  Fri Apr 21 14:38:19 2017 -0700
Updating the usage statement, refs #19155

diff --git src/utils/expMatrixToBarchartBed/expMatrixToBarchartBed src/utils/expMatrixToBarchartBed/expMatrixToBarchartBed
index bf12497..4c3d068 100755
--- src/utils/expMatrixToBarchartBed/expMatrixToBarchartBed
+++ src/utils/expMatrixToBarchartBed/expMatrixToBarchartBed
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python2.7
 # expMatrixToBarchartBed
-Generate a barChart bed6+2 file from a matrix, meta data, and coordinates. A bed file for each
-sample type in the meta data file will be made in the directory where the script is run. These
-bed files will be names <sample type>.bed and are bed6 format. 
+Generate a barChart bed6+4 file from a matrix, meta data, and coordinates.
 import os
 import sys
 import argparse
 import tempfile
 def parseArgs(args):
     Parse the command line arguments.
     parser= argparse.ArgumentParser(description = __doc__)
     parser.add_argument ("metaFile",
         help = " Two column no header, the first column is the samples which should match " + \
                 "the matrix, the second is the grouping (cell type, tissue, etc)",
         type = argparse.FileType("r"))