  Mon Feb 6 15:46:27 2017 -0800
add the ability to set default labels and the label separator for bigBed

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/bedTrack.c src/hg/hgTracks/bedTrack.c
index a1a536a..74ceb60 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/bedTrack.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/bedTrack.c
@@ -1,1000 +1,1010 @@
 /* bedTrack - handle most aspects of a bed-format track (or bigBed). */
 /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "bed.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "bedCart.h"
 #include "bbiFile.h"
 #include "bigBed.h"
 #include "hgTracks.h"
 #include "cds.h"
 #include "bedTabix.h"
+#include "obscure.h"
 #define SEQ_DELIM '~'
 struct bed *bedLoadPairedTagAlign(char **row)
 /* Load first six fields of bed.
  * Add ~seq1~seq2 to end of name
  * Then remove the sequence to extra field when we convert to linkedFeature.
  * Assumes seq1 and seq2 are in row[6] and row[7], as they would be with a
  * pairedTagAlign type (hg/lib/encode/pairedTagAlign.as). It would be good to be
  * able to check these columns exist but we dont have the sqlResult here. */
 char buf[1024];
 struct bed *ret = bedLoad6(row);
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%c%s%c%s", ret->name, SEQ_DELIM, row[6], SEQ_DELIM, row[7]);
 ret->name = cloneString(buf);
 return ret;
 static void calculateLabelFields(struct track *track)
 /* Figure out which fields are available to label a bigBed track. */
-char *labelFields = trackDbSettingClosestToHome(track->tdb, "labelFields");
+struct bbiFile *bbi = fetchBbiForTrack(track);
+struct asObject *as = bigBedAsOrDefault(bbi);
+struct slPair *labelList = buildFieldList(track->tdb, "labelFields",  as);
-if (labelFields == NULL)
+if (labelList == NULL)
-    // if there is a name, use it by default, otherwise no label by default 
+    // There is no labelFields entry in the trackDb.
+    // If there is a name, use it by default, otherwise no label by default 
     if (track->bedSize > 3)
         slAddHead(&track->labelColumns, slIntNew(3));
-    char cartVar[1024];
     // what has the user said to use as a label
+    char cartVar[1024];
     safef(cartVar, sizeof cartVar, "%s.label", track->tdb->track);
     struct hashEl *labelEl = cartFindPrefix(cart, cartVar);
-    struct hash *labelHash = newHash(5);
-    struct slName *thisLabel, *labelIds = slNameListFromComma(labelFields);
+    struct hash *onHash = newHash(4);
     // fill hash with fields that should be used for labels
     if (labelEl == NULL) 
-        hashAdd(labelHash, labelIds->name, "1");
+        {
+        // there are no cart variables, so look for defaults
+        struct slPair *defaultLabelList = buildFieldList(track->tdb, "defaultLabelFields",  as);
+        if (defaultLabelList != NULL)
+            {
+            for(; defaultLabelList; defaultLabelList = defaultLabelList->next)
+                hashStore(onHash, defaultLabelList->name);
+            }
+        else
+            // no default list, use first entry in labelFields as default
+            hashStore(onHash, labelList->name);
+        }
+        // use cart variables to fill in onHash
         for(; labelEl; labelEl = labelEl->next)
-            hashAdd(labelHash, &labelEl->name[strlen(cartVar) + 1], labelEl->val);
+            {
+            if (sameString((char *)labelEl->val, "1"))
+                hashStore(onHash, &labelEl->name[strlen(cartVar) + 1]);
+            }
-    struct asObject *as = asForDb(track->tdb, database);
-    for(thisLabel = labelIds; thisLabel; thisLabel = thisLabel->next)
+    struct slPair *thisLabel = labelList;
+    for(; thisLabel; thisLabel = thisLabel->next)
-        char *trimLabel = trimSpaces(thisLabel->name);
-        char *str = hashFindVal(labelHash, trimLabel);
-        if ((str != NULL) && sameString(str, "1"))
+        if (hashLookup(onHash, thisLabel->name))
-            unsigned colNum = asColumnFindIx(as->columnList, trimLabel);
-            if (colNum == -1)
-                errAbort("cannot find field named '%s' in as file '%s'", 
-                    trimLabel, as->name);
             // put this column number in the list of columns to use to make label
-            slAddHead(&track->labelColumns, slIntNew(colNum));
+            slAddHead(&track->labelColumns, slIntNew(ptToInt(thisLabel->val)));
 void loadSimpleBed(struct track *tg)
 /* Load the items in one track - just move beds in
  * window... */
 struct bed *(*loader)(char **row);
 struct bed *bed, *list = NULL;
 char **row;
 int rowOffset;
 char *words[3];
 int wordCt;
 char query[128];
 char *setting = NULL;
 bool doScoreCtFilter = FALSE;
 int scoreFilterCt = 0;
 char *topTable = NULL;
 if (tg->bedSize <= 3)
     loader = bedLoad3;
 else if (tg->bedSize == 4)
     loader = bedLoad;
 else if (tg->bedSize == 5)
     loader = bedLoad5;
     loader = bedLoad6;
 // pairedTagAlign loader is required for base coloring using sequence from seq1 & seq2
 // after removing optional bin column, this loader assumes seq1 and seq2 are in
 // row[6] and row[7] respectively of the sql result.
 if ((setting = trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, BASE_COLOR_USE_SEQUENCE))
 	&& sameString(setting, "seq1Seq2"))
     loader = bedLoadPairedTagAlign;
 /* limit to a specified count of top scoring items.
  * If this is selected, it overrides selecting item by specified score */
 if ((setting = trackDbSettingClosestToHome(tg->tdb, "filterTopScorers")) != NULL)
     wordCt = chopLine(cloneString(setting), words);
     if (wordCt >= 3)
         doScoreCtFilter = cartUsualBooleanClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE,
                              "filterTopScorersOn",sameString(words[0], "on"));
         scoreFilterCt = cartUsualIntClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE,
                              "filterTopScorersCt", atoi(words[1]));
         topTable = words[2];
         /* if there are not too many rows in the table then can define */
         /* top table as the track or subtrack table */
         if (sameWord(topTable, "self"))
             topTable = cloneString(tg->table);
 /* Get list of items */
 if (startsWith("bedTabix", tg->tdb->type ) || startsWith("longTabix", tg->tdb->type ))
     struct hash *settings = tg->tdb->settingsHash;
     char *bigDataUrl = hashFindVal(settings, "bigDataUrl");
     struct bedTabixFile *btf = bedTabixFileMayOpen(bigDataUrl, NULL, 0, 0);
     list = bedTabixReadBeds(btf, chromName, winStart, winEnd, loader);
 else if (tg->isBigBed)
     { // avoid opening an unneeded db connection for bigBed; required not to use mysql for parallel fetch tracks
     char *scoreFilter = cartOrTdbString(cart, tg->tdb, "scoreFilter", NULL);
     struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
     struct bigBedInterval *bb, *bbList = bigBedSelectRange(tg, chromName, winStart, winEnd, lm);
     char *bedRow[32];
     char startBuf[16], endBuf[16];
     int minScore = 0;
     if (scoreFilter)
 	minScore = atoi(scoreFilter);
     tg->itemName = bigBedItemName;
     for (bb = bbList; bb != NULL; bb = bb->next)
         bigBedIntervalToRow(bb, chromName, startBuf, endBuf, bedRow, ArraySize(bedRow));
         bed = loader(bedRow);
         bed->label = makeLabel(tg, bb);
         if (scoreFilter == NULL || bed->score >= minScore)
             slAddHead(&list, bed);
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnTrack(database, tg->tdb);
     struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
     /* limit to items above a specified score */
     char *scoreFilterClause = getScoreFilterClause(cart, tg->tdb,NULL);
     if (doScoreCtFilter && (topTable != NULL) && hTableExists(database, topTable))
 	sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),"select * from %s order by score desc limit %d",
 	      topTable, scoreFilterCt);
 	sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 	rowOffset = hOffsetPastBin(database, hDefaultChrom(database), topTable);
     else if(scoreFilterClause != NULL && tg->bedSize >= 5)
 	sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tg->table, chromName, winStart, winEnd, scoreFilterClause, &rowOffset);
 	sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tg->table, chromName, winStart, winEnd, NULL, &rowOffset);
     while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
 	bed = loader(row+rowOffset);
 	slAddHead(&list, bed);
 if (doScoreCtFilter)
     /* filter out items not in this window */
     struct bed *newList = bedFilterListInRange(list, NULL, chromName, winStart, winEnd);
     list = newList;
 tg->items = list;
 void bed8To12(struct bed *bed)
 /* Turn a bed 8 into a bed 12 by defining one block. */
 // Make up a block: the whole thing.
 bed->blockCount  = 1;
 bed->blockSizes  = needMem(bed->blockCount * sizeof(int));
 bed->chromStarts = needMem(bed->blockCount * sizeof(int));
 bed->blockSizes[0]  = bed->chromEnd - bed->chromStart;
 bed->chromStarts[0] = 0;
 // Some tracks overload thickStart and thickEnd -- catch garbage here.
 if ((bed->thickStart != 0) &&
     ((bed->thickStart < bed->chromStart) ||
      (bed->thickStart > bed->chromEnd)))
     bed->thickStart = bed->chromStart;
 if ((bed->thickEnd != 0) &&
     ((bed->thickEnd < bed->chromStart) ||
      (bed->thickEnd > bed->chromEnd)))
     bed->thickEnd = bed->chromEnd;
 struct linkedFeatures *bedMungToLinkedFeatures(struct bed **pBed, struct trackDb *tdb,
 	int fieldCount, int scoreMin, int scoreMax, boolean useItemRgb)
 /* Convert bed to a linkedFeature, destroying bed in the process. */
 struct bed *bed = *pBed;
 if (fieldCount < 12)
 adjustBedScoreGrayLevel(tdb, bed, scoreMin, scoreMax);
 struct linkedFeatures *lf = lfFromBedExtra(bed, scoreMin, scoreMax);
 if (useItemRgb)
     lf->extra = (void *)USE_ITEM_RGB;       /* signal for coloring */
 return lf;
 void loadBed9(struct track *tg)
 /* Convert bed 9 info in window to linked feature.  (to handle itemRgb)*/
 struct trackDb *tdb = tg->tdb;
 struct bed *bed;
 struct linkedFeatures *lfList = NULL, *lf;
 int scoreMin = atoi(trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, "scoreMin", "0"));
 int scoreMax = atoi(trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, "scoreMax", "1000"));
 boolean useItemRgb = FALSE;
 useItemRgb = bedItemRgb(tdb);
 if (tg->isBigBed)
     { // avoid opening an unneeded db connection for bigBed; required not to use mysql for parallel fetch tracks
     bigBedAddLinkedFeaturesFrom(tg, chromName, winStart, winEnd,
           scoreMin, scoreMax, useItemRgb, 9, &lfList);
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnTrack(database, tdb);
     struct sqlResult *sr;
     char **row;
     int rowOffset;
     char *scoreFilterClause = getScoreFilterClause(cart, tg->tdb,NULL);
     if (scoreFilterClause != NULL)
 	sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tg->table, chromName, winStart, winEnd,scoreFilterClause, &rowOffset);
 	sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tg->table, chromName, winStart, winEnd,
 			 NULL, &rowOffset);
     while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
 	bed = bedLoadN(row+rowOffset, 9);
 	lf = bedMungToLinkedFeatures(&bed, tdb, 9, scoreMin, scoreMax, useItemRgb);
 	slAddHead(&lfList, lf);
 slSort(&lfList, linkedFeaturesCmp);
 tg->items = lfList;
 void loadBed8(struct track *tg)
 /* Convert bed 8 info in window to linked feature. */
 struct bed *bed;
 struct linkedFeatures *lfList = NULL, *lf;
 struct trackDb *tdb = tg->tdb;
 int scoreMin = atoi(trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, "scoreMin", "0"));
 int scoreMax = atoi(trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, "scoreMax", "1000"));
 boolean useItemRgb = FALSE;
 useItemRgb = bedItemRgb(tdb);
 if (tg->isBigBed)
     { // avoid opening an unneeded db connection for bigBed; required not to use mysql for parallel fetch tracks
     bigBedAddLinkedFeaturesFrom(tg, chromName, winStart, winEnd,
           scoreMin, scoreMax, useItemRgb, 8, &lfList);
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
     struct sqlResult *sr;
     char **row;
     int rowOffset;
     char *scoreFilterClause = getScoreFilterClause(cart, tg->tdb,NULL);
     if (scoreFilterClause != NULL)
 	sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tg->table, chromName, winStart, winEnd,scoreFilterClause, &rowOffset);
 	sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tg->table, chromName, winStart, winEnd,
 			 NULL, &rowOffset);
     while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
 	bed = bedLoadN(row+rowOffset, 8);
 	lf = bedMungToLinkedFeatures(&bed, tdb, 8, scoreMin, scoreMax, useItemRgb);
 	slAddHead(&lfList, lf);
 slSort(&lfList, linkedFeaturesCmp);
 tg->items = lfList;
 static void filterBed(struct track *tg, struct linkedFeatures **pLfList)
 /* Apply filters if any to mRNA linked features. */
 struct linkedFeatures *lf, *next, *newList = NULL, *oldList = NULL;
 struct mrnaUiData *mud = tg->extraUiData;
 struct mrnaFilter *fil;
 char *type;
 boolean anyFilter = FALSE;
 boolean colorIx = 0;
 boolean isExclude = FALSE;
 boolean andLogic = TRUE;
 if (*pLfList == NULL || mud == NULL)
 /* First make a quick pass through to see if we actually have
  * to do the filter. */
 for (fil = mud->filterList; fil != NULL; fil = fil->next)
     fil->pattern = cartUsualStringClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE, fil->suffix, "");
     if (fil->pattern[0] != 0)
         anyFilter = TRUE;
 if (!anyFilter)
 type = cartUsualStringClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE, mud->filterTypeSuffix, "red");
 if (sameString(type, "exclude"))
     isExclude = TRUE;
 else if (sameString(type, "include"))
     isExclude = FALSE;
     colorIx = getFilterColor(type, MG_BLACK);
 type = cartUsualStringClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE, mud->logicTypeSuffix, "and");
 andLogic = sameString(type, "and");
 /* Make a pass though each filter, and start setting up search for
  * those that have some text. */
 for (fil = mud->filterList; fil != NULL; fil = fil->next)
     if (fil->pattern[0] != 0) // Already retrieved above.
 	fil->hash = newHash(10);
 /* Scan tables id/name tables to build up hash of matching id's. */
 for (fil = mud->filterList; fil != NULL; fil = fil->next)
     struct hash *hash = fil->hash;
     int wordIx, wordCount;
     char *words[128];
     if (hash != NULL)
 	boolean anyWild;
 	char *dupPat = cloneString(fil->pattern);
 	wordCount = chopLine(dupPat, words);
 	for (wordIx=0; wordIx <wordCount; ++wordIx)
 	    char *pattern = cloneString(words[wordIx]);
 	    if (lastChar(pattern) != '*')
 		int len = strlen(pattern)+1;
 		pattern = needMoreMem(pattern, len, len+1);
 		pattern[len-1] = '*';
 	    anyWild = (strchr(pattern, '*') != NULL || strchr(pattern, '?') != NULL);
 	    for(lf = *pLfList; lf != NULL; lf=lf->next)
 		char copy[SMALLBUF];
 		boolean gotMatch;
 		safef(copy, sizeof(copy), "%s", lf->name);
 		if (anyWild)
 		    gotMatch = wildMatch(pattern, copy);
 		    gotMatch = sameString(pattern, copy);
 		if (gotMatch)
 		    hashAdd(hash, lf->name, NULL);
 /* Scan through linked features coloring and or including/excluding ones that
  * match filter. */
 for (lf = *pLfList; lf != NULL; lf = next)
     boolean passed = andLogic;
     next = lf->next;
     for (fil = mud->filterList; fil != NULL; fil = fil->next)
 	if (fil->hash != NULL)
 	    if (hashLookup(fil->hash, lf->name) == NULL)
 		if (andLogic)
 		    passed = FALSE;
 		if (!andLogic)
 		    passed = TRUE;
     if (passed ^ isExclude)
 	slAddHead(&newList, lf);
 	if (colorIx > 0)
 	    lf->filterColor = colorIx;
 	slAddHead(&oldList, lf);
 if (colorIx > 0)
    /* Draw stuff that passes filter first in full mode, last in dense. */
    if (tg->visibility == tvDense)
        newList = slCat(oldList, newList);
        newList = slCat(newList, oldList);
 *pLfList = newList;
 tg->limitedVisSet = FALSE;	/* Need to recalculate this after filtering. */
 /* Free up hashes, etc. */
 for (fil = mud->filterList; fil != NULL; fil = fil->next)
 void loadGappedBed(struct track *tg)
 /* Convert bed info in window to linked feature. */
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 int rowOffset;
 struct bed *bed;
 struct linkedFeatures *lfList = NULL, *lf;
 struct trackDb *tdb = tg->tdb;
 int scoreMin = atoi(trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, "scoreMin", "0"));
 int scoreMax = atoi(trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, "scoreMax", "1000"));
 boolean useItemRgb = FALSE;
 useItemRgb = bedItemRgb(tdb);
 if (tg->isBigBed)
     { // avoid opening an unneeded db connection for bigBed; required not to use mysql for parallel fetch tracks
     bigBedAddLinkedFeaturesFrom(tg, chromName, winStart, winEnd,
           scoreMin, scoreMax, useItemRgb, 12, &lfList);
     /* Use tg->tdb->track because subtracks inherit composite track's tdb
      * by default, and the variable is named after the composite track. */
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
     char *scoreFilterClause = getScoreFilterClause(cart, tg->tdb,NULL);
     if (scoreFilterClause != NULL)
 	sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tg->table, chromName, winStart, winEnd,scoreFilterClause, &rowOffset);
 	sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tg->table, chromName, winStart, winEnd, NULL, &rowOffset);
     while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
 	bed = bedLoad12(row+rowOffset);
 	adjustBedScoreGrayLevel(tdb, bed, scoreMin, scoreMax);
 	lf = lfFromBedExtra(bed, scoreMin, scoreMax);
 	if (useItemRgb)
 	    lf->extra = (void *)USE_ITEM_RGB;       /* signal for coloring */
 	slAddHead(&lfList, lf);
     filterBed(tg, &lfList);
 slSort(&lfList, linkedFeaturesCmp);
 tg->items = lfList;
 void bedDrawSimpleAt(struct track *tg, void *item,
 	struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int y,
 	double scale, MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw a single simple bed item at position. */
 struct bed *bed = item;
 int heightPer = tg->heightPer;
 int s = max(bed->chromStart, winStart), e = min(bed->chromEnd, winEnd);
 if (s > e)
 int x1 = round((s-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 int x2 = round((e-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 int w = x2 - x1;
 if (w < 1)
     w = 1;
 struct trackDb *tdb = tg->tdb;
 int scoreMin = atoi(trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, "scoreMin", "0"));
 int scoreMax = atoi(trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, "scoreMax", "1000"));
 char *directUrl = trackDbSetting(tdb, "directUrl");
 boolean withHgsid = (trackDbSetting(tdb, "hgsid") != NULL);
 boolean thickDrawItem = (trackDbSetting(tdb, "thickDrawItem") != NULL);
 if (tg->itemColor != NULL)
     color = tg->itemColor(tg, bed, hvg);
 else if (tg->colorShades)
     adjustBedScoreGrayLevel(tdb, bed, scoreMin, scoreMax);
     color = tg->colorShades[grayInRange(bed->score, scoreMin, scoreMax)];
 /*	Keep the item at least 4 pixels wide at all viewpoints */
 if (thickDrawItem && (w < 4))
     x1 -= ((5-w) >> 1);
     w = 4;
     x2 = x1 + w;
 if (color)
     hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, y, w, heightPer, color);
     if (tg->drawLabelInBox)
 	char *label = tg->itemName(tg, bed);
         drawScaledBoxLabel(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, color, font, label);
     else if (tg->drawName && vis != tvSquish)
 	/* Clip here so that text will tend to be more visible... */
 	char *s = tg->itemName(tg, bed);
 	w = x2-x1;
 	if (w > mgFontStringWidth(font, s))
 	    Color textColor = hvGfxContrastingColor(hvg, color);
 	    hvGfxTextCentered(hvg, x1, y, w, heightPer, textColor, font, s);
 	mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, x1, y, x2 - x1, heightPer,
                           tg->track, tg->mapItemName(tg, bed), NULL, directUrl, withHgsid, NULL);
 if ((tg->subType == lfWithBarbs || tg->exonArrows) && !tg->drawLabelInBox)
     int dir = 0;
     if (bed->strand[0] == '+')
 	dir = 1;
     else if(bed->strand[0] == '-')
 	dir = -1;
     if (dir != 0 && w > 2)
 	int midY = y + (heightPer>>1);
 	Color textColor = hvGfxContrastingColor(hvg, color);
 	clippedBarbs(hvg, x1, midY, w, tl.barbHeight, tl.barbSpacing,
 		dir, textColor, TRUE);
 void bedDrawSimple(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
         struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
         MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw simple Bed items. */
 if (!tg->drawItemAt)
     errAbort("missing drawItemAt in track %s", tg->track);
 if (tg->items == NULL && vis == tvDense && canDrawBigBedDense(tg))
     bigBedDrawDense(tg, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, yOff, width, font, color);
     genericDrawItems(tg, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, yOff, width,
 	    font, color, vis);
 char *bedName(struct track *tg, void *item)
 /* Return name of bed track item. */
 struct bed *bed = item;
 if (bed->name == NULL)
     return "";
 return bed->name;
 char *bedNameField1(struct track *tg, void *item)
 /* return part before first space in item name */
 struct bed *bed = item;
 return cloneFirstWord(bed->name);
 char *bedNameNotField1(struct track *tg, void *item)
 /* return part after first space in item name */
 struct bed *bed = item;
 return cloneNotFirstWord(bed->name);
 int bedItemStart(struct track *tg, void *item)
 /* Return start position of item. */
 struct bed *bed = item;
 return bed->chromStart;
 int bedItemEnd(struct track *tg, void *item)
 /* Return end position of item. */
 struct bed *bed = item;
 return bed->chromEnd;
 void freeSimpleBed(struct track *tg)
 /* Free the beds in a track group that has
    beds as its items. */
 bedFreeList(((struct bed **)(&tg->items)));
 boolean simpleBedNextPrevEdge(struct track *tg, struct hvGfx *hvg, void *item, int x, int y, int w,
 			   int h, boolean next)
 /* Like linkedFeaturesNextPrevItem, but for simple bed which has no block structure so
  * this simply zaps us to the right/left edge of the feature.  Arrows have already been
  * drawn; here we figure out coords and draw a mapBox. */
 boolean result = FALSE;
 struct bed4 *bed = item;
 char *mouseOverText = NULL;
 if (next)
     mouseOverText = trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tg->tdb, "nextExonText",
 							 revCmplDisp ? "Left Edge" : "Right Edge");
     mouseOverText = trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tg->tdb, "prevExonText",
 							 revCmplDisp ? "Right Edge" : "Left Edge");
 int winSize = winEnd - winStart;
 int bufferToEdge = 0.05 * winSize;
 int newWinStart, newWinEnd;
 if (next)
     newWinEnd = bed->chromEnd + bufferToEdge;
     newWinStart = newWinEnd - winSize;
     newWinStart = bed->chromStart - bufferToEdge;
     newWinEnd = newWinStart + winSize;
 struct convertRange *cr=NULL;
 if (( next && newWinEnd   > winStart)
  || (!next && newWinStart < winEnd  ))
     cr->chrom = bed->chrom;
     cr->start = newWinStart;
     cr->end = newWinEnd;
     cr->skipIt = TRUE;
 linkedFeaturesNextPrevExonFind(tg, next, cr);
 long newVirtWinStart = cr->vStart;
 long newVirtWinEnd = cr->vEnd;
 if (newVirtWinStart != -1) // found it
     mapBoxJumpTo(hvg, x, y, w, h, tg, virtChromName, newVirtWinStart, newVirtWinEnd, mouseOverText);
     result = TRUE;
 return result;
 void bedMethods(struct track *tg)
 /* Fill in methods for (simple) bed tracks. */
 tg->drawItems = bedDrawSimple;
 tg->drawItemAt = bedDrawSimpleAt;
 tg->itemName = bedName;
 tg->mapItemName = bedName;
 tg->totalHeight = tgFixedTotalHeightNoOverflow;
 tg->itemHeight = tgFixedItemHeight;
 tg->itemStart = bedItemStart;
 tg->itemEnd = bedItemEnd;
 // Adding "tg->nextPrevExon = simpleBedNextPrevEdge;" opened a can of worms: too many
 // bed-based tracks have their own drawItems methods that don't hook into nextItem stuff,
 // or drawItemAt methods that draw mapboxes but tg->mapsSelf is not set...
 // So, set tg->nextPrevExon = simpleBedNextPrevEdge case-by-case.
 tg->nextPrevItem = linkedFeaturesLabelNextPrevItem;
 tg->freeItems = freeSimpleBed;
 if (trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOn(tg->tdb, "linkIdInName"))
     tg->mapItemName = bedNameField1;
     tg->itemName = bedNameNotField1;
 void bed9Methods(struct track *tg)
 /* Fill in methods for bed9 tracks. */
 tg->loadItems = loadBed9;
 void addSimpleFeatures(struct simpleFeature **pSfList, int start, int end, int qStart, boolean  everyBase)
 /* Add simple features from start to end to the list.
  * qStart is the offset in the query.
  * If everyBase is TRUE then add a simpleFeature for every base in the start,end region */
 int s;
 struct simpleFeature *sf;
 int stepSize = everyBase ? 1 : end - start;
 for (s = start ; s < end ; s += stepSize)
     sf->start = s;
     sf->end = sf->start + stepSize;
     sf->qStart = qStart + (s - start);
     sf->qEnd = sf->qStart + stepSize;
     slAddHead(pSfList, sf);
 struct linkedFeatures *simpleBedToLinkedFeatures(struct bed *b, int bedFields,
     boolean everyBase, boolean paired)
 /* Create a linked feature from a single bed item
  * Any bed fields past the 6th field (strand) will be ignored
  * Make one simpleFeature for every base of the bed if everyBase is TRUE,
  * otherwise it will contain a single 'exon' corresponding to the bed (start,end)
  * Dont free the bed as a pointer to each item is stored in lf->original
  * If paired then need to strip ~seq1~seq2 from name and set it as DNA in lf->extra
  *  and treat bed as 2-exon bed.
 struct linkedFeatures *lf = NULL;
 if (b)
     lf->start = lf->tallStart = b->chromStart;
     lf->end = lf->tallEnd = b->chromEnd;
     lf->components = NULL;
     if (bedFields > 5) // need to know orientation before checking if paired
 	lf->orientation = (b->strand[0] == '+' ? 1 : (b->strand[0] == '-' ? -1 : 0));
     if (paired)
 	// Find seq1 & seq2, strip them from the name,
 	// add them as two blocks of simpleFeatures,
 	// concatenate seq1 & seq2 into one dnaSeq,
 	// and store in lf->extra field
 	char *seq2 = strrchr(b->name, SEQ_DELIM);
 	if (!seq2)
 	    errAbort("Could not find seq2 in paired sequence");
 	*(seq2++) = '\0';
 	// Find seq1 and strip it from the name
 	char *seq1 = strrchr(b->name, SEQ_DELIM);
 	if (!seq1)
 	    errAbort("Could not find seq1 in paired sequence");
 	*(seq1++) = '\0';
 	int l1 = strlen(seq1);
 	int l2 = strlen(seq2);
 	struct dyString *d = dyStringNew(l1+l2+1);
 	dyStringAppend(d, seq1);
 	dyStringAppend(d, seq2);
 	lf->extra = newDnaSeq(dyStringCannibalize(&d), l1+l2, lf->name);
 	// seq1 + seq2 are concatenated for drawing code
 	// in - orientation they are also reverse complemented,
 	// and the query start is relative to the reverse complement, so:
 	// in + orientation first feature (f1) is seq1, second (f2) is seq2
 	// in - orientation first feature (f1) is seq2, second (f2) is seq1
 	int f1 = lf->orientation == -1 ? l2 : l1;
 	int f2 = lf->orientation == -1 ? l1 : l2;
 	addSimpleFeatures(&lf->components, lf->start, lf->start + f1, 0, everyBase);
 	addSimpleFeatures(&lf->components, lf->end - f2, lf->end, f1, everyBase);
 	addSimpleFeatures(&lf->components, lf->start, lf->end, 0, everyBase);
     if (bedFields > 3)
 	lf->name = cloneString(b->name);
     if (bedFields > 4)
 	lf->score = b->score;
     lf->original = b;
 return lf;
 struct linkedFeatures *simpleBedListToLinkedFeatures(struct bed *b, int bedFields,
     boolean everyBase, boolean paired)
 /* Create a list of linked features from a list of beds */
 struct linkedFeatures *lfList = NULL;
 while (b)
     slAddHead(&lfList, simpleBedToLinkedFeatures(b, bedFields, everyBase, paired));
     b = b->next;
 return lfList;
 void loadSimpleBedAsLinkedFeaturesPerBase(struct track *tg)
 /* bed list not freed as pointer to it is stored in 'original' field */
 tg->items = simpleBedListToLinkedFeatures(tg->items, tg->bedSize, TRUE, FALSE);
 void loadPairedTagAlignAsLinkedFeaturesPerBase(struct track *tg)
 /* bed list not freed as pointer to it is stored in 'original' field */
 tg->items = simpleBedListToLinkedFeatures(tg->items, tg->bedSize, TRUE, TRUE);
 static Color itemColorByStrand(struct track *tg, int orientation, struct hvGfx *hvg)
 /* Look up the RGB color from the trackDb setting 'colorByStrand' based on
  * the orientation (1='+', 0=unknown, -1='-'), and convert this to a color index
  * using hvGfx */
 char *words[3];
 unsigned char r, g, b;
 char *colors = cloneString(trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "colorByStrand"));
 if (!colors)
     errAbort("colorByStrand setting missing (in %s)", tg->track);
 if (chopByWhite(colors, words, sizeof(words)) != 2)
     errAbort("invalid colorByStrand setting %s (expecting pair of RGB values r,g,b r,g,b)", colors);
 if (orientation == 1)
     parseColor(words[0], &r, &g, &b);
 else if (orientation == -1)
     parseColor(words[1], &r, &g, &b);
 else // return the main color
     r = tg->color.r; g = tg->color.g; b = tg->color.b;
 return hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, r, g, b);
 Color lfItemColorByStrand(struct track *tg, void *item, struct hvGfx *hvg)
 /* Look up the RGB color from the trackDb setting 'colorByStrand' based on
  * the linkedFeature item orientation, and convert this to a color index
  * using hvGfx */
 struct linkedFeatures *lf = item;
 return itemColorByStrand(tg, lf->orientation, hvg);
 Color bedItemColorByStrand(struct track *tg, void *item, struct hvGfx *hvg)
 /* Look up the RGB color from the trackDb setting 'colorByStrand' based on
  * the bed item strand, and convert this to a color index
  * using hvGfx */
 struct bed *b = item;
 return itemColorByStrand(tg, (b->strand[0] == '+' ? 1 : (b->strand[0] == '-' ? -1 : 0)), hvg);
 void complexBedMethods(struct track *track, struct trackDb *tdb, boolean isBigBed,
                                 int wordCount, char *words[])
 /* Fill in methods for more complex bed tracks. */
 int fieldCount = 3;
 boolean useItemRgb = FALSE;
 useItemRgb = bedItemRgb(tdb);
 if (wordCount > 1)
     fieldCount = atoi(words[1]);
 track->bedSize = fieldCount;
 track->isBigBed = isBigBed;
 //if (track->isBigBed)
     //track->nextItemButtonable = FALSE;
 if (fieldCount < 8)
     if (baseColorGetDrawOpt(track) != baseColorDrawOff)
 	// data must be loaded as bed and converted to linkedFeatures
 	// to draw each base character must make one simpleFeature per base
 	char *setting = trackDbSetting(tdb, BASE_COLOR_USE_SEQUENCE);
 	if (isNotEmpty(setting) && sameString(setting, "seq1Seq2"))
 	    track->loadItems = loadPairedTagAlignAsLinkedFeaturesPerBase;
 	    track->loadItems = loadSimpleBedAsLinkedFeaturesPerBase;
 	if (trackDbSetting(tdb, "colorByStrand"))
 	    track->itemColor = lfItemColorByStrand;
 	track->loadItems = loadSimpleBed;
 	if (trackDbSetting(tdb, "colorByStrand"))
 	    track->itemColor = bedItemColorByStrand;
 else if (useItemRgb && fieldCount == 9)
     track->loadItems = loadBed9;
 else if (fieldCount < 12)
     track->loadItems = loadBed8;
     if (trackDbSetting(tdb, "colorByStrand"))
 	track->itemColor = lfItemColorByStrand;
     track->extraUiData = newBedUiData(track->track);
     track->loadItems = loadGappedBed;
     if (trackDbSetting(tdb, "colorByStrand"))
 	track->itemColor = lfItemColorByStrand;