  Thu Sep 14 11:00:37 2017 -0700
rework code to eliminate complicated double nested div elements refs #20094

diff --git src/hg/inc/web.h src/hg/inc/web.h
index 910c791..6580794 100644
--- src/hg/inc/web.h
+++ src/hg/inc/web.h
@@ -53,35 +53,35 @@
 /* Put up start of nepharious table layout stuff. (Normally done by webStartWrap). */
 void webFirstSection(char *title);
 /* Put up the first section (normally done by webStartWrap). */
 void webNewSection(char* format, ...)
 /* create a new section on the web page */
 #if defined(__GNUC__)
 __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)))
 void webNewEmptySection();
 /* create a new section on the web page to maintain table layout */
-void webNewSectionHeaderStart(boolean hasTitle);
+void webNewSectionHeaderStart();
 /* Start a new collapsible section on the web page, with +- control.
    Allows use of jsBeginCollapsibleSection() */
-void webNewSectionHeaderEnd(boolean hasTitle);
+void webNewSectionHeaderEnd();
 /* Properly close header of collapsible section on web page */
 void webEnd();
 /* output the footer of the HTML page */
 void webEndSection();
 /* Close down a section */
 void webEndSectionTables();
 /* Finish with section tables (but don't do /BODY /HTML lik
  * webEnd does. */
 void webStartGbNoBanner(struct cart *cart, char *db, char *title);
 /* Start HTML with new header and footer design by jWest, but no banner */