  Wed Jul 5 12:13:57 2017 -0700
Removing confusing "ASH: " prefixes from some diagnostic warning messages.

diff --git src/hg/lib/cart.c src/hg/lib/cart.c
index fda6545..6b3e44b 100644
--- src/hg/lib/cart.c
+++ src/hg/lib/cart.c
@@ -97,61 +97,61 @@
 	  sqlDyStringPrintf(query, " and sessionKey='%s'", s->sessionKey);
     sLen = sqlQuickNum(conn, query->string);
     uLen = strlen(u->contents);
     sLen = strlen(s->contents);
 if (pix == NULL)
     pix = "-";
 if (textSize == NULL)
     textSize = "-";
 if (trackControls == NULL)
     trackControls = "-";
-fprintf(stderr, "ASH: %22s: "
+fprintf(stderr, "cartTrace: %22s: "
 	"u.i=%d u.l=%d u.c=%d s.i=%d s.l=%d s.c=%d "
 	"p=%s f=%s t=%s pid=%ld %s\n",
 	u->id, uLen, u->useCount, s->id, sLen, s->useCount,
 	pix, textSize, trackControls, (long)getpid(), cgiRemoteAddr());
 char userIdKey[256];
 cartDbSecureId(userIdKey, sizeof userIdKey, u);
 if (cart->userId && !sameString(userIdKey, cart->userId))
-    fprintf(stderr, "ASH: bad userId %s --> %d_%s!  pid=%ld\n",
+    fprintf(stderr, "cartTrace: bad userId %s --> %d_%s!  pid=%ld\n",
 	    cart->userId, u->id, u->sessionKey, (long)getpid());
 char sessionIdKey[256];
 cartDbSecureId(sessionIdKey, sizeof sessionIdKey, s);
 if (cart->sessionId && !sameString(sessionIdKey, cart->sessionId))
-    fprintf(stderr, "ASH: bad sessionId %s --> %d_%s!  pid=%ld\n",
+    fprintf(stderr, "cartTrace: bad sessionId %s --> %d_%s!  pid=%ld\n",
 	    cart->sessionId, s->id, s->sessionKey, (long)getpid());
 boolean cartTablesOk(struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Return TRUE if cart tables are accessible (otherwise, the connection
  * doesn't do us any good). */
 if (!sqlTableExists(conn, userDbTable()))
-    fprintf(stderr, "ASH: cartTablesOk failed on %s.%s!  pid=%ld\n",
+    fprintf(stderr, "cartTablesOk failed on %s.%s  pid=%ld\n",
 	    sqlGetDatabase(conn), userDbTable(),  (long)getpid());
     return FALSE;
 if (!sqlTableExists(conn, sessionDbTable()))
-    fprintf(stderr, "ASH: cartTablesOk failed on %s.%s!  pid=%ld\n",
+    fprintf(stderr, "cartTablesOk failed on %s.%s  pid=%ld\n",
 	    sqlGetDatabase(conn), sessionDbTable(), (long)getpid());
     return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
 void cartParseOverHash(struct cart *cart, char *contents)
 /* Parse cgi-style contents into a hash table.  This will *not*
  * replace existing members of hash that have same name, so we can
  * support multi-select form inputs (same var name can have multiple
  * values which will be in separate hashEl's). */
 struct hash *hash = cart->hash;
 char *namePt, *dataPt, *nextNamePt;
 namePt = contents;