9ca067c40fe32a9d42db9c3f1451907062950149 max Fri May 26 17:06:39 2017 -0700 adding pointer to help page, refs #13634 diff --git src/hg/hgGeneGraph/hgGeneGraph src/hg/hgGeneGraph/hgGeneGraph index 03f4208..60c3626 100755 --- src/hg/hgGeneGraph/hgGeneGraph +++ src/hg/hgGeneGraph/hgGeneGraph @@ -1196,33 +1196,33 @@ annotLabel, geneAnnots = getGeneAnnots() writeDot(allGenes, weightedLinks, tmpName, targetGene, geneDescs, annotLabel, geneAnnots, linkSnips) if len(allGenes)>=100: alg = "fdp" picName, mapName = runDot(tmpName, alg, format) if format!="png": printHttpHead(format) sys.stdout.write(open(picName,"rb").read()) sys.stdout.flush() return # text above graph print("Mouse over or click genes or lines for details. Dashed lines indicate interactions without text mining support. ") - print("Arrows indicate the most common direction of effect based on pathway or text-mining databases.<br>") print("Click any gene to make it the new center. Click any line to show details about the interaction. ") - print("Only %s-interacting genes and only the most-mentioned/most-curated interactions are shown in the graph.<p>" % (targetGene)) + print("Only %s-interacting genes and only the most-mentioned/most-curated interactions are shown in the graph. " % (targetGene)) + print("See the <a href='../../goldenPath/help/hgGeneGraph.html'>Help Page</a> for details.") # menu above graph # background #fffef5 would be an alternive print '<div style="display:inline-block"> <!-- graph -->' printGraphMenu(conn, targetGene, addNeighbors) print "<p>" # graph itself print '<img src="%s" usemap="#test">' % picName map = open(mapName).read() print map print '</div> <!-- graph -->' print "<p>"