  Fri Apr 28 15:39:08 2017 -0700
first big commit for hgGeneGraph. Others will follow as QA progresses.  refs #13634

diff --git src/utils/ggTables src/utils/ggTables
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bb07669
--- /dev/null
+++ src/utils/ggTables
@@ -0,0 +1,1255 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
+import logging, sys, optparse, glob, itertools, os, tempfile, gzip, operator, re, cPickle, gc
+import marshal
+from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple, Counter
+from itertools import chain, combinations
+from os.path import join, basename, dirname, isfile, expanduser
+import ujson
+# saves 20% of time when loading graph marshal
+import gc
+#LTPMAXMEMBERS=5 # maximum number of proteins in a complex for an interaction to quality for low throughput
+LTPMAX=5 # maximum number of interactions a PMID can have to be declared low throughput
+# don't even write out links with less than this number of documents. 2 = weeds out many false positives.
+# not using right now, because a few pathway databases do not annotate ANY PMID. Increasing this filter would remove
+# all interactions from these pathways databases.
+outFields = ["gene1", "gene2", "flags", "refs", "fwWeight", "revWeight", "snip"]
+# directory with autoSql descriptions of output tables
+autoSqlDir = expanduser("~/kent/src/hg/lib/")
+# file with all of medline in short form
+allArtFname = "textInfo.tab"
+# file with just pmids and events
+#pmidEventFname = "temp.pmidToEvent.tab"
+# RE to split sentences
+wordRe = re.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9]+")
+parser = optparse.OptionParser("""usage: %prog [options] build|load pathwayDir ppiDir textDir outDir - given various tab sep files with text-mining, gene interaction or pathway information, build the  table ggLink, ggDoc, ggDb and ggText
+run it like this:
+%prog medline - to reduce the big medline table to something smaller, only needed once
+%prog build pathways ppi text mysql
+%prog docs mysql  # creates the ggDocs.tab file, slow
+%prog context mysql
+%prog load mysql publications
+%prog bigBed outDir bigBedFile db
+parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="show debug messages") 
+#parser.add_option("-t", "--test", dest="test", action="store_true", help="run tests") 
+parser.add_option("-t", "--textDir", dest="textDir", action="store", help="directory with the parsed copy of medline, default %default", default="/hive/data/inside/pubs/text/medline") 
+parser.add_option("-m", "--meshFile", dest="meshFname", action="store", help="An mtrees<year>.bin file, default %default", default="/hive/data/outside/ncbi/mesh/mtrees2015.bin")
+parser.add_option("-j", "--journalInfo", dest="journalInfo", action="store", help="tab-sep file with journal info from the NLM Catalog converted by 'pubPrepCrawl publishers'. Used to shorten the journal names. Optional and not used if file is not found. Default %default", default="/cluster/home/max/projects/pubs/tools/data/journals/journals.tab")
+parser.add_option("-b", "--wordFname", dest="wordFname", action="store", help="a file with common English words", default="/hive/data/outside/pubs/wordFrequency/bnc/bnc.txt")
+#parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file", action="store", help="run on file") 
+#parser.add_option("", "--test", dest="test", action="store_true", help="do something") 
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+if options.debug:
+    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+# ==== FUNCTIONs =====
+def parseAutoSql(asFname):
+    " parse auto sql file and return list of field names "
+    headers = []
+    for line in open(asFname):
+        line = line.replace("(","").replace(")","").strip()
+        if line.startswith('"') or line.startswith("\n"):
+            continue
+        if line.startswith("table"):
+            continue
+        if not ";" in line:
+            continue
+        parts = line.split(";")[0]
+        parts = parts.split()
+        assert(len(parts)>=2)
+        headers.append(parts[1])
+    return headers
+def lineFileNext(fh, headers=None, asFname=None):
+    """ parses tab-sep file with headers as field names , assumes that file starts with headers
+        yields collection.namedtuples
+    """
+    line1 = fh.readline()
+    line1 = line1.strip("\n").strip("#")
+    if headers==None and asFname!=None:
+        headers = parseAutoSql(asFname)
+    elif headers==None:
+        headers = line1.split("\t")
+        headers = [h.replace(" ", "_") for h in headers]
+        headers = [h.replace("(", "") for h in headers]
+        headers = [h.replace(")", "") for h in headers]
+    Record = namedtuple('tsvRec', headers)
+    for line in fh:
+        line = line.rstrip("\n")
+        fields = line.split("\t")
+        try:
+            rec = Record(*fields)
+        except Exception, msg:
+            logging.error("Exception occured while parsing line, %s" % msg)
+            logging.error("Filename %s" % fh.name)
+            logging.error("Line was: %s" % repr(line))
+            logging.error("Does number of fields match headers?")
+            logging.error("Headers are: %s" % headers)
+            #raise Exception("wrong field count in line %s" % line)
+            continue
+        # convert fields to correct data type
+        yield rec
+def loadFiles(inDir, prefix=None):
+    """ load .tab files into dict fType -> list of rows and return tuple (ppiRows, textRows)
+    """
+    #typeRows = defaultdict(list)
+    #jppiRows = list()
+    #jtextRows = list()
+    pairs = defaultdict(list)
+    inFnames = glob.glob(join(inDir, "*.tab"))
+    rows = list()
+    for inFname in inFnames:
+        logging.info("Loading %s" % inFname)
+        #fType = None
+        for row in lineFileNext(open(inFname)):
+            if prefix!=None:
+                row = row._replace(eventId=prefix+row.eventId)
+            rows.append(row)
+    return rows
+def getResultCounts(pairs):
+    """ 
+    Input is a pair -> rows dictionary
+    for each PMID, count how many pairs are assigned to it. This is 
+    something like the "resultCount" of a paper, the lower, the better.
+    Then, for each pair, get the minimum resultCount and return as a dict
+    pair -> resultCount
+    """
+    logging.info("Getting low-throughput studies in PPI and pathway data")
+    # create dict doc -> set of gene pairs
+    docToPairs = defaultdict(set)
+    for pair, rows in pairs.iteritems():
+        #print "pp", pair
+        for row in rows:
+            #print "r", row
+            #members = row.themeGenes.split("|")
+            #members.extend(row.causeGenes.split("|"))
+            # complexes with more than 5 proteins are not low-throughput anyways
+            # skip these right away
+            #if len(members)>LTPMAXMEMBERS:
+                #continue
+            docIds = row.pmids.split("|")
+            for docId in docIds:
+                if docId=="":
+                    continue
+                docToPairs[docId].add(pair)
+    #print "d2p", docToPairs
+    pairMinResultCounts = {}
+    for pair, rows in pairs.iteritems():
+        #print "pp", pair
+        resultCounts = []
+        # get all docIds in rows
+        docIds = []
+        for row in rows:
+            docIds.extend(row.pmids.split("|"))
+        # get the minimal resultCount of all docIds 
+        for docId in set(docIds):
+            if docId=="":
+                continue
+            #print "di2", docId
+            #print "d2p", docToPairs[docId]
+            resCount = len(docToPairs[docId])
+            #print "rc", resCount
+            resultCounts.append(resCount)
+        if len(resultCounts)!=0:
+            minResCount = min(resultCounts)
+        else:
+            minResCount = 0
+        #print "min", minResCount
+        pairMinResultCounts[pair] = minResCount
+    #ltPairs = set()
+    #ltDocs = []
+    #for pmid, pairList in docToPairs.iteritems():
+        #if len(pairList) <= LTPMAX:
+            #ltPairs.update(pairList)
+            #ltDocs.append(pmid)
+    #logging.info("Found %d low-throughput studies out of %d" % (len(ltDocs), len(pmidToPairs)))
+    #logging.info("Found %d low-throughput interactions out of %d" % (len(ltPairs), len(pairs)))
+    #return ltPairs, ltDocs
+    return pairMinResultCounts, docToPairs
+def allSubPairs(pair):
+    """ given a pair of two strings, where each can be a _-separate list of genes (a family), 
+    return all combinations of each member 
+    """
+    x, y = pair
+    xs = x.split("_")
+    ys = y.split("_")
+    for subPair in [(a, b) for a in xs for b in ys]:
+        a, b = subPair
+        if a=="" or b=="" or a=="-" or b=="-" or \
+                a.startswith("compound") or b.startswith("compound"):
+            continue
+        yield subPair
+def iterAllPairs(row):
+    """ yield all pairs of interacting genes for a given row. Handles families 
+    >>> list(iterAllPairs("gene", ["TP1","TP2"], "complex", ["OMG1","OMG2"]))
+    [('OMG1', 'OMG2'), ('TP1', 'OMG1'), ('TP1', 'OMG2'), ('TP2', 'OMG1'), ('TP2', 'OMG2')]
+    >>> list(iterAllPairs("complex", ["TP1_TEST2","TP2"], "complex", ["OMG1","OMG2"]))
+    """
+    type1 = row.causeType
+    type2 = row.themeType
+    genes1 = set(row.causeGenes.split("|"))
+    genes2 = set(row.themeGenes.split("|"))
+    # all genes of complexes interact in some way
+    if type1=="complex":
+        for pair in itertools.combinations(genes1, 2):
+            # a complex can contain families
+            for subPair in allSubPairs(pair):
+                yield tuple(subPair)
+    if type2=="complex":
+        for pair in itertools.combinations(genes2, 2):
+            # a complex can contain families
+            for subPair in allSubPairs(pair):
+                yield tuple(subPair)
+    # all genes from the left and the right side interact
+    if type2!="":
+        pairs = list([(aa, bb) for aa in genes1 for bb in genes2])
+        for pair in pairs:
+            for subPair in allSubPairs(pair):
+                gene1, gene2 = subPair
+                if gene1=="-" or gene1=="" or gene2=="" or gene2=="-":
+                    #skipCount += 1
+                    continue
+                if gene1.startswith("compound") or gene2.startswith("compound"):
+                    continue
+                yield subPair
+def indexPairs(ppiRows, desc):
+    """ given rows with theme and cause genes, return 
+    a dict with sorted (gene1, gene2) -> list of eventIds """
+    logging.info("enumerating all interacting pairs: %s" % desc)
+    pairs = defaultdict(list)
+    for row in ppiRows:
+        for pair in iterAllPairs(row):
+            gene1, gene2 = pair
+            if gene1.startswith("compound") or gene2.startswith("compound"):
+                continue
+            pairs[tuple(sorted(pair))].append(row)
+    logging.info("got %d pairs" % len(pairs))
+    return pairs
+def mergePairs(dicts):
+    " merge a list of defaultdict(list) into one defaultdict(set) "
+    logging.info("Merging pairs")
+    data = defaultdict(set)
+    for defDict in dicts:
+        for key, valList in defDict.iteritems():
+            data[key].update(valList)
+    return data
+def directedPairToDocs(rows):
+    """ get documents of text mining pairs. a dict with pair -> text rows
+    create a dict pair -> set of document IDs. Note that these pairs are
+    DIRECTED - so they can be used to infer the direction of the interaction
+    """
+    # create a dict with pair -> pmids
+    pairPmids = defaultdict(set)
+    for row in rows:
+        genes1 = set(row.causeGenes.split("|"))
+        genes2 = set(row.themeGenes.split("|"))
+        pairs = list([(aa, bb) for aa in genes1 for bb in genes2])
+        for cause, theme in pairs:
+            pairPmids[(cause, theme)].add(row.pmid)
+    return pairPmids
+def writeGraphTable(allPairs, pairDocs, pairToDbs, pairMinResCounts, pwDirPairs, bestSentences, outFname, outFname2):
+    " write the ggLink table "
+    logging.info("writing merged graph to %s" % outFname)
+    rows = []
+    rows2 = []
+    for pair,pairRows in allPairs.iteritems():
+        gene1, gene2 = pair
+        dbs = set()
+        flags = []
+        if pair in dbPairs:
+            flags.append("ppi")
+        if pair in pwPairs:
+            flags.append("pwy")
+        if pair in textPairs:
+            flags.append("text")
+        refs = [row.eventId for row in pairRows]
+        #if pairMinResultCounts:
+            #flags.append("low")
+        # direction of interaction - only based on pathways
+        if pair in pwDirPairs:
+            flags.append("fwd")
+        if tuple(reversed(pair)) in pwDirPairs:
+            flags.append("rev")
+        forwDocs = pairDocs.get(pair, [])
+        revDocs = pairDocs.get(tuple(reversed(pair)), [])
+        allDocs = set(forwDocs).union(set(revDocs))
+        if len(allDocs)<MINSUPP and "pwy" not in flags and "ppi" not in flags:
+            # if it's text-mining only and less than X documents, just skip it
+            continue
+        pairMinResCount = pairMinResCounts.get(pair, 0)
+        pairDbs = "|".join(pairToDbs.get(pair, []))
+        snippet = bestSentences.get(pair, "")
+        row = [gene1, gene2, ",".join(flags), str(len(forwDocs)), str(len(revDocs)), \
+            str(len(allDocs)), pairDbs, str(pairMinResCount), snippet]
+        rows.append(row)
+        refs = list(refs)
+        refs.sort()
+        for ref in refs:
+            #row2 = [gene1, gene2, ",".join(refs)]
+            row = [gene1, gene2, ref]
+            rows2.append(row)
+    ofh = open(outFname, "w")
+    rows.sort()
+    for row in rows:
+        ofh.write("\t".join(row))
+        ofh.write("\n")
+    ofh.close()
+    ofh2 = open(outFname2, "w")
+    rows2.sort()
+    for row in rows2:
+        ofh2.write("\t".join(row))
+        ofh2.write("\n")
+    ofh2.close()
+def runCmd(cmd):
+    """ run command in shell, exit if not successful """
+    msg = "Running shell command: %s" % cmd
+    logging.debug(msg)
+    ret = os.system(cmd)
+    if ret!=0:
+        raise Exception("Could not run command (Exitcode %d): %s" % (ret, cmd))
+    return ret
+def asToSql(table, sqlDir):
+    " given a table name, return the name of a .sql file with CREATE TABLE for it"
+    asPath = join(autoSqlDir, table+".as")
+    #tempBase = tempfile.mktemp()
+    outBase = join(sqlDir, table)
+    cmd = "autoSql %s %s" % (asPath, outBase)
+    runCmd(cmd)
+    #sql = open("%s.sql" % sqlFname).read()
+    # delete the files that are not needed
+    #assert(len(tempBase)>5) # paranoia check
+    #cmd = "rm -f %s.h %s.c"  % (tempBase, tempBase)
+    #runCmd(cmd)
+    return outBase+".sql"
+def loadTable(db, tableDir, table):
+    " load table into mysql, using autoSql "
+    #sqlFname = join(tableDir, table+".sql")
+    tmpSqlFname = asToSql(table, tableDir)
+    tabFname = join(tableDir, table+".tab")
+    cmd = "hgLoadSqlTab %s %s %s %s" % (db, table, tmpSqlFname, tabFname)
+    try:
+        runCmd(cmd)
+    except:
+        # make sure that the temp file gets deleted
+        os.remove(tmpSqlFname)
+        raise
+    os.remove(tmpSqlFname)
+def hgsql(db, query):
+    assert('"' not in sql)
+    cmd = "hgsql %s -NBe '%s'" % (db, query)
+def addIndexes(db):
+    " add the indexes for mysql "
+    query = "ALTER TABLE ggLinkEvent ADD INDEX gene12Idx (gene1, gene2);"
+    hgsql(db, query)
+    query = "ALTER TABLE ggEventText ADD INDEX docIdIdx (docId);"
+    hgsql(db, query)
+def loadTables(tableDir, db):
+    " load graph tables into mysql "
+    loadTable(db, tableDir, "ggDoc")
+    loadTable(db, tableDir, "ggDocEvent")
+    loadTable(db, tableDir, "ggEventDb")
+    loadTable(db, tableDir, "ggEventText")
+    loadTable(db, tableDir, "ggLink")
+    loadTable(db, tableDir, "ggLinkEvent")
+    addIndexes(db)
+def indexPmids(rowList, textRows):
+    " return dict pmid -> list of event Ids "
+    pmidToIds = defaultdict(set) 
+    for rows in rowList:
+        for row in rows:
+            pmidStr = row.pmids
+            if pmidStr=="":
+                continue
+            pmids = pmidStr.split("|")
+            rowId = row.eventId
+            for pmid in pmids:
+                if pmid=="":
+                    continue
+                pmidToIds[pmid].add(rowId)
+    for row in textRows:
+        if row.pmid=="":
+            continue
+        pmidToIds[row.pmid].add(row.eventId)
+    return pmidToIds
+def writeDocEvents(pmidToId, outFname):
+    " write a table with PMID -> list of event Ids "
+    logging.info("Writing docId-eventId %s" % outFname)
+    ofh = open(outFname, "w")
+    for docId, eventIds in pmidToId.iteritems():
+        eventIds = sorted(list(eventIds))
+        for eventId in eventIds:
+            ofh.write("%s\t%s\n" % (docId, eventId))
+    ofh.close()
+def writeEventTable(rowList, outFname, colCount=None):
+    " write the event table with event details "
+    logging.info("Writing events to %s" % outFname)
+    ofh = open(outFname, "w")
+    for rows in rowList:
+        for row in rows:
+            if colCount:
+                row = row[:colCount]
+            ofh.write("%s\n" % ("\t".join(row)))
+    ofh.close()
+def pairToDbs(pairs):
+    """ given pairs and data rows, return a dict pair -> int 
+    that indicates how many DBs a pair is referenced in 
+    """
+    # first make dict event -> source dbs
+    #eventDbs = defaultdict(set)
+    #for row in pwRows:
+        #eventDbs[row.eventId].add(row.sourceDb)
+    #for row in dbRows:
+        #sourceDbs = row.sourceDbs.split("|")
+        #eventDbs[row.eventId].update(sourceDbs)
+    # construct a dict pair -> source dbs
+    pairDbs = defaultdict(set)
+    for pair, rows in pairs.iteritems():
+        for row in rows:
+            pairDbs[pair].add(row.sourceDb)
+    return pairDbs
+def parseMeshContext(fname):
+    " given a medline trees file, return the list of disease and pathway names in it "
+    # ex. filename is mtrees2013.bin (it's ascii)
+    # WAGR Syndrome;C10.597.606.643.969
+    terms = set()
+    lines = open(fname)
+    for line in lines:
+        line = line.strip()
+        term, code = line.split(";")
+        term = term.strip()
+        # all disease terms start with C
+        if code.startswith("C"):
+            terms.add(term)
+        # all signalling pathways a below a very specific branch
+        elif code.startswith("G02.149.115.800") and not code=="G02.149.115.800":
+            terms.add(term)
+    logging.info("Read %d disease/context MESH terms from %s" % (len(terms), fname))
+    return terms
+def getDirectedPairs(pwRows):
+    " get the set of directed gene pairs from the rows, keep the direction "
+    pairs = set()
+    for row in pwRows:
+        for pair in iterAllPairs(row):
+            pairs.add(pair)
+    return pairs
+def writeAllDocInfo(textDir, outFname):
+    " get all author/year/journal/title as tab-sep from a pubtools-style input directory, ~5GB big "
+    mask = join(textDir, "*.articles.gz")
+    ofh = open(outFname, "w")
+    fnames = glob.glob(mask)
+    doneDocs = set()
+    for i, fname in enumerate(fnames):
+        if i % 10 == 0:
+            logging.info("%d out of %d files" % (i, len(fnames)))
+        for row in lineFileNext(gzip.open(fname)):
+            # skip duplicates
+            if row.pmid in doneDocs:
+                continue
+            doneDocs.add(row.pmid)
+            if row.year.isdigit() and int(row.year)>1975:
+                newRow = (row.pmid, row.authors, row.year, row.journal, row.printIssn, \
+                        row.title, row.abstract, row.keywords)
+                ofh.write("\t".join(newRow))
+                ofh.write("\n")
+    ofh.close()
+    logging.info("Article info written to %s" % outFname)
+def parseShortNames(journalFname):
+    # get dict ISSN -> short name
+    shortNames = {}
+    if isfile(journalFname):
+        for row in lineFileNext(open(journalFname)):
+            if row.medlineTA!="" and row.pIssn!="":
+                shortNames[row.pIssn] = row.medlineTA
+        logging.info("Read a short journal name for %d ISSNs from  %s" % (len(shortNames), journalFname))
+    else:
+        logging.info("%s not found, not shortening journal names" % journalFname)
+    return shortNames
+def writeDocsTable(pmidEventPath, medlinePath, shortNames, contextFilter, resCounts, outFname):
+    """ join pmid-Event info and our shortened medline version 
+    resCount is a set of docIds with low-throughput data (fewer than LTPMAX interactions per doc)
+    """
+    # parse the PMIDs to export
+    docIds = set()
+    for row in lineFileNext(open(pmidEventPath), headers=["docId", "eventId"]):
+        docIds.add(row.docId)
+    logging.info("read %d document IDs from %s" %  (len(docIds), pmidEventPath))
+    docContexts = {}
+    logging.info("Writing to %s" % outFname)
+    ofh = open(outFname, "w")
+    # fields are: docId, authors, year, journal, printIssn, title, abstract, keywords
+    foundIds = set()
+    for line in open(medlinePath):
+        fields = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
+        docId = fields[0]
+        if docId in docIds:
+            issn = fields[4]
+            shortName = shortNames.get(issn)
+            if shortName!=None:
+                fields[3] = shortName
+            newKeywords = []
+            for kw in fields[7].split("/"):
+                if kw in contextFilter:
+                    newKeywords.append(kw)
+            docContext = "|".join(newKeywords)
+            fields[7] = docContext
+            if docContext!="":
+                docContexts[docId] = docContext
+            # add a field: how many gene-pairs are associated to this paper
+            fields.append(resCounts.get(docId, "0"))
+            line = "\t".join(fields)+"\n"
+            ofh.write(line)
+            foundIds.add(docId)
+    ofh.close()
+    notFoundIds = docIds - foundIds
+    logging.info("No info for %d documents" % len(notFoundIds))
+    logging.debug("No info for these documents: %s" % notFoundIds)
+    return docContexts
+def sumBasic(sentences, commonWords):
+    """ given probabilities of words, rank sentences by average prob
+    (removing commonWords).
+    Sentences is a list of list of words
+    Algorithm is described in http://ijcai.org/papers07/Papers/IJCAI07-287.pdf
+    Returns sentence with highest score and shortest length, if several have a highest score
+    """
+    if len(sentences)==0:
+        return ""
+    sentWordsList = [set(wordRe.findall(sentence)) for sentence in sentences]
+    words = list(chain.from_iterable(sentWordsList))
+    wordProbs = {word: float(count)/len(words) for word, count in Counter(words).items()}
+    scoredSentences = []
+    for sentWords, sentence in zip(sentWordsList, sentences):
+        mainWords = sentWords - commonWords
+        if len(mainWords)==0:
+            continue
+        avgProb = sum([wordProbs[word] for word in mainWords]) / len(mainWords)
+        scoredSentences.append((avgProb, sentence, sentWords))
+    # happens rarely: all words are common English words
+    if len(scoredSentences)==0:
+        return ""
+    # get sentences with equally good top score
+    scoredSentences.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=True)
+    topScore = scoredSentences[0][0]
+    topSents = [(sent, words) for score, sent, words in scoredSentences if score >= topScore]
+    # sort these by length and pick shortest one
+    topSentLens = [(len(s), s, w) for s, w in topSents]
+    topSentLens.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0))
+    topLen, topSent, topWords = topSentLens[0]
+    # update word frequencies
+    for word in topWords:
+        wordProbs[word] *= wordProbs[word]
+    return topSent
+def runSumBasic(textPairs, wordFname):
+    """ Get all sentences for an interaction and use sumBasic to pick the best one 
+    """
+    # get list of very common English words
+    bncWords = set([line.split()[0] for line in open(wordFname).read().splitlines()])
+    logging.info("Loaded %d common English words from %s" % (len(bncWords), wordFname))
+    logging.info("Running SumBasic on sentences")
+    bestSentences = {}
+    for pair, rows in textPairs.iteritems():
+        sentSet = set()
+        for row in rows:
+            if row.sentence!="":
+                sentSet.add(row.sentence)
+        sentences = list(sentSet)
+        bestSentences[pair] = sumBasic(sentences, bncWords)
+    return bestSentences
+def readDictList(fname, reverse=False):
+    " read a key-value tab-sep table and return as a dict of key -> values"
+    logging.info("reading %s" % fname)
+    data = defaultdict(list)
+    for line in open(fname):
+        key, val = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
+        if reverse:
+            key, val = val, key
+        data[key].append(val)
+    return data
+def readDict(fname, reverse=False):
+    " read a key-value tab-sep table and return as a dict of key -> value"
+    logging.info("reading %s" % fname)
+    data = defaultdict(list)
+    for line in open(fname):
+        key, val = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
+        if reverse:
+            key, val = val, key
+        data[key] = val
+    return data
+def readPairEvent(fname):
+    """ read a tab-sep table in format (gene1, gene2, eventId) and return as
+    dict (gene1,gene2) -> list of eventId""" 
+    logging.info("reading %s" % fname)
+    data = defaultdict(list)
+    for line in open(fname):
+        gene1, gene2, val = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
+        data[(gene1, gene2)].append(val)
+    return data
+def addContext(ctFname, docEventFname, linkEventFname, linkFname):
+    " read the data from the first three files, and put it into the last field of linkFname "
+    docContext = readDict(ctFname)
+    eventDocs = readDictList(docEventFname, reverse=True)
+    pairEvents = readPairEvent(linkEventFname)
+    logging.info("Reading %s" % linkFname)
+    newLines = []
+    for line in open(linkFname):
+        #print line
+        fields = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
+        pair = (fields[0], fields[1])
+        contextCounts = Counter()
+        for eventId in pairEvents[pair]:
+            #print "pair %s, event %s" % (pair, eventId)
+            for docId in eventDocs.get(eventId, []):
+                #print "doc %s" % docId
+                contexts = docContext.get(docId, "")
+                for context in contexts.split("|"):
+                    #print "context %s" % context
+                    if context=="" or context==" ":
+                        continue
+                    contextCounts[context]+=1
+        # take best three contexts and reformat as a string
+        suffix = ""
+        if len(contextCounts)>3:
+            suffix = "..."
+        bestContexts = contextCounts.most_common()
+        contextStrings = ["%s (%d)" % (ct, count) for ct, count in bestContexts]
+        contextStr = ", ".join(contextStrings)
+        fields.append(contextStr)
+        newLines.append("\t".join(fields))
+    return newLines
+def convGraph(outDir):
+    import networkx as nx
+    fname = join(outDir, "ggLink.tab")
+    G=nx.Graph()
+    for line in open(fname):
+        g1, g2 = line.split()[:2]
+        G.add_edge(g1, g2)
+    outFname = join(outDir, "graph.bin")
+    #nx.write_adjlist(G, outFname)
+    cPickle.dump(G, open(outFname, "w"), cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+    logging.info("Wrote graph to %s" % outFname)
+def convGraph2(outDir):
+    import igraph as ig
+    fname = join(outDir, "ggLink.tab")
+    G=ig.Graph()
+    geneToId = {}
+    nextId = 0
+    edges = []
+    for line in open(fname):
+        g1, g2 = line.split()[:2]
+        if g1 not in geneToId:
+            id1 = geneToId[g1] = nextId
+            nextId += 1
+        else:
+            id1 = geneToId[g1]
+        if g2 not in geneToId:
+            id2 = geneToId[g2] = nextId
+            nextId += 1
+        else:
+            id2 = geneToId[g2]
+        edges.append( (id1, id2) )
+    #print nextId
+    #print edges
+    G.add_vertices(nextId+1)
+    G.add_edges(edges)
+    #outFname = join(outDir, "graph2.bin")
+    #nx.write_adjlist(G, outFname)
+    #cPickle.dump(G, open(outFname, "w"), cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+    #logging.info("Wrote graph to %s" % outFname)
+    outFname = join(outDir, "graph.lgl")
+    G.write(outFname, "lgl")
+    logging.info("Wrote graph to %s" % outFname)
+    outFname = join(outDir, "graph.genes.txt")
+    ofh = open(outFname, "w")
+    for gene, geneId in geneToId.iteritems():
+        ofh.write("%s\t%s\n" % (gene, geneId))
+    ofh.close()
+    logging.info("Wrote nodeId-symbol mapping to %s" % outFname)
+    #outFname = join(outDir, "graph.adj")
+    #G.write(outFname, "adjacency")
+    #outFname = join(outDir, "graph.leda")
+    #G.write(outFname, "leda")
+    #outFname = join(outDir, "graph.dot")
+    #G.write(outFname, "dot")
+    #outFname = join(outDir, "graph.pajek")
+    #G.write(outFname, "pajek")
+    #logging.info("Wrote graph to %s" % outFname)
+def convGraph3(outDir):
+    """ convert graph to a compact format gene -> list of connected genes
+    """
+    fname = join(outDir, "ggLink.tab")
+    geneLinks = defaultdict(set)
+    #genes = set()
+    # format: gene1, gene2, flags, forwDocs, revDocs, allDocs, pairDbs, pairMinResCount, snippet
+    for line in open(fname):
+        fields = line.split("\t")
+        g1, g2, flags = fields[:3]
+        #flags = flags.split(",")
+        pairMinResCount = int(fields[7])
+        docCount = int(fields[5])
+        # require many documents or manually curated database
+        if docCount < 3 and not "ppi" in flags and not "pwy" in flags:
+            continue
+        #pairDbs = fields[6]
+        # ignore all interactions that are derived from papers 
+        # that reported more than 100 interactions, e.g. big complexes
+        if pairMinResCount > 100:
+            continue
+        #geneLinks[g1].add((g2, flags))
+        #geneLinks[g2].add((g1, flags))
+        #geneLinks[g1].add(g2)
+        #geneLinks[g2].add(g1)
+        geneLinks[g1].add((g2, docCount))
+        geneLinks[g2].add((g1, docCount))
+        #genes.add(g1)
+        #genes.add(g2)
+    geneLinks = dict(geneLinks)
+    # rewrite to dict str -> list
+    #geneLinks = {k:list(v) for k,v in geneLinks.iteritems()}
+    # map gene -> integer
+    #geneToId = {}
+    #for geneId, gene in enumerate(genes):
+        #geneToId[gene] = geneId
+    # this is only slightly slower - probably best format
+    #outFname = join(outDir, "graph.txt")
+    #ofh = open(outFname, "w")
+    #for gene, neighbors in geneLinks.iteritems():
+        #ofh.write("%s\t%s\n" % (gene, ",".join(neighbors)))
+    #ofh.close()
+    #logging.info("Wrote links to %s" % outFname)
+    # this is not faster
+    #intLinks = {}
+    #for gene, neighbors in geneLinks.iteritems():
+        #intLinks[geneToId[gene]] = [geneToId[n] for n in neighbors]
+    # fastest when taking into account set-building time
+    outFname = join(outDir, "graph.marshal")
+    marshal.dump(geneLinks, open(outFname, "w"), 2) # prot 0, 1 not faster
+    logging.info("Wrote links to %s" % outFname)
+    #outFname = join(outDir, "graph.ujson")
+    #ujson.dump(geneLinks, open(outFname, "w"))
+    #logging.info("Wrote json strings links to %s" % outFname)
+    #outFname = join(outDir, "graphInt.marshal")
+    #idToGene = {v: k for k, v in geneToId.iteritems()}
+    #data = (idToGene, intLinks)
+    #marshal.dump(data, open(outFname, "w"), 2)
+    #logging.info("Wrote integer links to %s" % outFname)
+    #outFname = join(outDir, "graphInt.ujson")
+    #ujson.dump(data, open(outFname, "w"))
+    #logging.info("Wrote json integer links to %s" % outFname)
+def loadGraph(outDir):
+    import networkx as nx
+    inFname = join(outDir, "graph.bin")
+    gc.disable() # no need for GC here, saves 2 seconds
+    G = cPickle.load(open(inFname))
+    gc.enable()
+    geneList = ["OTX2", "PITX2", "APOE", "TP53", "TNF", "SP1"]
+    foundPairs = set()
+    G2 = G.subgraph(geneList)
+    print nx.nodes(G)
+    #for g1, g2 in combinations(geneList, 2):
+        #path = nx.shortest_path(G, g1, g2)
+        #print path
+        #for i in range(0, len(path)-1):
+            #pair = tuple(sorted(path[i:i+2]))
+            #foundPairs.add(pair)
+    #print foundPairs
+def parseGeneToId(inFname):
+    geneToId = {}
+    idToGene = {}
+    for l in open(inFname):
+        gene, geneId = l.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
+        geneId = int(geneId)
+        geneToId[gene] = geneId
+        idToGene[geneId] = gene
+    return geneToId, idToGene
+def loadGraph2(outDir):
+    import igraph as ig
+    inFname = join(outDir, "graph.lgl")
+    #gc.disable() # no need for GC here, saves 2 seconds
+    #G = cPickle.load(open(inFname))
+    #gc.enable()
+    #G=ig.Graph()
+    G = ig.load(inFname)
+    #print G
+    inFname = join(outDir, "graph.genes.txt")
+    geneToId, idToGene = parseGeneToId(inFname)
+    geneList = ["OTX2", "PITX2", "APOE", "TP53", "TNF", "SP1","ABCA1", "CD4", "BRCA2", "APP", "SRY", "GAST", "MYOD1"]
+    idList = [geneToId[g] for g in geneList]
+    allSyms = set()
+    for i in range(0, len(idList)-1):
+        fromId = idList[i]
+        fromGene = geneList[i]
+        toIds = idList[i+1:]
+        toGenes = geneList[i+1:]
+        print fromId, fromGene, toIds, toGenes
+        paths = G.get_shortest_paths(fromId, toIds, mode=ig.ALL) 
+        genePaths = []
+        for idPath in paths:
+            genePath = [idToGene[i] for i in idPath]
+            genePaths.append(genePath)
+            allSyms.update(genePath)
+        print "paths", genePaths
+        print ",".join(allSyms)
+        #for i in range(0, len(path)-1):
+            #pair = tuple(sorted(path[i:i+2]))
+            #foundPairs.add(pair)
+    #print foundPairs
+    #geneList = ["OTX2", "PITX2", "APOE", "TP53", "TNF", "SP1"]
+    #G2 = G.subgraph(geneList)
+def loadGraph3(outDir):
+    inFname = join(outDir, "graph.marshal")
+    #idToGene, idLinks = marshal.load(open(inFname))
+    #idToGene, idLinks = ujson.load(open(inFname))
+    #geneLinks = ujson.load(open(inFname))
+    geneLinks = marshal.load(open(inFname))
+    return geneLinks
+    #idToGene = {int(k):v for k,v in idToGene.iteritems()}
+    #geneLinks = {}
+    #for geneId, linkedIds in idLinks.iteritems():
+        #geneLinks[idToGene[int(geneId)]] = [idToGene[i] for i in linkedIds]
+    # reversing the list was 25% slower than reading it all from disk
+    # 1.1 seconds, so 20% slower than the marshal version
+    #inFname = join(outDir, "graph.links.txt")
+    #ofh = open(outFname, "w")
+    #graph = {}
+    #for line in open(inFname):
+        #gene, neighbors = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
+        #neighbors = set(neighbors.split(","))
+        #graph[gene] = neighbors
+    ##logging.info("Wrote links to %s" % outFname)
+def parseLinkTargets(outDir, validSyms):
+    """ parse the ggLink table in outDir and return a dict gene -> Counter() of targetGenes -> count.
+    Count is either the article count or, if there is no text mining hit, the count of databases 
+    """
+    errFh = open("ggLink.errors.tab", "w")
+    inFname = join(outDir, "ggLink.tab")
+    logging.info("Parsing %s" % inFname)
+    asPath = join(autoSqlDir, "ggLink.as")
+    targets = defaultdict(Counter)
+    for row in lineFileNext(open(inFname), asFname=asPath):
+        gene1, gene2 = row.gene1, row.gene2
+        count = int(row.docCount)
+        if count==0:
+            count = len(row.dbList.split("|"))
+        if gene1 not in validSyms:
+            if gene2 not in validSyms:
+                errFh.write("BothSymsInvalid\t"+"\t".join(row)+"\n")
+            else:
+                errFh.write("sym1Invalid\t"+"\t".join(row)+"\n")
+        if gene2 not in validSyms:
+            errFh.write("sym2Invalid\t"+"\t".join(row)+"\n")
+        targets[gene1][gene2]=count
+        targets[gene2][gene1]=count
+    errFh.close()
+    logging.info("Wrote rows from ggLink.tab with invalid symbols to ggLink.errors.tab")
+    return targets
+def makeBigBed(inDir, outDir, bedFname, db):
+    " create a file geneInteractions.<db>.bb in outDir from bedFname "
+    validSyms = set()
+    for line in open(bedFname):
+        sym = line.split("\t")[3].rstrip("\n")
+        validSyms.add(sym)
+    # get interactors from our ggLink table
+    geneCounts = parseLinkTargets(inDir, validSyms)
+    # get genes from knownGenes table and write to bed
+    #bedFname = join(outDir, "genes.%s.bed" % db)
+    #logging.info("Writing genes to %s" % bedFname)
+    #cmd = "hgsql %s -NBe 'select chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, geneSymbol from knownCanonical JOIN kgXref ON kgId=transcript' > %s" % (db, bedFname)
+    #runCmd(cmd)
+    #bedFname = "geneModels/gencode19.median.bed"
+    # rewriting bed file and fill with counts
+    bedOutFname = join(outDir, "geneInteractions.%s.bed" % db)
+    ofh = open(bedOutFname, "w")
+    logging.info("Rewriting %s to %s" % (bedFname, bedOutFname))
+    doneSymbols = set()
+    for line in open(bedFname):
+        row = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
+        gene = row[3]
+        counts = geneCounts.get(gene, None)
+        if counts==None:
+            # skip gene if not found
+            continue
+        # create the new name field
+        docCount = 0
+        strList = []
+        geneCount = 0
+        for targetGene, count in counts.most_common():
+            #strList.append("%s:%d" % (targetGene, count))
+            if geneCount < 10:
+                strList.append("%s" % (targetGene))
+            docCount += count
+            geneCount += 1
+        score = min(docCount, 1000)
+        targetGenes = ",".join(strList)
+        row[3] = gene+": "+targetGenes # why a space? see linkIdInName trackDb statement
+        row.append( str(score) )
+        row.append(".")
+        row.append(row[1])
+        row.append(row[2])
+        if docCount > 100:
+            color = "0,0,0"
+        elif docCount > 10:
+            color = "0,0,128"
+        else:
+            color = "173,216,230"
+        row.append(color)
+        ofh.write("\t".join(row))
+        ofh.write("\n")
+        doneSymbols.add(gene)
+    ofh.close()
+    missingSyms = set(geneCounts) - set(doneSymbols)
+    logging.info("%d symbols in ggLink not found in BED file" % len(missingSyms))
+    logging.info("missing symbols written to missSym.txt")
+    ofh= open("missSym.txt", "w")
+    ofh.write("\n".join(missingSyms))
+    ofh.close()
+    cmd = "bedSort %s %s" % (bedOutFname, bedOutFname)
+    runCmd(cmd)
+    bbFname = join(outDir, "geneInteractions.%s.bb" % db)
+    chromSizeFname = "/hive/data/genomes/%s/chrom.sizes" % db
+    cmd = "bedToBigBed -tab %s %s %s"  % (bedOutFname, chromSizeFname, bbFname)
+    runCmd(cmd)
+    logging.info("bigBed file written to %s" % bbFname)
+def findBestPaths(genes, geneLinks):
+    " find best paths of max length 2 between genes using geneLinks. return pairs. "
+    pairs = set()
+    links = defaultdict(list) # dict (from, to) -> list of (docCountSum, path)
+    for gene1 in genes:
+        # search at distance 1
+        for gene2, docCount2 in geneLinks.get(gene1, []):
+            if gene2 in genes and gene2!=gene1:
+                # stop if found
+                print "%s-%s" % (gene1, gene2)
+                pairs.add( tuple(sorted((gene1, gene2))) )
+                links[ (gene1, gene2) ].append( (docCount2, [gene1, gene2]) )
+                continue
+            # search at distance 2
+            for gene3, docCount3 in geneLinks.get(gene2, []):
+                if gene3 in genes and gene3!=gene2 and gene3!=gene1:
+                    # distance = 2
+                    print "%s-%s-%s" % (gene1, gene2, gene3)
+                    pairs.add( tuple(sorted((gene1, gene2))) )
+                    pairs.add( tuple(sorted((gene2, gene3))) )
+                    links[ (gene1, gene3) ].append( ((docCount2+docCount3)/2, [gene1, gene2, gene3]) )
+    for genePair, paths in links.iteritems():
+        paths.sort(reverse=True)
+        print genePair, paths
+    return pairs
+# ----------- MAIN --------------
+#if options.test:
+    #import doctest
+    #doctest.testmod()
+    #sys.exit(0)
+if args==[]:
+    parser.print_help()
+    exit(1)
+cmd = args[0]
+if cmd == "build":
+    wordFname = options.wordFname
+    pathwayDir, dbDir, textDir, outDir = args[1:]
+    # load the input files into memory
+    dbRows = loadFiles(dbDir, prefix="ppi_") 
+    pwRows = loadFiles(pathwayDir)
+    textRows = loadFiles(textDir)
+    # index and merge them
+    dbPairs   = indexPairs(dbRows, "ppi databases")
+    pwPairs   = indexPairs(pwRows, "pathways")
+    textPairs = indexPairs(textRows, "text mining")
+    pwDirPairs = getDirectedPairs(pwRows)
+    curatedPairs = mergePairs([dbPairs, pwPairs])
+    pairMinResultCounts, docToPairs = getResultCounts(curatedPairs)
+    bestSentences = runSumBasic(textPairs, wordFname)
+    allPairs = mergePairs([curatedPairs, textPairs])
+    #ltPairs, ltDocs = getResultCounts(curatedPairs)
+    # keep result counts for the "docs" step
+    ofh = open(join(outDir, "resultCounts.tmp.txt"), "w")
+    for docId, pairs in docToPairs.iteritems():
+        ofh.write("%s\t%d\n" % (docId, len(pairs)))
+    ofh.close()
+    pairDirDocs = directedPairToDocs(textRows)
+    pairDbs = pairToDbs(curatedPairs)
+    outFname = join(outDir, "ggLink.tmp.txt") # needs the addContext step to complete it
+    eventFname = join(outDir, "ggLinkEvent.tab")
+    writeGraphTable(allPairs, pairDirDocs, pairDbs, pairMinResultCounts, pwDirPairs, \
+        bestSentences, outFname, eventFname)
+    pmidToId = indexPmids([dbRows,pwRows], textRows)
+    outFname = join(outDir, "ggDocEvent.tab")
+    writeDocEvents(pmidToId, outFname)
+    outFname = join(outDir, "ggEventDb.tab")
+    writeEventTable([dbRows, pwRows], outFname, colCount=13)
+    outFname = join(outDir, "ggEventText.tab")
+    writeEventTable([textRows], outFname)
+    # make sure we don't forget to update the link table with context
+    linkFname = join(outDir, "ggLink.tab")
+    if isfile(linkFname):
+        os.remove(linkFname)
+elif cmd == "medline":
+    outDir = args[1]
+    textDir = options.textDir
+    medlineFname = join(outDir, allArtFname)
+    writeAllDocInfo(textDir, medlineFname)
+elif cmd == "docs":
+    outDir = args[1]
+    outFname = join(outDir, "ggDoc.tab")
+    pmidEventPath = join(outDir, "ggDocEvent.tab")
+    medlineFname = join(outDir, allArtFname)
+    meshTerms = parseMeshContext(options.meshFname)
+    shortNames = parseShortNames(options.journalInfo)
+    resCountFname = join(outDir, "resultCounts.tmp.txt")
+    resCounts = readDict(resCountFname)
+    docContext = writeDocsTable(pmidEventPath, medlineFname, shortNames, meshTerms, resCounts, outFname)
+    # write docContext to file
+    ctFname = join(outDir, "docContext.txt")
+    ofh = open(ctFname, "w")
+    for docId, context in docContext.iteritems():
+        ofh.write("%s\t%s\n" % (docId, context))
+    ofh.close()
+    logging.info("Written document contexts to %s for %d documents" % (ctFname, len(docContext)))
+elif cmd == "context":
+    outDir = args[1]
+    ctFname = join(outDir, "docContext.txt")
+    docEventFname = join(outDir, "ggDocEvent.tab")
+    linkEventFname = join(outDir, "ggLinkEvent.tab")
+    linkFname = join(outDir, "ggLink.tmp.txt")
+    newLines = addContext(ctFname, docEventFname, linkEventFname, linkFname)
+    outFname = join(outDir, "ggLink.tab")
+    ofh = open(outFname, "w")
+    for l in newLines:
+        ofh.write("%s\n" % l)
+    ofh.close()
+    logging.info("appended document context to %s" % outFname)
+elif cmd == "bigBed":
+    inDir = args[1]
+    outDir = args[2]
+    geneBedFile = args[3]
+    db = args[4]
+    makeBigBed(inDir, outDir, geneBedFile, db)
+elif cmd == "load":
+    inDir = args[1]
+    db = args[2]
+    loadTables(inDir, db)
+elif cmd=="sumBasic": # for debugging
+    inFname = args[1]
+    rows = []
+    for row in lineFileNext(open(inFname)):
+        rows.append(row)
+    textPairs = indexPairs(rows, "text mining")
+    for pair, sent in runSumBasic(textPairs, options.wordFname).iteritems():
+        print pair, sent
+elif cmd == "graph":
+    outDir = args[1]
+    convGraph(outDir)
+elif cmd == "graph2":
+    outDir = args[1]
+    convGraph2(outDir)
+elif cmd == "graph3":
+    outDir = args[1]
+    convGraph3(outDir)
+elif cmd == "loadgraph":
+    outDir = args[1]
+    loadGraph(outDir)
+elif cmd == "load2":
+    outDir = args[1]
+    loadGraph2(outDir)
+elif cmd == "load3":
+    outDir = args[1]
+    loadGraph3(outDir)
+elif cmd == "subnet":
+    outDir, geneFile = args[1:]
+    geneLinks = loadGraph3(outDir)
+    genes = set(open(geneFile).read().splitlines())
+    print len(findBestPaths(genes, geneLinks))
+    logging.error("unknown command %s" % cmd)