; int l = strlen(s); int j = 0; char c; if (bufsize==0) { return FALSE; } while (TRUE) { if (n==num) { while (j= l) { buf[0] = 0; return FALSE; } i++; } i++; n++; } } void replaceSelectOptions(char *varname, char *values, char *value) /* Replace tags in select option picklist. * This initializes the correct default selection. * Currently values is a list of single characters only, * picklists with string-values not supported. */ { int i = 0; char *p = NULL; char tempTag[256] = ""; char tempVal[256]; while(TRUE) { parseList(values,',',i,tempVal,sizeof(tempVal)); if (tempVal[0]==0) { break; } safef(tempTag,sizeof(tempTag),"",varname,tempVal); if (sameString(value,tempVal)) {p = "selected";} else {p = "";} replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), tempTag, p); i++; } } void initColsFromString() { int i = 0, e=0; char colName[256]; char sep[2]=""; struct dyString * s = NULL; s = newDyString(2048); /* need room */ numColumns=0; while(parseList(showColumns,',',i,colName,sizeof(colName))) { e = mapFieldToEnum(colName,FALSE); if (e >= 0) /* tolerate old nonexistent colnames in pseudocart more gracefully */ { colOrder[i] = e; dyStringPrintf(s, "%s%s", sep, colName); safef(sep,sizeof(sep),","); numColumns++; } i++; } showColumns = cloneString(s->string); freeDyString(&s); } /* -------------------- Push Queue ----------------------- */ void showSizesJavascript() /* set showSizes for cross-posting to support file sizes */ { char sizesButton[1024]; safef(sizesButton, sizeof(sizesButton), "     " , utsName.nodename , sameString(utsName.nodename, "hgwdev") ? "hgwbeta" : "hgwdev" ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", sizesButton); } void replacePushQFields(struct pushQ *ki, bool isNew) /* fill in dummy html tags with values from the sql pushQ record */ { char tempLink[256]; char tempSizeMB[256]; char tempMsg[256]; bool myLock = FALSE; if (sameString(ki->lockUser,qaUser)) { myLock = TRUE; } safef(html,sizeof(html),"%s",formQ); safef(tempSizeMB, sizeof(tempSizeMB), "%u", ki->sizeMB); if (ki->sizeMB == 0) { safef(tempSizeMB,sizeof(tempSizeMB),"%s",""); } replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->qid ); replaceSelectOptions("priority" , "A,B,C,D,L" , ki->priority ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->qadate ); replaceSelectOptions("newYN" ,"Y,N,X" , ki->newYN ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->track ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->dbs ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->tbls ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->cgis ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->files ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , tempSizeMB ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->currLoc ); replaceSelectOptions("currLoc" , "hgwdev,hgwbeta" , ki->currLoc ); replaceSelectOptions("makeDocYN", "Y,N,X" , ki->makeDocYN ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->onlineHelp); replaceSelectOptions("ndxYN" , "Y,N,X" , ki->ndxYN ); replaceSelectOptions("joinerYN" , "Y,N,X" , ki->joinerYN ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->stat ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->featureBits); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->sponsor ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->reviewer ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->extSource ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->openIssues); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->notes ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->initdate ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , ki->releaseLog); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "", ki->releaseLogUrl); replaceSelectOptions("importance", " ,B,L,M,H,U" , ki->importance ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , newRandState ); if (isNew) { replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", "  "); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); safef(tempLink, sizeof(tempLink), "CANCEL  ",newRandState); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", tempLink ); showSizesJavascript(); } else { if (myLock) { replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", "  "); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "" , "  "); if (ki->priority[0]!='L') { replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", "" "  "); } replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", "  "); if (ki->priority[0]=='A') { replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", "  "); } else { replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", "" "  "); } replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", "  "); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", "  "); showSizesJavascript(); } else { /* we don't have a lock yet, disable and readonly */ replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", "DISABLED"); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", "READONLY"); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", "  "); safef(tempLink, sizeof(tempLink), "RETURN  ",newRandState); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", tempLink ); safef(tempLink, sizeof(tempLink), "REFRESH  ", ki->qid,newRandState); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", tempLink ); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html), "", ""); if (sameString(ki->lockUser,"")) { safef(tempMsg,sizeof(tempMsg),"%s %s", msg, "READONLY view. Press Lock to edit. Click RETURN for the main queue."); } else { safef(tempMsg,sizeof(tempMsg),"%s User %s currently has lock on Queue Id %s since %s.", msg, ki->lockUser, ki->qid,ki->lockDateTime ); } safef(msg,sizeof(msg), "%s", tempMsg); } } replaceInStr(html, sizeof(html) , "" , msg ); safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"%s",""); printf("%s",html); } void doAdd() /* handle setup add form for new pushQ record */ { struct pushQ q; ZeroVar(&q); q.next = NULL; safef(q.qid, sizeof(q.qid), "%s", ""); safef(q.priority, sizeof(q.priority), "%s", "A"); /* default priority */ strftime (q.qadate, sizeof(q.qadate), "%Y-%m-%d", loctime); /* default to today's date */ safef(q.newYN, sizeof(q.newYN), "%s", "N"); /* default to not new track */ q.track = ""; q.dbs = ""; q.tbls = ""; q.cgis = ""; q.files = ""; q.sizeMB = 0; safef(q.currLoc , sizeof(q.currLoc) , "%s", "hgwdev"); /* default loc */ safef(q.makeDocYN , sizeof(q.makeDocYN) , "%s", "N"); safef(q.onlineHelp, sizeof(q.onlineHelp), "%s", "" ); safef(q.ndxYN , sizeof(q.ndxYN) , "%s", "N"); /* default to not checked yet */ safef(q.joinerYN , sizeof(q.joinerYN) , "%s", "N"); /* default to all.joiner not checked yet */ q.stat = ""; q.featureBits = ""; safef(q.sponsor , sizeof(q.sponsor) , "%s", "" ); safef(q.reviewer , sizeof(q.reviewer) , "%s", "" ); if (sameString(myUser.role,"qa")) { safef(q.reviewer, sizeof(q.reviewer), "%s", qaUser); /* if role is qa, default reviewer to this user */ } if (sameString(myUser.role,"dev")) { safef(q.sponsor , sizeof(q.sponsor) , "%s", qaUser); /* if role is dev, default sponsor to current user */ } safef(q.extSource , sizeof(q.extSource) , "%s", "" ); q.openIssues = ""; q.notes = ""; strftime (q.initdate, sizeof(q.initdate), "%Y-%m-%d", loctime); /* automatically use today date */ safef(q.lastdate, sizeof(q.lastdate), "%s", "" ); q.releaseLog = ""; q.releaseLogUrl = ""; safef(q.importance, sizeof(q.importance), "%s", " "); /* default importance */ if (sameString(myUser.role,"dev")) { safef(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s", "Developer: Please leave priority and date alone. " "Do specify if the track is new. Enter the shortLabel for the track name. " "Be sure to fill out the database, tables, and external files, if any. " "If relevant cgis have changed since last branch, please list them. " "Enter collaborator if applicable. " "Leave the other fields for QA. You may leave a note for QA staff in the notes field. " "Thanks very much!" ); } replacePushQFields(&q, TRUE); /* new rec = true */ } void dotdotdot(char *s, int l) /* truncate a string for shorter display with ... at end */ { if ((strlen(s) before \n to have an effect inside html */ { return replaceChars(s,"\n","
\n"); } void drawDisplayLine(enum colEnum col, struct pushQ *ki) { char *temp = NULL; switch(col) { case e_qid: printf("%s%s", ki->qid, newRandState, ki->qid, sameString(ki->lockUser,"") ? "":"*" ); if (ki->pushState[0]=='Y') { printf("
Done!", ki->qid, newRandState ); } printf("\n"); break; case e_pqid: printf("%s\n", ki->pqid ); break; case e_priority: if (ki->priority[0] == 'L') { printf("%s", ki->priority); } else { printf( "
%s" "^  " "T  " "
 " "v  " "B" "
\n", ki->priority, ki->qid, newRandState, ki->qid, newRandState, ki->qid, newRandState, ki->qid, newRandState ); } break; case e_rank: printf("%d\n", ki->rank ); break; case e_qadate: printf("%s\n", ki->qadate ); break; case e_newYN: printf("%s\n", ki->newYN ); break; case e_track: dotdotdot(ki->track,MAXBLOBSHOW); /* chr(255) */ printf("%s\n", ki->track ); break; case e_dbs: dotdotdot(ki->tbls ,MAXBLOBSHOW); /* chr(255) */ printf("%s\n", ki->dbs ); break; case e_tbls: dotdotdot(ki->tbls,MAXBLOBSHOW); /* longblob */ printf("%s\n", ki->tbls ); break; case e_cgis: dotdotdot(ki->cgis ,MAXBLOBSHOW); /* chr(255) */ printf("%s\n", ki->cgis ); break; case e_files: dotdotdot(ki->files,MAXBLOBSHOW); /* chr(255) */ printf("%s\n", fixLineBreaks(ki->files) ); break; case e_sizeMB: printf("%u\n", ki->sizeMB ); break; case e_currLoc: printf("%s\n", ki->currLoc ); break; case e_makeDocYN: printf("%s\n", ki->makeDocYN ); break; case e_onlineHelp: printf("%s\n", ki->onlineHelp); break; case e_ndxYN: printf("%s\n", ki->ndxYN ); break; case e_joinerYN: printf("%s\n", ki->joinerYN ); break; case e_stat: dotdotdot(ki->stat ,MAXBLOBSHOW); /* chr(255) */ printf("%s\n", ki->stat ); break; case e_featureBits: dotdotdot(ki->featureBits,MAXBLOBSHOW); /* longblob */ printf("%s\n", ki->featureBits); break; case e_sponsor: printf("%s\n", ki->sponsor ); break; case e_reviewer: printf("%s\n", ki->reviewer ); break; case e_extSource: printf("%s\n", ki->extSource ); break; case e_openIssues: dotdotdot(ki->openIssues,MAXBLOBSHOW); /* longblob */ printf("%s\n", ki->openIssues); break; case e_notes: dotdotdot(ki->notes,MAXBLOBSHOW); /* longblob */ printf("%s\n", ki->notes ); break; case e_pushState: printf("%s\n", ki->pushState); break; case e_initdate: printf("%s\n", ki->initdate ); break; case e_lastdate: printf("%s\n", ki->lastdate ); break; case e_bounces: printf("%u\n", ki->bounces ); break; case e_lockUser: printf("%s\n", ki->lockUser ); break; case e_lockDateTime: printf("%s\n", ki->lockDateTime ); break; case e_releaseLog: dotdotdot(ki->releaseLog,MAXBLOBSHOW); /* chr(255) */ printf("%s\n", ki->releaseLog ); break; case e_releaseLogUrl: dotdotdot(ki->releaseLogUrl,MAXBLOBSHOW); /* chr(255) */ printf("%s\n", ki->releaseLogUrl ); break; case e_importance: temp = ""; if (sameString(ki->importance, "") || sameString(ki->importance, " ")) temp = "Unprioritized"; else if (sameString(ki->importance, "B")) temp = "Background"; else if (sameString(ki->importance, "L")) temp = "Low"; else if (sameString(ki->importance, "M")) temp = "Medium"; else if (sameString(ki->importance, "H")) temp = "High"; else if (sameString(ki->importance, "U")) temp = "Urgent"; printf("%s\n", temp ); break; default: errAbort("drawDisplayLine: unexpected case enum %d.",col); } } void doDisplay() /* handle display request, shows pushQ records, also this is the default action */ { struct pushQ *ki, *kiList = NULL; struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0); char lastP = ' '; int c = 0; char comment[256]; /* initialize column display order */ initColsFromString(); /* Get a list of all (or in month). */ sqlDyStringPrintf(dy, "select * from %s", pushQtbl); if (!sameString(month,"")) { sqlDyStringPrintf(dy," where priority='L' and qadate like '%s%%' ",month); } dyStringAppend(dy, " order by priority, rank, qadate desc, qid desc limit 200"); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, dy->string); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { ki = pushQLoad(row); slAddHead(&kiList, ki); } dyStringFree(&dy); sqlFreeResult(&sr); slReverse(&kiList); /* #rows returned slCount(kiList) */ if (sameString(utsName.nodename,"hgwdev")) { printf("


\n",utsName.nodename); } if (!sameString(msg,"")) { printf("


\n",msg); } if (sameString(month,"")) { printf(" ADD\n",newRandState); } else { printf(" Current\n",newRandState); } printf(" Logout\n",newRandState); printf(" All Columns\n",newRandState); printf(" Default Columns\n",newRandState); printf(" Log by Month\n",newRandState); printf(" Gateway\n",newRandState); printf(" Help\n"); printf(" Release Log\n"); //printf(" Publish RL\n"); printf(" A\n",newRandState); printf(" B\n",newRandState); printf(" C\n",newRandState); printf(" D\n",newRandState); printf(" L\n",newRandState); printf(" Refresh\n",newRandState); //printf(" newRandState=%s\n",newRandState); //printf(" oldRandState=%s\n",oldRandState); /* draw table header */ printf("

Track Push Queue"); if (!sameString(pushQtbl,"pushQ")) { printf(" for %s",pushQtbl); } if (!sameString(month,"")) { printf(" (%s)",month); } printf("

\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" \n"); for (c=0; c" "< " "! " ">" "
\n", colName[colOrder[c]], newRandState, colName[colOrder[c]], newRandState, colName[colOrder[c]], newRandState ); } printf("
\n"); printf(" \n"); for (c=0; c%s\n",colHdr[colOrder[c]]); } printf(" \n"); /* Print some info for each match */ for (ki = kiList; ki != NULL; ki = ki->next) { /* Major-priority section header */ if (ki->priority[0] != lastP) { lastP = ki->priority[0]; safef(comment,sizeof(comment),"%s",""); switch (ki->priority[0]) { case 'A': safef(comment,sizeof(comment),"%s","active"); break; case 'B': safef(comment,sizeof(comment),"%s","short hold"); break; case 'C': safef(comment,sizeof(comment),"%s","long hold"); break; case 'L': safef(comment,sizeof(comment),"%s","log"); break; } printf(""); printf("\n", ki->priority, ki->priority, comment); printf(""); } /* Regular row */ printf(""); for (c=0; c"); } /* draw table footer */ printf("


"); pushQFreeList(&kiList); } struct pushQ *loadPushQ(char *qid) /* Return pushQ struct loading q with existing values. * Use pushQFree() when done.*/ { char **row; struct sqlResult *sr; char query[256]; struct pushQ *q = NULL; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s where qid = '%s'",pushQtbl,qid); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); row = sqlNextRow(sr); if (row) q = pushQLoad(row); sqlFreeResult(&sr); return q; } struct pushQ *mustLoadPushQ(char *qid) /* Load pushQ or die */ { struct pushQ *q = loadPushQ(qid); if (!q) errAbort("loadPushQ: Queue Id %s not found.",qid); return q; } void doPushDone() /* Mark record pushState=D, move priority to L for Log, and set rank=0 */ { struct pushQ *q; char query[256]; q=mustLoadPushQ(cgiString("qid")); if (sameString(q->lockUser,"") && sameString(q->pushState,"Y")) { /* not already locked and pushState=Y */ safef(q->lastdate, sizeof(q->lastdate), "%s", q->qadate); strftime (q->qadate , sizeof(q->qadate ), "%Y-%m-%d", loctime); /* today's date */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set rank = 0, priority ='L', pushState='D', qadate='%s', lastdate='%s' " "where qid = '%s' ", pushQtbl, q->qadate, q->lastdate, q->qid); sqlUpdate(conn, query); /* first close the hole where it was */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set rank = rank - 1 where priority ='%s' and rank > %d ", pushQtbl, q->priority, q->rank); sqlUpdate(conn, query); } else { if (sameString(q->lockUser,"")) { safef(msg, sizeof(msg), "Unable to mark record %s done-> Record is locked by %s->",q->qid,q->lockUser); } else { safef(msg, sizeof(msg), "Invalid operation for qid %s, pushState is not Y, = %s->",q->qid,q->pushState); } } pushQFree(&q); doDisplay(); } void XdoPromote(int change) /* Promote the ranking of this Q item * >0 means promote, <0 means demote */ { struct pushQ *q; char query[256]; char newQid[sizeof(q->qid)] = ""; safef(newQid, sizeof(newQid), "%s", cgiString("qid")); q = mustLoadPushQ(newQid); if ((q->rank > 1) && (change>0)) { /* swap places with rank-1 */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set rank = rank + 1 where priority ='%s' and rank = %d ", pushQtbl, q->priority, q->rank-1); sqlUpdate(conn, query); q->rank--; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set rank = %d where qid ='%s'", pushQtbl, q->rank, q->qid); sqlUpdate(conn, query); } if (change<0) { /* swap places with rank+1 */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set rank = rank - 1 where priority ='%s' and rank = %d ", pushQtbl, q->priority, q->rank+1); if (sqlUpdateRows(conn, query, NULL)>0) { q->rank++; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set rank = %d where qid ='%s'", pushQtbl, q->rank, q->qid); sqlUpdate(conn, query); } } pushQFree(&q); doDisplay(); } void doPromote() { XdoPromote(1); } void doDemote() { XdoPromote(-1); } int getNextAvailQid() /* adding new pushQ rec, get next available qid number */ { struct pushQ q; int newqid = 0; char query[256]; char *quickres = NULL; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select max(qid) from %s",pushQtbl); quickres = sqlQuickString(conn, query); if (quickres != NULL) { safef(q.qid, sizeof(q.qid), "%s", quickres); sscanf(q.qid,"%d",&newqid); freez(&quickres); } newqid++; return newqid; } int getNextAvailRank(char *priority) /* get next available rank at end of priority section */ { struct pushQ q; char query[256]; char *quickres = NULL; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select rank from %s where priority='%s' order by rank desc limit 1", pushQtbl, priority); quickres = sqlQuickString(conn, query); if (quickres == NULL) { q.rank = 0; } else { sscanf(quickres,"%d",&q.rank); freez(&quickres); } q.rank++; return q.rank; } void doTop() { struct pushQ *q; char query[256]; char newQid[sizeof(q->qid)] = ""; safef(newQid, sizeof(newQid), "%s", cgiString("qid")); q = mustLoadPushQ(newQid); /* first close the hole where it was */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set rank = rank + 1 where priority ='%s' and rank < %d ", pushQtbl, q->priority, q->rank); sqlUpdate(conn, query); q->rank = 1; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set rank = %d where qid = '%s' ", pushQtbl, q->rank, q->qid); sqlUpdate(conn, query); pushQFree(&q); doDisplay(); } void doBottom() { struct pushQ *q; char query[256]; char newQid[sizeof(q->qid)] = ""; safef(newQid, sizeof(newQid), "%s", cgiString("qid")); q = mustLoadPushQ(newQid); /* first close the hole where it was */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set rank = rank - 1 where priority ='%s' and rank > %d ", pushQtbl, q->priority, q->rank); sqlUpdate(conn, query); q->rank = getNextAvailRank(q->priority); sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set rank = %d where qid = '%s' ", pushQtbl, q->rank, q->qid); sqlUpdate(conn, query); pushQFree(&q); doDisplay(); } /* too bad this isn't part of autoSql's code generation */ void pushQUpdate(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct pushQ *el, char *tableName, int updateSize) /* Update pushQ row to the table specified by tableName. * As blob fields may be arbitrary size updateSize specifies the approx size. * of a string that would contain the entire query. Automatically * escapes all simple strings (not arrays of string) but may be slower than pushQSaveToDb(). * For example automatically copies and converts: * "autosql's features include" --> "autosql\'s features include" * before inserting into database. */ { struct dyString *update = newDyString(updateSize); /* had to split this up because dyStringPrintf only up to 4000 chars at one time */ sqlDyStringPrintf(update, "update %s set " "pqid='%s',priority='%s',rank=%u,qadate='%s',newYN='%s',track='%s',", tableName, el->pqid, el->priority, el->rank, el->qadate, el->newYN, el->track); sqlDyStringPrintf(update, "dbs='%s',",el->dbs); sqlDyStringPrintf(update, "tbls='%s',",el->tbls); sqlDyStringPrintf(update, "cgis='%s',",el->cgis); sqlDyStringPrintf(update, "files='%s',",el->files); sqlDyStringPrintf(update, "sizeMB=%u,currLoc='%s'," "makeDocYN='%s',onlineHelp='%s',ndxYN='%s',joinerYN='%s',stat='%s'," "sponsor='%s',reviewer='%s',extSource='%s',", el->sizeMB , el->currLoc, el->makeDocYN, el->onlineHelp, el->ndxYN, el->joinerYN, el->stat, el->sponsor, el->reviewer, el->extSource); sqlDyStringPrintf(update, "openIssues='%s',",el->openIssues); sqlDyStringPrintf(update, "notes='%s',",el->notes); sqlDyStringPrintf(update, "pushState='%s', initdate='%s', lastdate='%s', bounces='%u',lockUser='%s'," "lockDateTime='%s',releaseLog='%s',featureBits='%s',releaseLogUrl='%s'," "importance='%s' where qid='%s'", el->pushState, el->initdate, el->lastdate, el->bounces, el->lockUser, el->lockDateTime, el->releaseLog, el->featureBits, el->releaseLogUrl, el->importance, el->qid ); sqlUpdate(conn, update->string); freeDyString(&update); } void getCgiData(bool *isOK, bool isPtr, void *ptr, int size, char *name) /* get data, truncate to fit in field to prevent safef buf overflows */ { int l = 0; char **pfld = NULL; char *fld = NULL; char *cgi = NULL; cgi = cgiString(name); l = strlen(cgi); if (isPtr) { pfld = (char **) ptr; } else { fld = (char *) ptr; } if (size != -1) /* -1 for blob, has no length */ { if (l>(size-1)) { *isOK = FALSE; safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"%s: too large, max. %d chars.",name,size-1); } } if (isPtr) { *pfld = cloneString(cgi); /* set pointer to a copy of the whole thing */ } else { safef(fld, size, "%s", cloneStringZ(cgi,size-1)); /* for non-ptr strings, copy into existing buffer */ } } void doTransfer(); /* forward reference needed */ void doShowSizes(); /* forward reference needed */ void doEdit(); /* forward reference needed */ void doPost() /* handle the post (really just a get for now) from Add or Edit of a pushQ record */ { int updateSize = 2456; int newqid = 0; char query[256]; char *submitbutton = cgiUsualString("submit" ,""); char *delbutton = cgiUsualString("delbutton" ,""); char *pushbutton = cgiUsualString("pushbutton" ,""); char *clonebutton = cgiUsualString("clonebutton" ,""); char *bouncebutton = cgiUsualString("bouncebutton",""); char *lockbutton = cgiUsualString("lockbutton" ,""); char *cancelbutton = cgiUsualString("cancelbutton" ,""); char *showSizes = cgiUsualString("showSizes" ,""); char *transfer = cgiUsualString("transfer" ,""); struct pushQ *q; bool isNew = FALSE; /* new rec */ bool isRedo = FALSE; /* need to return to edit form with error msg */ bool isOK = TRUE; /* is data valid length (not too large) */ bool lockOK = TRUE; /* assume for now lock state OK */ char newQid [sizeof(q->qid)] = ""; char newPriority[sizeof(q->priority)] = ""; safef(newQid, sizeof(newQid), "%s", cgiString("qid")); if (sameString(newQid,"")) { isNew = TRUE; } else { isNew = FALSE; } if (!isNew) { /* we need to preload q with existing values * because some fields like rank are not carried in form */ q = mustLoadPushQ(newQid); /* true means optional, it was asked if we could tolerate this, * e.g. delete, then hit back-button * user is trying to use back button to recover deleted rec safef(newQid, sizeof(newQid), "%s", ""); isNew = TRUE; */ /* check lock status */ if (sameString(cancelbutton,"Cancel")) /* user cancelled */ { /* unlock record */ safef(q->lockUser, sizeof(q->lockUser), "%s", ""); safef(q->lockDateTime, sizeof(q->lockDateTime), "%s", ""); pushQUpdate(conn, q, pushQtbl, updateSize); lockOK = FALSE; } else if (sameString(lockbutton,"Lock")) /* try to lock the record for editing */ { if (sameString(q->lockUser,"")) /* q->lockUser blank if nobody has lock */ { safef(q->lockUser, sizeof(q->lockUser), "%s", qaUser); strftime(q->lockDateTime, sizeof(q->lockDateTime), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", loctime); pushQUpdate(conn, q, pushQtbl, updateSize); lockOK = FALSE; } else { /* somebody else has lock-> */ lockOK = FALSE; } } else if (!sameString(q->lockUser,qaUser)) /* User supposed to already have lock, verify. */ { /* if lock was lost, what do we do now? */ if (sameString(q->lockUser,"")) { safef(msg,sizeof(msg), "%s", "Lost lock-> Must refresh data->"); } else { safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"Lost lock-> User %s currently has lock on Queue Id %s since %s->", q->lockUser,q->qid,q->lockDateTime); } lockOK = FALSE; } if (!lockOK) { doEdit(); pushQFree(&q); return; } } if (isNew) { AllocVar(q); newqid = getNextAvailQid(); safef(q->pqid, sizeof(q->pqid), "%s", ""); safef(q->pushState,sizeof(q->pushState),"N"); /* default to: push not done yet */ } safef(newPriority, sizeof(newPriority), "%s", cgiString("priority")); /* dates */ getCgiData(&isOK, FALSE, q->qadate , sizeof(q->qadate ), "qadate" ); getCgiData(&isOK, FALSE, q->initdate , sizeof(q->initdate ), "initdate" ); /* YN select listboxes */ getCgiData(&isOK, FALSE, q->newYN , sizeof(q->newYN ), "newYN" ); getCgiData(&isOK, FALSE, q->makeDocYN , sizeof(q->makeDocYN ), "makeDocYN" ); getCgiData(&isOK, FALSE, q->ndxYN , sizeof(q->ndxYN ), "ndxYN" ); getCgiData(&isOK, FALSE, q->joinerYN , sizeof(q->joinerYN ), "joinerYN" ); getCgiData(&isOK, FALSE, q->importance, sizeof(q->importance), "importance" ); /* chr(255) strings */ getCgiData(&isOK, TRUE ,&q->track , 256 , "track" ); getCgiData(&isOK, TRUE ,&q->dbs , 256 , "dbs" ); getCgiData(&isOK, TRUE ,&q->cgis , 256 , "cgis" ); getCgiData(&isOK, TRUE ,&q->stat , 256 , "stat" ); /* integers */ if (sscanf(cgiString("sizeMB"),"%u",&q->sizeMB) != 1) { q->sizeMB = 0; } /* strings of various sizes */ getCgiData(&isOK, FALSE, q->currLoc , sizeof(q->currLoc ), "currLoc" ); getCgiData(&isOK, FALSE, q->onlineHelp, sizeof(q->onlineHelp), "onlineHelp"); getCgiData(&isOK, FALSE, q->sponsor , sizeof(q->sponsor ), "sponsor" ); getCgiData(&isOK, FALSE, q->reviewer , sizeof(q->reviewer ), "reviewer" ); getCgiData(&isOK, FALSE, q->extSource , sizeof(q->extSource ), "extSource" ); /* blobs */ getCgiData(&isOK, TRUE ,&q->tbls , -1 , "tbls" ); getCgiData(&isOK, TRUE ,&q->files , -1 , "files" ); getCgiData(&isOK, TRUE ,&q->featureBits, -1 , "featureBits"); getCgiData(&isOK, TRUE ,&q->openIssues, -1 , "openIssues"); getCgiData(&isOK, TRUE ,&q->notes , -1 , "notes" ); getCgiData(&isOK, TRUE ,&q->releaseLog, -1 , "releaseLog"); getCgiData(&isOK, TRUE ,&q->releaseLogUrl, -1 , "releaseLogUrl"); /* check for things too big */ if (!isOK) { isRedo = TRUE; } if ((q->sizeMB < 0) || (q->sizeMB > 100000000)) { safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"Size(MB): invalid size.
\n"); isRedo = TRUE; } if (!isDateValid(cgiString("qadate"))) { safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"Date format invalid, should be YYYY-MM-DD.
\n"); isRedo = TRUE; } if (strlen(cgiString("track"))>255) { safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"Track: too long for field, 255 char max.
\n"); isRedo = TRUE; } if (strlen(cgiString("dbs"))>255) { safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"Database: too long for field, 255 char max.
\n"); isRedo = TRUE; } if (strlen(cgiString("cgis"))>255) { safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"CGIs: too long for field, 255 char max.
\n"); isRedo = TRUE; } if (strlen(cgiString("stat"))>255) { safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"Status: too long for field, 255 char max.
\n"); isRedo = TRUE; } /* need to do this before delete or will lose the record */ if ((sameString(pushbutton,"push requested"))&&(q->sizeMB==0)) { safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"Size (MB) should not be zero.
\n"); isRedo = TRUE; } if ((sameString(pushbutton,"push requested"))&&(!sameString(q->currLoc,"hgwbeta"))) { safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"Current Location should be hgwbeta.
\n"); isRedo = TRUE; } if ((sameString(pushbutton,"push requested"))&&(sameString(q->makeDocYN,"N"))) { safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"MakeDoc not verified.
\n"); isRedo = TRUE; } if ((sameString(pushbutton,"push requested"))&&(sameString(q->ndxYN,"N"))) { safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"Index not verified.
\n"); isRedo = TRUE; } if ((sameString(pushbutton,"push requested"))&&(sameString(q->joinerYN,"N"))) { safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"All->Joiner not verified.
\n"); isRedo = TRUE; } if ((sameString(bouncebutton,"bounce"))&&(!sameString(q->priority,"A"))) { safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"Only priority A records should be bounced.
\n"); isRedo = TRUE; } if ((sameString(bouncebutton,"unbounce"))&&(sameString(q->priority,"A"))) { safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"Priority A records should not be unbounced.
\n"); isRedo = TRUE; } if (isRedo) { replacePushQFields(q, isNew); pushQFree(&q); return; } if (sameString(bouncebutton,"bounce")) { safef(newPriority, sizeof(newPriority), "B"); safef(q->lastdate, sizeof(q->lastdate), "%s", q->qadate); strftime (q->qadate, sizeof(q->qadate), "%Y-%m-%d", loctime); /* set to today's date */ q->bounces++; } if (sameString(bouncebutton,"unbounce")) { safef(newPriority, sizeof(newPriority), "A"); safef(q->lastdate, sizeof(q->lastdate), "%s", q->qadate); strftime (q->qadate, sizeof(q->qadate), "%Y-%m-%d", loctime); /* set to today's date */ } /* check if priority class has changed, or deleted, then close ranks */ if ( (!sameString(newPriority,q->priority)) || (sameString(delbutton,"delete")) ) { /* first close the hole where it was */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set rank = rank - 1 where priority ='%s' and rank > %d ", pushQtbl, q->priority, q->rank); sqlUpdate(conn, query); } /* if not deleted, then if new or priority class change, then take last rank */ if (!sameString(delbutton,"delete")) { if ((!sameString(newPriority,q->priority)) || isNew) { q->rank = getNextAvailRank(newPriority); safef(q->priority, sizeof(q->priority), "%s", newPriority); } } if (q->priority[0]=='L') { q->rank = 0; } if (sameString(pushbutton,"push requested")) { /* reset pushState in case was prev-> a log already */ safef(q->pushState,sizeof(q->pushState),"Y"); } if (sameString(delbutton,"delete")) { /* delete old record */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "delete from %s where qid ='%s'", pushQtbl, q->qid); sqlUpdate(conn, query); } else { if (sameString(showSizes,"Show Sizes") || sameString(transfer,"Transfer")) { /* mark record as locked */ safef(q->lockUser, sizeof(q->lockUser), "%s", qaUser); strftime(q->lockDateTime, sizeof(q->lockDateTime), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", loctime); } else { /* unlock record */ safef(q->lockUser, sizeof(q->lockUser), "%s", ""); safef(q->lockDateTime, sizeof(q->lockDateTime), "%s", ""); } if (isNew) { /* save new record */ safef(msg, sizeof(msg), "%%0%dd", (int)sizeof(q->qid)-1); safef(newQid, sizeof(newQid), msg, newqid); safef(q->qid, sizeof(q->qid), "%s", newQid); safef(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s", ""); pushQSaveToDb(conn, q, pushQtbl, updateSize); } else { /* update existing record */ pushQUpdate(conn, q, pushQtbl, updateSize); } } if (sameString(clonebutton,"clone")) { /* save new clone */ safef(q->pqid,sizeof(q->pqid), "%s", q->qid); /* daughter will point to parent */ newqid = getNextAvailQid(); safef(msg, sizeof(msg), "%%0%dd", (int)sizeof(q->qid)-1); safef(newQid, sizeof(newQid), msg, newqid); safef(q->qid, sizeof(q->qid), "%s", newQid); safef(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s", ""); if (q->priority[0]=='L') { q->rank = 0; } else { q->rank = getNextAvailRank(q->priority); } safef(q->pushState,sizeof(q->pushState),"N"); /* default to: push not done yet */ pushQSaveToDb(conn, q, pushQtbl, updateSize); } if (sameString(showSizes,"Show Sizes")) { cgiVarSet("qid", q->qid); /* for new rec */ doShowSizes(); } else if (sameString(transfer,"Transfer")) { cgiVarSet("qid", q->qid); /* for new rec */ doTransfer(); } else if (sameString(submitbutton,"Submit")) { /* if submit button, saved data, now return to readonly view-> */ safef(msg, sizeof(msg), "Data saved->"); cgiVarSet("qid", q->qid); /* for new rec */ doEdit(); } else { doDisplay(); } pushQFree(&q); } void doEdit() /* Handle edit request for a pushQ entry */ { int updateSize = 2456; struct pushQ *q; q = loadPushQ(cgiString("qid")); if (!q) { printf("Queue Id %s not found.", cgiString("qid")); return; } if ( sameString(qaUser,"kuhn") || sameString(qaUser,"kuhn2") || sameString(qaUser,"mary") || sameString(qaUser,"ann") || sameString(qaUser,"antonio") ) /* for users that want to automatically try to lock record immediately */ { if (sameString(action,"edit") || sameString(action,"setSize")) { if (sameString(q->lockUser,"")) /* q->lockUser blank if nobody has lock */ { safef(q->lockUser, sizeof(q->lockUser), "%s", qaUser); strftime(q->lockDateTime, sizeof(q->lockDateTime), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", loctime); pushQUpdate(conn, q, pushQtbl, updateSize); } } else /* we are coming back from a post? so return to display automatically */ { doDisplay(); return; /* this is needed? */ } } replacePushQFields(q, FALSE); /* new rec = false */ pushQFree(&q); } void doSetSize() /* save sizeMB */ { struct pushQ *q; char tempSizeMB[10]; int updateSize=2456; q = loadPushQ(cgiString("qid")); if (!q) { printf("Queue Id %s not found.", cgiString("qid")); return; } safef(tempSizeMB,sizeof(tempSizeMB), "%s", cgiUsualString("sizeMB","")); if (!sameString(tempSizeMB,"")) { if (sscanf(tempSizeMB,"%u",&q->sizeMB) != 1) { q->sizeMB = 0; } } pushQUpdate(conn, q, pushQtbl, updateSize); doEdit(); pushQFree(&q); } void doLogin() /* make form for login */ { printf("


\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("User:\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("Password:\n"); printf("\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf(" \n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("
\n"); if (sameString(utsName.nodename,"hgwdev")) { printf("


\n",utsName.nodename); } printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("%s
\n",msg); } void doLogoutMsg() /* let user know logged-out ok */ { printf("

Logged Out

\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); } void doCookieReset() /* reset cookie, will cause new login next time */ { htmlSetCookie("qapushq", "", NULL, NULL, ".cse.ucsc.edu", FALSE); htmShell(TITLE, doLogoutMsg, NULL); } bool readAUser(struct users *u, bool optional) /* read data for my user */ { char query[256]; char **row; struct sqlResult *sr; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from users where user = '%s'",u->user); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); row = sqlNextRow(sr); if (row == NULL) { if (optional) { sqlFreeResult(&sr); return FALSE; } else { errAbort("%s not found.",u->user); } } else { usersStaticLoad(row,u); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); return TRUE; } void readMyUser() /* read data for my user */ { int i = 1; /* because it should start right off with ? */ char tempVar[2048]; char tempVarName[256]; char tempVal[2048]; if ((qaUser == NULL) || (sameString(qaUser,""))) { return; } safef(myUser.user, sizeof(myUser.user), "%s", qaUser); readAUser(&myUser, FALSE); while(parseList(myUser.contents,'?',i,tempVar,sizeof(tempVar))) { parseList(tempVar,'=',0,tempVarName,sizeof(tempVarName)); parseList(tempVar,'=',1,tempVal,sizeof(tempVal)); if (sameString(tempVarName,"showColumns")) { showColumns = cloneString(tempVal); } if (sameString(tempVarName,"org")) { safef(pushQtbl, sizeof(pushQtbl), "%s", tempVal); } if (sameString(tempVarName,"month")) { safef(month, sizeof(month), "%s", tempVal); } if (sameString(tempVarName,"oldRandState")) { oldRandState = cloneString(tempVal); } i++; } } void saveMyUser(); /* forward declaration */ void doPostLogin() /* process Login post */ { char *tbl = "users"; char query[256]; struct users u; char *userPassword = NULL; bool loginOK = FALSE; char *meta = "" "" "" "Meta Redirect Code" "" "" ""; userPassword = cgiString("password"); ZeroVar(&u); u.next = NULL; safef(u.user, sizeof(u.user), "%s", cgiString("user")); conn = sqlConnectRemote(host, user, password, database); /* do db conn here special for login */ if (!readAUser(&u, TRUE)) { /* unknown user not allowed */ safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"Invalid user or password."); } else { if (strlen(u.password)==0) { /* if pwd in db is blank, use this as their new password and encrypt it and save in db. */ if (strlen(userPassword) < 6) { /* bad pwd */ safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"Invalid password. Password must be at least 6 characters long."); } else { encryptNewPWD(userPassword, u.password, sizeof(u.password)); sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set password = '%s' where user = '%s' ", tbl, u.password, u.user); sqlUpdate(conn, query); loginOK = TRUE; } } else { /* verify password matches db */ if (checkPWD(userPassword, u.password)) { /* good pwd, save user in cookie */ loginOK = TRUE; } else { /* bad pwd */ safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"Invalid user or password."); } } } if (loginOK) { /* try to make same cookie work with both hgwdev and hgwbeta to obviate need for double-login */ /* note: for permanent cookie, set NULL to expire in format "Wdy, DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT" (must be GMT) */ htmlSetCookie("qapushq", u.user, NULL, NULL, ".cse.ucsc.edu", FALSE); qaUser=u.user; oldRandState=""; showColumns=cloneString(defaultColumns); readMyUser(); oldRandState=""; saveMyUser(); safef(msg, sizeof(msg),"Login successful."); htmShellWithHead(TITLE, meta, doMsg ,NULL); /* this is now the only redirect */ } else { htmShell(TITLE, doLogin, NULL); } sqlDisconnect(&conn); } void saveMyUser() /* read data for my user */ { char *tbl = "users"; struct dyString * query = NULL; query = newDyString(2048); if ((qaUser == NULL) || (sameString(qaUser,""))) { return; } sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "update %s set contents = '?showColumns=%s?org=%s?month=%s?oldRandState=%s' where user = '%s'", tbl, showColumns, pushQtbl, month, oldRandState, myUser.user); sqlUpdate(conn, query->string); freeDyString(&query); } void XdoPromoteColumn(int change) /* Promote the column * 1 = promote, 0 = hide, -1 = demote */ { char target[256] = ""; int i = 0; char tempBefore[256] = ""; char tempVal [256] = ""; char tempAfter [256] = ""; char tempSwap [256] = ""; struct dyString * s = NULL; s = newDyString(2048); /* need room */ safef(target, sizeof(target), "%s", cgiString("col")); while(TRUE) { parseList(showColumns,',',i,tempAfter,sizeof(tempAfter)); if ((tempBefore[0]==0) && (tempVal[0]==0) && (tempAfter[0]==0)) { break; } if (sameString(target,tempVal)) { if (change==1) { /* swap places with Before */ safef(tempSwap , sizeof(tempSwap ), "%s", tempBefore); safef(tempBefore, sizeof(tempBefore), "%s", tempVal ); safef(tempVal , sizeof(tempVal ), "%s", tempSwap ); } if (change==0) { /* remove */ tempVal[0]=0; /* set to empty string, output will be skipped */ } if (change==-1) { /* swap places with After */ safef(tempSwap , sizeof(tempSwap ), "%s", tempAfter ); safef(tempAfter , sizeof(tempAfter ), "%s", tempVal ); safef(tempVal , sizeof(tempVal ), "%s", tempSwap ); } change = 99; /* just suppress any more changes */ } if (!sameString(tempBefore,"")) { dyStringPrintf(s, "%s,", tempBefore); } /* roll 'em! */ safef(tempBefore, sizeof(tempBefore), "%s", tempVal ); safef(tempVal , sizeof(tempVal) , "%s", tempAfter); i++; } showColumns = cloneString(s->string); freeDyString(&s); showColumns[strlen(showColumns)-1]=0; /* chop off trailing comma */ doDisplay(); } void doPromoteColumn() { XdoPromoteColumn(1); } void doHideColumn() { XdoPromoteColumn(0); } void doDemoteColumn() { XdoPromoteColumn(-1); } void doShowAllColumns() /* Display hidden columns available for resurrection */ { int c = 0; char templist[512]; char tempe[64]; printf("

Show Hidden Columns

\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("RETURN
", newRandState); printf("
\n"); printf("Click on any column below to un-hide it.
\n"); printf("
\n"); safef(templist,sizeof(templist),",%s,",showColumns); /* add sentinel comma values to the ends of the col list */ for (c=0; c%s

", colName[c], newRandState, colName[c]); } } printf("
\n"); printf("RETURN
", newRandState); } void doShowColumn() /* Make column visible again */ { struct dyString * s = NULL; char *colName = NULL; char templist[512]; char tempe[64]; s = newDyString(2048); /* need room */ colName = cgiString("colName"); mapFieldToEnum(colName,TRUE); /* this will make sure it exists or errAbort */ safef(templist,sizeof(templist),",%s,",showColumns); /* add sentinel comma values to the ends of the col list */ safef(tempe,sizeof(tempe),",%s,",colName); /* add sentinel comma values to the ends of the col element */ if (strstr(templist,tempe)==NULL) /* make sure not already in list */ { dyStringAppend(s, showColumns); dyStringPrintf(s, ",%s", colName); showColumns = cloneString(s->string); } freeDyString(&s); doDisplay(); } void doShowDefaultColumns() /* Show Default Columns in default order */ { showColumns = cloneString(defaultColumns); doDisplay(); } void doShowMonths() /* This gives the user a choice of months to filter on */ { struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; char query[256]; printf("

Logs for Month

\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("Current
\n", newRandState); printf("
\n"); sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select distinct substring(qadate,1,7) from %s where priority='L' order by qadate desc",pushQtbl); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { printf("%s
\n",row[0],newRandState,row[0]); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); printf("
\n"); printf("RETURN
", newRandState); } void getIndexes(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *tbl, char *s, int ssize) /* Get indexes with show index on table command. Return -1 if err. * Will match multiple if "%" used in tbl */ { char query[256]; char **row; struct sqlResult *sr; char *fld = NULL; int f = 0, i = 0, n = 0, c = 0; char lastKeyName[256]=""; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "show index from %s",tbl); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); f = 0; i = 0; n = 0; if (ssize > 0) s[0]=0; while ((fld = sqlFieldName(sr)) != NULL) { if (sameString(fld,"Key_name")) { n = f; } if (sameString(fld,"Column_name")) { i = f; } f++; } while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { c++; if (sameString(row[n],lastKeyName)) { strcat(s,"+"); strcat(s,row[i]); } else { if (c > 1) { strcat(s,", "); } strcat(s, row[i]); safef(lastKeyName, sizeof(lastKeyName), "%s", row[n]); } } sqlFreeResult(&sr); sqlDisconnect(&conn); } void mySprintWithCommas(char *s, int slength, long long size) /* the one in obscure.c was overflowing, so here's mine */ { char *temp=NULL; char sep[2]=""; s[0]=0; temp = needMem(slength); while (size >= 1000) { safef(temp, slength, "%s", s); safef(s,slength,"%03d%s%s",(int)(size%1000),sep,temp); size/=1000; safef(sep,sizeof(sep),","); } if (size > 0) { safef(temp, slength, "%s", s); safef(s,slength,"%3d%s%s",(int)size,sep,temp); } else { safef(s,slength,"0"); /* special case zero*/ } freez(&temp); } long long pq_getTableSize(char *rhost, char *db, char *tbl, int *errCount) /* added extension pq_ to supress name conflict in hdb.c */ /* Get table size via show table status command. Return -1 if err. * Will match multiple if "%" used in tbl */ { char query[256]; char **row; struct sqlResult *sr; char *fld = NULL; int f = 0, d = 0, i = 0, n = 0, c = 0; unsigned long size = 0; long long totalsize = 0; char nicenumber[256]=""; char indexlist[256]=""; char *host = NULL; char *user = NULL; char *password = NULL; struct sqlConnection *conn = NULL; host = cfgOption("db.host" ); user = cfgOption("db.user" ); password = cfgOption("db.password"); if ((sameString(utsName.nodename,"hgwbeta")) && (sameString(rhost,"hgwdev"))) { host = "hgwdev"; user = cfgOption("db.user" ); password = cfgOption("db.password"); } if ((sameString(utsName.nodename,"hgwdev")) && (sameString(rhost,"hgwbeta"))) { // inaccurate but doesn't matter since we only use it to test qaPushQ cgi on dev. host = cfgOption("central.host" ); user = cfgOption("central.user" ); password = cfgOption("central.password"); } conn = sqlConnectRemote(host, user, password, db); sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "show table status like '%s'",tbl); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); f = 0; d = 0; i = 0; n = 0; while ((fld = sqlFieldName(sr)) != NULL) { if (sameString(fld,"Name")) { n = f; } if (sameString(fld,"Data_length")) { d = f; } if (sameString(fld,"Index_length")) { i = f; } f++; } while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { c++; printf(""); printf("%s",row[n]); sscanf(row[d],"%lu",&size); totalsize+=size; mySprintWithCommas(nicenumber, sizeof(nicenumber), size); printf("%s",nicenumber); sscanf(row[i],"%lu",&size); totalsize+=size; mySprintWithCommas(nicenumber, sizeof(nicenumber), size); printf("%s",nicenumber); getIndexes( sqlConnectRemote(host, user, password, db), row[n], indexlist, sizeof(indexlist)); printf("%s",indexlist); printf("\n"); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); if (c == 0) { printf("%s%s\n",tbl,"error fetching"); ++(*errCount); } sqlDisconnect(&conn); return totalsize; } void cutParens(char *s) /* internally modify string to remove parens and anything they contain. nested ok, but must be balanced. */ { int i=0,j=0,l=0,c=0; l=strlen(s); for(i=0;i<=l;i++) { switch (s[i]) { case '(': c++; break; case ')': c--; break; case 0: c = 0; default: if (c==0) { s[j++]=s[i]; } } } } void whiteSpace(char *s) /* internally modify string to convert whitespace to space chars. */ { char *ss = NULL; int i=0,ii=0,l=0; char c=' '; l=strlen(s); ss =needMem(l+1); for(i=0;i<=l;i++) { c = s[i]; switch (c) { case '\t' : case '\n' : case '\r' : case '\f' : c = ' '; default: ss[ii++]=c; } } safef(s, l+1, "%s", ss); } void doShowSizes() /* show the sizes of all the track tables, cgis, and general files in separate window target= _blank */ { char tbl[BLSIZE] = ""; char db[1024] = ""; off_t size = 0; off_t totalsize = 0; unsigned long sizeMB = 0; int errCount = 0; off_t totalTable = 0; off_t totalGbdb = 0; off_t totalGoldenPath = 0; int tableCount = 0; int gbdbCount = 0; int goldenCount = 0; int i = 0, ii = 0, iii = 0; int j = 0, jj = 0, jjj = 0; int g = 0, gg = 0, ggg = 0; char nicenumber[1024]=""; struct pushQ *q; char newQid[sizeof(q->qid)] = ""; char dbsComma[1024]; char dbsSpace[1024]; char dbsVal[1024]; char d; char tempComma[BLSIZE]; char tempSpace[BLSIZE]; char tempVal[BLSIZE]; char c; char gComma[BLSIZE]; char gSpace[BLSIZE]; char gVal[BLSIZE]; char gc; char cgiPath[1024]; char pathName[1024]; char filePath[1024]; char fileName[1024]; char *found=NULL; struct fileInfo *fi = NULL; char *crossUrl = ""; safef(newQid, sizeof(newQid), "%s", cgiString("qid")); printf("

Show File Sizes

\n"); q = mustLoadPushQ(newQid); if (crossPost) // support showSizes across machines { crossUrl = sameString(utsName.nodename, "hgwdev") ? "http://hgwbeta.cse.ucsc.edu" : "http://hgwdev.cse.ucsc.edu"; } printf("HELP \n", crossUrl,q->qid,newRandState); printf("RETURN \n",crossUrl,newQid,newRandState); printf("
\n"); printf("Location: %s
\n",q->currLoc); printf("Database: %s
\n",q->dbs ); /* deemed too verbose: */ //printf(" Tables: %s
\n",q->tbls ); //printf(" CGIs: %s
\n",q->cgis ); //printf(" Files: %s
\n",q->files ); cutParens(q->dbs); cutParens(q->tbls); cutParens(q->cgis); cutParens(q->files); whiteSpace(q->dbs); whiteSpace(q->tbls); whiteSpace(q->cgis); whiteSpace(q->files); q->tbls = replaceChars(q->tbls,"chrN_","chr*_"); q->tbls = replaceChars(q->tbls,"\\","\\\\"); q->tbls = replaceChars(q->tbls,"%","\\%"); q->tbls = replaceChars(q->tbls,"_","\\_"); for(j=0;parseList(q->dbs, ',' ,j,dbsComma,sizeof(dbsComma));j++) { if (dbsComma[0]==0) { continue; } for(jj=0;parseList(dbsComma, ' ' ,jj,dbsSpace,sizeof(dbsSpace));jj++) { if (dbsSpace[0]==0) { continue; } dbsVal[0]=0; for (jjj=0;jjj<=strlen(dbsSpace);jjj++) { d = dbsSpace[jjj]; if ( ((d>='A')&&(d<='Z')) || ((d>='a')&&(d<='z')) || ((d>='0')&&(d<='9')) ) { dbsVal[jjj]=d; } else { dbsVal[jjj]=0; break; } } if (dbsVal[0]!=0) { safef(db,sizeof(db),"%s",dbsVal); printf("
\n"); printf("

%s on %s:

\n",db,q->currLoc); printf(""); printf("" "" "" "" ); /* we parsed the db multiples, now parse the tbl mutiples */ for(i=0;parseList(q->tbls, ',' ,i,tempComma,sizeof(tempComma));i++) { if (tempComma[0]==0) { continue; } for(ii=0;parseList(tempComma, ' ' ,ii,tempSpace,sizeof(tempSpace));ii++) { if (tempSpace[0]==0) { continue; } tempVal[0]=0; for (iii=0;iii<=strlen(tempSpace);iii++) { c = tempSpace[iii]; if (c=='*') c = '%'; if ( ((c>='A')&&(c<='Z')) || ((c>='a')&&(c<='z')) || ((c>='0')&&(c<='9')) || (c=='_') || (c=='%') || (c=='\\') ) { tempVal[iii]=c; } else { tempVal[iii]=0; break; } } if (tempVal[0]!=0) { safef(tbl,sizeof(tbl),"%s",tempVal); long long tableSize = pq_getTableSize(q->currLoc,db,tbl,&errCount); totalsize += tableSize; totalTable += tableSize; ++tableCount; } } } printf("
Tabledata sizeindex sizeindex keys
"); } } } if (!sameString(q->cgis,"")) { printf("
\n"); printf("

CGIs on %s:

\n",utsName.nodename); printf(""); printf(""); for(g=0;parseList(q->cgis, ',' ,g,gComma,sizeof(gComma));g++) { if (gComma[0]==0) { continue; } for(gg=0;parseList(gComma, ' ' ,gg,gSpace,sizeof(gSpace));gg++) { if (gSpace[0]==0) { continue; } gVal[0]=0; for (ggg=0;ggg<=strlen(gSpace);ggg++) { gc = gSpace[ggg]; if ( ((gc>='A')&&(gc<='Z')) || ((gc>='a')&&(gc<='z')) || ((gc>='0')&&(gc<='9')) || (gc=='.') ) { gVal[ggg]=gc; } else { gVal[ggg]=0; break; } } if (gVal[0]!=0) { safef(cgiPath,sizeof(cgiPath),"%s%s","./",gVal); size=fileSize(cgiPath); if (size == -1) { printf("\n",gVal); ++errCount; } else { totalsize+=size; sprintLongWithCommas(nicenumber, size); printf("\n",gVal,nicenumber); } } } } printf("
cgi# bytes
%snot found
"); } if (!sameString(q->files,"")) { printf("
\n"); printf("

Files on %s:

\n",utsName.nodename); printf(""); printf(""); for(g=0;parseList(q->files, ',' ,g,gComma,sizeof(gComma));g++) { if (gComma[0]==0) { continue; } for(gg=0;parseList(gComma, ' ' ,gg,gSpace,sizeof(gSpace));gg++) { if (gSpace[0]==0) { continue; } gVal[0]=0; for (ggg=0;ggg<=strlen(gSpace);ggg++) { gc = gSpace[ggg]; if ( ((gc>='A')&&(gc<='Z')) || ((gc>='a')&&(gc<='z')) || ((gc>='0')&&(gc<='9')) || (gc=='.') || (gc=='/') || (gc=='-') || (gc=='_') || (gc=='*') ) { gVal[ggg]=gc; } else { gVal[ggg]=0; break; } } if (gVal[0]!=0) { if (strrchr(gVal, '*') == NULL) { /* no wildcards in filename, do it the normal way */ safef(pathName,sizeof(pathName),"%s",gVal); size=fileSize(pathName); if (size == -1) { printf("\n",gVal); ++errCount; } else { totalsize+=size; sprintLongWithCommas(nicenumber, size); printf("\n",gVal,nicenumber); if (startsWith("/gbdb/", pathName)) { totalGbdb+=size; ++gbdbCount; } if (stringIn("/goldenPath/", pathName)) { totalGoldenPath+=size; ++goldenCount; } } } else { /* wildcards found in name, use listDirX */ printf("\n",gVal); found = strrchr(gVal, '/'); if (found == NULL) { filePath[0]=0; safef(fileName,sizeof(fileName),"%s",gVal); } else { *found = 0; safef(filePath,sizeof(filePath),"%s",gVal); found++; safef(fileName,sizeof(fileName),"%s",found); } for (fi = listDirXExt(filePath,fileName,FALSE,TRUE);fi!=NULL;fi=fi->next) { if (fi->statErrno > 0) // usually due to bad symlink { char *errStr = htmlEncode(strerror(fi->statErrno)); printf("\n" , fi->name , errStr); freeMem(errStr); ++errCount; } else if (fi->isDir) { printf("\n",fi->name); ++errCount; } else { totalsize+=fi->size; if (startsWith("/gbdb/", filePath)) { ++gbdbCount; totalGbdb+=fi->size; } if (stringIn("/goldenPath/", filePath)) { ++goldenCount; totalGoldenPath+=fi->size; } sprintLongWithCommas(nicenumber, fi->size); printf("\n",fi->name,nicenumber); } } printf("\n"); /* spacer */ } } } } printf("
file# bytes
%snot found
expansion for %s
%s" "stat() failed: %s
error: %s is a directory
"); } if (totalTable > 0) { printf("
\n"); mySprintWithCommas(nicenumber, sizeof(nicenumber), totalTable); printf(" Total size of tables: %s ",nicenumber); sprintWithGreekByte(nicenumber, sizeof(nicenumber), totalTable); printf("  ( %s ) ",nicenumber); mySprintWithCommas(nicenumber, sizeof(nicenumber), tableCount); printf("  ( %s tables )
\n", nicenumber); } if (totalGbdb > 0) { printf("
\n"); mySprintWithCommas(nicenumber, sizeof(nicenumber), totalGbdb); printf(" Total size of /gbdb/ files: %s ",nicenumber); sprintWithGreekByte(nicenumber, sizeof(nicenumber), totalGbdb); printf("  ( %s ) ",nicenumber); mySprintWithCommas(nicenumber, sizeof(nicenumber), gbdbCount); printf("  ( %s gbdb files )
\n", nicenumber); } if (totalGoldenPath > 0) { printf("
\n"); mySprintWithCommas(nicenumber, sizeof(nicenumber), totalGoldenPath); printf(" Total size of .../goldenPath/ files: %s ",nicenumber); sprintWithGreekByte(nicenumber, sizeof(nicenumber), totalGoldenPath); printf("  ( %s ) ",nicenumber); mySprintWithCommas(nicenumber, sizeof(nicenumber), goldenCount); printf("  ( %s goldenPath files )
\n", nicenumber); } printf("
\n"); mySprintWithCommas(nicenumber, sizeof(nicenumber), totalsize); printf(" Total size of all: %s ",nicenumber); sprintWithGreekByte(nicenumber, sizeof(nicenumber), totalsize); printf("  ( %s )
\n",nicenumber); printf("
\n"); sizeMB = (((totalsize * 1.0) / (1024 * 1024)) + 0.5); if ((sizeMB == 0) && (totalsize > 0)) { sizeMB = 1; } sprintLongWithCommas(nicenumber, sizeMB ); printf("

Total: %s MB",nicenumber); if (errCount) { printf("   Errors: %d",errCount); } printf("

\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("" "Set Size as %s MB
\n",crossUrl,newQid,sizeMB,newRandState,nicenumber); printf("
\n"); printf("RETURN
\n",crossUrl,newQid,newRandState); pushQFree(&q); } void listQueues(char *action, boolean isTransfer); /* forward decl */ void doTransfer() /* Present choice of queues to which the selected and locked record may be transferred */ { struct pushQ *q; char newQid[sizeof(q->qid)] = ""; char tempUrl[256]; ZeroVar(&q); safef(newQid, sizeof(newQid), "%s", cgiString("qid")); printf("

Transfer Queue Entry %s:%s to Another Queue

\n", pushQtbl, newQid); q=mustLoadPushQ(newQid); printf("RETURN \n",newQid,newRandState); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); safef(tempUrl, sizeof(tempUrl), "action=transferTo&qid=%s&toOrg", newQid); listQueues(tempUrl, TRUE); printf("RETURN
\n",newQid,newRandState); pushQFree(&q); } void doTransferTo() /* Execute transfer of qid from current pushQtbl to named target Q table */ { struct pushQ *q; int updateSize = 2456; /* almost anything works here */ char *toOrg = cgiString("toOrg"); /* required cgi var */ char *origQid = NULL; int newqid = 0; char newQid [sizeof(q->qid)] = ""; char *savePushQtbl = cloneString(pushQtbl); char query[256]; origQid = cloneString(cgiString("qid")); /* required cgi var */ /* get the data from the record */ q = mustLoadPushQ(origQid); /* first close the hole where it was */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set rank = rank - 1 where priority ='%s' and rank > %d ", pushQtbl, q->priority, q->rank); sqlUpdate(conn, query); /* delete old record */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "delete from %s where qid ='%s'", pushQtbl, origQid); sqlUpdate(conn, query); /* temporarily set pushQtbl to target */ safef(pushQtbl, sizeof(pushQtbl), "%s",toOrg); /* unlock record - don't want it to keep the lock status after xfer */ safef(q->lockUser, sizeof(q->lockUser), "%s",""); safef(q->lockDateTime, sizeof(q->lockDateTime), "%s",""); /* get the maxQid from the target Q tbl */ newqid = getNextAvailQid(); safef(msg, sizeof(msg), "%%0%dd", (int)sizeof(q->qid)-1); safef(newQid, sizeof(newQid), msg, newqid); safef(q->qid, sizeof(q->qid), "%s", newQid); safef(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s", ""); /* get the maxrank from the target Q tbl for given priority */ if (q->priority[0]=='L') { q->rank = 0; } else { q->rank = getNextAvailRank(q->priority); } /* clear parent link since can not be maintained */ safef(q->pqid, sizeof(q->pqid), "%s", ""); /* save record into new target Q */ pushQSaveToDb(conn, q, pushQtbl, updateSize); /* restore pushQtbl */ safef(pushQtbl, sizeof(pushQtbl), "%s", savePushQtbl); /* set msg to display the new Qid to the user, visible on return */ safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"Transferred %s Qid %s to %s Qid %s.
\n", pushQtbl, origQid, toOrg, q->qid); doDisplay(); freez(&origQid); freez(&savePushQtbl); pushQFree(&q); } void doShowDisplayHelp() /* show the sizes of all the track tables, cgis, and general files in separate window target= _blank */ { printf("

Display Help

\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("ADD - add a new Push Queue record.
\n"); printf("Logout - clears your cookie and logs out.
\n"); printf("All Columns - allows you to bring back hidden columns.
\n"); printf("Default Columns - reset your column preferences to default columns and order.
\n"); printf("Log by Month - view old log records by month
\n"); printf("Gateway - click to select alternate push queues, if any, e.g. new track/org
\n"); printf("HELP - click to see this help.
\n"); printf("Refresh - click to see if others have made changes.
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("! - click to hide a column you do not wish to see.
\n"); printf("< - click to move the column to the left.
\n"); printf("> - click to move the column to the right.
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("^ - click to raise the priority of the record higher within the priority-class.
\n"); printf("v - click to lower the priority.
\n"); printf("T - click to raise to top priority.
\n"); printf("B - click to lower to bottom priority.
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("Queue Id - click to edit or see the details page for the record.
\n"); printf("
\n"); -printf("CLOSE
\n"); +printf("CLOSE
\n"); +jsOnEventById("click", "closeIt", "window.close();"); } void doShowEditHelp() /* show the sizes of all the track tables, cgis, and general files in separate window target= _blank */ { struct pushQ q; ZeroVar(&q); safef(q.qid, sizeof(q.qid), "%s", cgiString("qid")); printf("

Details/Edit Help

\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("CANCEL - click to return to main display without saving changes.
\n"); printf("HELP - click to see this help.
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("Initial submission - displays date automatically generated when push queue record is created.
\n"); printf("Importance - from Redmine.
\n"); printf("Date Opened - date QA (re)opened. (YYYY-MM-DD) Defaults originally to current date to save typing.
\n"); printf("New track? - choose Y if this is a new track (i.e. has never before appeared on beta).
\n"); printf("Track - enter the track name as it will appear in the genome browser (use the shortLabel).
\n"); printf("Release Log- enter the short Label (usually) followed by notes in parentheses if any. This appears in the release log unless empty.
\n"); printf("Databases - enter db name. May be comma-separated list if more than one organism, etc.
\n"); printf("Tables - enter as comma-separated list all tables that apply. They must exist in the database specified. Wildcard * supported. (Put comments in parentheses).
\n"); printf("CGIs - enter names of any new cgis that are applicable. Must be found on hgwbeta.
\n"); printf("Files - enter pathnames of any additional files if needed.
\n"); printf("Size(MB) - enter the size of the total push in megabytes (MB).
\n"); printf("Show Sizes button - click to see a complete list of sizes of all tables and cgis. Tables are relative to Current Location specified.
\n"); printf("Current Location - chooose the current location of the files. Should default to hgwdev at start, after sudo mypush to hgwbeta, change this to hgwbeta.
\n"); printf("Makedoc verified? - choose Y if you have verified the MakeAssembly.doc in kent/src/hg/makeDb.
\n"); printf("Online help - enter status of online help. Verify hgTracksHelp
\n"); printf("Index verified? - choose Y if the index has been verified. Use the ShowSizes button for a quick view.
\n"); printf("All.joiner verified? - choose Y if the all.joiner in /hg/makeDb/schema has been verified.
\n"); printf("Status - enter current status (255 char max). Put long notes in Open Issues or Notes.
\n"); printf("Sponsor - usually the developer.
\n"); printf("Reviewer - usually the QA person handling the push queue for the track.
\n"); printf("External Source or Collaborator - external contact outside our staff that may be involved.
\n"); printf("Open Issues - Record any remaining open issues that are not completely resolved (no size limit here).
\n"); printf("Notes - Any other notes you would like to make (no size limit here).
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("Submit button - save changes and return to main display.
\n"); printf("delete button - delete this push queue record and return to main display.
\n"); printf("push requested button - press only if you are QA staff and about to submit the push-request. It will try to verify that required entries are present.
\n"); printf("clone button - press if you wish to split the original push queue record into multiple parts. Saves typing, used rarely.
\n"); printf("bounce button - press to bounce from priority A, the QA queue, to B, the developer queue if it needs developer attention.
\n"); printf("transfer button - press to transfer the pushQ entry to another queue.
\n"); printf("lock - press lock to lock the record and edit it. When in edit mode, make your changes and submit. Do not leave the record locked.
\n"); printf("
\n"); -printf("CLOSE
\n"); +printf("CLOSE
\n"); +jsOnEventById("click", "closeIt", "window.close();"); } void doShowSizesHelp() /* show the sizes of all the track tables, cgis, and general files in separate window target= _blank */ { struct pushQ q; ZeroVar(&q); safef(q.qid, sizeof(q.qid), "%s", cgiString("qid")); printf("

Show File Sizes Help

\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("Tables: Shows sizes of database data and indexes.
\n"); printf("Expands wildcard * in table names list.
\n"); printf("Shows total index size, and the key expression of each index.
\n"); printf("Location of tables is relative to the Current Location setting in the record.
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("CGIs: shows files specified. Currently limited to checking localhost (hgwbeta in this case).
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("Total size of all: total size of all files found in bytes.
\n"); printf("Total: size in megabytes(MB) which is what should be entered into the size(MB) field of the push queue record.
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("RETURN - click to return to the details/edit page.
\n"); printf("Set Size As - click to set size to that found, and return to the details/edit page. Saves typing. Be sure to press submit to save changes.
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); -printf("CLOSE
\n"); +printf("CLOSE
\n"); +jsOnEventById("click", "closeIt", "window.close();"); } void checkConn2() /* get 2nd conn, if not already done */ { if (!conn2) conn2 = sqlConnectRemote(host, user, password, database); } boolean verifyTableIsQueue(char *table) /* Return TRUE if table is a push Q */ { boolean result = TRUE; char query[256]; char *field = NULL; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "describe %s",table); checkConn2(); field = sqlQuickString(conn2, query); result = sameString(field,"qid"); freez(&field); return result; } void listQueues(char *action, boolean isTransfer) /* list the available queues other than self */ { struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; char query[256]; char *monthChange = isTransfer ? "" : "&month=current"; if (!(isTransfer && sameString(pushQtbl,"pushQ"))) { char *extra = (sameString(pushQtbl,"pushQ") ? " (you are here)" : ""); printf("Main Push Queue%s
\n",action,"pushQ",monthChange,newRandState,extra); printf("
\n"); } sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "show tables"); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { if (!(isTransfer && sameString(row[0],pushQtbl)) && !sameString(row[0],"pushQ") && !sameString(row[0],"users") && !sameString(row[0],"gbjunk")) { if (verifyTableIsQueue(row[0])) { char *displayQ = row[0]; if (sameString(displayQ,"pushQ")) displayQ = "Main Push Queue"; char *extra = (sameString(row[0],pushQtbl) ? " (you are here)" : ""); printf("%s%s
\n",action,row[0],monthChange,newRandState,displayQ,extra); } } } sqlFreeResult(&sr); printf("
\n"); } void doShowGateway() /* This gives the user a choice of queues to use */ { printf("

Gateway - Choose Queue

\n"); printf("
\n"); listQueues("org", FALSE); printf("RETURN
\n",newRandState); } void doUnlock() /* currently a backdoor for logged-in users to unlock a record */ { struct pushQ *q; int updateSize = 2456; /* almost anything works here */ q = mustLoadPushQ(cgiString("qid")); /* required cgi var */ /* unlock record */ safef(q->lockUser, sizeof(q->lockUser), "%s",""); safef(q->lockDateTime, sizeof(q->lockDateTime), "%s",""); /* update existing record */ pushQUpdate(conn, q, pushQtbl, updateSize); pushQFree(&q); doDisplay(); } /* ======================================================== */ void doDrawReleaseLog(boolean isEncode) /* Test - draw the release log using log data in pushQ */ { char *centraldb = NULL; char *chost = NULL; char *cuser = NULL; char *cpassword = NULL; struct sqlConnection *betaconn = NULL; struct dbDb *ki=NULL, *kiList=NULL, *dbDbTemp=NULL; struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; char query[1024]; char tempName[256]; char now[256]; int m=0,d=0; int topCount=0; char *encodeClause = ""; if (isEncode) encodeClause = " and releaseLog like '%ENCODE%'"; ZeroVar(&dbDbTemp); chost = cfgOption("rrcentral.host" ); cuser = cfgOption("rrcentral.user" ); cpassword = cfgOption("rrcentral.password"); centraldb = cfgOption("rrcentral.db"); webStart(NULL, NULL, "Track and Table Releases"); // only allowed one connection at a time? sqlDisconnect(&conn); betaconn = sqlConnectRemote(chost, cuser, cpassword, centraldb); printf(" This page contains track and table release information for the following genome assemblies:
\n"); sqlSafef(query,sizeof(query), "select * from dbDb " "where active=1 " "order by orderKey, name desc"); sr = sqlGetResult(betaconn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { ki = dbDbLoad(row); slAddHead(&kiList, ki); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); slReverse(&kiList); sqlDisconnect(&betaconn); // are we really only allowed one remoteconn at a time? conn = sqlConnectRemote(host, user, password, database); /* filter the db list to make sure we actually have data */ struct dbDb *newList=NULL, *kiNext; for (ki = kiList; ki != NULL; ki = kiNext) { kiNext = ki->next; sqlSafef(query,sizeof(query), "select count(*) from pushQ " "where priority='L' and releaseLog != '' and (" "dbs like '%s' or " "dbs like '%s %%' or " "dbs like '%% %s' or " "dbs like '%% %s %%'" ") %-s" "order by qadate desc, qid desc", ki->name, ki->name, ki->name, ki->name, encodeClause ); if (sqlQuickNum(conn, query) > 0) { slAddHead(&newList, ki); } } slReverse(&newList); kiList = newList; /* 10 Latest Changes */ printf("
    \n"); printf("
  • 10 Latest Changes (all assemblies)
  • "); /* regular log index #links */ for (ki = kiList; ki != NULL; ki = ki->next) { safef(tempName, sizeof(tempName), "%s", ki->organism); if (!sameString(ki->organism, ki->genome)) { safef(tempName,sizeof(tempName),"%s",ki->genome); } printf("
  • %s %s (%s)
  • \n", ki->name,tempName,ki->description,ki->name); } printf("
\n"); printf("

\n"); printf(" For more information about the tracks and tables listed on this page, refer to the " "User's Guide.

\n"); strftime (now, sizeof(now), "%02d %b %Y", loctime); /* default to today's date */ printf("Last updated %s. Inquiries and feedback welcome.\n",now); /* 10 LATEST CHANGES */ webNewSection(" 10 Latest Changes (all assemblies)"); printf("\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" ); sqlSafef(query,sizeof(query), "select releaseLog, dbs, qadate, releaseLogUrl from pushQ " "where priority='L' and releaseLog != '' and dbs != '' %-s" "order by qadate desc, qid desc ", encodeClause ); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { sscanf(cloneStringZ(&row[2][5],2),"%d",&m); sscanf(cloneStringZ(&row[2][8],2),"%d",&d); { /* parse dblist and make sure it's kosher and active=1 good */ char* dbs = cloneString(row[1]); char dbsComma[1024]; char dbsSpace[1024]; struct dyString* dbList = newDyString(1024); int j = 0, jj = 0; char* sep = ""; boolean found = FALSE; cutParens(dbs); whiteSpace(dbs); for(j=0;parseList(dbs, ',' ,j,dbsComma,sizeof(dbsComma));j++) { if (dbsComma[0]==0) { continue; } for(jj=0;parseList(dbsComma, ' ' ,jj,dbsSpace,sizeof(dbsSpace));jj++) { if (dbsSpace[0]==0) { continue; } for (ki = kiList; ki != NULL; ki = ki->next) { if (sameWord(ki->name,dbsSpace)) { found = TRUE; dyStringPrintf(dbList,"%s%s",sep,dbsSpace); sep=","; } } } } if (found) { topCount++; printf("\n"); printf("\n" "\n" "\n", row[1], d, numberToMonth[m-1], cloneStringZ(row[2],4) ); } freez(&dbs); freeDyString(&dbList); if (topCount>=10) break; } } sqlFreeResult(&sr); printf("
Track/Table NameAssemblyRelease Date
\n"); if (sameOk(row[3], "")) { printf("%s", row[0]); } else { printf("%s", row[3], row[0]); } printf("%s%02d %s %s
\n"); /* REGULAR LOG */ for (ki = kiList; ki != NULL; ki = ki->next) { safef(tempName, sizeof(tempName), "%s", ki->organism); if (!sameString(ki->organism, ki->genome)) { safef(tempName,sizeof(tempName),"%s",ki->genome); } webNewSection("%s %s (%s, %s)", ki->name, tempName, ki->description, ki->name, ki->sourceName); printf("\n" "\n" " \n"); sqlSafef(query,sizeof(query), "select releaseLog, qadate, releaseLogUrl from pushQ " "where priority='L' and releaseLog != '' and (" "dbs like '%s' or " "dbs like '%s %%' or " "dbs like '%% %s' or " "dbs like '%% %s %%'" ") %-s" "order by qadate desc, qid desc", ki->name, ki->name, ki->name, ki->name, encodeClause ); //printf("query=%s\n",query); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { sscanf(cloneStringZ(&row[1][5],2),"%d",&m); sscanf(cloneStringZ(&row[1][8],2),"%d",&d); printf("\n"); printf( "\n" "\n", d, numberToMonth[m-1], cloneStringZ(row[1],4) ); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); printf("
Track/Table NameRelease Date\n" "
\n"); if (sameOk(row[2], "")) { printf("%s", row[0]); } else { printf("%s", row[2], row[0]); } printf("%02d %s %s
\n"); } dbDbFreeList(&kiList); webEnd(); } void doReleaseLogPush() /* fetch and write releaseLog and display cut-and-pastable push-request */ { //char *rlPath = "/goldenPath/releaseLogNew.html"; //char *apache = "/usr/local/apache/htdocs"; char *rlPath = "/trash/releaseLogNew.html"; char *apache = "/usr/local/apache"; char url[256] = ""; struct htmlPage *page = NULL; char filePath[256] = ""; FILE *f=NULL; safef(url, sizeof(url), "http://%s/cgi-bin/qaPushQ?action=releaseLog",utsName.nodename); page = htmlPageGet(url); if (page->status->status == 200) { safef(filePath,sizeof(filePath),"%s%s",apache,rlPath); f=mustOpen(filePath, "w"); mustWrite(f, page->htmlText, strlen(page->htmlText)); carefulClose(&f); printf("
\n"); printf("Updated release log html %s
\n",rlPath); printf("
\n"); printf("push-request:
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("Please push from beta to RR,MGC:
\n"); printf("   %s
\n",filePath); printf("
\n"); printf("Thanks!
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("See Release Log
\n",rlPath); } else { printf("Error reading %s: %d
\n",rlPath,page->status->status); } printf("
\n"); -printf("CLOSE
\n"); +printf("CLOSE
\n"); +jsOnEventById("click", "closeIt", "window.close();"); htmlPageFree(&page); } /* ======================================================== */ /* ------------------------------------------------------- */ void doMiddle() /* dispatch events */ { char *org = NULL; /* changes pushQtbl */ char *newmonth = NULL; /* changes month */ char *temp = NULL; char *reqRandState = NULL; /* debug * safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"db='%s', host='%s', user='%s', password='%s'
\n",database,host,user,password); htmShell("Push Queue debug", doMsg, NULL); exit(0); */ if (crossPost) // support showSizes across machines { //host = sameString(utsName.nodename, "hgwdev") ? "hgwbeta.cse.ucsc.edu" : "hgwdev.cse.ucsc.edu"; host = cfgOption("pq.crossHost"); } newRandState = randDigits(20); conn = sqlConnectRemote(host, user, password, database); setLock(); /* default columns */ showColumns = cloneString(defaultColumns); readMyUser(); org = cgiUsualString("org",""); /* get org, defaults to display of main push queue */ if (!sameString(org,"")) { safef(pushQtbl, sizeof(pushQtbl), "%s", org); } if (!sqlTableExists(conn, pushQtbl)) /* if pushQtbl no longer exists, switch to main "pushQ" and set action to "display" */ { safef(pushQtbl, sizeof(pushQtbl), "pushQ"); action=cloneString("display"); /* do not need to free action because it just points to a cgi-var hash element */ } newmonth = cgiUsualString("month",""); /* get month, if =current then resets to normal */ if (!sameString(newmonth,"")) { if (sameString(newmonth,"current")) { safef(month, sizeof(month), "%s", ""); } else { temp = needMem(strlen(newmonth)+1+3); safef(temp, strlen(newmonth)+1+3, "%s-01",newmonth); if (isDateValid(temp)) { safef(month, sizeof(month), "%s", newmonth); } } } if (sameString(action,"unlock")) { /* user probably didnt type in the right cachebuster cb= parm, we will supply it. */ cgiVarSet("cb",oldRandState); } reqRandState = cgiUsualString("cb",""); /* get cb (cache-buster), ignores request, defaults to main display page */ if (!sameString(reqRandState,oldRandState)) { printf("req != old. \n\n req=%s, old=%s \n\n",reqRandState,oldRandState); action = cloneString("display"); } /* ---- Push Queue ----- */ if (sameString(action,"display")) { doDisplay(); } else if (sameString(action,"add")) { doAdd(); } else if (sameString(action,"edit")) { doEdit(); } else if (sameString(action,"post")) { doPost(); } else if (sameString(action,"promote")) { doPromote(); } else if (sameString(action,"demote")) { doDemote(); } else if (sameString(action,"top")) { doTop(); } else if (sameString(action,"bottom")) { doBottom(); } else if (sameString(action,"pushDone")) { doPushDone(); } else if (sameString(action,"demoteColumn" )) { doDemoteColumn(); } else if (sameString(action,"hideColumn" )) { doHideColumn(); } else if (sameString(action,"promoteColumn")) { doPromoteColumn(); } else if (sameString(action,"showAllCol" )) { doShowAllColumns(); } else if (sameString(action,"showColumn" )) { doShowColumn(); } else if (sameString(action,"showDefaultCol" )) { doShowDefaultColumns(); } else if (sameString(action,"showMonths" )) { doShowMonths(); } else if (sameString(action,"showSizes" )) { doShowSizes(); } else if (sameString(action,"transfer" )) { doTransfer(); } else if (sameString(action,"transferTo" )) { doTransferTo(); } else if (sameString(action,"showGateway" )) { doShowGateway(); } else if (sameString(action,"unlock" )) { doUnlock(); } else if (sameString(action,"setSize" )) { doSetSize(); } else { safef(msg,sizeof(msg),"action='%s' is invalid!
\n",action); doMsg(); } oldRandState=newRandState; saveMyUser(); releaseLock(); sqlDisconnect(&conn); sqlDisconnect(&conn2); } int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *env[]) /* Process command line if any. */ { assert(e_NUMCOLS == ArraySize(colName)); assert(e_NUMCOLS == ArraySize(colHdr)); if (!cgiIsOnWeb()) { warn("This is a CGI script - attempting to fake environment from command line"); cgiSpoof(&argc, argv); } saveEnv = env; curtime = time (NULL); /* Get the current time. */ loctime = localtime (&curtime); /* Convert it to local time representation. */ srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) ); /* Set seed (initial seed) off clock (not the best quality random input ;) */ uname(&utsName); ZeroVar(&myUser); database = cfgOption("pq.db" ); host = cfgOption("pq.host" ); user = cfgOption("pq.user" ); password = cfgOption("pq.password"); /* workaround for name-collision on form.action now as form._action on form */ action = cgiUsualString("_action","display"); /* get action, defaults to display of push queue */ action = cgiUsualString("action",action); if (sameString(action,"xpost")) { crossPost = TRUE; /* are we doing cross-post from dev to beta (or vice versa)? */ action = "post"; } /* initCgiInput() is not exported in cheapcgi.h, but it should get called by cgiUsualString So it will find all input regardless of Get/Put/Post/etc and make available as cgivars */ if (sameString(action,"releaseLog")) { doDrawReleaseLog(FALSE); return 0; } if (sameString(action,"encodeReleaseLog")) { doDrawReleaseLog(TRUE); return 0; } if (sameString(action,"releaseLogPush")) { htmShell(TITLE, doReleaseLogPush, NULL); return 0; } qaUser = findCookieData("qapushq"); /* will also cause internal structures to load cookie data */ if ((qaUser == NULL) || (sameString(qaUser,""))) { if (!sameString(action,"postLogin")) action = cloneString("login"); } if (sameString(action,"login")) { htmShell(TITLE, doLogin, NULL); } else if (sameString(action,"postLogin")) { doPostLogin(); /* cant start htmShell until cookie is set */ } else if (sameString(action,"reset")) { doCookieReset(); /* cant start htmShell until cookie is re-set */ } /* The help screens open in a separate window and don't hurt anything. Only displays text. Ignore cb. */ else if (sameString(action,"showDisplayHelp" )) { htmShell(TITLE, doShowDisplayHelp , NULL); } else if (sameString(action,"showEditHelp" )) { htmShell(TITLE, doShowEditHelp , NULL); } else if (sameString(action,"showSizesHelp" )) { htmShell(TITLE, doShowSizesHelp , NULL); } else { htmShell(TITLE, doMiddle, NULL); } return 0; }