  Mon Apr 10 16:47:31 2017 -0700
DAS server can now contact a bottleneck server to moderate usage, refs #19193

diff --git src/hg/lib/botDelay.c src/hg/lib/botDelay.c
index ce57006..82921fd 100644
--- src/hg/lib/botDelay.c
+++ src/hg/lib/botDelay.c
@@ -1,200 +1,205 @@
 /* botDelay.c - contact bottleneck server and sleep 
  * for a little bit if IP address looks like it is
  * being just too demanding. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "net.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "hCommon.h"
 #include "botDelay.h"
 int botDelayTime(char *host, int port, char *botCheckString)
 /* Figure out suggested delay time for ip address in
  * milliseconds. */
 int sd = netMustConnect(host, port);
 char buf[256];
 netSendString(sd, botCheckString);
 netRecieveString(sd, buf);
 return atoi(buf);
 void botDelayMessage(char *ip, int millis)
 /* Print out message saying why you are stalled. */
 time_t now = time(NULL);
 warn("There is a very high volume of traffic coming from your "
        "site (IP address %s) as of %s (California time).  So that other "
        "users get a fair share "
        "of our bandwidth, we are putting in a delay of %3.1f seconds "
        "before we service your request.  This delay will slowly "
        "decrease over a half hour as activity returns to normal.  This "
        "high volume of traffic is likely due to program-driven rather than "
        "interactive access, or the submission of queries on a large "
        "number of sequences.  If you are making large batch queries, "
        "please write to our genome@cse.ucsc.edu public mailing list "
        "and inquire about more efficient ways to access our data.  "
        "If you are sharing an IP address with someone who is submitting "
        "large batch queries, we apologize for the "
        "inconvenience. Please contact genome-www@cse.ucsc.edu if "
        "you think this delay is being imposed unfairly.", 
 	    ip, asctime(localtime(&now)), .001*millis);
 void botTerminateMessage(char *ip, int millis)
 /* Print out message saying why you are terminated. */
 time_t now = time(NULL);
 hUserAbort("There is an exceedingly high volume of traffic coming from your "
        "site (IP address %s) as of %s (California time).  It looks like "
        "a web robot is launching queries quickly, and not even waiting for "
        "the results of one query to finish before launching another query. "
        "/* We cannot service requests from your IP address under */ these "
        "conditions.  (code %d)", ip, asctime(localtime(&now)), millis);
 static char *getCookieUser()
 /* get user from hguid cookie */
 char *user = NULL;
 char *centralCookie = hUserCookie();
 if (centralCookie)
     user = findCookieData(centralCookie);
 return user;
 static char *getBotCheckString(char *ip, double fraction)
 /* compose "user.ip fraction" string for bot check */
 char *user = getCookieUser();
 char *botCheckString = needMem(256);
 if (user)
   safef(botCheckString, 256, "%s.%s %f", user, ip, fraction);
   safef(botCheckString, 256, "%s %f", ip, fraction);
 return botCheckString;
 void botDelayCgi(char *host, int port, boolean noWarn, double fraction)
 /* Connect with bottleneck server and sleep the
  * amount it suggests for IP address calling CGI script,
  * after imposing the specified fraction of the access penalty. */
 int millis;
 char *ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
 if (ip != NULL)
     char *botCheckString = getBotCheckString(ip, fraction);    
     millis = botDelayTime(host, port, botCheckString);
     if (millis > 0)
 	if (millis > 10000)
 	    if (millis > 20000)
 	        botTerminateMessage(ip, millis);
 		if (!noWarn)
 		    botDelayMessage(ip, millis);
 boolean botException()
 /* check if the remote ip address is on the exceptions list */
 char *exceptIps = cfgOption("bottleneck.except");
 if (exceptIps)
     char *remoteAddr = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
     if (remoteAddr)
 	char *s = exceptIps;
 	boolean found = FALSE;
 	while (s && !found)
 	    char *e = strchr(s, ' ');
 	    if (e)
 		*e = 0;
 	    if (sameString(remoteAddr, s))
 		found = TRUE;
 	    if (e)
 		*e++ = ' ';
 	    s = e;
 	if (found)
 	    return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static void hgBotDelayExt(boolean noWarn, double fraction)
 /* High level bot delay call - looks up bottleneck server
  * in hg.conf. */
 if (botException())
 char *host = cfgOption("bottleneck.host");
 char *port = cfgOption("bottleneck.port");
 if (host != NULL && port != NULL)
     botDelayCgi(host, atoi(port), noWarn, fraction);
 void hgBotDelay()
 /* High level bot delay call - for use with regular webpage output */ 
 hgBotDelayExt(FALSE, 1.0);
 void hgBotDelayFrac(double fraction)
 /* Like hgBotDelay, but imposes a fraction of the standard access penalty */ 
 hgBotDelayExt(FALSE, fraction);
 void hgBotDelayNoWarn()
 /* High level bot delay call without warning - for use with non-webpage outputs */
 hgBotDelayExt(TRUE, 1.0);
 void hgBotDelayNoWarnFrac(double fraction)
 /* Like hgBotDelayNoWarn, but imposes a fraction of the standard access penalty */
 hgBotDelayExt(TRUE, fraction);
 int hgBotDelayTime()
+return hgBotDelayTimeFrac(1.0);
+int hgBotDelayTimeFrac(double fraction)
 /* Get suggested delay time from cgi using the standard penalty. */
 char *ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
 char *host = cfgOption("bottleneck.host");
 char *port = cfgOption("bottleneck.port");
 int delay = 0;
 if (host != NULL && port != NULL && ip != NULL)
-    char *botCheckString = getBotCheckString(ip, 1.0);    
+    char *botCheckString = getBotCheckString(ip, fraction);
     delay = botDelayTime(host, atoi(port), botCheckString);
 return delay;