Commits for kuhn
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v348_base to v349_preview (2017-04-24 to 2017-05-01) v349
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597772d765cd83c500fb244b7ca513f8bed652f7 Tue Apr 25 07:56:26 2017 -0700
- added bedtools -split flag to ensure reads are not counted where they span an intron. improved sort so chromStart is properly sorted. Refs #19300
- src/utils/qa/bamToBedGraph.csh - lines changed 3, context: html, text, full: html, text
add6faa96b0b8d5068cdde2cf5801a10f2e11c5d Fri Apr 28 11:49:20 2017 -0700
- dropping completed Howard, UVa, RNA-seq workshops. adding UPenn, JAX
- src/hg/htdocs/training/index.html - lines changed 48, context: html, text, full: html, text
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