  Sat Jan 28 15:51:13 2017 -0800
Removing the kind of inconvenient and flaky-about-escapes function nextWordRespectingQuotes in common.h and replacing it with calls to the easier less flaky (and older) function nextQuotedWord in obscure.h.  This fixed a bug in tagStormCheck which didn't deal with escapes in quoted strings right.  Also added BIGLONGLONG to common.h for use similar to BIGNUM.  Thought I'd need it in tagStormInfo to fix a bug in schema, but it turned out to be floating point rounding instead.

diff --git src/inc/common.h src/inc/common.h
index a28e4cd..230d0a8 100644
--- src/inc/common.h
+++ src/inc/common.h
@@ -102,32 +102,33 @@
 /* Some other type synonyms */
 #define UBYTE unsigned char   /* Wants to be unsigned 8 bits. */
 #define BYTE signed char      /* Wants to be signed 8 bits. */
 #define UWORD unsigned short  /* Wants to be unsigned 16 bits. */
 #define WORD short	      /* Wants to be signed 16 bits. */
 #define bits64 unsigned long long  /* Wants to be unsigned 64 bits. */
 #define bits32 unsigned       /* Wants to be unsigned 32 bits. */
 #define bits16 unsigned short /* Wants to be unsigned 16 bits. */
 #define bits8 unsigned char   /* Wants to be unsigned 8 bits. */
 #define signed32 int	      /* Wants to be signed 32 bits. */
 #define bits8 unsigned char   /* Wants to be unsigned 8 bits. */
-#define BIGNUM 0x3fffffff	/* A really big number */
+#define BIGNUM 0x3fffffff	/* A really big number but most subtraction won't cause overflow */
 #define BIGDOUBLE 1.7E+308	/* Close to biggest double-precision number */
+#define BIGLONGLONG 0x3fffffffffffffff /* A really big long long value safe for a subtraction */
 #define LIMIT_2or8GB (2147483647 * ((sizeof(size_t)/4)*(sizeof(size_t)/4)))
 /*      == 2 Gb for 32 bit machines, 8 Gb for 64 bit machines */
 #define LIMIT_2or6GB (2147483647 + (2147483647 * ((sizeof(size_t)/4)-1)) + \
 	(2147483647 * ((sizeof(size_t)/4)-1)))
 /*      == 2 Gb for 32 bit machines, 6 Gb for 64 bit machines */
 /* Default size of directory path, file name and extension string buffers */
 #define PATH_LEN 512
 #define FILENAME_LEN 128
 #define FILEEXT_LEN 64
 /* inline functions: To declare a function inline, place the entire function
  * in a header file and prefix it with the INLINE macro.  If used with a
  * compiler that doesn't support inline, change the INLINE marco to be simply
@@ -564,34 +565,30 @@
 struct slName *slNameAddTail(struct slName **pList, char *name);
 /* Add name to end of list (not efficient for long lists),
  * and return it. */
 struct slName *slNameCloneList(struct slName *list);
 /* Return clone of list. */
 struct slName *slNameListFromString(char *s, char delimiter);
 /* Return list of slNames gotten from parsing delimited string.
  * The final delimiter is optional. a,b,c  and a,b,c, are equivalent
  * for comma-delimited lists. */
 #define slNameListFromComma(s) slNameListFromString(s, ',')
 /* Parse out comma-separated list. */
-struct slName *slNameListOfUniqueWords(char *text,boolean respectQuotes);
-// Return list of unique words found by parsing string delimited by whitespace.
-// If respectQuotes then ["Lucy and Ricky" 'Fred and Ethyl'] will yield 2 slNames no quotes
 struct slName *slNameListFromStringArray(char *stringArray[], int arraySize);
 /* Return list of slNames from an array of strings of length arraySize.
  * If a string in the array is NULL, the array will be treated as
  * NULL-terminated. */
 char *slNameListToString(struct slName *list, char delimiter);
 /* Return string created by joining all names with the delimiter. */
 struct slName *slNameLoadReal(char *fileName);
 /* load file lines that are not blank or start with a '#' into a slName
  * list */
 struct slName *slNameIntersection(struct slName *a, struct slName *b);
 /* return intersection of two slName lists.  */
@@ -1007,33 +1004,30 @@
 /* Return TRUE if there is white space in string. */
 char *firstWordInLine(char *line);
 /* Returns first word in line if any (white space separated).
  * Puts 0 in place of white space after word. */
 char *lastWordInLine(char *line);
 /* Returns last word in line if any (white space separated).
  * Returns NULL if string is empty.  Removes any terminating white space
  * from line. */
 char *nextWord(char **pLine);
 /* Return next word in *pLine and advance *pLine to next
  * word. Returns NULL when no more words. */
-char *nextWordRespectingQuotes(char **pLine);
-// return next word but respects single or double quotes surrounding sets of words.
 char *cloneFirstWord(char *line);
 /* Clone first word in line */
 char *cloneNotFirstWord(char *s);
 /* Clone part of string after first word. */
 char *nextTabWord(char **pLine);
 /* Return next tab-separated word. */
 char *cloneFirstWordByDelimiterNoSkip(char *line,char delimit);
 /* Returns a cloned first word, not harming the memory passed in. 
  * Does not skip leading white space.*/
 char *cloneFirstWordByDelimiter(char *line,char delimit);
 /* Returns a cloned first word, not harming the memory passed in