Commits for kent
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v348_preview2 to v348_base (2017-04-17 to 2017-04-24) v348
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0c9a3906522dcea7de19a168ab66a485a0e92259 Wed Mar 22 14:17:28 2017 -0700
- Testing out some new code for identifying SQL reserved words.
- src/hg/oneShot/freen/freen.c - lines changed 73, context: html, text, full: html, text
6fb0e2245aeebcc8bf19d60bd2c68849d2c4110a Wed Mar 22 14:24:49 2017 -0700
- Making library for identifying sql reserved words.
cfcae73921942ac31e61da15ef6f1dd9e1bdb479 Wed Mar 22 14:35:07 2017 -0700
- Making program by default also check that tags are not SQL reserved words.
- src/tagStorm/tagStormCheck/tagStormCheck.c - lines changed 20, context: html, text, full: html, text
e6d742b5b92002178ee39008f33c9e28fb5fbabf Wed Mar 22 14:47:30 2017 -0700
- Adding copyright.
439a7a0ec19fcfc5140f58f7e630341ae13de5e9 Wed Mar 22 14:48:22 2017 -0700
- Checking for SQL reserved words and adding copyright.
79b2e04b9a9ce10987f89db0e12e0e79c75d87f1 Wed Apr 19 10:19:22 2017 -0700
- Adding a null value check.
- src/tagStorm/tagStormCheck/tagStormCheck.c - lines changed 8, context: html, text, full: html, text
b58b7c97c25b181a7cbb87e2fcdb1aeb1ddb0c35 Wed Apr 19 14:54:45 2017 -0700
- Removing some tag validation since it is now done by tagStormCheck.
- src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwSubmit/cdwSubmit.c - lines changed 4, context: html, text, full: html, text
- src/hg/cirm/cdw/inc/cdwValid.h - lines changed 9, context: html, text, full: html, text
bf45b61deb8e09918d17d44459a087536ab95588 Wed Apr 19 14:56:50 2017 -0700
- Removing some unused flaky code.
7aaf56b7663af02ff5dc2969238150466806e7f1 Thu Apr 20 10:28:30 2017 -0700
- First cut at utility to rename submit file names in database.
- src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwRenameFiles/cdwRenameFiles.c - lines changed 135, context: html, text, full: html, text
- src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwRenameFiles/makefile - lines changed 4, context: html, text, full: html, text
d768bddae49de22bc73eab55b3b41fc6a269923a Thu Apr 20 11:18:18 2017 -0700
- Added more tests and making command line simpler by directly doing moves and database updates.
- src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwRenameFiles/cdwRenameFiles.c - lines changed 72, context: html, text, full: html, text
a9a4aa7eb80911c7e719f539a97765189713a1c9 Thu Apr 20 11:22:23 2017 -0700
- Improving usage message.
- src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwRenameFiles/cdwRenameFiles.c - lines changed 2, context: html, text, full: html, text
28467158fc3d76ac022d5aee3073a74a1bb74249 Thu Apr 20 11:35:01 2017 -0700
- Adding cdwRenameFiles to make chain
- src/hg/cirm/cdw/makefile - lines changed 1, context: html, text, full: html, text
5d59a7698f928d9be555bf897974238cfa678f1c Thu Apr 20 13:58:11 2017 -0700
- First cut of dataset renaming utility.
- src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwRenameDataset/cdwRenameDataset.c - lines changed 93, context: html, text, full: html, text
- src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwRenameDataset/makefile - lines changed 4, context: html, text, full: html, text
c7a2bf8be3b9d034ea579c9860ac2a774f05ead8 Thu Apr 20 17:39:14 2017 -0700
- Polishign up cdwRenameDataset.
- src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwRenameDataset/cdwRenameDataset.c - lines changed 34, context: html, text, full: html, text
- src/hg/cirm/cdw/makefile - lines changed 1, context: html, text, full: html, text
992a12b087b6cef00ad0f699d613f2abc538018b Thu Apr 20 17:46:28 2017 -0700
- Moving some little new useful routines to library.
- src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwRenameFiles/cdwRenameFiles.c - lines changed 47, context: html, text, full: html, text
- src/lib/fieldedTable.c - lines changed 33, context: html, text, full: html, text
004daadb3f2a15bd1a857fae613a3cf3f4f877d9 Thu Apr 20 23:05:00 2017 -0700
- Making directories if need be for new file names.
- src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwRenameFiles/cdwRenameFiles.c - lines changed 12, context: html, text, full: html, text
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