Commits for brianlee
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v351_base to v352_preview (2017-06-26 to 2017-07-03) v352
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2c8179ad9a69dacd5c200efa02b43a041f93fa6a Mon Jun 26 15:40:13 2017 -0700
- Adding new inc/gbFooterHardcoded.html for hgdownload machine downloads.html page to redirect to genome refs #13553 #19626
- src/hg/htdocs/inc/gbFooterHardcoded.html - lines changed 58, context: html, text, full: html, text
f13cc7bc527bde479959ceee28721ba56a5d3231 Mon Jun 26 15:45:27 2017 -0700
- Adding new inc/gbPageStartHardcoded.html for hgdownload machine downloads.html page to have top blue bar and redirect to genome. refs #13553 #19626
- src/hg/htdocs/inc/gbPageStartHardcoded.html - lines changed 153, context: html, text, full: html, text
7b63e68485fe4db89146595a37b234594c029b11 Tue Jun 27 08:47:53 2017 -0700
- Truncating pubs page Snail paper, and putting full author list back on 2017 Browser NAR paper.
- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/pubs.html - lines changed 20, context: html, text, full: html, text
8271fe0dec8e3783320095b31050102663d3915a Mon Jul 3 08:52:40 2017 -0700
- Adding new Mouse Strains to hgdownload version of blue bar refs #19626
- src/hg/htdocs/inc/gbPageStartHardcoded.html - lines changed 1, context: html, text, full: html, text
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