  Wed Apr 12 16:20:35 2017 -0700
vcfGetSlashSepAllelesFromWords needs to handle ALT=. (no alternate allele observed).

diff --git src/lib/vcf.c src/lib/vcf.c
index 8598768..a2acfa7 100644
--- src/lib/vcf.c
+++ src/lib/vcf.c
@@ -1463,38 +1463,41 @@
 chopByChar(altAlCopy, ',', &(alleles[1]), alCount-1);
 int i;
 if (allelesHavePaddingBase(alleles, alCount))
     // Skip padding base (unless we have a symbolic allele):
     for (i = 0;  i < alCount;  i++)
 	if (isAllNt(alleles[i], strlen(alleles[i])))
 // Having dealt with left padding base, now look for identical bases on the right:
 int trimmedBases = countIdenticalBasesRight(alleles, alCount);
 // Build a /-separated allele string, trimming bases on the right if necessary:
 for (i = 0;  i < alCount;  i++)
+    char *allele = alleles[i];
+    if (!sameString(allele, "."))
+        {
         if (i > 0)
             dyStringAppendC(dy, '/');
-    char *allele = alleles[i];
         if (allele[trimmedBases] == '\0')
             dyStringAppendC(dy, '-');
             dyStringAppendN(dy, allele, strlen(allele)-trimmedBases);
+    }
 return dy->string;
 static void vcfWriteWordArrayWithSep(FILE *f, int count, char **words, char sep)
 /* Write words joined by sep to f (or, if count is zero, ".").  */
 if (count < 1)
     fputc('.', f);
     fputs(words[0], f);
     int i;
     for (i = 1;  i < count;  i++)
         fputc(sep, f);