  Fri Jun 30 09:51:18 2017 -0700
Noncoding introns were not being mapped to the genome correctly, hgvsTranscriptToZeroBasedHalfOpen had a fencepost error for upstream/downstream and mapToDeletion was using q coords instead of t coords for upstream/downstream, doh!  helpful testcase: NR_111987:n.-1 .  fixes #19702 note-1.

diff --git src/hg/inc/hgHgvs.h src/hg/inc/hgHgvs.h
index 17c96c7..6be2bb1 100644
--- src/hg/inc/hgHgvs.h
+++ src/hg/inc/hgHgvs.h
@@ -1,66 +1,68 @@
 /* hgHgvs - support for a subset of the Human Genome Variation Society's (HGVS) nomenclature
  * for describing variants with respect to a specific gene sequence (or genome assembly).
  * See http://www.hgvs.org/mutnomen/ */
 /* Copyright (C) 2016 The Regents of the University of California
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #ifndef HGHGVS_H
 #define HGHGVS_H
 #include "bed.h"
 /* The full nomenclature is extremely complicated, able to encode things such as gene fusions and
- * advanced clinical info (e.g. "=/" for somatic mosaicism, "=//" for chimerism).  I am starting
- * simple with single-base substitutions, which should cover the majority of use cases, and will
- * work up from there.
+ * advanced clinical info (e.g. "=/" for somatic mosaicism, "=//" for chimerism).  UCSC supports
+ * substitutions, insertions, deletions, duplications and inversions.  Conversions are parsed out
+ * of HGVS terms but not detected in genomic variants when generating HGVS terms.
+ * UCSC does not fully support repeated sequences because in practice they seem to be frequently
+ * incorrect and inherently error-prone.
  * At the same time, since the spec has repeatedly changed, we will need to be flexible in our
  * parsing in order to support previously published HGVS (or HGVS-like) terms. */
 enum hgvsSeqType
     // HGVS describes changes relative to several types of sequence: genomic, coding, protein, etc
     hgvstUndefined,  // the usual int default value means we haven't actually checked
-    hgvstCoding,     // "c.": Coding DNA sequence only. Beware: complex coords for intron & UTR.
+    hgvstCoding,     // "c.": Coding cDNA sequence only. Beware: complex coords for intron & UTR.
     hgvstGenomic,    // "g.": Genomic DNA
     hgvstMito,       // "m.": Mitochondrial DNA
-    hgvstNoncoding,  // "n.": non-coding RNA
+    hgvstNoncoding,  // "n.": non-coding cDNA w/complex coords for intron
     hgvstRna,        // "r.": RNA (like DNA but lowercase and 'u' instead of 'T')
     hgvstProtein,    // "p.": Protein
 struct hgvsVariant
     // Components that we are able parse out of an HGVS term. (there's more to HGVS than just this)
     struct hgvsVariant *next;
     char *seqAcc;            // The reference sequence for the variant (optional -- may be NULL!)
     char *seqGeneSymbol;     // Usually NULL, but DNA/RNA can have HGNC gene symbol in ()'s.
     char *changes;           // The sequence change(s) (following the position in nucleotide terms,
                              // with embedded position in protein terms); can be parsed into
                              // syntax tree by hgvsParseNucleotideChange (below)
     int start1;              // 1-based start of the variant in reference seq: can be negative !
-                             // For coding terms with complex intron or UTR coords, this is the
-                             // anchor coord (nearest CDS exon boundary)
+                             // For [cnr]. terms with complex intron coords, this is the
+                             // anchor coord (nearest exon boundary)
     int end;                 // End of the variant in the reference seq; can be negative !
                              // For a range, this is the second anchor coord; else same as start
-    // These two fields apply only to hgvstCoding ("c.") terms and Rna ("r.") for coding RNAs:
     int startOffset;         // offset into intron; 1-based, 0 means N/A; can be negative!
     int endOffset;           // offset into intron; 0 means N/A; can be negative!
                              // For a range, this is the second offset; else same as startOffset
-    enum hgvsSeqType type;   // type of sequence: genomic, coding, protein, etc
+    enum hgvsSeqType type;   // type of sequence: genomic/mito, coding, noncoding, protein
+    // These two fields apply only to hgvstCoding ("c.") terms and Rna ("r.") for coding RNAs:
     boolean startIsUtr3;     // TRUE if start is relative to *end* of coding sequence
     boolean endIsUtr3;       // TRUE if end is relative to *end* of coding sequence
 // HGVS sequence change(s) syntax tree
 // An HGVS description contains two parts: position and sequence change.
 // Positions may be simple 1-based, nested ranges, or relative to various CDS boundaries.
 // Currently positions are parsed using regular expressions in hgHgvs.c
 // Sequence changes may contain nested HGVS terms (insertion from some other sequence).
 // They are tokenized and parsed in hgHgvsParse.c.
 enum hgvsChangeType
     // There may be no change, or a change that specifies ref and/or alt bases, or a change
@@ -152,31 +154,31 @@
 void hgvsVariantFree(struct hgvsVariant **pHgvs);
 // Free *pHgvs and its contents, and set *pHgvs to NULL.
 struct hgvsVariant *hgvsParseTerm(char *term);
 /* If term is a parseable form of HGVS, return the parsed representation, otherwise NULL.
  * This does not check validity of accessions or alleles. */
 struct hgvsVariant *hgvsParsePseudoHgvs(char *db, char *term);
 /* Attempt to parse things that are not strict HGVS, but that people might intend as HGVS. */
 boolean hgvsValidate(char *db, struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, char **retFoundAcc, int *retFoundVersion,
                      char **retDiffRefAllele);
 /* Return TRUE if hgvs coords are within the bounds of the sequence for hgvs->seqAcc.
- * Note: Coding terms may contain coords outside the bounds (upstream, intron, downstream) so
+ * Note: Transcript terms may contain coords outside the bounds (upstream, intron, downstream) so
  * those can't be checked without mapping the term to the genome; this returns TRUE if seq is found.
  * If retFoundAcc is not NULL, set it to our local accession (which may be missing the .version
  * of hgvs->seqAcc) or NULL if we can't find any match.
  * If retFoundVersion is not NULL and hgvs->seqAcc has a version number (e.g. NM_005957.4),
  * set retFoundVersion to our version from latest GenBank, otherwise 0 (no version for LRG).
  * If coords are OK and retDiffRefAllele is not NULL: if our sequence at the coords
  * matches hgvs->refAllele then set it to NULL; if mismatch then set it to our sequence. */
 struct bed *hgvsMapToGenome(char *db, struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, char **retPslTable);
 /* Return a bed6 with the variant's span on the genome and strand, or NULL if unable to map.
  * If successful and retPslTable is not NULL, set it to the name of the PSL table used. */
 struct bed *hgvsValidateAndMap(struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, char *db, char *term,
                                struct dyString *dyWarn, char **retPslTable);
 /* If we have sequence for hgvs->seqAcc and the hgvs coords are within the bounds