  Sat May 6 11:30:17 2017 -0700
make rangeTree functions thread safe.

diff --git src/lib/rangeTree.c src/lib/rangeTree.c
index 7e8b708..b71cb7e 100644
--- src/lib/rangeTree.c
+++ src/lib/rangeTree.c
@@ -1,354 +1,353 @@
 /* rangeTree - This module is a way of keeping track of
  * non-overlapping ranges (half-open intervals). It is
  * based on the self-balancing rbTree code.  Use it in
  * place of a bitmap when the total number of ranges
  * is significantly smaller than the number of bits would
  * be. 
  * Beware the several static/global variables which can be
  * changed by various function calls. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "limits.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "rbTree.h"
 #include "rangeTree.h"
 int rangeCmp(void *va, void *vb)
 /* Return -1 if a before b,  0 if a and b overlap,
  * and 1 if a after b. */
 struct range *a = va;
 struct range *b = vb;
 if (a->end <= b->start)
     return -1;
 else if (b->end <= a->start)
     return 1;
     return 0;
 static void *sumInt(void *a, void *b)
 /* Local function used by rangeTreeAddValCount, which sums two ints a and b, 
  * referenced by void pointers, returning the result in a */
 int *i = a, *j = b;
 *i += *j;
 return a;
 struct range *rangeTreeAddVal(struct rbTree *tree, int start, int end, void *val, void *(*mergeVals)(void *existingVal, void *newVal) )
 /* Add range to tree, merging with existing ranges if need be. 
  * If this is a new range, set the value to this val.
  * If there are existing items for this range, and if mergeVals function is not null, 
  * apply mergeVals to the existing values and this new val, storing the result as the val
  * for this range (see rangeTreeAddValCount() and rangeTreeAddValList() below for examples). */
 struct range *r, *existing;
 r = lmAlloc(tree->lm, sizeof(*r)); /* alloc new zeroed range */
 r->start = start;
 r->end = end;
 r->val = val;
 while ((existing = rbTreeRemove(tree, r)) != NULL)
     r->start = min(r->start, existing->start);
     r->end = max(r->end, existing->end);
     if (mergeVals)
 	r->val = mergeVals(existing->val, r->val);
 rbTreeAdd(tree, r);
 return r;
 struct range *rangeTreeAdd(struct rbTree *tree, int start, int end)
 /* Add range to tree, merging with existing ranges if need be. */
     return rangeTreeAddVal(tree, start, end, NULL, NULL);
 struct range *rangeTreeAddValCount(struct rbTree *tree, int start, int end)
 /* Add range to tree, merging with existing ranges if need be. 
  * Set range val to count of elements in the range. Counts are pointers to 
  * ints allocated in tree localmem */
     int *a = lmAlloc(tree->lm, sizeof(*a)); /* keep the count in localmem */
     *a = 1;
     return rangeTreeAddVal(tree, start, end, (void *)a, sumInt);
 struct range *rangeTreeAddValList(struct rbTree *tree, int start, int end, void *val)
 /* Add range to tree, merging with existing ranges if need be. 
  * Add val to the list of values (if any) in each range.
  * val must be valid argument to slCat (ie, be a struct with a 'next' pointer as its first member) */
     return rangeTreeAddVal(tree, start, end, val, slCat);
 void rangeTreeAddToCoverageDepth(struct rbTree *tree, int start, int end)
 /* Add area from start to end to a tree that is being built up to store the
  * depth of coverage.  Recover coverage back out by looking at ptToInt(range->val)
  * on tree elements. */
 struct range q;
 q.start = start;
 q.end = end;
 struct range *r, *existing = rbTreeFind(tree, &q);
 if (existing == NULL)
     lmAllocVar(tree->lm, r);
     r->start = start;
     r->end = end;
     r->val = intToPt(1);
     rbTreeAdd(tree, r);
     if (existing->start <= start && existing->end >= end)
     /* The existing one completely encompasses us */
 	/* Make a new section for the bit before start. */
 	if (existing->start < start)
 	    lmAllocVar(tree->lm, r);
 	    r->start = existing->start;
 	    r->end = start;
 	    r->val = existing->val;
 	    existing->start = start;
 	    rbTreeAdd(tree, r);
 	/* Make a new section for the bit after end. */
 	if (existing->end > end)
 	    lmAllocVar(tree->lm, r);
 	    r->start = end;
 	    r->end = existing->end;
 	    r->val = existing->val;
 	    existing->end = end;
 	    rbTreeAdd(tree, r);
 	/* Increment existing section in overlapping area. */
         existing->val = (char *)(existing->val) + 1;
     /* In general case fetch list of regions that overlap us. 
        Remaining cases to handle are: 
 	     r >> e     rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
 	     e < r           rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
 	     r < e      rrrrrrrrrrrr
 	struct range *existingList = rangeTreeAllOverlapping(tree, start, end);
 #ifdef DEBUG
 	/* Make sure that list is really sorted for debugging... */
 	int lastStart = existingList->start;
 	for (r = existingList; r != NULL; r = r->next)
 	    int start = r->start;
 	    if (start < lastStart)
 #endif /* DEBUG */
 	int s = start, e = end;
 	for (existing = existingList; existing != NULL; existing = existing->next)
 	    /* Deal with start of new range that comes before existing */
 	    if (s < existing->start)
 		lmAllocVar(tree->lm, r);
 		r->start = s;
 		r->end = existing->start;
 		r->val = intToPt(1);
 		s = existing->start;
 		rbTreeAdd(tree, r);
 	    else if (s > existing->start)
 		lmAllocVar(tree->lm, r);
 		r->start = existing->start;
 		r->end = s;
 		r->val = existing->val;
 		existing->start = s;
 		rbTreeAdd(tree, r);
 	    existing->val = (char *)(existing->val) + 1;
 	    s = existing->end;
 	if (s < e)
 	/* Deal with end of new range that doesn't overlap with anything. */
 	    lmAllocVar(tree->lm, r);
 	    r->start = s;
 	    r->end = e;
 	    r->val = intToPt(1);
 	    rbTreeAdd(tree, r);
 boolean rangeTreeOverlaps(struct rbTree *tree, int start, int end)
 /* Return TRUE if start-end overlaps anything in tree */
 struct range tempR;
 tempR.start = start;
 tempR.end = end;
 tempR.val = NULL;
 return rbTreeFind(tree, &tempR) != NULL;
-static struct range *rangeList;
-static void rangeListAdd(void *v)
+static void rangeListAdd(void *v, void *context)
 /* Callback to add item to range list. */
 struct range *r = v;
-slAddHead(&rangeList, r);
+struct range **list = (struct range **)context;
+slAddHead(list, r);
 struct range *rangeTreeList(struct rbTree *tree)
 /* Return list of all ranges in tree in order.  Not thread safe. 
  * No need to free this when done, memory is local to tree. */
-rangeList = NULL;
-rbTreeTraverse(tree, rangeListAdd);
+struct range *rangeList = NULL;
+rbTreeTraverseWithContext(tree, rangeListAdd, &rangeList);
 return rangeList;
 struct range *rangeTreeFindEnclosing(struct rbTree *tree, int start, int end)
 /* Find item in range tree that encloses range between start and end 
  * if there is any such item. */
 struct range tempR, *r;
 tempR.start = start;
 tempR.end = end;
 r = rbTreeFind(tree, &tempR);
 if (r != NULL && r->start <= start && r->end >= end)
     r->next = NULL; /* this can be set by previous calls to the List functions */
     return r;
 return NULL;
 struct range *rangeTreeAllOverlapping(struct rbTree *tree, int start, int end)
 /* Return list of all items in range tree that overlap interval start-end.
  * Do not free this list, it is owned by tree.  However it is only good until
  * next call to rangeTreeFindInRange or rangeTreeList. Not thread safe. */
 struct range tempR;
 tempR.start = start;
 tempR.end = end;
-rangeList = NULL;
-rbTreeTraverseRange(tree, &tempR, &tempR, rangeListAdd);
+struct range *rangeList = NULL;
+rbTreeTraverseRangeWithContext(tree, &tempR, &tempR, rangeListAdd, &rangeList);
 return rangeList;
 struct range *rangeTreeMaxOverlapping(struct rbTree *tree, int start, int end)
 /* Return item that overlaps most with start-end. Not thread safe.  Trashes list used
  * by rangeTreeAllOverlapping. */
 struct range *range, *best = NULL;
 int bestOverlap = 0; 
 for (range  = rangeTreeAllOverlapping(tree, start, end); range != NULL; range = range->next)
     int overlap = rangeIntersection(range->start, range->end, start, end);
     if (overlap > bestOverlap)
 	bestOverlap = overlap;
 	best = range;
 if (best)
     best->next = NULL; /* could be set by calls to List functions */
 return best;
 /* A couple of variables used to calculate total overlap. */
 static int totalOverlap;
 static int overlapStart, overlapEnd;
 static void addOverlap(void *v)
 /* Callback to add item to range list. */
 struct range *r = v;
 totalOverlap += positiveRangeIntersection(r->start, r->end, 
 	overlapStart, overlapEnd);
 int rangeTreeOverlapSize(struct rbTree *tree, int start, int end)
 /* Return the total size of intersection between interval
  * from start to end, and items in range tree. Sadly not
  * thread-safe. 
  * On 32 bit machines be careful not to overflow
  * range of start, end or total size return value. */
 struct range tempR;
 tempR.start = overlapStart = start;
 tempR.end = overlapEnd = end;
 totalOverlap = 0;
 rbTreeTraverseRange(tree, &tempR, &tempR, addOverlap);
 return totalOverlap;
 int rangeTreeOverlapTotalSize(struct rbTree *tree)
 /* Return the total size of all ranges in range tree.
  * Sadly not thread-safe. 
  * On 32 bit machines be careful not to overflow
  * range of start, end or total size return value. */
 return rangeTreeOverlapSize(tree, INT_MIN, INT_MAX);
 void rangeTreeSumRangeCallback(void *item, void *context)
 /* This is a callback for rbTreeTraverse with context.  It just adds up
  * end-start */
 struct range *range = item;
 long long *pSum = context;
 *pSum += range->end - range->start;
 long long rangeTreeSumRanges(struct rbTree *tree)
 /* Return sum of end-start of all items. */
 long long sum = 0;
 rbTreeTraverseWithContext(tree, rangeTreeSumRangeCallback, &sum);
 return sum;
 struct rbTree *rangeTreeNew()
 /* Create a new, empty, rangeTree. */
 return rbTreeNew(rangeCmp);
 struct rbTree *rangeTreeNewDetailed(struct lm *lm, struct rbTreeNode *stack[128])
 /* Allocate rangeTree on an existing local memory & stack.  This is for cases
  * where you want a lot of trees, and don't want the overhead for each one. 
  * Note, to clean these up, just do freez(&rbTree) rather than rbFreeTree(&rbTree). */
 return rbTreeNewDetailed(rangeCmp, lm, stack);