  Fri Feb 3 10:19:18 2017 -0800
Minor rewording based on CR, refs #18674

diff --git src/hg/lib/knownGene.as src/hg/lib/knownGene.as
index ad89a4b..357b263 100644
--- src/hg/lib/knownGene.as
+++ src/hg/lib/knownGene.as
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 table knownGene
 "Transcript from default gene set in UCSC browser"
 string  name;               "Name of gene"
 string  chrom;              "Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold"
 char[1] strand;             "+ or - for strand"
-uint    txStart;            "Transcription start position (or transcription end position if item is on minus strand)"
-uint    txEnd;              "Transcription end position (or transcription start position if item is on minus strand)"
-uint    cdsStart;           "Coding region start (or coding end position if item is on minus strand)"
-uint    cdsEnd;             "Coding region end (or coding start position if item is on minus strand)"
+uint    txStart;            "Transcription start position (or end position for minus strand item)"
+uint    txEnd;              "Transcription end position (or start position for minus strand item)"
+uint    cdsStart;           "Coding region start (or end position if for minus strand item)"
+uint    cdsEnd;             "Coding region end (or start position if for minus strand item)"
 uint    exonCount;          "Number of exons"
-uint[exonCount] exonStarts; "Exon start positions (or exon end positions if item is on minus strand)"
-uint[exonCount] exonEnds;   "Exon end positions (or exon start positions if item is on minus strand)"
+uint[exonCount] exonStarts; "Exon start positions (or end positions for minus strand item)"
+uint[exonCount] exonEnds;   "Exon end positions (or start positions for minus strand item)"
 string  proteinID;          "UniProt display ID, UniProt accession, or RefSeq protein ID" 
 string  alignID;            "Unique identifier (GENCODE transcript ID for GENCODE Basic)"