  Fri Apr 28 15:39:08 2017 -0700
first big commit for hgGeneGraph. Others will follow as QA progresses.  refs #13634

diff --git src/utils/ggGeneClasses src/utils/ggGeneClasses
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c28dfd8
--- /dev/null
+++ src/utils/ggGeneClasses
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
+import logging, sys, optparse, itertools
+from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
+from os.path import join, basename, dirname, isfile
+parser = optparse.OptionParser("""usage: %prog [options] filename - merge the panther classification PTHR9.0_human and the HPRD classification into the format symbol-main class
+uses the most specific class
+just ignores the TREMBL proteins (a few hundred)
+panther data is in /hive/data/outside/panther/3.3
+hprd data is in /hive/data/outside/hprd/081814/
+hprd data received from Arun Patil by email, arun@ibioinformatics.org
+to load:
+create table geneClasses (gene varchar(255), text varchar(30000));
+hgLoadSqlTab publications geneClasses geneClasses.tab
+parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="show debug messages") 
+#parser.add_option("-k", "--keggDir", dest="keggDir", action="store", help="the KEGG ftp mirror directory on disk, default %default", default="/hive/data/outside/kegg/06032011/ftp.genome.jp/pub/kegg") 
+parser.add_option("-s", "--hgncFname", dest="hgncFname", action="store", help="the HGNC tab file on disk, default %default", default="/hive/data/outside/hgnc/111413/hgnc_complete_set.txt") 
+parser.add_option("-p", "--pantherFname", dest="pantherFname", action="store", help="the panther tab file on disk, default %default", default="/hive/data/outside/panther/3.3/PTHR9.0_human") 
+parser.add_option("", "--hprdFname", dest="hprdFname", action="store", help="the HPRD tab file on disk, default %default", default="/hive/data/outside/hprd/081814/HPRD_molecular_class_081914.txt") 
+#parser.add_option("-u", "--uniprotFname", dest="uniprotFname", action="store", help="the uniprot file from the pubs parser, default %default", default="/hive/data/inside/pubs/parsedDbs/uniprot.9606.tab")
+#parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file", action="store", help="run on file") 
+#parser.add_option("", "--test", dest="test", action="store_true", help="do something") 
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+if options.debug:
+    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+# ==== FUNCTIONs =====
+def lineFileNext(fh, headers=None):
+    """ 
+        parses tab-sep file with headers as field names 
+        yields collection.namedtuples
+        strips "#"-prefix from header line
+    """
+    line1 = fh.readline()
+    line1 = line1.strip("\n").strip("#")
+    if headers==None:
+        headers = line1.split("\t")
+        headers = [h.replace(" ", "_") for h in headers]
+        headers = [h.replace("(", "") for h in headers]
+        headers = [h.replace(")", "") for h in headers]
+    Record = namedtuple('tsvRec', headers)
+    for line in fh:
+        line = line.rstrip("\n")
+        fields = line.split("\t")
+        try:
+            rec = Record(*fields)
+        except Exception, msg:
+            logging.error("Exception occured while parsing line, %s" % msg)
+            logging.error("Filename %s" % fh.name)
+            logging.error("Line was: %s" % repr(line))
+            logging.error("Does number of fields match headers?")
+            logging.error("Headers are: %s" % headers)
+            #raise Exception("wrong field count in line %s" % line)
+            continue
+        # convert fields to correct data type
+        yield rec
+def resolveFamilies(root, idToMember):
+    " add id to member tuple to idToMember dict for all families "
+    logging.info("pass2 - families")
+    for mEl in root.findall("Model/MoleculeList/Molecule"):
+        molId = mEl.attrib["id"]
+        molType = mEl.attrib["molecule_type"]
+        famMemEl = mEl.find("FamilyMemberList")
+        if famMemEl!=None:
+            # <FamilyMemberList>
+            # <Member member_molecule_idref="200502">
+            name = mEl.find("Name").attrib["value"]
+            symList = []
+            for memEl in famMemEl.findall("Member"):
+                #print name, memEl.attrib
+                memId = memEl.attrib["member_molecule_idref"]
+                if memId not in idToMember:
+                    #logging.debug("skipping %s, not defined yet" % memId)
+                    continue
+                sym = idToMember[memId][-1]
+                symList.append(sym)
+            #print symList
+            symStr = "|".join(symList)
+            idToMember[molId] = ("family", name, symStr)
+def trySymFromName(nameStr, accToSym):
+    # try a few things to get the official symbol of a synonym
+    # handles complexes and returns a | sep list for them
+    if "/" in nameStr:
+        parts = nameStr.split("/")
+        syms = []
+        for p in parts:
+            p = p.strip()
+            pSym = trySymFromName(p, accToSym)
+            if pSym!="":
+                syms.append(pSym)
+        if len(syms)!=0:
+            return "|".join(syms)
+    if nameStr == "":
+        nameStr = accTonameStr.get(nameStr, "")
+    if nameStr=="":
+        nameStr = accTonameStr.get(nameStr.split("-")[0].lower(), "")
+    if nameStr=="":
+        nameStr = accTonameStr.get(nameStr.split("/")[0].lower(), "")
+    if nameStr=="":
+        nameStr = accTonameStr.get(nameStr.split()[0].lower(), "")
+    # give up
+    return ""
+def parseXml(filename, accToSym):
+    """ parse NCI XML, returns list of tuples, see global "headers" variable
+    """
+    logging.info(filename)
+    rows = []
+    tree = et.parse(filename)
+    root = tree.getroot()
+    source = basename(filename).split(".")[0]
+    idToMember = {} # id -> ("complex" or "family" or "gene", name, |-sep list of genes)
+    idToSym = {} # id -> sym
+    logging.info("pass1")
+    skipUps = []
+    noSym = set()
+    for mEl in root.findall("Model/MoleculeList/Molecule"):
+        # <Molecule molecule_type="protein" id="201405">
+        # <Name name_type="UP" long_name_type="UniProt" value="P98170" />
+        famMemEl = mEl.find("FamilyMemberList")
+        # ignore molecules with families
+        if famMemEl!=None:
+            continue
+        molId = mEl.attrib["id"]
+        molType = mEl.attrib["molecule_type"]
+        names = {}
+        for nameEl in mEl.findall("Name"):
+            names[nameEl.attrib["name_type"]] = nameEl.attrib["value"]
+        # <ComplexComponentList>
+        # <ComplexComponent molecule_idref="215568">
+        # </ComplexComponentList>
+        complCompEls = mEl.findall("ComplexComponentList/ComplexComponent")
+        if molType in ["protein", "rna"] or (molType=="complex" and len(complCompEls)==0):
+            # weird enough, this can happen: a complex with a protein UP entry... 
+            # and no components -> we treat these like a normal protein
+            upAcc = None
+            sym = ""
+            if "UP" in names:
+                upAcc = names["UP"]
+                upAcc = upAcc.split("-")[0]
+                sym = accToSym.get(upAcc, None)
+                if sym==None:
+                    skipUps.append(upAcc)
+                    continue
+            nameStr = names["PF"]
+            if sym=="":
+                sym = trySymFromName(nameStr, accToSym)
+            compType = "gene"
+            if "|" in sym:
+                compType = "complex"
+            idToMember[molId] = ("gene", nameStr, sym)
+        elif molType=="compound":
+            # <Molecule molecule_type="compound" id="201403">
+            # <Name name_type="CA" long_name_type="Chemical Abstracts" value="521-18-6" />
+            # <Name name_type="PF" long_name_type="preferred symbol" value="DHT" />
+            for nameEl in mEl.findall("Name"):
+                if nameEl.attrib["name_type"]=="CA":
+                    idStr = "compound:CAS"+nameEl.attrib["value"]
+                elif nameEl.attrib["name_type"]=="PF":
+                    name = nameEl.attrib["value"]
+            idToMember[molId] = ("compound", name, idStr)
+    logging.info("Could not resolve %d uniprot IDs, out of %d" % (len(skipUps), len(idToMember)))
+    logging.info("%d molecules without an official symbol" % (len(noSym)))
+    logging.debug("list: %s" %  ",".join(noSym))
+    logging.info("pass2 families")
+    resolveFamilies(root, idToMember)
+    logging.info("pass3 complexes")
+    for mEl in root.findall("Model/MoleculeList/Molecule"):
+        molId = mEl.attrib["id"]
+        molType = mEl.attrib["molecule_type"]
+        famMemEl = mEl.find("FamilyMemberList")
+        names = {}
+        for nameEl in mEl.findall("Name"):
+            names[nameEl.attrib["name_type"]] = nameEl.attrib["value"]
+        if molType=="complex" and not "UP" in names:
+            # <Name name_type="PF" long_name_type="preferred symbol" value="FA complex/FANCD2/Ubiquitin" />
+            symList = []
+            name = names["PF"]
+            for compEl in mEl.findall("ComplexComponentList/ComplexComponent"):
+                compId = compEl.attrib["molecule_idref"]
+                if compId not in idToMember:
+                    # just skip invalid ones
+                    continue
+                compType, compName, compSym = idToMember[compId]
+                if compType=="family":
+                    compSym = compSym.replace("|", "_")
+                if compSym=="": # some members don't have an offical symbol, skip them
+                    continue
+                if compSym in symList:
+                    continue
+                symList.append(compSym)
+            #assert(symList!=[]) # we have some complexes without member proteins
+            # some are not annotated, we resort to guessing
+            if len(symList)==0:
+                symStr = trySymFromName(name, accToSym)
+            else:
+                symStr = "|".join(symList)
+            idToMember[molId] = ("complex", name, symStr)
+    logging.info("pass4 families again")
+    resolveFamilies(root, idToMember)
+    #for id, tup in idToMember.iteritems():
+        #print id, tup
+    # create a dict with interactionId -> list of pathways
+    intIdToName = {}
+    for pwEl in root.findall("Model/PathwayList/Pathway"):
+        pwName = pwEl.find("LongName").text
+        #print pwName
+        pwCompEls = pwEl.findall("PathwayComponentList/PathwayComponent")
+        if pwCompEls==None:
+            continue
+        for pwCompEl in pwCompEls:
+            intIdToName[pwCompEl.attrib["interaction_idref"]]=pwName
+    # now iterate over interactions and output their components as pairs
+    eventId = 0
+    skipCount = 0
+    for ic in root.findall("Model/InteractionList/Interaction"):
+        intId = ic.attrib["id"]
+        iType = ic.attrib["interaction_type"]
+        if iType in ["pathway", "subnet"]: # refs to complete pathways
+            continue
+        #print iType
+        #assert(iType in ["transcription", "modification", "translocation"])
+        src = ic.find("Source").text
+        evidList = []
+        for evidEl in ic.findall("EvidenceList/Evidence"):
+            evidList.append(evidToName[evidEl.text])
+        evidStr = "|".join(evidList)
+        pmids = []
+        for refEl in ic.findall("ReferenceList/Reference"):
+            pmids.append(refEl.attrib["pmid"])
+        pmidStr = "|".join(pmids)
+        edges = defaultdict(set)
+        allParts = set()
+        for intCompEl in ic.findall("InteractionComponentList/InteractionComponent"):
+            idref = intCompEl.attrib["molecule_idref"]
+            role = intCompEl.attrib["role_type"]
+            member = idToMember.get(idref, None)
+            if member==None:
+                skipCount += 1
+                continue
+            assert(role in ["input", "output", "inhibitor", "agent"])
+            edges[role].add(member)
+            allParts.add(member)
+        memCount = 0
+        for compType, iList in edges.iteritems():
+            memCount+= len(iList)
+        for pair in itertools.combinations(allParts,2 ):
+            m1, m2 = pair
+            subRel = "participates"
+            if m1 in edges["agent"]:
+                subRel = "activates"
+            elif m1 in edges["inhibitor"]:
+                subRel = "inhibits"
+            pwName = intIdToName[intId]
+            row = ["pid%d"%eventId]
+            row.extend(m1)
+            row.extend(m2)
+            row.append(iType)
+            row.append(subRel)
+            row.append("pid")
+            row.append(intId)
+            row.append(pwName)
+            row.append(pmidStr)
+            row.append(evidStr)
+            eventId += 1
+            yield row
+        #print len(edges), memCount, intId, iType, evidStr, pmidStr, edges
+    logging.warn("Could not resolve %d members of interactions (probably non-human species)" % skipCount)
+def pipeSplitAddAll(string, dict, key, toLower=False):
+    " split on pipe and add all values to dict with key "
+    for val in string.split("|"):
+        if toLower:
+            val = val.lower()
+        dict[val]=key
+def parseUniprot(uniprotTable, accToSym):
+    " parse uniprot and return dict with accession or synonym -> symbol "
+    logging.info("Parsing %s" % uniprotTable)
+    for row in lineFileNext(open(uniprotTable)):
+        sym = row.hgncSym.split("|")[0]
+        accToSym[sym] = sym # some entries have the HGNC symbol in the xref
+        #pipeSplitAddAll(row.entrezGene, accToSym, sym)
+        pipeSplitAddAll(row.mainIsoAcc, accToSym, sym)
+        pipeSplitAddAll(row.accList, accToSym, sym)
+        pipeSplitAddAll(row.acc, accToSym, sym)
+        # pull out various synonyms: names & symbols
+        pipeSplitAddAll(row.geneName, accToSym, sym, toLower=True)
+        pipeSplitAddAll(row.geneSynonyms, accToSym, sym, toLower=True)
+        pipeSplitAddAll(row.isoNames, accToSym, sym, toLower=True)
+        pipeSplitAddAll(row.protFullNames, accToSym, sym, toLower=True)
+        pipeSplitAddAll(row.protShortNames, accToSym, sym, toLower=True)
+        pipeSplitAddAll(row.protAltFullNames, accToSym, sym, toLower=True)
+        pipeSplitAddAll(row.protAltShortNames, accToSym, sym, toLower=True)
+        #pipeSplitAddAll(row.ensemblGene, accToSym, sym)
+    return accToSym
+def parseHgnc(fname, addEntrez=False):
+    " return a uniprotAcc -> hgnc symbol dict from the HGNC tab-sep file "
+    logging.info("Parsing HGNC table")
+    upToSym = {}
+    skipSyms = set()
+    for row in lineFileNext(open(fname)):
+        sym = row.Approved_Symbol
+        if "withdrawn" in sym or "-AS" in sym:
+            continue
+        upAcc = row.UniProt_ID_supplied_by_UniProt
+        if upAcc=="" or upAcc=="-":
+            continue
+        if upAcc in upToSym:
+            #logging.debug("uniprot accession %s assigned to %s, but already assigned to symbol %s" % (upAcc, sym, upToSym[upAcc]))
+            skipSyms.add(sym)
+            continue
+        entrez = row.Entrez_Gene_ID
+        if addEntrez and entrez!="":
+            upToSym[entrez] = sym
+        upToSym[upAcc] = sym
+    logging.info("Skipped these symbols due to duplicate uniprot IDs: %s" % ",".join(skipSyms))
+    return upToSym
+# ----------- MAIN --------------
+#if args==[]:
+    #parser.print_help()
+    #exit(1)
+pantherFilename = options.pantherFname
+#uniprotTable = "/hive/data/inside/pubs/parsedDbs/uniprot.9606.tab"
+accToSym = parseHgnc(options.hgncFname)
+catCounts = defaultdict(int)
+symToCats = defaultdict(list)
+for line in open(pantherFilename):
+    fs = line.rstrip("\n").split('\t')
+    idStr = fs[0]
+    idStr = idStr.split("|")[-1]
+    if not idStr.startswith('UniProt'):
+        continue
+    acc = idStr.split("=")[-1]
+    if acc not in accToSym:
+        logging.warn("Not found: %s" % acc)
+        continue
+    sym = accToSym[acc]
+    classes = fs[8].split(";")
+    classes = [c.split("#")[0] for c in classes]
+    for c in classes:
+        catCounts[c]+=1
+        symToCats[sym].append(c)
+#for cat, count in catCounts.iteritems():
+    #print count, cat
+pantherClasses = {}
+for sym, cats in symToCats.iteritems():
+    scoredCats = []
+    for c in cats:
+        scoredCats.append ( (catCounts[c], c) )
+    scoredCats.sort()
+    bestCat = scoredCats[0][-1]
+    #if len(scoredCats)>1:
+        #nextCat = scoredCats[1][-1]
+        #bestCat = bestCat+", "+nextCat
+    otherStr = ""
+    if len(scoredCats)>1:
+        otherCats = scoredCats[1:]
+        otherCats = [c[-1] for c in otherCats]
+        otherStr = ",".join(otherCats)
+    #row = [sym, bestCat, otherStr]
+    #print "\t".join(row)
+    bestCat = bestCat.replace(" molecule", "")
+    bestCat = bestCat.replace("G protein", "G-protein")
+    bestCat = bestCat.replace(";", ", ")
+    pantherClasses[sym] = bestCat
+# process hprd and write to dict sym -> text
+headers = "sym,entrez,desc,refseq,classStr,empty".split(",")
+hprdClasses = {}
+for row in lineFileNext(open(options.hprdFname), headers=headers):
+    if row.classStr.startswith("Unclass"):
+        continue
+    if row.classStr=="-":
+        continue
+    classStr = row.classStr
+    classStr = classStr.replace("G protein", "G-protein") 
+    classStr = classStr.replace(";", ", ") 
+    hprdClasses[row.sym] = classStr
+# join both dicts
+allSyms = set(pantherClasses).union(hprdClasses)
+for sym in allSyms:
+    parts = []
+    if sym in pantherClasses:
+        parts.append(pantherClasses.get(sym, ""))
+    if sym in hprdClasses:
+        parts.append(hprdClasses.get(sym, ""))
+    #row = [sym, ", ".join(parts)]
+    hprd = hprdClasses.get(sym, "")
+    panther = pantherClasses.get(sym, "")
+    parts = [hprd, panther]
+    # take longer desc if overlap by one word
+    if len(set(hprd.lower().split()).intersection(panther.lower().split()))!=0:
+        if len(hprd)>len(panther):
+            parts=[hprd]
+        else:
+            parts=[panther]
+    parts = [p for p in parts if p!=""]
+    #row = [sym, hprd, panther, ", ".join(parts)]
+    desc = ", ".join(parts)
+    if len(desc)>1:
+        desc = desc[0].upper()+"".join(desc[1:])
+    if desc=="":
+        continue
+    row = [sym, desc]
+    print "\t".join(row)