  Fri May 26 10:59:08 2017 -0700
Creating a new directory for tab-separated-file utilities and seeding it with tabQuery formerly in the utils directory.

diff --git src/tabFile/makefile src/tabFile/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcb9365
--- /dev/null
+++ src/tabFile/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Build all directories in tabFiles
+kentSrc = ..
+include ${kentSrc}/inc/localEnvironment.mk
+include ${kentSrc}/inc/common.mk
+# note: lists such as the following need to be defined *before*
+# they are used in the wildcard target rules.  An oddity of gnu make
+# List of all directories to build
+	tabQuery 
+all: $(ALL_APPS:%=%.all)
+	cd $* && echo $* && $(MAKE)
+test: $(ALL_APPS:%=%.test)
+	@test -s $*/tests/makefile && (echo $*; cd $* && $(MAKE) test) || true
+clean: $(ALL_APPS:%=%.clean)
+	touch non-empty-rm.o
+	- find . -name \*.o -print | xargs rm
+	cd $* && echo $* && $(MAKE) clean