  Sun Apr 16 13:40:42 2017 -0700
fixed incorrect documentation in bigTransMap; gave one field a more meaninful name

diff --git src/hg/lib/bigTransMap.as src/hg/lib/bigTransMap.as
index 56505c6..ecc06e8 100644
--- src/hg/lib/bigTransMap.as
+++ src/hg/lib/bigTransMap.as
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
 table bigTransMap
 "bigPsl derived pairwise alignment with additional information"
     string chrom;       "Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold"
     uint   chromStart;  "Start position in chromosome"
     uint   chromEnd;    "End position in chromosome"
     string name;        "alignment Id"
     uint score;         "Score (0-1000), faction identity * 1000"
     char[1] strand;     "+ or - indicates whether the query aligns to the + or - strand on the reference"
     uint thickStart;    "Start of where display should be thick (start codon)"
     uint thickEnd;      "End of where display should be thick (stop codon)"
     uint reserved;       "RGB value (use R,G,B string in input file)"
     int blockCount;     "Number of blocks"
     int[blockCount] blockSizes; "Comma separated list of block sizes"
     int[blockCount] chromStarts; "Start positions relative to chromStart"
     uint    oChromStart;"Start position in other chromosome"
     uint    oChromEnd;  "End position in other chromosome"
     char[1] oStrand;    "+ or -, - means that psl was reversed into BED-compatible coordinates" 
     uint    oChromSize; "Size of other chromosome."
     int[blockCount] oChromStarts; "Start positions relative to oChromStart or from oChromStart+oChromSize depending on strand"
     lstring  oSequence;  "Sequence on other chrom (or edit list, or empty)"
     lstring  oCDS;       "CDS in NCBI format"
     uint    chromSize;"Size of target chromosome"
     uint match;        "Number of bases matched."
     uint misMatch; " Number of bases that don't match "
     uint repMatch; " Number of bases that match but are part of repeats "
     uint nCount;   " Number of 'N' bases "
     uint seqType;    "0=empty, 1=nucleotide, 2=amino_acid"
     string srcDb;   "source database"
     string srcTransId; "source transcript id"
     string srcChrom;  "source chromosome"
     uint srcChromStart; "start position in source chromosome"
     uint srcChromEnd; "end position in source chromosome"
-    uint srcScore;    "source source (faction identity * 1000)
-    uint srcAligned;   "fraction of source aligned (faction identity * 1000)
+    uint srcIdent;    "source score (fraction identity * 1000)
+    uint srcAligned;   "fraction of source transcript aligned (fraction aligned * 1000)
     string geneName;  "gene name"
     string geneId;  "gene id"
     string geneType; "gene type"
     string transcriptType; "transcript type"
     string chainType;  "type of chains used for mapping"
     string commonName; "common name"
     string scientificName; "scientific name"
     string orgAbbrev;  "organism abbreviation"