  Tue Apr 11 10:16:31 2017 -0700
Add map boxes to graph background (JK request) and item label (for zero-expression items). refs #18736

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/barChartTrack.c src/hg/hgTracks/barChartTrack.c
index c87861c..d427625 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/barChartTrack.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/barChartTrack.c
@@ -26,30 +26,31 @@
     char *unit;                /* Units for category values (e.g. RPKM) */
     struct barChartCategory *categories; /* Category names, colors, etc. */
     int categCount;             /* Count of categories - derived from above */
     char **categNames;          /* Category names  - derived from above */
     char **categLabels;         /* Category labels  - derived from above */
     struct rgbColor *colors;    /* Colors  for all categories */
     struct hash *categoryFilter;  /* NULL out excluded factors */
 struct barChartItem
 /* BED item plus computed values for display */
     struct barChartItem *next;  /* Next in singly linked list */
     struct bed *bed;            /* Item coords, name, exp count and values */
     int height;                 /* Item height in pixels */
+    // TODO: add chartWidth so it's just computed once
 /* Organize category info */
 struct barChartCategory *getCategories(struct track *tg)
 /* Get and cache category info */
 struct barChartTrack *info = (struct barChartTrack *)tg->extraUiData;
 if (info->categories == NULL)
     info->categories = barChartUiGetCategories(database, tg->tdb);
 return info->categories;
 int getCategoryCount(struct track *tg)
@@ -625,103 +626,94 @@
 static void barChartMapItem(struct track *tg, struct hvGfx *hvg, void *item, char *itemName, 
                         char *mapItemName, int start, int end, int x, int y, int width, int height)
 /* Create a map box on item and label, and one for each category (bar in the graph) in
  * pack or full mode.  Just single map for squish/dense modes */
 if (tg->limitedVis == tvDense)
     genericMapItem(tg, hvg, item, itemName, itemName, start, end, x, y, width, height);
 struct barChartTrack *extras = (struct barChartTrack *)tg->extraUiData;
 struct barChartItem *itemInfo = (struct barChartItem *)item;
 struct bed *bed = (struct bed *)itemInfo->bed;
 int itemStart = bed->chromStart;
 int itemEnd = bed->chromEnd;
+int x1, x2;
 if (tg->limitedVis == tvSquish)
     int categId = maxCategoryForItem(bed, SPECIFICITY_THRESHOLD);
     char *maxCateg = "";
     if (categId > 1)
         maxCateg = getCategoryLabel(tg, categId);
     char buf[128];
     safef(buf, sizeof buf, "%s %s", bed->name, maxCateg);
-    int x1, x2;
     getItemX(itemStart, itemEnd, &x1, &x2);
     int width = max(1, x2-x1);
     mapBoxHc(hvg, itemStart, itemEnd, x1, y, width, height, 
                  tg->track, mapItemName, buf);
 int topGraphHeight = barChartHeight(tg, itemInfo);
 topGraphHeight = max(topGraphHeight, tl.fontHeight);        // label
 int yZero = topGraphHeight + y - 1;  // yZero is bottom of graph
-int x1 = insideX;
+// add map box to item label
+int labelWidth = mgFontStringWidth(tl.font, itemName);
+getItemX(start, end, &x1, &x2);
+if (x1-labelWidth <= insideX)
+    labelWidth = 0;
+// map over label
+int itemHeight = itemInfo->height;
+mapBoxHc(hvg, start, end, x1-labelWidth, y, labelWidth, itemHeight-3, 
+                    tg->track, mapItemName, itemName);
+// map over background of chart
+// TODO: more efficient
+int graphWidth = barChartWidth(tg, itemInfo);
+mapBoxHc(hvg, start, end, x1, y, graphWidth, itemHeight-3,
+                    tg->track, mapItemName, itemName);
 // add maps to category bars
 struct barChartCategory *categs = getCategories(tg);
 struct barChartCategory *categ = NULL;
 int barWidth = barChartBarWidth(tg);
 int padding = barChartPadding();
 double maxMedian = ((struct barChartTrack *)tg->extraUiData)->maxMedian;
 int graphX = barChartX(bed);
 if (graphX < 0)
 // x1 is at left of graph
 x1 = insideX + graphX;
 double viewMax = (double)cartUsualIntClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE, 
                                 BAR_CHART_MAX_LIMIT, BAR_CHART_MAX_LIMIT_DEFAULT);
 int i = 0;
 for (categ = categs; categ != NULL; categ = categ->next, i++)
 if (!filterCategory(tg, categ->name))
     double expScore = bed->expScores[i];
     int height = valToClippedHeight(expScore, maxMedian, viewMax, 
                                         barChartMaxHeight(), extras->doLogTransform);
     mapBoxHc(hvg, itemStart, itemEnd, x1, yZero-height, barWidth, height, tg->track, mapItemName,  
                 barChartMapText(tg, categ, expScore));
     x1 = x1 + barWidth + padding;
-// Maybe later
-// add map boxes with item name to item
-if (itemInfo->geneModel && itemInfo->description)
-    {
-    // perhaps these are just start, end ?
-    int itemStart = itemInfo->geneModel->txStart;
-    int itemEnd = barChartItemEnd(tg, item);
-    int x1, x2;
-    getItemX(itemStart, itemEnd, &x1, &x2);
-    int w = x2-x1;
-    int labelWidth = mgFontStringWidth(tl.font, itemName);
-    if (x1-labelWidth <= insideX)
-        labelWidth = 0;
-    // map over label
-    int itemHeight = itemInfo->height;
-    mapBoxHc(hvg, geneStart, geneEnd, x1-labelWidth, y, labelWidth, itemHeight-3, 
-                        tg->track, mapItemName, itemInfo->description);
-    // map over gene model (extending to end of item)
-    int geneModelHeight = barChartModelHeight(extras);
-    mapBoxHc(hvg, geneStart, geneEnd, x1, y+itemHeight-geneModelHeight-3, w, geneModelHeight,
-                        tg->track, mapItemName, itemInfo->description);
-    } 
 /* This is lifted nearly wholesale from gtexGene track.  Could be shared */
 static int getBarChartHeight(void *item)
 struct barChartItem *itemInfo = (struct barChartItem *)item;
 assert(itemInfo->height != 0);
 return itemInfo->height;
 /* This is lifted nearly wholesale from gtexGene track.  Could be shared */
 static int barChartTotalHeight(struct track *tg, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Figure out total height of track. Set in track and also return it */