  Sat May 6 11:30:17 2017 -0700
make rangeTree functions thread safe.

diff --git src/lib/rbTree.c src/lib/rbTree.c
index 42952f8..7dff20d 100644
--- src/lib/rbTree.c
+++ src/lib/rbTree.c
@@ -1,740 +1,776 @@
 /* rbTree - rbTreeRed-rbTreeBlack Tree - a type of binary tree which 
  * automatically keeps relatively balanced during
  * inserts and deletions.
  *   original author: Shane Saunders
  *   adapted into local conventions: Jim Kent
 #include "common.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "rbTree.h"
 static struct rbTreeNode *restructure(struct rbTree *t, int tos, 
 	struct rbTreeNode *x, struct rbTreeNode *y, struct rbTreeNode *z)
 /* General restructuring function - checks for all
  * restructuring cases.  Call when insert has messed up tree.
  * Sadly delete has to do even more work. */
 struct rbTreeNode *parent, *midNode;
 if(y == x->left) 
     if(z == y->left) 
         {  /* in-order:  z, y, x */
 	midNode = y;
 	y->left = z;
 	x->left = y->right;
 	y->right = x;
         {  /* in-order:  y, z, x */
 	midNode = z;
 	y->right = z->left;
 	z->left = y;
 	x->left = z->right;
 	z->right = x;
     if(z == y->left) 
 	{  /* in-order:  x, z, y */
 	midNode = z;
 	x->right = z->left;
 	z->left = x;
 	y->left = z->right;
 	z->right = y;
 	{  /* in-order:  x, y, z */
 	midNode = y;
 	x->right = y->left;
 	y->left = x;
 	y->right = z;
 if(tos != 0) 
     parent = t->stack[tos-1];
     if(x == parent->left) 
 	parent->left = midNode;
 	parent->right = midNode;
     t->root = midNode;
 return midNode;
 struct rbTree *rbTreeNewDetailed(int (*compare)(void *, void *), struct lm *lm, 
 	struct rbTreeNode *stack[128])
 /* Allocate rbTree on an existing local memory & stack.  This is for cases
  * where you want a lot of trees, and don't want the overhead for each one. 
  * Note, to clean these up, just do freez(&rbTree) rather than rbFreeTree(&rbTree). */
 struct rbTree *t;
 t->root = NULL;
 t->compare = compare;
 t->lm = lm;
 t->stack = stack;	
 t->n = 0;
 return t;
 struct rbTree *rbTreeNew(int (*compare)(void *, void *))
 /* rbTreeNew() - Allocates space for a red-black tree and returns a pointer
  * to it.  The function compare compares they keys of two items, and returns a
  * negative, zero, or positive integer depending on whether the first item is
  * less than, equal to, or greater than the second.  */
 /* The stack keeps us from having to keep explicit
  * parent, grandparent, greatgrandparent variables.
  * It needs to be big enough for the maximum depth
  * of tree.  Since the whole point of rb trees is
  * that they are self-balancing, this is not all
  * that deep, just 2*log2(N).  Therefore a stack of
  * 128 is good for up to 2^64 items in stack, which
  * should keep us for the next couple of decades... */
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 struct rbTreeNode **stack = lmAlloc(lm, 128 * sizeof(stack[0]));	
 return rbTreeNewDetailed(compare, lm, stack);
 void rbTreeFree(struct rbTree **pTree)
 /* rbTreeFree() - Frees space used by the red-black tree pointed to by t. */
 struct rbTree *tree = *pTree;
 if (tree != NULL)
 void rbTreeFreeList(struct rbTree **pList)
 /* Free up a list of rbTrees. */
 struct rbTree *tree, *next;
 for (tree = *pList; tree != NULL; tree = next)
     next = tree->next;
 void *rbTreeAdd(struct rbTree *t, void *item)
 /* rbTreeAdd() - Inserts an item into the red-black tree pointed to by t,
  * according the the value its key.  The key of an item in the red-black
  * tree must be unique among items in the tree.  If an item with the same key
  * already exists in the tree, a pointer to that item is returned.  Otherwise,
  * NULL is returned, indicating insertion was successful.
 struct rbTreeNode *x, *p, *q, *m, **attachX;
 int (* compare)(void *, void *);
 int cmpResult;
 rbTreeColor col;
 struct rbTreeNode **stack = NULL;
 int tos;
 tos = 0;    
 if((p = t->root) != NULL) 
     compare = t->compare;
     stack = t->stack;
     /* Repeatedly explore either the left branch or the right branch
      * depending on the value of the key, until an empty branch is chosen.
 	stack[tos++] = p;
 	cmpResult = compare(item, p->item);
 	if(cmpResult < 0) 
 	    p = p->left;
 		p = stack[--tos];
 		attachX = &p->left;
 	else if(cmpResult > 0) 
 	    p = p->right;
 		p = stack[--tos];
 		attachX = &p->right;
 	    return p->item;
     col = rbTreeRed;
     attachX = &t->root;
     col = rbTreeBlack;
 /* Allocate new node and place it in tree. */
 if ((x = t->freeList) != NULL)
     t->freeList = x->right;
     lmAllocVar(t->lm, x);
 x->left = x->right = NULL;
 x->item = item;
 x->color = col;
 *attachX = x;
 /* Restructuring or recolouring will be needed if node x and its parent, p,
  * are both red.
 if(tos > 0) 
     while(p->color == rbTreeRed) 
 	{  /* Double red problem. */
 	/* Obtain a pointer to p's parent, m, and sibling, q. */
 	m = stack[--tos];
 	q = p == m->left ? m->right : m->left;
 	/* Determine whether restructuring or recolouring is needed. */
 	if(!q || q->color == rbTreeBlack) 
 	    /* Sibling is black.  ==>  Perform restructuring. */
 	    /* Restructure according to the left to right order, of nodes
 	     * m, p, and x.
 	    m = restructure(t, tos, m, p, x);
 	    m->color = rbTreeBlack;
 	    m->left->color = m->right->color = rbTreeRed;
 	    /* Restructuring eliminates the double red problem. */
 	/* else just need to flip color */
 	/* Sibling is also red.  ==>  Perform recolouring. */
 	p->color = rbTreeBlack;
 	q->color = rbTreeBlack;
 	if(tos == 0) break;  /* The root node always remains black. */
 	m->color = rbTreeRed;
 	/* Continue, checking colouring higher up. */
 	x = m;
 	p = stack[--tos];
 return NULL;
 void *rbTreeFind(struct rbTree *t, void *item)
 /* rbTreeFind() - Find an item in the red-black tree with the same key as the
  * item pointed to by `item'.  Returns a pointer to the item found, or NULL
  * if no item was found.
 struct rbTreeNode *p, *nextP;
 int (*compare)(void *, void *) = t->compare;
 int cmpResult;
 /* Repeatedly explore either the left or right branch, depending on the
  * value of the key, until the correct item is found.  */
 for (p = t->root; p != NULL; p = nextP)
     cmpResult = compare(item, p->item);
     if(cmpResult < 0) 
 	nextP = p->left;
     else if(cmpResult > 0) 
 	nextP = p->right;
 	return p->item;
 return NULL;
 void *rbTreeRemove(struct rbTree *t, void *item)
 /* rbTreeRemove() - Delete an item in the red-black tree with the same key as
  * the item pointed to by `item'.  Returns a pointer to the deleted item,
  * and NULL if no item was found.
 struct rbTreeNode *p, *r, *x, *y, *z, *b, *newY;
 struct rbTreeNode *m;
 rbTreeColor removeCol;
 void *returnItem;
 int (* compare)(void *, void *);
 int cmpResult;
 struct rbTreeNode **stack;
 int i, tos;
 /* Attempt to locate the item to be deleted. */
 if((p = t->root)) 
     compare = t->compare;
     stack = t->stack;
     tos = 0;
 	stack[tos++] = p;
 	cmpResult = compare(item, p->item);
 	if(cmpResult < 0) 
 	    p = p->left;
 	else if(cmpResult > 0) 
 	    p = p->right;
 	    /* Item found. */
 	if(!p) return NULL;
     return NULL;
 /* p points to the node to be deleted, and is currently on the top of the
  * stack.
     tos--;  /* Adjust tos to remove p. */
     /* Right child replaces p. */
     if(tos == 0) 
 	r = t->root = p->right;
 	x = y = NULL;
 	x = stack[--tos];
 	if(p == x->left) 
 	    r = x->left = p->right;
 	    y = x->right;
 	    r = x->right = p->right;
 	    y = x->left;
     removeCol = p->color;
 else if(!p->right) 
     tos--;  /* Adjust tos to remove p. */
     /* Left child replaces p. */
     if(tos == 0) 
 	r = t->root = p->left;
 	x = y = NULL;
 	x = stack[--tos];
 	if(p == x->left) 
 	    r = x->left = p->left;
 	    y = x->right;
 	    r = x->right = p->left;
 	    y = x->left;
     removeCol = p->color;
     /* Save p's stack position. */
     i = tos-1;
     /* Minimum child, m, in the right subtree replaces p. */
     m = p->right;
 	stack[tos++] = m;
 	m = m->left;
 	} while(m);
     m = stack[--tos];
     /* Update either the left or right child pointers of p's parent. */
     if(i == 0) 
 	t->root = m;
 	x = stack[i-1];  /* p's parent. */
 	if(p == x->left) 
 	    x->left = m;
 	    x->right = m;
     /* Update the tree part m is removed from, and assign m the child
      * pointers of p (only if m is not the right child of p).
     stack[i] = m;  /* Node m replaces node p on the stack. */
     x = stack[--tos];
     r = m->right;
     if(tos != i) 
 	{  /* x is equal to the parent of m. */
 	y = x->right;
 	x->left = r;
 	m->right = p->right;
 	{ /* m was the right child of p, and x is equal to m. */
 	y = p->left;
     m->left = p->left;
     /* We treat node m as the node which has been removed. */
     removeCol = m->color;
     m->color = p->color;
 /* Get return value and reuse the space used by node p. */
 returnItem = p->item;
 p->right = t->freeList;
 t->freeList = p;
 /* The pointers x, y, and r point to nodes which may be involved in
  * restructuring and recolouring.
  *  x - the parent of the removed node.
  *  y - the sibling of the removed node.
  *  r - the node which replaced the removed node.
  * From the above code, the next entry off the stack will be the parent of
  * node x.
 /* The number of black nodes on paths to all external nodes (NULL child
  * pointers) must remain the same for all paths.  Restructuring or
  * recolouring of nodes may be necessary to enforce this.
 if(removeCol == rbTreeBlack) 
     /* Removal of a black node requires some adjustment. */
     if(!r || r->color == rbTreeBlack) 
 	/* A black node replaced the deleted black node.  Note that
 	 * external nodes (NULL child pointers) are always black, so
 	 * if r is NULL it is treated as a black node.
 	/* This causes a double-black problem, since node r would need to
 	 * be coloured double-black in order for the black color on
 	 * paths through r to remain the same as for other paths.
 	/* If r is the root node, the double-black color is not necessary
 	 * to maintain the color balance.  Otherwise, some adjustment of
 	 * nearby nodes is needed in order to eliminate the double-black
 	 * problem.  NOTE:  x points to the parent of r.
 	if(x) for(;;) 
 	    /* There are three adjustment cases:
 	     *  1.  r's sibling, y, is black and has a red child, z.
 	     *  2.  r's sibling, y, is black and has two black children.
 	     *  3.  r's sibling, y, is red.
 	    if(y->color == rbTreeBlack) 
 		/* Note the conditional evaluation for assigning z. */
 		if(((z = y->left) && z->color == rbTreeRed) ||
 		   ((z = y->right) && z->color == rbTreeRed)) 
 		    /* Case 1:  perform a restructuring of nodes x, y, and
 		     * z.
 		    b = restructure(t, tos, x, y, z);
 		    b->color = x->color;
 		    b->left->color = b->right->color = rbTreeBlack;
 		    /* Case 2:  recolour node y red. */
 		    y->color = rbTreeRed;
 		    if(x->color == rbTreeRed) 
 			x->color = rbTreeBlack;
 		    /* else */
 		    if(tos == 0) break;  /* Root level reached. */
 		    /* else */
 		    r = x;
 		    x = stack[--tos];  /* x <- parent of x. */
 		    y = x->left == r ? x->right : x->left;
 		/* Case 3:  Restructure nodes x, y, and z, where:
 		 *  - If node y is the left child of x, then z is the left
 		 *    child of y.  Otherwise z is the right child of y.
 		if(x->left == y) 
 		    newY = y->right;
 		    z = y->left;
 		    newY = y->left;
 		    z = y->right;
 		restructure(t, tos, x, y, z);
 		y->color = rbTreeBlack;
 		x->color = rbTreeRed;
 		/* Since x has moved down a place in the tree, and y is the
 		 * new the parent of x, the stack must be adjusted so that
 		 * the parent of x is correctly identified in the next call
 		 * to restructure().
 		stack[tos++] = y;
 		/* After restructuring, node r has a black sibling, newY,
 		 * so either case 1 or case 2 applies.  If case 2 applies
 		 * the double-black problem does not reappear.
 		y = newY;
 		/* Note the conditional evaluation for assigning z. */
 		if(((z = y->left) && z->color == rbTreeRed) ||
 		   ((z = y->right) && z->color == rbTreeRed)) 
 		    /* Case 1:  perform a restructuring of nodes x, y, and
 		     * z.
 		    b = restructure(t, tos, x, y, z);
 		    b->color = rbTreeRed;  /* Since node x was red. */
 		    b->left->color = b->right->color = rbTreeBlack;
 		    /* Case 2:  recolour node y red. */
 		    /* Note that node y is black and node x is red. */
 		    y->color = rbTreeRed;
 		    x->color = rbTreeBlack;
 	/* A red node replaced the deleted black node. */
 	/* In this case we can simply color the red node black. */
 	r->color = rbTreeBlack;
 return returnItem;
 /* Some variables to help recursively dump tree. */
 static int dumpLevel;	/* Indentation level. */
 static FILE *dumpFile;  /* Output file */
 static void (*dumpIt)(void *item, FILE *f);  /* Item dumper. */
 static void rTreeDump(struct rbTreeNode *n)
 /* Recursively dump. */
 if (n == NULL)
 spaceOut(dumpFile, ++dumpLevel * 3);
 fprintf(dumpFile, "%c ", (n->color ==  rbTreeRed ? 'r' : 'b'));
 dumpIt(n->item, dumpFile);
 fprintf(dumpFile, "\n");
 void rbTreeDump(struct rbTree *tree, FILE *f, 
 	void (*dumpItem)(void *item, FILE *f))
 /* Dump out rb tree to file, mostly for debugging. */
 dumpFile = f;
 dumpLevel = 0;
 dumpIt = dumpItem;
 fprintf(f, "rbTreeDump\n");
 /* Variables to help recursively traverse tree. */
 static void (*doIt)(void *item);
 static void *minIt, *maxIt;
 static int (*compareIt)(void *, void *);
+/* Structure to pass down to make thread safe versions of range functions */
+struct rangeParams 
+void (*doIt)(void *item, void *context);
+void *minIt, *maxIt;
+int (*compareIt)(void *, void *);
+static void rTreeTraverseRangeWithContext(struct rbTreeNode *n, struct rangeParams *rp, void *context)
+/* Recursively traverse tree in range applying doIt with context. */
+if (n != NULL)
+   {
+   int minCmp = rp->compareIt(n->item, rp->minIt);
+   int maxCmp = rp->compareIt(n->item, rp->maxIt);
+   if (minCmp >= 0)
+       rTreeTraverseRangeWithContext(n->left, rp, context);
+   if (minCmp >= 0 && maxCmp <= 0)
+       rp->doIt(n->item, context);
+   if (maxCmp <= 0)
+       rTreeTraverseRangeWithContext(n->right, rp, context);
+   }
 static void rTreeTraverseRange(struct rbTreeNode *n)
 /* Recursively traverse tree in range applying doIt. */
 if (n != NULL)
    int minCmp = compareIt(n->item, minIt);
    int maxCmp = compareIt(n->item, maxIt);
    if (minCmp >= 0)
    if (minCmp >= 0 && maxCmp <= 0)
    if (maxCmp <= 0)
 static void rTreeTraverse(struct rbTreeNode *n)
 /* Recursively traverse full tree applying doIt. */
 if (n != NULL)
+void rbTreeTraverseRangeWithContext(struct rbTree *tree, void *minItem, void *maxItem,
+	void (*doItem)(void *item, void *context), void *context)
+/* Apply doItem function to all items in tree such that
+ * minItem <= item <= maxItem.  THREAD SAFE */
+struct rangeParams ourParams;
+ourParams.doIt = doItem;
+ourParams.minIt = minItem;
+ourParams.maxIt = maxItem;
+ourParams.compareIt = tree->compare;
+rTreeTraverseRangeWithContext(tree->root, &ourParams, context);
 void rbTreeTraverseRange(struct rbTree *tree, void *minItem, void *maxItem,
 	void (*doItem)(void *item))
 /* Apply doItem function to all items in tree such that
  * minItem <= item <= maxItem */
 doIt = doItem;
 minIt = minItem;
 maxIt = maxItem;
 compareIt = tree->compare;
 void rbTreeTraverse(struct rbTree *tree, void (*doItem)(void *item))
 /* Apply doItem function to all items in tree */
 doIt = doItem;
 struct rTreeContext
 /* Context for traversing a tree when you want to be fully thread safe and reentrant. */
     void *context;	/* Some context carried from user and passed to doIt. */
     void (*doItem)(void *item, void *context);
 static void rTreeTraverseWithContext(struct rbTreeNode *n, struct rTreeContext *context)
 /* Traverse tree with a little context so don't need little static variables that
  * prevent reentrancy of callback functions. */
 if (n != NULL)
     rTreeTraverseWithContext(n->left, context);
     context->doItem(n->item, context->context);
     rTreeTraverseWithContext(n->right, context);
 void rbTreeTraverseWithContext(struct rbTree *tree, 
 	void (*doItem)(void *item, void *context), void *context)
 /* Traverse tree calling doItem on every item with context pointer passed through to doItem.
  * This often avoids having to declare global or static variables for the doItem callback to use. */
 struct rTreeContext ctx;
 ctx.context = context;
 ctx.doItem = doItem;
 rTreeTraverseWithContext(tree->root, &ctx);
 struct slRef *itList;  /* List of items that rbTreeItemsInRange returns. */
 static void addRef(void *item)
 /* Add item it itList. */
 refAdd(&itList, item);
 struct slRef *rbTreeItemsInRange(struct rbTree *tree, void *minItem, void *maxItem)
 /* Return a sorted list of references to items in tree between range.
  * slFreeList this list when done. */
 itList = NULL;
 rbTreeTraverseRange(tree, minItem, maxItem, addRef);
 return itList;
 static void addRefWithContext(void *item, void *context)
 /* Add item it itList. */
 struct slRef **pList = context;
 refAdd(pList, item);
 struct slRef *rbTreeItems(struct rbTree *tree)
 /* Return sorted list of items.  slFreeList this when done.*/
 struct slRef *list = NULL;
 rbTreeTraverseWithContext(tree, addRefWithContext, &list);
 return list;
 int rbTreeCmpString(void *a, void *b)
 /* Set up rbTree so as to work on strings. */
 return strcmp(a, b);
 int rbTreeCmpWord(void *a, void *b)	
 /* Set up rbTree so as to work on case-insensitive strings. */
 return differentWord(a,b);