  Thu Apr 27 15:54:31 2017 -0700
Remove optional compile switch USE_SSL so that openssl is now an official kent repo dependency. Also using openssl sha1 in hgTracks multiregion. refs #17358.

diff --git src/userApps/Makefile src/userApps/Makefile
index 501638f..ef9d42e 100644
--- src/userApps/Makefile
+++ src/userApps/Makefile
@@ -1,28 +1,27 @@
 #  Makefile for userApps project
 #  performs the operations of fetching selected directories from
 #  the kent source tree using 'git' and then building the utilities
 #  in the kent source tree.  All build results will be kept locally
 #  in this directory.
 export DESTDIR = ${CURDIR}
 export BINDIR = /bin
 export MACHTYPE = local
 export CGI_BIN = ${DESTDIR}/cgi-bin
 export DOCUMENTROOT = ${DESTDIR}/htdocs
 export SCRIPTS = ${DESTDIR}/scripts
-export USE_SSL = 1
 export NOSQLTEST = 1
 all:  utils
 utils: libs
 	cd kent/src && ${MAKE} userApps
 	cd kent/src/parasol && ${MAKE}
 	./kent/src/utils/userApps/mkREADME.sh ${DESTDIR}/${BINDIR} ${CURDIR}/kentUtils.Documentation.txt
 libs: installEnvironment
 	cd kent/src && ${MAKE} libs
 	test ! -d kent/src || (cd kent/src && ${MAKE} -i -k clean)
 	rm -f part1Src.zip part2Src.zip part3Src.zip part4Src.zip part5Src.zip
@@ -36,27 +35,26 @@
 	@find ./kent -type f | wc -l
 # this installEnvironment will add all the shell environment variables
 # to the kent/src/inc/localEnvironment.mk file which is included
 # from the kent/src/inc/userApps.mk to allow any 'make' to function
 # properly when inside this extracted source tree.
 	@test -d kent/src/inc || (echo "ERROR: source has not been fetched yet, try 'make fetchSource' first."; exit 255)
 	@printf "export DESTDIR = ${DESTDIR}\n\
 export BINDIR = ${BINDIR}\n\
 export MACHTYPE = ${MACHTYPE}\n\
 export CGI_BIN = ${CGI_BIN}\n\
 export SCRIPTS = ${SCRIPTS}\n\
-export USE_SSL = 1\n\
 export NOSQLTEST = 1\n" > kent/src/inc/localEnvironment.mk
 update: clean userApps
 	${MAKE} fetchSource
 	${MAKE} utils
 	git archive --format=zip -9 \
 	    --remote=git://genome-source.cse.ucsc.edu/kent.git \
 	    HEAD src/userApps > userApps.zip
 	unzip -q -o -d . -j userApps.zip