  Fri Apr 28 15:39:08 2017 -0700
first big commit for hgGeneGraph. Others will follow as QA progresses.  refs #13634

diff --git src/utils/ggKgmlToTab src/utils/ggKgmlToTab
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5866cea
--- /dev/null
+++ src/utils/ggKgmlToTab
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
+import logging, sys, optparse
+from collections import defaultdict
+from os.path import join, basename, dirname, isfile
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
+# see http://www.kegg.jp/kegg/xml/docs/ for this
+intTypeNames = {
+    "PPrel" : "protein-protein",
+    "ECrel" : "enzyme-enzyme",
+    "GErel" : "gene expression",
+    "PCrel" : "protein-compound"
+# global var to identify reactions
+keggId = 0
+# output file headers
+headers = "eventId,causeType,causeName,causeGenes,themeType,themeName,themeGenes,relType,relSubtype,sourceDb,sourceId,sourceDesc,pmids".split(",")
+parser = optparse.OptionParser("""usage: %prog [options] filename - parse KEGG kgml files to tab-sep format of gene/family/complex + gene/family/complex + interaction type + subtype 
+A copy of these XML files is in /hive/data/outside/kegg/06062011/ftp.genome.jp/pub/kegg/release/current/kgml/non-metabolic/organisms/hsa
+parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="show debug messages") 
+parser.add_option("-k", "--keggDir", dest="keggDir", action="store", help="the KEGG ftp mirror directory on disk, default %default", default="/hive/data/outside/kegg/06032011/ftp.genome.jp/pub/kegg") 
+parser.add_option("-s", "--hgncFname", dest="hgncFname", action="store", help="the HGNC tab file on disk, default %default", default="/hive/data/outside/hgnc/111413/hgnc_complete_set.txt") 
+#parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file", action="store", help="run on file") 
+#parser.add_option("", "--test", dest="test", action="store_true", help="do something") 
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+if options.debug:
+    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+# ==== FUNCTIONs =====
+def slurpdict(fname, comments=False, valField=1, doNotCheckLen=False, asFloat=False, otherFields=False, asInt=False, headers=False, keyAsInt=False, encoding=None, keyField=0):
+    """ parse file with key -> value pair on each line, key/value has 1:1 relationship"""
+    """ last field: set valField==-1, return as a dictionary key -> value """
+    if fname==None or fname=="":
+        return {}
+    dict = {}
+    f = open(fname)
+    if not f:
+        return dict
+    if headers:
+        headers = f.readline()
+    for l in f:
+        fs = l.strip().split("\t")
+        if comments and l.startswith("#"):
+            continue
+        if not len(fs)>1:
+            if not doNotCheckLen:
+                sys.stderr.write("info: not enough fields, ignoring line %s\n" % l)
+                continue
+            else:
+                key = fs[keyField]
+                val = None
+        else:
+            key = fs[keyField]
+            if keyAsInt:
+                key = int(key)
+            if not otherFields:
+                val = fs[valField]
+            else:
+                val = fs[1:]
+            if asFloat:
+                val = float(val)
+            elif asInt:
+                val = int(val)
+        if key not in dict:
+            dict[key] = val
+        else:
+            sys.stderr.write("info: file %s, hit key %s two times: %s -> %s\n" %(fname, key, key, val))
+    return dict
+def readKeggToSym(keggDir, hgncFname):
+    keggFname = join(keggDir, "genes/organisms/hsa/hsa_hgnc.list")
+    logging.info("Parsing %s and %s" % (keggFname, hgncFname))
+    keggToHgnc = slurpdict(keggFname)
+    hgncToSym = slurpdict(hgncFname)
+    keggToSym = {}
+    for kegg, hgncId in keggToHgnc.iteritems():
+        hgncId = hgncId.upper()
+        sym = hgncToSym.get(hgncId, None)
+        if sym==None:
+            logging.warn("No symbol for hgnc %s referenced by KEGG" % hgncId)
+            continue
+        keggToSym[kegg] = sym
+    return keggToSym
+#def resolveId(entryId, geneNames, complexNames, familyNames):
+    #""" given an entryId and three dicts that map it to genes, complex or family names, return a tuple
+    #entryType, entryName, entryGenes
+    #"""
+    #if entryId in geneNames:
+        #return "gene", geneNames[entryId], geneNames[entryId]
+    #elif entryId in complexNames:
+        #genes = complexNames[entryId]
+        #return "complex", "/".join(genes), "|".join(genes)
+    #elif entryId in familyNames:
+        #genes = familyNames[entryId]
+        #return "family", "/".join(genes), "|".join(genes)
+    #else:
+        #assert(False)
+def parseKegg(filename, keggToSym):
+    """ parse kegg, returns list of tuples:
+    (gene1, complex1, family1, gene2, complex2, family2, interactionType, interactionSubtype 
+    """
+    rows = []
+    tree = et.parse(filename)
+    root = tree.getroot()
+    # a little check first
+    relEls = root.findall("relation")
+    if len(relEls)==0:
+        logging.warn("no relations found, skipping file %s" % filename)
+        return []
+    entryNames = {} # id -> tuple of (type, name, geneList)
+    global keggId
+    pathway = basename(filename).split(".")[0]
+    title = root.attrib["title"]
+    for c in root:
+        if c.tag=="entry":
+            # most entries are genes
+            # <entry id="18" name="hsa:4091 hsa:4092" type="gene" link="http://www.kegg.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?hsa:4091+hsa:4092">
+            #<graphics name="SMAD6, HsT17432, MADH6, MADH7..." fgcolor="#000000" bgcolor="#BFFFBF"
+            #type="rectangle" x="402" y="645
+            entryId = c.attrib["id"]
+            entryType = c.attrib["type"]
+            keggAccIds = c.attrib["name"].split()
+            graphName = None
+            g = c.find("graphics")
+            if "name" in g.attrib:
+                graphName = g.attrib["name"].split()[0].strip(",")
+            if entryType=="map":
+                # ignore links to other maps
+                continue
+            elif entryType=="gene":
+                symbols = []
+                for e in keggAccIds:
+                    sym = keggToSym.get(e, None)
+                    if sym==None:
+                        logging.warn("No symbol for %s" % e)
+                    else:
+                        symbols.append(sym)
+                syms = tuple(sorted(symbols))
+                if len(syms)==1:
+                    eType = "gene"
+                else:
+                    eType = "family"
+                entryNames[entryId] = eType, "", "|".join(syms)
+            elif entryType in ["ortholog", "compound"]:
+                entryNames[entryId] = (entryType, "/".join(keggAccIds), "-")
+            elif entryType=="group":
+                compIds = []
+                compEls = c.findall("component")
+                for ce in compEls:
+                    compIds.append(ce.attrib["id"])
+                assert(len(compIds)!=0)
+                compGenes = set()
+                for e in compIds:
+                    genes = []
+                    # convert id to list of genes
+                    syms = entryNames.get(e, (None, None))[-1]
+                    if syms==None:
+                        #logging.warn("No symbol for %s" % e)
+                        assert(False)
+                        continue
+                    syms = syms.split("|")
+                    compGenes.update(syms)
+                compGenes = sorted(compGenes)
+                #compName = "/".join(compGenes)
+                #entryName = "/".join([geneNames[i] for i in compIds])
+                #complexIds[entryId] = (compIds, compName)
+                #geneNames[entryId] = (entryName, entryType, compName)
+                entryNames[entryId] = ("complex", "", "|".join(compGenes))
+            else:
+                logging.error("Unkown entry type %s" % entryType)
+                assert(False)
+        elif c.tag=="relation":
+            #     <relation entry1="48" entry2="35" type="PPrel">  
+            # <subtype name="activation" value="--&gt;"/>  
+            # </relation>  
+            id1 = c.attrib["entry1"]
+            id2 = c.attrib["entry2"]
+            relType = intTypeNames[c.attrib["type"]]
+            se = c.find("subtype")
+            if se != None:
+                relSubtype = se.attrib["name"]
+            else:
+                relSubtype = ""
+            id1Type, id1Name, id1Genes = entryNames[id1]
+            id2Type, id2Name, id2Genes = entryNames[id2]
+            #id1Names = geneNames.get(id1, [""])
+            #id2Names = geneNames.get(id2, [""])
+            #complex1Name = complexNames.get(id1, "")
+            #complex2Name = complexNames.get(id2, "")
+            keggId += 1
+            keggIdStr = "kegg%d" % keggId
+            #for id1Name in id1Names:
+                #for id2Name in id2Names:
+            #row = [keggIdStr, id1Name, complex1Name, id2Name, complex2Name, relType, relSubtype, pathway]
+            if id1Name=="-":
+                continue
+            if id2Name=="-":
+                continue
+            row = [keggIdStr, id1Type, id1Name, id1Genes, id2Type, id2Name, id2Genes, relType, relSubtype, "kegg", pathway, title, ""]
+            #print row
+            rows.append(row)
+    return rows
+# ----------- MAIN --------------
+if args==[]:
+    parser.print_help()
+    exit(1)
+filenames = args
+keggToSym = readKeggToSym(options.keggDir, options.hgncFname)
+print "#"+"\t".join(headers)
+for filename in filenames:
+    logging.debug(filename)
+    rows = parseKegg(filename, keggToSym)
+    for row in rows:
+        print "\t".join(row)