  Fri Apr 28 16:48:03 2017 -0700
renaming pylib to pyLib after Angie's suggestion (thanks) and adding a better error message when graphviz was not found. refs #13634

diff --git src/hg/pyLib/makefile src/hg/pyLib/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e18c99
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/pyLib/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+kentSrc = ../..
+include ../../inc/common.mk
+#cannot use common include rules, don't know how to overwrite :: targets
+#include ../../inc/cgi_build_rules.mk
+ifeq (${CGI_BIN_USER},)
+ifeq (${CGI_BIN_BETA},)
+    CGI_BIN_ALPHA=${CGI_BIN}-beta
+# Take the MySQLdb implementation of the current machine and copy it into the
+# CGI-BIN/pyLib/MySQLdb/ directory. This saves mirrors and our admins having to
+# install this library. Hopefully the binary libraries work on Ubuntu and other
+# distros as they work on our RedHat-based distro
+my:: compile 
+	mkdir -p ${CGI_BIN_USER}/pyLib/
+	rm -f ${CGI_BIN_USER}/pyLib/hgLib.{py,pyc,pyo}
+	cp -p hgLib.py ${CGI_BIN_USER}/pyLib/hgLib.py
+	cp -p hgLib.pyo ${CGI_BIN_USER}/pyLib/hgLib.pyo
+	mkdir -p ${CGI_BIN_USER}/pyLib/MySQLdb
+	cp -R `python2.7 -c 'import MySQLdb, os.path; print os.path.dirname(MySQLdb.__file__)'`/* ${CGI_BIN_USER}/pyLib/MySQLdb/
+beta:: compile
+	mkdir -p ${CGI_BIN_BETA}/pyLib/
+	rm -f ${CGI_BIN_BETA}/pyLib/hgLib.{py,pyc,pyo}
+	cp -p hgLib.py ${CGI_BIN_BETA}/pyLib/hgLib.py
+	cp -p hgLib.pyo ${CGI_BIN_BETA}/pyLib/hgLib.pyo
+	mkdir -p ${CGI_BIN_BETA}/pyLib/MySQLdb
+	cp -R `python2.7 -c 'import MySQLdb, os.path; print os.path.dirname(MySQLdb.__file__)'`/* ${CGI_BIN_BETA}/pyLib/MySQLdb/
+alpha:: compile
+	mkdir -p ${CGI_BIN}/pyLib/
+	rm -f ${CGI_BIN}/pyLib/hgLib.{py,pyc,pyo}
+	cp -p hgLib.py ${CGI_BIN}/pyLib/hgLib.py
+	cp -p hgLib.pyo ${CGI_BIN}/pyLib/hgLib.pyo
+	mkdir -p ${CGI_BIN}/pyLib/MySQLdb
+	cp -R `python2.7 -c 'import MySQLdb, os.path; print os.path.dirname(MySQLdb.__file__)'`/* ${CGI_BIN}/pyLib/MySQLdb/
+	# byte-compile and strip all python source code to .pyo files
+	python2.7 -OO -m compileall ./
+	rm -f *.pyc *.pyo
+	# ? clean up the CGI-BIN directory, remove the MysqlDb library ?
+	#rm -f ${CGI_BIN}/pyLib/MySQLdb/*
+	#rm -f ${CGI_BIN}/pyLib/MySQLdb/constants/*
+	#rmdir ${CGI_BIN}/pyLib/MySQLdb/constants ${CGI_BIN}/pyLib/MySQLdb/
+	pylint -E hgLib.py