  Wed May 24 14:09:42 2017 -0700
add mathWig track type which is an arithmetic combination of bigWi.

diff --git src/hg/hgTables/hgTables.h src/hg/hgTables/hgTables.h
index a11d0d8..b2cd062 100644
--- src/hg/hgTables/hgTables.h
+++ src/hg/hgTables/hgTables.h
@@ -739,30 +739,35 @@
 char *bigFileNameFromCtOrHub(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn);
 /* If table is a custom track or hub track, return the bigDataUrl setting;
  * otherwise return NULL.  Do a freeMem on returned string when done. */
 char *bigDataIndexFromCtOrHub(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn);
 /* If table is a custom track or hub track, return the bigDataIndex setting;
  * otherwise return NULL.  Do a freeMem on returned string when done. */
 char *bigWigFileName(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn);
 /* Return file name associated with bigWig.  This handles differences whether it's
  * a custom or built-in track.  Do a freeMem on returned string when done. */
 #define bigBedFileName(table, conn) bigWigFileName(table, conn)
+int mathWigOutRegion(struct trackDb *track, char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn,
+			     struct region *region, int maxOut,
+			     enum wigOutputType wigOutType);
+/* Write out mathWig for region, doing intersecting and filtering as need be. */
 int bigWigOutRegion(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn,
 			     struct region *region, int maxOut,
 			     enum wigOutputType wigOutType);
 /* Write out bigWig for region, doing intersecting and filtering as need be. */
 void doSummaryStatsBigWig(struct sqlConnection *conn);
 /* Put up page showing summary stats for bigWig track. */
 struct bed *bigWigIntervalsToBed(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, struct region *region,
 				 struct lm *lm);
 /* Return a list of unfiltered, unintersected intervals in region as bed (for
  * secondary table in intersection). */
 /* ----------- BigBed business in bigBed.c -------------------- */
 boolean isBigBed(char *database, char *table, struct trackDb *parent,