  Thu May 25 15:26:39 2017 -0700
fixed bug in gencode highlight code where no highlights specified results in all being highlights

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/gencodeTracks.c src/hg/hgTracks/gencodeTracks.c
index e844508..29459aff 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/gencodeTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/gencodeTracks.c
@@ -1,515 +1,533 @@
 /* gencodeTracks - ENCODE GENCODE Genes tracks for both pilot and production ENCODE.
  * although these are used fundamentally different approaches to display */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hgTracks.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "gencodeIntron.h"
 #include "genePredReader.h"
 #include "genePred.h"
 typedef filterBy_t* (*filterBySetGetFuncType)(struct trackDb *tdb, struct cart *cart, char *name);
 struct gencodeQuery
 /* structure used to store information about the query being assembled.
  * this allows a join to bring in additional data without having to
  * do repeated queries. */
     struct dyString *fields;                // select fields
     struct dyString *from;                  // from clause
     struct dyString *where;                 // where clause
     boolean isGenePredX;                    // does this have the extended fields?
     boolean isFiltered;                     // are there filters on the query?
     boolean joinAttrs;                      // join the wgEncodeGencodeAttrs table
     boolean joinSupportLevel;               // join the wgEncodeGencodeTranscriptionSupportLevel table
     boolean joinTranscriptSource;           // join the wgEncodeGencodeTranscriptSource table
     boolean joinTag;                        // join the wgEncodeGencodeTag table
 static struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQueryNew(void)
 /* construct a new gencodeQuery object */
 struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery;
 gencodeQuery->fields = dyStringNew(0);
 gencodeQuery->from = dyStringNew(0);
 gencodeQuery->where = dyStringNew(0);
 return gencodeQuery;
 static void gencodeQueryFree(struct gencodeQuery **gencodeQueryPtr)
 /* construct a new gencodeQuery object */
 struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery = *gencodeQueryPtr;
 if (gencodeQuery != NULL)
     *gencodeQueryPtr = NULL;
 static void gencodeQueryBeginSubWhere(struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* begin adding new where sub-clause */
 if (dyStringLen(gencodeQuery->where) > 0)
     dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->where, " and ");
 dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->where, "(");
 static void gencodeQueryEndSubWhere(struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* finish adding new where sub-clause */
 dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->where, ")");
+static boolean anyFilterBy(struct track *tg, filterBySetGetFuncType filterBySetGetFunc)
+/* check if any filters were specified of the particular type */
+filterBy_t *filterBySet = filterBySetGetFunc(tg->tdb, cart, NULL);
+filterBy_t *filterBy;
+boolean someFilters = FALSE;
+for (filterBy = filterBySet; (filterBy != NULL) && !someFilters; filterBy = filterBy->next)
+    {
+    if (!filterByAllChosen(filterBy))
+        someFilters = TRUE;
+    }   
+return someFilters;
 static char *tslSymToNumStr(char *tslSym)
 /* convert a transcription support level string (tsl1..tsl5, tslN), to 
  * a numeric string ("1".."5", "-1") */
 if (sameString(tslSym, "tslNA"))
     return "-1";
     return tslSym+3;
 static void filterByMethodChoiceQuery(char *choice, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* add SQL expression GENCODE transcript method choice. */
  * example sources and categories:
  *    havana_ig_gene                manual, manual only
  *    ensembl_havana_transcript     manual, automatic & manual and automatic
  *    havana                        manual, manual only
  *    ensembl                       automatic, automatic only
  *    mt_genbank_import             automatic, automatic only
 if (sameString(choice, "manual"))
     dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->where, "(transSrc.source like \"%havana%\")");
 else if (sameString(choice, "automatic"))
     dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->where, "((transSrc.source like \"%ensembl%\") or (transSrc.source not like \"%havana%\"))");
 else if (sameString(choice, "manual_only"))
     dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->where, "((transSrc.source like \"%havana%\") and (transSrc.source not like \"%ensembl%\"))");
 else if (sameString(choice, "automatic_only"))
     dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->where, "(transSrc.source not like \"%havana%\")");
 else if (sameString(choice, "manual_and_automatic"))
     dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->where, "((transSrc.source like \"%havana%\") and (transSrc.source like \"%ensembl%\"))");
     errAbort("BUG: filterByMethodChoiceQuery missing choice: \"%s\"", choice);
 static void filterByMethodChoicesQuery(filterBy_t *filterBy, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* add transcript source compare clauses */
 struct slName *choice = NULL;
 for (choice = filterBy->slChoices; choice != NULL; choice = choice->next)
     if (choice != filterBy->slChoices)
         dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->where, " or ");
     filterByMethodChoiceQuery(choice->name, gencodeQuery);
 static void filterByMethodQuery(struct track *tg, filterBy_t *filterBy, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* generate SQL where clause for annotation method filtering */
 filterByMethodChoicesQuery(filterBy, gencodeQuery);
 gencodeQuery->joinTranscriptSource = TRUE;
 static void filterBySupportLevelChoiceQuery(char *choice, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* add SQL expression GENCODE support choice. */
 /* table is numeric (silly me), and string is tsl1..tsl5 or tslNA */
 dyStringPrintf(gencodeQuery->where, "(supLevel.level = %s)", tslSymToNumStr(choice));
 static void filterBySupportLevelChoicesQuery(filterBy_t *filterBy, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* add support level compare clauses */
 struct slName *choice = NULL;
 for (choice = filterBy->slChoices; choice != NULL; choice = choice->next)
     if (choice != filterBy->slChoices)
         dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->where, " or ");
     filterBySupportLevelChoiceQuery(choice->name, gencodeQuery);
 static void filterBySupportLevelQuery(struct track *tg, filterBy_t *filterBy, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* generate SQL where clause for annotation support level filtering */
 filterBySupportLevelChoicesQuery(filterBy, gencodeQuery);
 gencodeQuery->joinSupportLevel = TRUE;
 static void filterByTagChoiceQuery(char *choice, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* add SQL expression GENCODE tag choice. */
 dyStringPrintf(gencodeQuery->where, "(tag.tag = \"%s\")", choice);
 static void filterByTagChoicesQuery(filterBy_t *filterBy, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* add tag compare clauses */
 struct slName *choice = NULL;
 for (choice = filterBy->slChoices; choice != NULL; choice = choice->next)
     if (choice != filterBy->slChoices)
         dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->where, " or ");
     filterByTagChoiceQuery(choice->name, gencodeQuery);
 static void filterByTagQuery(struct track *tg, filterBy_t *filterBy, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* generate SQL where clause for annotation tag filtering */
 filterByTagChoicesQuery(filterBy, gencodeQuery);
 gencodeQuery->joinTag = TRUE;
 static void filterByAttrsQuery(struct track *tg, filterBy_t *filterBy, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* handle adding on filterBy clause for attributes table */
 char *clause = filterByClause(filterBy);
 if (clause != NULL)
     dyStringPrintf(gencodeQuery->where, "%s", clause);
     gencodeQuery->joinAttrs = TRUE;
 static void gencodeFilterByQuery(struct track *tg, filterBy_t *filterBy, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* handle adding on filterBy clause for gencode */
 if (sameString(filterBy->column, "transcriptMethod"))
     filterByMethodQuery(tg, filterBy, gencodeQuery);
 else if (sameString(filterBy->column, "supportLevel"))
     filterBySupportLevelQuery(tg, filterBy, gencodeQuery);
 else if (sameString(filterBy->column, "tag"))
     filterByTagQuery(tg, filterBy, gencodeQuery);
 else if (startsWith("attrs.", filterBy->column))
     filterByAttrsQuery(tg, filterBy, gencodeQuery);
     errAbort("gencodeFilterByQuery: don't know how to filter on column \"%s\"", filterBy->column);
 gencodeQuery->isFiltered = TRUE;
 static void gencodeFilterBySetQuery(struct track *tg, filterBySetGetFuncType filterBySetGetFunc, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* build where clause based for filters or highlights filters. */
 filterBy_t *filterBySet = filterBySetGetFunc(tg->tdb, cart, NULL);
 filterBy_t *filterBy;
 for (filterBy = filterBySet; filterBy != NULL; filterBy = filterBy->next)
     if (!filterByAllChosen(filterBy))
         gencodeFilterByQuery(tg, filterBy, gencodeQuery);
 static void addQueryTables(struct track *tg, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* add required from tables and joins */
 sqlDyStringPrintfFrag(gencodeQuery->from, "%s g", tg->table);
 if (gencodeQuery->joinAttrs)
     sqlDyStringPrintf(gencodeQuery->from, ", %s attrs", trackDbRequiredSetting(tg->tdb, "wgEncodeGencodeAttrs"));
     dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->where, " and (attrs.transcriptId = g.name)");
 if (gencodeQuery->joinTranscriptSource)
     sqlDyStringPrintf(gencodeQuery->from, ", %s transSrc", trackDbRequiredSetting(tg->tdb, "wgEncodeGencodeTranscriptSource"));
     dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->where, " and (transSrc.transcriptId = g.name)");
 if (gencodeQuery->joinSupportLevel)
     sqlDyStringPrintf(gencodeQuery->from, ", %s supLevel", trackDbRequiredSetting(tg->tdb, "wgEncodeGencodeTranscriptionSupportLevel"));
     dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->where, " and (supLevel.transcriptId = g.name)");
 if (gencodeQuery->joinTag)
     sqlDyStringPrintf(gencodeQuery->from, ", %s tag", trackDbRequiredSetting(tg->tdb, "wgEncodeGencodeTag"));
     dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->where, " and (tag.transcriptId = g.name)");
 static void addQueryCommon(struct track *tg, filterBySetGetFuncType filterBySetGetFunc, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* Add tables and joins for both gene and highlight queries */
 // bin range overlap part
 hAddBinToQuery(winStart, winEnd, gencodeQuery->where);
 sqlDyStringPrintf(gencodeQuery->where, "(g.chrom = \"%s\") and (g.txStart < %u) and (g.txEnd > %u)", chromName, winEnd, winStart);
 gencodeFilterBySetQuery(tg, filterBySetGetFunc, gencodeQuery);
 addQueryTables(tg, gencodeQuery);
 static struct sqlResult *executeQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery)
 /* execute the actual SQL query */
 struct dyString *query = dyStringNew(0);
 sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select %-s from %-s where %-s", 
     sqlCkIl(dyStringContents(gencodeQuery->fields)), dyStringContents(gencodeQuery->from), dyStringContents(gencodeQuery->where));
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, dyStringContents(query));
 return sr;
 static boolean tableIsGenePredX(struct track *tg)
 /* determine if a table has genePred extended fields.  two-way consensus
  * pseudo doesn't have them. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 struct slName *fields = sqlFieldNames(conn, tg->table);
 boolean isGenePredX = slNameInList(fields, "score");
 return isGenePredX;
 static struct gencodeQuery *geneQueryConstruct(struct track *tg)
 /* construct the query for a GENCODE genePred records, which includes filters. */
 static char *genePredXFields = "g.name, g.chrom, g.strand, g.txStart, g.txEnd, g.cdsStart, g.cdsEnd, g.exonCount, g.exonStarts, g.exonEnds, g.score, g.name2, g.cdsStartStat, g.cdsEndStat, g.exonFrames";
 static char *genePredFields = "g.name, g.chrom, g.strand, g.txStart, g.txEnd, g.cdsStart, g.cdsEnd, g.exonCount, g.exonStarts, g.exonEnds";
 struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery = gencodeQueryNew();
 gencodeQuery->isGenePredX = tableIsGenePredX(tg);
 dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->fields, (gencodeQuery->isGenePredX ? genePredXFields : genePredFields));
 addQueryCommon(tg, filterBySetGet, gencodeQuery);
 return gencodeQuery;
 static struct gencodeQuery *highlightQueryConstruct(struct track *tg)
 /* construct the query for GENCODE ids which should be highlighted.
  * this essentially redoes the genePred query, only using the filter functions
  * and only getting ids */
 struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery = gencodeQueryNew();
 dyStringAppend(gencodeQuery->fields, "g.name");
 addQueryCommon(tg, highlightBySetGet, gencodeQuery);
 return gencodeQuery;
 static unsigned getHighlightColor(struct track *tg)
 /* get the highlightColor from trackDb, or a default if not found */
 unsigned char red = 255, green = 165, blue = 0; // Orange default
 char *colorStr = trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "highlightColor");
 if (colorStr != NULL)
     parseColor(colorStr, &red, &green, &blue);
 return MAKECOLOR_32(red, green, blue);
 static void highlightByGetColor(struct genePred *gp, struct hash *highlightIds, unsigned highlightColor,
                                 struct linkedFeatures *lf)
 /* compute the highlight color based on a extra fields returned in a row, setting
  * the linkedFeatures field */
 if (hashLookup(highlightIds, gp->name) != NULL)
     lf->highlightColor = highlightColor;
     lf->highlightMode = highlightBackground;
 static struct hash* loadHighlightIds(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct track *tg)
 /* Load ids (genePred names) in window for annotations to be highlighted. */
 struct hash *highlightIds = hashNew(0);
 struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery = highlightQueryConstruct(tg);
 struct sqlResult *sr = executeQuery(conn, gencodeQuery);
 char **row;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     hashAddInt(highlightIds, row[0], 1);
 return highlightIds;
 static struct linkedFeatures *loadGencodeGenePred(struct track *tg, struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery, char **row,
                                                   struct hash *highlightIds, unsigned highlightColor)
 /* load one genePred record into a linkedFeatures object */
 struct genePred *gp = genePredExtLoad(row, (gencodeQuery->isGenePredX ? GENEPREDX_NUM_COLS:  GENEPRED_NUM_COLS));
 struct linkedFeatures *lf = linkedFeaturesFromGenePred(tg, gp, TRUE);
+if (highlightIds != NULL)
     highlightByGetColor(gp, highlightIds, highlightColor, lf);
 return lf;
 static void loadGencodeGenePreds(struct track *tg)
 /* Load genePreds in window info linked feature, with filtering, etc. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
-struct hash *highlightIds = loadHighlightIds(conn, tg);
+struct hash *highlightIds = NULL;
+if (anyFilterBy(tg, highlightBySetGet))
+    highlightIds = loadHighlightIds(conn, tg);
 struct gencodeQuery *gencodeQuery = geneQueryConstruct(tg);
 struct sqlResult *sr = executeQuery(conn, gencodeQuery);
 struct linkedFeatures *lfList = NULL;
 unsigned highlightColor = getHighlightColor(tg);
 char **row;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     slAddHead(&lfList, loadGencodeGenePred(tg, gencodeQuery, row, highlightIds, highlightColor));
 if (tg->visibility != tvDense)
     slSort(&lfList, linkedFeaturesCmpStart);
 tg->items = lfList;
 if (gencodeQuery->isFiltered)
 static char *gencodeGeneName(struct track *tg, void *item)
 /* Get name to use for Gencode gene item. */
 struct linkedFeatures *lf = item;
 if (lf->extra != NULL)
     return lf->extra;
     return lf->name;
 static void gencodeGeneMethods(struct track *tg)
 /* Load up custom methods for ENCODE Gencode gene track */
 tg->loadItems = loadGencodeGenePreds;
 tg->itemName = gencodeGeneName;
 static void registerProductionTrackHandlers()
 /* register track handlers for production GENCODE tracks */
 // ENCODE 1 legacy
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeSangerGencode", gencodeGeneMethods);
 // uses trackHandler attribute
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencode", gencodeGeneMethods);
 // one per gencode version. Add a bunch in the future so
 // this doesn't have to be changed on every release.
 // FIXME: delete these CGI and tracks are all user trackHandler
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV3", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV4", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV7", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV8", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV9", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV10", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV11", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV12", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV13", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV14", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV15", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV16", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV17", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV18", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV19", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV20", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeV21", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeVM2", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeVM3", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeVM4", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeVM5", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeVM6", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeVM7", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeVM8", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeVM9", gencodeGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("wgEncodeGencodeVM10", gencodeGeneMethods);
 static void gencodePilotGeneMethods(struct track *tg)
 /* Load up custom methods for ENCODE Gencode gene track */
 tg->loadItems = loadGenePredWithConfiguredName;
 tg->itemName = gencodeGeneName;
 static Color gencodeIntronPilotColorItem(struct track *tg, void *item, struct hvGfx *hvg)
 /* Return color of ENCODE gencode intron track item.  For ENCODE pilot tracks only.
  * Use recommended color palette pantone colors (level 4) for red, green, blue.*/
 struct gencodeIntron *intron = (struct gencodeIntron *)item;
 if (sameString(intron->status, "not_tested"))
     return hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, 214,214,216);       /* light grey */
 if (sameString(intron->status, "RT_negative"))
     return hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, 145,51,56);       /* red */
 if (sameString(intron->status, "RT_positive") ||
         sameString(intron->status, "RACE_validated"))
     return hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, 61,142,51);       /* green */
 if (sameString(intron->status, "RT_wrong_junction"))
     return getOrangeColor(hvg);                 /* orange */
 if (sameString(intron->status, "RT_submitted"))
     return hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, 102,109,112);       /* grey */
 return hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, 214,214,216);       /* light grey */
 static void gencodeIntronPilotLoadItems(struct track *tg)
 /* Load up track items.  For ENCODE pilot tracks only. */
 bedLoadItem(tg, tg->table, (ItemLoader)gencodeIntronLoad);
 static void gencodeIntronPilotMethods(struct track *tg)
 /* Load up custom methods for ENCODE Gencode intron validation track.
  * For ENCODE pilot tracks only. */
 tg->loadItems = gencodeIntronPilotLoadItems;
 tg->itemColor = gencodeIntronPilotColorItem;
 static void gencodePilotRaceFragsMethods(struct track *tg)
 /* Load up custom methods for ENCODE Gencode RACEfrags track.  For ENCODE
  * pilot tracks only. */
 tg->loadItems = loadGenePred;
 tg->subType = lfNoIntronLines;
 static void registerPilotTrackHandlers()
 /* register track handlers for pilot GENCODE tracks */
 // hg16 only
 registerTrackHandler("encodeGencodeGene", gencodePilotGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("encodeGencodeIntron", gencodeIntronPilotMethods);
 // hg17 only
 registerTrackHandler("encodeGencodeGeneJun05", gencodePilotGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("encodeGencodeIntronJun05", gencodeIntronPilotMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("encodeGencodeGeneOct05", gencodePilotGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("encodeGencodeIntronOct05", gencodeIntronPilotMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("encodeGencodeGeneMar07", gencodePilotGeneMethods);
 registerTrackHandler("encodeGencodeRaceFrags", gencodePilotRaceFragsMethods);
 void gencodeRegisterTrackHandlers()
 /* register track handlers for GENCODE tracks */