  Thu Oct 5 15:11:28 2017 -0700
changing interaction viewer hgGene link, refs #19454

diff --git src/hg/hgGeneGraph/hgGeneGraph src/hg/hgGeneGraph/hgGeneGraph
index e34b758..9ac9129 100755
--- src/hg/hgGeneGraph/hgGeneGraph
+++ src/hg/hgGeneGraph/hgGeneGraph
@@ -772,31 +772,31 @@
         tooltipLines.append("&nbsp;<small>Click link to show details</small>")
         tooltip = "".join(tooltipLines)
         url = makeSelfUrl({"gene" : None, "lastGene":targetGene, "link":gene2+":"+gene1})
         url = url.replace("&", "&amp;") # otherwise is invalid SVG
         ofh.write('"%s" -> "%s" [dir="%s"; penwidth=%d; %s edgetooltip = "%s"; URL="%s", style=%s ]; \n' % \
                 (gene1, gene2, arrDir, thick, addStr, tooltip, url, style))
 def getPos (db, gene, pos):
     " print position as link "
     chrom, start, end = pos
     if (chrom!="" and start!=""):
-        return """ located at <A title="link to Genome Browser" HREF="../cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=%s&position=%s:%d-%s">%s:%s-%s</A><BR>""" % \
+        return """(<A title="link to Genome Browser" HREF="../cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=%s&position=%s:%d-%s">%s:%s-%s</A>)""" % \
             (db, chrom, start, end, chrom, start, end)
         return ""
 def queryPos(conn, gene):
     "return position of gene symbol as tuple (chrom, start, end) from kgXref, fallback to refGene "
     rows = sqlQuery(conn, "select chrom, chromStart, chromEnd from knownCanonical JOIN kgXref ON kgId=transcript where geneSymbol='%s'" % gene)
     if len(rows)==0:
         # "INS" is not in kgXref???
         rows = sqlQuery(conn, 'select chrom, txStart, txEnd from refGene where name2="%s" limit 1;' % gene)
         if len(rows)==0:
             return "", "", ""
     return rows[0]
@@ -1361,33 +1361,32 @@
     graphLinks, lowLinks = buildGraph(conn, gene, geneCount, MINSUPP, addNeighbors)
     weightedLinks, minAbsCount = flattenLink(graphLinks)
     humanDb = getCgiVar("db", "hg19")
     hgGeneLink = makeHgGeneLink(gene, humanDb)
     # get the position of the gene
     humanConn = sqlConnect(humanDb)
     pos = queryPos(humanConn, gene)
     posLink = getPos (humanDb, gene, pos)
     # not showing literome link for now on the first page, Literome times out too often
     #litLink = '<a target=_blank href="http://literome.azurewebsites.net/Network?gene1=%s">(Literome)</a>' % (gene)
     #title = "Top %d genes that interact with %s %s %s" % (geneCount, hgGeneLink, litLink, posLink)
-    title = "Top %d genes that interact with %s %s" % (geneCount, hgGeneLink, posLink)
+    title = "%s: top %d interacting genes %s" % (hgGeneLink, geneCount, posLink)
     printHgcSection(title, "")
-    #print("<h3>Top %d genes that interact with %s mentioned in more than %d articles</h3>" % (gene, minAbsCount))
     # print the interaction graph as an image map 
     printGraph(conn, weightedLinks, alg, addNeighbors, gene, "png")
     printLowLinksTable(gene, lowLinks, sortByCount)
     printHgcSection("Data information", "", id='#INFO')