  Tue Apr 4 12:28:38 2017 -0700
code cleanup from CSP changes.

diff --git src/hg/inc/hPrint.h src/hg/inc/hPrint.h
index 8d58f7f..242ceb5 100644
--- src/hg/inc/hPrint.h
+++ src/hg/inc/hPrint.h
@@ -59,33 +59,30 @@
 void hOnClickButton(char *id, char *command, char *label);
 /* Write out push button if not suppressed. */
 void hTextVar(char *varName, char *initialVal, int charSize);
 /* Write out text entry field if not suppressed. */
 void hIntVar(char *varName, int initialVal, int maxDigits);
 /* Write out numerical entry field if not supressed. */
 void hDoubleVar(char *varName, double initialVal, int maxDigits);
 /* Write out numerical entry field if not supressed. */
 void hCheckBox(char *varName, boolean checked);
 /* Make check box if not suppressed. */
-void hCheckBoxJS(char *varName, boolean checked, char *javascript);
-/* Make check box if not suppressed, with javascript. */
 void hDropList(char *name, char *menu[], int menuSize, char *checked);
 /* Make a drop-down list with names if not suppressed. */
 void hDropListClass(char *name, char *menu[], int menuSize, char *checked,
                         char *class);
 /* Make a drop-down list with names if not suppressed, using specified class. */
 void hDropListClassWithStyle(char *name, char *menu[], int menuSize, 
                                 char *checked, char *class, char *style);
 /* Make a drop-down list with names if not suppressed, 
  * using specified class and style */
 void hPrintComment(char *format, ...)
 /* Function to print output as a comment so it is not seen in the HTML
  * output but only in the HTML source. */