  Mon Apr 10 15:03:30 2017 -0700
allow -long option to faToTwoBit which builds a twoBit file with 64-bit
offsets in the index instead of 32-bit offsets.  This allows the total
amount of stored sequence to be greater than 2Gb

diff --git src/inc/twoBit.h src/inc/twoBit.h
index 85394db..8658c5a 100644
--- src/inc/twoBit.h
+++ src/inc/twoBit.h
@@ -14,60 +14,61 @@
     bits32 size;		/* Size of this sequence. */
     bits32 nBlockCount;		/* Count of blocks of Ns. */
     bits32 *nStarts;		/* Starts of blocks of Ns. */
     bits32 *nSizes;		/* Sizes of blocks of Ns. */
     bits32 maskBlockCount;	/* Count of masked blocks. */
     bits32 *maskStarts;		/* Starts of masked regions. */
     bits32 *maskSizes;		/* Sizes of masked regions. */
     bits32 reserved;		/* Reserved for future expansion. */
 struct twoBitIndex
 /* An entry in twoBit index. */
     struct twoBitIndex *next;	/* Next in list. */
     char *name;			/* Name - allocated in hash */
-    bits32 offset;		/* Offset in file. */
+    bits64 offset;		/* Offset in file. */
 struct twoBitFile
 /* Holds header and index info from .2bit file. */
     struct twoBitFile *next;
     char *fileName;	/* Name of this file, for error reporting. */
     void *f;            /* Open file. */
     boolean isSwapped;	/* Is byte-swapping needed. */
     bits32 version;	/* Version of .2bit file */
     bits32 seqCount;	/* Number of sequences. */
     bits32 reserved;	/* Reserved, always zero for now. */
     struct twoBitIndex *indexList;	/* List of sequence. */
     struct hash *hash;	/* Hash of sequences. */
     struct bptFile *bpt;	/* Alternative index. */
     struct twoBit *seqCache; /* Cache information about last sequence accessed, including
                               * nBlock and mask block.  This doesn't include the data.
                               * This speeds fragment reads.  */
     bits64 dataOffsetCache;  /* file offset of data for seqCache seqeunce */
     /* the routines we use to access the twoBit.
      * These may be UDC routines, or stdio
     void (*ourSeek)(void *file, bits64 offset);
     void (*ourSeekCur)(void *file, bits64 offset);
     bits64 (*ourTell)(void *file);
     bits32 (*ourReadBits32)(void *f, boolean isSwapped);
+    bits64 (*ourReadBits64)(void *f, boolean isSwapped);
     void (*ourClose)(void *pFile);
     boolean (*ourFastReadString)(void *f, char buf[256]);
     void (*ourMustRead)(void *file, void *buf, size_t size);
 struct twoBitSpec
 /* parsed .2bit file and sequence specs */
     char *fileName;                 /* path to file */
     struct twoBitSeqSpec *seqs;     /* list of sequences and subsequences */
 struct twoBitSeqSpec
 /* specification for a seq or subsequence in a .2bit file */
@@ -142,30 +143,34 @@
 /* Free up a two bit structure. */
 void twoBitFreeList(struct twoBit **pList);
 /* Free a list of dynamically allocated twoBit's */
 void twoBitWriteOne(struct twoBit *twoBit, FILE *f);
 /* Write out one twoBit sequence to binary file. 
  * Note this does not include the name, which is
  * stored only in index. */
 void twoBitWriteHeader(struct twoBit *twoBitList, FILE *f);
 /* Write out header portion of twoBit file, including initial
  * index */
+void twoBitWriteHeaderExt(struct twoBit *twoBitList, FILE *f, boolean useLong);
+/* Write out header portion of twoBit file, including initial
+ * index. If useLong is True, use 64 bit quantities for the index offsets to support >4Gb assemblies */
 boolean twoBitIsFile(char *fileName);
 /* Return TRUE if file is in .2bit format. */
 boolean twoBitParseRange(char *rangeSpec, char **retFile, 
 	char **retSeq, int *retStart, int *retEnd);
 /* Parse out something in format
  *    file/path/name:seqName:start-end
  * or
  *    file/path/name:seqName
  * This will destroy the input 'rangeSpec' in the process.
  * Returns FALSE if it doesn't fit this format. 
  * If it is the shorter form then start and end will both
  * be returned as zero, which is ok by twoBitReadSeqFrag. */
 boolean twoBitIsRange(char *rangeSpec);