  Wed Apr 19 17:44:24 2017 -0700
Adding free opensource fast SHA1 from git. This is primarily inteded for hashing to quickly checking if files are identical. It can run quickly on a block of RAM or on a file. You can get raw binary values or hex string.

diff --git src/lib/tests/gitSha1Test.c src/lib/tests/gitSha1Test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04d1133
--- /dev/null
+++ src/lib/tests/gitSha1Test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#include "obscure.h"
+#include "gitSha1.h"
+void manual_way(char *filename, unsigned char hash[20])
+/* generate sha1 manually the hard way. */
+FILE *fp = fopen (filename, "r");
+if (!fp) errAbort("missing file %s", filename);
+#define BS 4096 /* match coreutils */
+blk_SHA_CTX ctx;
+size_t nr;
+char buf[BS];
+while ((nr=fread_unlocked(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp)))
+    blk_SHA1_Update(&ctx, buf, nr);
+blk_SHA1_Final(hash, &ctx);
+char *string_way(char *filename)
+/* generate sha1 via lib on single long string. */
+char *buf = NULL;
+size_t bufSize;
+readInGulp(filename, &buf, &bufSize);
+return sha1HexForBuf(buf, bufSize);
+char *git_way(char *filename)
+/* generate sha1 using git blob prefix.
+ * Note that if you run this from the commandline, you get the git result
+ * which of course includes its own blob prefix automatically:
+     git hash-object some-file-name
+ */
+char *buf = NULL;
+size_t bufSize;
+readInGulp(filename, &buf, &bufSize);
+char prefix[1024];
+safef(prefix, sizeof prefix, "blob %llu", (unsigned long long)bufSize);
+int pfxLen = strlen(prefix)+1;
+size_t bufSize2 = pfxLen+bufSize;
+char *buf2 = needLargeMem(bufSize2);
+return sha1HexForBuf(buf2, bufSize2);
+char *git_way2(char *filename)
+/* generate sha1 manually with git blob prefix the hard way. */
+FILE *fp = fopen (filename, "r");
+if (!fp) errAbort("missing file %s", filename);
+#define BS 4096 /* match coreutils */
+unsigned char hash[20];
+off_t fs = fileSize(filename);
+char prefix[1024];
+safef(prefix, sizeof prefix, "blob %llu", (unsigned long long)fs);
+blk_SHA_CTX ctx;
+blk_SHA1_Update(&ctx, prefix, strlen(prefix)+1);
+size_t nr;
+char buf[BS];
+while ((nr=fread_unlocked(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp)))
+    blk_SHA1_Update(&ctx, buf, nr);
+blk_SHA1_Final(hash, &ctx);
+return sha1ToHex(hash);
+void git_way3(char *filename)
+/* generate sha1 manually the hard way. */
+char cmd[1024];
+safef(cmd, sizeof cmd, "git hash-object %s", filename);
+printf("executing system command [%s]\n", cmd);
+char *string_empty()
+/* generate sha1 via lib on empty input. */
+char *buf = NULL;
+size_t bufSize = 0;
+return sha1HexForBuf(buf, bufSize);
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+    if (argc != 2) 
+	errAbort("must specfy file to use for sha1 has on commandline.");
+    char* filename = argv[1];
+    unsigned char hash[20];
+    manual_way(filename, hash);   
+    printf("Manual filename way:\n");
+    int i;
+    for (i=0; i<sizeof(hash); i++)
+        printf("%02x",*(hash+i));
+    printf("  %s\n\n", filename);
+    printf("Library filename way:\n");
+    char *hex = sha1HexForFile(filename);
+    printf("%s  %s\n\n", hex, filename);
+    printf("Library string way:\n");
+    hex = string_way(filename);
+    printf("%s  %s\n\n", hex, filename);
+    printf("GIT way:\n");
+    hex = git_way(filename);
+    printf("%s with git blob prefix  %s\n\n", hex, filename);
+    printf("GIT way2:\n");
+    hex = git_way2(filename);
+    printf("%s with git way2 blob prefix  %s\n\n", hex, filename);
+    git_way3(filename);
+    printf("\n");
+    printf("Library string empty:\n");
+    hex = string_empty();
+    printf("%s  %s\n\n", hex, "empty-string");
+    return 0;