  Thu Apr 6 16:39:22 2017 -0700
Script was producing truncated files because these lines could fail causing it to quit early. Made it so these lines always come back with zero return code, #18316

diff --git src/utils/qa/getPubHubContact.sh src/utils/qa/getPubHubContact.sh
index 3428016..50cb67a 100755
--- src/utils/qa/getPubHubContact.sh
+++ src/utils/qa/getPubHubContact.sh
@@ -71,48 +71,49 @@
 	# Make header for html file
 	echo -e "
 	<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"
 	" >> $contactFile
 	while read url label
 		# Save hub shortLabel as a file so we can use it in a filename later
 		label=$(echo $label | sed -e 's/ /_/g')
 		# Make name for hub.txt output file that includes hub shortLabel
-		wget -t 5 -O $hubFile $url &> /dev/null
+		wget -t 5 -O $hubFile $url &> /dev/null || true
 		# Extract email from hub.txt file we saved
-		email=$(egrep "^email" $hubFile)
+		email=$(egrep "^email" $hubFile) || true
 		# If email is empty, then wget failed or hub is down
 		if [[ $email == "" ]]
+			echo "here2"
 			# Attempt to get hub.txt file w/ curl
-			curl --retry 5 $url -o $hubFile  &> /dev/null
+			curl --retry 5 $url -o $hubFile  &> /dev/null || true
 			# Extract email from hub.txt file we saved
-			email=$(grep "^email" $hubFile)
+			email=$(grep "^email" $hubFile) || true
 			# If email is still empty, hub is likely down and
 			# we want to use the last email we have as contact email
 			if [[ $email == "" ]] && [ -e $contactFile.old ]
-				email=$(grep "$url" $contactFile.old.temp | awk '{print $4" "$5}')
+				email=$(grep "$url" $contactFile.old.temp | awk '{print $4" "$5}') || true
 		# Create hyperlinks to hub.txt files
 		hubLink="<a href=\"$url\" target=\"_blank\">$label</a>"
 		# Write contact email + hubUrl to file
 		echo -e "$hubLink $email<br>" >> $contactFile
 	done<<<"$(hgsql -h genome-centdb -Ne "select hubUrl,shortLabel from hubPublic" hgcentral)"
 	# Get line counts for current/old contact info files
 	lineCountNew=$(wc -l $contactFile | cut -d " " -f 1)
 	lineCountOld=$(wc -l $contactFile.old.temp | cut -d " " -f 1)
 	lineDiff=$(expr $lineCountNew - $lineCountOld)
 	# find absolute value of line diff