  Tue Apr 11 12:04:03 2017 -0700
slightly changing zoom dialog text, refs #19118

diff --git src/hg/js/hgTracks.js src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
index 71ee822..802babd 100644
--- src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
+++ src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
@@ -1082,33 +1082,33 @@
         // TODO if not virt, do we need to erase cart nonVirtHighlight ?
     selectionEndDialog: function (newPosition)
     // Let user choose between zoom-in and highlighting.
         // if the user hit Escape just before, do not show this dialog
         if (dragSelect.startTime===null)
         var dragSelectDialog = $("#dragSelectDialog")[0];
         if (!dragSelectDialog) {
             $("body").append("<div id='dragSelectDialog'>" + 
-                             "<li>Hold <b>Shift+drag</b> to show this dialog or zoom" +
-                             "<li>Hold <b>Alt+drag</b> to add a highlight (no dialog)" +
-                             "<li>Hold <b>Ctrl+drag</b> or <b>Cmd+drag</b> to zoom (no dialog)" +
+                             "<li>Hold <b>Shift+drag</b> to show this dialog" +
+                             "<li>Hold <b>Alt+drag</b> to add a highlight" +
+                             "<li>Hold <b>Ctrl+drag</b> (Windows) or <b>Cmd+drag</b> (Mac) to zoom" +
                              "<li>To cancel, press <tt>Esc</tt> anytime or drag mouse outside image" +
                              "<li>Highlight the current position with <tt>h then m</tt>" +
                              "<li>Clear all highlights with View - Clear Highlights or <tt>h then c</tt>" +
                              "</ul></p>" +
                              "<p>Highlight color: <input type='text' style='width:70px' id='hlColorInput' value='"+dragSelect.hlColor+"'>" +
                              //"<span id='hlColorBox' style='width:20px'></span>" + 
                              "&nbsp;&nbsp;<input id='hlColorPicker'>" + 
                              "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='#' id='hlReset'>Reset</a></p>" + 
                              "<input style='float:left' type='checkbox' id='disableDragHighlight'>" + 
                              "<span style='border:solid 1px #DDDDDD; padding:3px;display:inline-block' id='hlNotShowAgainMsg'>Don't show this again and always zoom with shift.<br>" + 
                              "Re-enable via 'View - Configure Browser' (<tt>c then f</tt>)</span></p>"+ 
                              "Selected chromosome position: <span id='dragSelectPosition'></span>");
             dragSelectDialog = $("#dragSelectDialog")[0];
             // reset value
             $('#hlReset').click(function() {