  Thu Jul 13 18:30:47 2017 -0700
correct typo refs #18969

diff --git src/utils/crisprKmers/crisprKmers.c src/utils/crisprKmers/crisprKmers.c
index c9793ae..ebbc08b 100644
--- src/utils/crisprKmers/crisprKmers.c
+++ src/utils/crisprKmers/crisprKmers.c
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
 /* crisprKmers - find and annotate crispr sequences. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2017 The Regents of the University of California
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 /*  Theory of operation:
-  a. scan given sequence (2bit of fa or fa.gz file)
+  a. scan given sequence (2bit or fa or fa.gz file)
   b. record all quide sequences, both positive and negative strands,
      on a linked list structure, 2bit encoding of the A C G T bases,
      with PAM sequence, strand and start coordinates, one linked list
      for each chromosome name.
   c. if a 'ranges' bed3 file is given, then divide up the linked list
      guide sequences into a 'query' list and a 'target' list.
      The 'query' list of guide sequences are those that have any overlap
      with the 'ranges' bed3 items.  The 'target' list is an exclusive
      set of all the other guide sequences.
   d. Without 'ranges', the full list of sequences can be considerd as
      the 'query' sequences.
   e. Convert the linked list structures into memory arrays, get all
      the sequence data and start coordinates into arrays.  This is much
      more efficient to work with the arrays than trying to run through
      the linked lists.  The data happens to become duplicated as it