  Wed Dec 28 23:39:25 2016 -0800
First pass at migration to new style sheet. Refs #18504

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/kc.html src/hg/htdocs/kc.html
index 4563d66..d0ce433 100755
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+++ src/hg/htdocs/kc.html
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-	<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;CHARSET=iso-8859-1">
-	<TITLE>UCSC Genome Browser: Kilokluster Project</TITLE>
-	<LINK REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="style/HGStyle.css">
-<BODY BGCOLOR="FFF9D2" LINK="0000CC" VLINK="#330066" ALINK="#330066">
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+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<!--#set var="TITLE" value="UCSC Genome Browser: Kilokluster Project" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/gbPageStart.html"-->
+<h1>The UCSC/HHMI Kilokluster Project</h1>
+The purpose of the UCSC/HHMI Kilokluster project is to provide high throughput computational 
+services for bioinformatics applications. With over one thousand processors operating in parallel, 
+the KiloKluster might be one of the most powerful computational clusters used for bioinformatics 
+in the world. </p>
+Because of the massive growth that UCSC has been experiencing, space has been a primary issue in the
+planning of this project. Thanks to the space saving designs of 
+<a href="http://www.rackable.com/">Rackable Systems</a>, the KiloKluster occupies only nine racks 
+and is less than one hundred square feet in size.</p>
+The KiloKluster consists of 504 compute nodes. Each compute node contains two Pentium III processors
+running at 866Mhz, a gigabyte of memory, and a forty gigabyte hard drive.</p>
+The compute nodes are divided into eight sub-clusters, each with its own switching apparatus and 
+server. The compute nodes are networked using fast ethernet, and the sub-clusters are connected to 
+each other and to a main server through a gigabit ethernet switch.</p>
+Sun's open source <a href="http://www.sun.com/gridware/">Gridware</a> software is used to assign 
+tasks to the compute nodes. We chose Gridware primarily because of its open source (thanks Sun!), 
+and its ease of use compared to other open source schedulers.
+Technical questions may be directed to <a href="mailto:cluster-admin@cse.ucsc.edu">
-<TR><TD COLSPAN=2 HEIGHT=40><!--#include virtual="./cgi-bin/hgMenubar"--></TD></TR>
-<!--Content Tables------------------------------------------------------->
-	<TABLE BGCOLOR="fffee8" WIDTH="100%" BORDERCOLOR="888888" BORDER=1><TR><TD>
-	<TABLE BGCOLOR="D9E4F8" BACKGROUND="images/hr.gif" WIDTH=100%><TR><TD>
-		<FONT SIZE="4"><b>&nbsp;  The UCSC/HHMI Kilokluster project   </b></FONT>
-	</TD></TR></TABLE>
-	<TR><TD WIDTH=10>&nbsp;</TD><TD>
-The purpose of the UCSC/HHMI Kilokluster project is to provide high throughput 
-computational services for bioinformatics applications. With over one thousand 
-processors operating in parallel, the KiloKluster might be one of the most 
-powerful computational clusters used for bioinformatics in the world. 
-Because of the massive growth that UCSC has been experiencing, space has been 
-a primary issue in the planning of this project. Thanks to the space saving 
-designs of <A HREF="http://www.rackable.com/">Rackable Systems</A>, the 
-KiloKluster occupies only nine racks and is less than one hundred square feet 
-in size.
-The KiloKluster consists of 504 compute nodes. Each compute node contains two 
-Pentium III processors running at 866Mhz, a gigabyte of memory, and a forty 
-gigabyte hard drive.
-The compute nodes are divided into eight sub-clusters, each with its own 
-switching apparatus and server. The compute nodes are networked using fast 
-ethernet, and the sub-clusters are connected to each other and to a main 
-server through a gigabit ethernet switch.
-Sun's open source <A HREF="http://www.sun.com/gridware/">Gridware</A> software 
-is used to assign tasks to the compute nodes. We chose Gridware primarily 
-because of its open source (thanks Sun!), and its ease of use compared to other 
-open source schedulers.
-Technical questions may be directed to <A HREF="mailto:cluster-admin@cse.ucsc.edu">
-	</TD><TD WIDTH=15></TD></TR></TABLE>
-	<br></TD></TR></TABLE>
+<!--#include virtual="/gbPageEnd.html"-->