  Sat May 6 11:30:17 2017 -0700
make rangeTree functions thread safe.

diff --git src/inc/rbTree.h src/inc/rbTree.h
index c42c328..42fb561 100644
--- src/inc/rbTree.h
+++ src/inc/rbTree.h
@@ -1,102 +1,107 @@
 /* rbTree - rbTreeRed-rbTreeBlack Tree - a type of binary tree which 
  * automatically keeps relatively balanced during
  * inserts and deletions.
  *   original author: Shane Saunders
  *   adapted into local conventions: Jim Kent
 #ifndef RBTREE_H
 #define RBTREE_H
 typedef enum {rbTreeRed,rbTreeBlack} rbTreeColor;
 /* Structure type for nodes in the red-black tree. */
 struct rbTreeNode 
     struct rbTreeNode *left, *right;		/* Children. */
     rbTreeColor color;				/* Heart of algorithm. */
     void *item;					/* Item stored in tree */
 /* Structure type for the red-black tree. */
 struct rbTree 
     struct rbTree *next;			/* Next tree in list. */
     struct rbTreeNode *root;			/* Root of tree */
     int n;					/* Number of items in tree. */
     int (* compare)(void *, void *);/* Comparison function */
     struct rbTreeNode **stack;                  /* Ancestor stack. */
     struct lm *lm;	                        /* Local memory pool. */
     struct rbTreeNode *freeList;		/* List of nodes to reuse. */
 struct rbTree *rbTreeNew(int (*compare)(void *, void *));
 /* Allocates space for a red-black tree and returns a pointer
  * to it.  The function compare compares they keys of two items, and returns a
  * negative, zero, or positive integer depending on whether the first item is
  * less than, equal to, or greater than the second. */
 void rbTreeFree(struct rbTree **pTree);
 /* Frees space used by the red-black tree pointed to by t. */
 void rbTreeFreeList(struct rbTree **pList);
 /* Free up a list of rbTrees. */
 struct rbTree *rbTreeNewDetailed(int (*compare)(void *, void *), struct lm *lm, 
 	struct rbTreeNode *stack[128]);
 /* Allocate rbTree on an existing local memory & stack.  This is for cases
  * where you want a lot of trees, and don't want the overhead for each one. 
  * Note, to clean these up, just do freez(&rbTree) rather than rbFreeTree(&rbTree). */
 void *rbTreeAdd(struct rbTree *t, void *item);
 /* Inserts an item into the red-black tree pointed to by t,
  * according the the value its key.  The key of an item in the red-black
  * tree must be unique among items in the tree.  If an item with the same key
  * already exists in the tree, a pointer to that item is returned.  Otherwise,
  * NULL is returned, indicating insertion was successful.
 void *rbTreeFind(struct rbTree *t, void *item);
 /* Find an item in the red-black tree with the same key as the
  * item pointed to by `item'.  Returns a pointer to the item found, or NULL
  * if no item was found.
 void *rbTreeRemove(struct rbTree *t, void *item);
 /* rbTreeRemove() - Delete an item in the red-black tree with the same key as
  * the item pointed to by `item'.  Returns a pointer to the  deleted item,
  * and NULL if no item was found.
 void rbTreeTraverseRange(struct rbTree *tree, void *minItem, void *maxItem,
 	void (*doItem)(void *item));
 /* Apply doItem function to all items in tree such that
  * minItem <= item <= maxItem */
 struct slRef *rbTreeItemsInRange(struct rbTree *tree, void *minItem, void *maxItem);
 /* Return a sorted list of references to items in tree between range.
  * slFreeList this list when done. */
 void rbTreeTraverse(struct rbTree *tree, void (*doItem)(void *item));
 /* Apply doItem function to all items in tree */
 void rbTreeTraverseWithContext(struct rbTree *tree, 
 	void (*doItem)(void *item, void *context), void *context);
 /* Traverse tree calling doItem on every item with context pointer passed through to doItem.
  * This often avoids having to declare global or static variables for the doItem callback to use. */
 struct slRef *rbTreeItems(struct rbTree *tree);
 /* Return sorted list of items.  slFreeList this when done.*/
 void rbTreeDump(struct rbTree *tree, FILE *f, 
 	void (*dumpItem)(void *item, FILE *f));
 /* Dump out rb tree to file, mostly for debugging. */
 int rbTreeCmpString(void *a, void *b);	
 /* Set up rbTree so as to work on strings. */
 int rbTreeCmpWord(void *a, void *b);	
 /* Set up rbTree so as to work on case-insensitive strings. */
+void rbTreeTraverseRangeWithContext(struct rbTree *tree, void *minItem, void *maxItem,
+	void (*doItem)(void *item, void *context), void *context);
+/* Apply doItem function to all items in tree such that
+ * minItem <= item <= maxItem.  THREAD SAFE */
 #endif /* RBTREE_H */