  Fri Oct 13 16:18:11 2017 -0700
Fix error that caused insertion between splice site and the rest of the splice region to fall through the conditions for splice_region.  fixes #20328.

diff --git src/hg/lib/gpFx.c src/hg/lib/gpFx.c
index 2b98633..3432428 100644
--- src/hg/lib/gpFx.c
+++ src/hg/lib/gpFx.c
@@ -1,1033 +1,1033 @@
 /* gpFx --- routines to calculate the effect of variation on a genePred */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "genePred.h"
 #include "gpFx.h"
 static char *collapseDashes(char *str)
 // Trim extra hyphen characters at end of str.
 int len = strlen(str);
 if (len > 1)
     char *p = str + len - 1;
     while (*p == '-' && p > str)
 	*p-- = '\0';
 return str;
 struct txCoords
 /* Start and end coords, projected into exon/intron numbers, cDNA offsets and CDS offsets. */
     boolean startInExon; // True if start coord is in an exon, false if in intron or up/downstream
     int startExonIx;     // Exon number if startInExon, intron number if >= 0, up/down if < 0
     int startInCdna;     // Start offset in cDNA if >= 0, n/a if < 0
     int startInCds;      // Start offset in CDS if >= 0, n/a if < 0
     boolean endInExon;   // True if end coord is in an exon, false if in intron or up/downstream
     int endExonIx;       // Exon number if endInExon, intron number if >= 0, up/down if < 0
     int endInCdna;       // End offset in cDNA if > 0, n/a if <= 0
     int endInCds;        // End offset in CDS if > 0, n/a if <= 0
     // Info needed for strand-swapping:
     int cdnaSize;        // Length of transcribed sequence
     int cdsSize;         // Length of translated coding sequence
     int exonCount;       // Number of exons
     char strand;         // '+' or '-'
 static void txCoordsInit(struct txCoords *txc, int exonCount, char strand,
 			 int cdnaSize, int cdsSize)
 /* Set txc's values to defaults that don't place the start and end anywhere in a transcript. */
 txc->startInExon = FALSE;
 txc->startExonIx = -1;            // i.e. upstream unless found in transcript
 txc->startInCdna = -1;            // n/a unless found in exon
 txc->startInCds = -1;             // n/a unless found in CDS
 txc->endInExon = FALSE;
 txc->endExonIx = exonCount-1;     // intron[lastExonIx], i.e. downstream unless found in transcript
 txc->endInCdna = -1;              // n/a unless found in exon
 txc->endInCds = -1;               // n/a unless found in CDS
 txc->cdnaSize = cdnaSize;
 txc->cdsSize = cdsSize;
 txc->exonCount = exonCount;
 txc->strand = strand;
 static struct txCoords txCoordsReverse(struct txCoords *txcIn)
 /* Return a struct txCoords with same info as txcIn, but strand-swapped. */
 if (txcIn->exonCount <= 0 || txcIn->cdnaSize <= 0)
     errAbort("txCoordsReverse: called with non-positive exonCount (%d) or cdnaSize (%d) ",
 	     txcIn->exonCount, txcIn->cdnaSize);
 struct txCoords txcSwapped;
 char swappedStrand = (txcIn->strand == '+') ? '-' : '+';
 txCoordsInit(&txcSwapped, txcIn->exonCount, swappedStrand, txcIn->cdnaSize, txcIn->cdsSize);
 if (txcIn->startInExon)
     txcSwapped.endInExon = TRUE;
     txcSwapped.endExonIx = txcIn->exonCount - 1 - txcIn->startExonIx;
     // Intron number, not exon number, so subtract another 1 here:
     txcSwapped.endExonIx = txcIn->exonCount - 2 - txcIn->startExonIx;
 if (txcIn->startInCdna >= 0)
     txcSwapped.endInCdna = txcIn->cdnaSize - txcIn->startInCdna;
 if (txcIn->startInCds >= 0)
     txcSwapped.endInCds = txcIn->cdsSize - txcIn->startInCds;
 if (txcIn->endInExon)
     txcSwapped.startInExon = TRUE;
     txcSwapped.startExonIx = txcIn->exonCount - 1 - txcIn->endExonIx;
     // Intron number, not exon number, so subtract another 1 here:
     txcSwapped.startExonIx = txcIn->exonCount - 2 - txcIn->endExonIx;
 if (txcIn->endInCdna > 0)
     txcSwapped.startInCdna = txcIn->cdnaSize - txcIn->endInCdna;
 if (txcIn->endInCds > 0)
     txcSwapped.startInCds = txcIn->cdsSize - txcIn->endInCds;
 return txcSwapped;
 static struct txCoords getTxCoords(struct variant *variant, struct genePred *pred)
 /* Figure out where the variant's start and end hit the transcript: intron, UTR, CDS?
  * Result is on pred->strand. */
 struct txCoords txc;
 txCoordsInit(&txc, pred->exonCount, '+', 0, 0); // Compute cdnaSize, cdsSize below.
 int exonOffset = 0, cdsOffset = 0;
 uint varStart = variant->chromStart, varEnd = variant->chromEnd;
 // If the variant begins upstream, handle that before looping on exons:
 if (varStart < pred->txStart && varEnd > pred->txStart)
     txc.startInCdna = 0;
     if (varStart < pred->cdsEnd && varEnd > pred->cdsStart)
 	txc.startInCds = 0;
 int ii;
 for (ii = 0;  ii < pred->exonCount;  ii++)
     uint exonStart = pred->exonStarts[ii], exonEnd = pred->exonEnds[ii];
     uint exonCdsStart = max(pred->cdsStart, exonStart);
     uint exonCdsEnd = min(pred->cdsEnd, exonEnd);
     uint exonCdsSize = 0;
     if (exonCdsEnd > exonCdsStart)
 	exonCdsSize = exonCdsEnd - exonCdsStart;
     if (varStart >= exonStart && varStart < exonEnd)
 	txc.startInExon = TRUE;
 	txc.startExonIx = ii;
 	txc.startInCdna = exonOffset + varStart - exonStart;
 	if (varStart >= pred->cdsStart && varStart < pred->cdsEnd)
 	    txc.startInCds = cdsOffset + varStart - exonCdsStart;
 	else if (varStart < pred->cdsStart && varEnd > pred->cdsStart)
 	    // Variant spans the left UTR/CDS boundary; set cdsStart to 0:
 	    txc.startInCds = 0;
 	// If this is an insertion at the beginning of an exon, varEnd is at the end
 	// of the preceding intron and its endInC* have not been set, so copy them over:
 	if (varEnd == varStart)
 	    txc.endInCdna = txc.startInCdna;
 	    txc.endInCds = txc.startInCds;
     if (varEnd > exonStart && varEnd <= exonEnd)
 	txc.endInExon = TRUE;
 	txc.endExonIx = ii;
 	txc.endInCdna = exonOffset + varEnd - exonStart;
 	if (varEnd > pred->cdsStart && varEnd <= pred->cdsEnd)
 	    txc.endInCds = cdsOffset + varEnd - exonCdsStart;
 	else if (varEnd > pred->cdsEnd && varStart < pred->cdsEnd)
 	    // Variant spans the right CDS/UTR boundary; set cdsEnd to cdsSize:
 	    txc.endInCds = cdsOffset + exonCdsSize;
 	// If this is an insertion at the end of an exon, varStart is at the beginning
 	// of the following intron and its startInC* have not been set, so copy them over:
 	if (varStart == varEnd)
 	    txc.startInCdna = txc.endInCdna;
 	    txc.startInCds = txc.endInCds;
     if (ii < pred->exonCount - 1)
 	uint nextExonStart = pred->exonStarts[ii+1];
 	// 'exonIx' is actually an intronIx in this case:
 	if (varStart >= exonEnd && varStart < nextExonStart)
 	    txc.startExonIx = ii;
 	    if (varEnd > nextExonStart)
 		// Variant starts in an intron, but it overlaps the next exon;
 		// note the start in cDNA (and CDS if applicable):
 		txc.startInCdna = exonOffset + exonEnd - exonStart;
 		if (varStart < pred->cdsEnd && varEnd > pred->cdsStart)
 		    uint nextExonEnd = pred->exonEnds[ii+1];
 		    if (nextExonEnd > pred->cdsStart)
 			txc.startInCds = cdsOffset + exonCdsSize;
 			txc.startInCds = 0;
 	if (varEnd > exonEnd && varEnd <= nextExonStart)
 	    txc.endExonIx = ii;
 	    if (varStart < exonEnd)
 		// Variant ends in an intron, but it also overlaps the previous exon;
 		// note the end in cDNA (and CDS if applicable):
 		txc.endInCdna = exonOffset + exonEnd - exonStart;
 		if (varEnd > pred->cdsStart && varStart < pred->cdsEnd)
 		    if (exonStart < pred->cdsEnd)
 			txc.endInCds = cdsOffset + exonCdsSize;
 			txc.endInCds = cdsOffset;
     exonOffset += exonEnd - exonStart;
     cdsOffset += exonCdsSize;
 txc.cdnaSize = exonOffset;
 txc.cdsSize = cdsOffset;
 // Does variant end downstream?
 if (varEnd > pred->txEnd)
     txc.endInCdna = txc.cdnaSize;
     if (varStart < pred->cdsEnd && varEnd > pred->cdsStart)
 	txc.endInCds = txc.cdsSize;
 if (pred->strand[0] == '-')
     txc = txCoordsReverse(&txc);
 if ((txc.startInCdna == -1) != (txc.endInCdna == -1) ||
     (txc.startInCds >= 0 && txc.endInCds < 0))
     errAbort("getTxCoords: inconsistent start/ends for variant %s:%d-%d in %s at %s:%d-%d: "
 	     "startInCdna=%d, endInCdna=%d;  startInCds=%d, endInCds=%d",
 	     variant->chrom, varStart+1, varEnd,
 	     pred->name, pred->chrom, pred->txStart, pred->txEnd,
 	     txc.startInCdna, txc.endInCdna, txc.startInCds, txc.endInCds);
 return txc;
 struct gpFx *gpFxNew(char *allele, char *transcript, enum soTerm soNumber,
 		     enum detailType detailType, struct lm *lm)
 /* Fill in the common members of gpFx; leave soTerm-specific members for caller to fill in. */
 struct gpFx *effect;
 lmAllocVar(lm, effect);
 effect->allele = collapseDashes(lmCloneString(lm, allele));
 if (isAllNt(effect->allele, strlen(effect->allele)))
 effect->transcript = lmCloneString(lm, transcript);
 effect->soNumber = soNumber;
 effect->detailType = detailType;
 return effect;
 static char * mergeAllele(char *transcript, int offset, int variantWidth,
 			  char *newAlleleSeq, int alleleLength, struct lm *lm)
 /* merge a variant into an allele */
 char *newTranscript = NULL;
 //#*** This will be incorrect for an MNV that spans exon boundary --
 //#*** so we should also clip allele to cds portion(s?!) before calling this.
 if (variantWidth == alleleLength)
     newTranscript = lmCloneString(lm, transcript);
     memcpy(&newTranscript[offset], newAlleleSeq, alleleLength);
     int insertionSize = alleleLength - variantWidth;
     int newLength = strlen(transcript) + insertionSize;
     newTranscript = lmAlloc(lm, newLength + 1);
     char *restOfTranscript = &transcript[offset + variantWidth];
     // copy over the part before the variant
     memcpy(newTranscript, transcript, offset);
     // copy in the new allele
     memcpy(&newTranscript[offset], newAlleleSeq, alleleLength);
     // copy in the part after the variant
     memcpy(&newTranscript[offset + alleleLength], restOfTranscript, 
 	strlen(restOfTranscript) + 1);
 return newTranscript;
 static void setNCExonVals(struct gpFx *gpFx, int exonIx, int cdnaPos)
 /* This gpFx is for a variant in exon of non-coding gene or UTR exon of coding gene;
  * set details.nonCodingExon values. */
 gpFx->details.nonCodingExon.exonNumber = exonIx;
 gpFx->details.nonCodingExon.cDnaPosition = cdnaPos;
 static struct gpFx *gpFxCheckUtr( struct allele *allele, struct genePred *pred,
 				  struct txCoords *txc, int exonIx, boolean predIsNmd,
 				  struct lm *lm)
 /* check for effects in UTR of coding gene -- caller ensures it's in exon, pred is coding
  * and exonIx has been strand-adjusted */
 struct gpFx *gpFx = NULL;
 enum soTerm term = 0;
 struct variant *variant = allele->variant;
 if ((variant->chromStart < pred->cdsStart && variant->chromEnd > pred->txStart) ||
     (variant->chromStart == pred->cdsStart && variant->chromEnd == pred->cdsStart)) // insertion
     // we're in left UTR
     term = (*pred->strand == '-') ? _3_prime_UTR_variant : _5_prime_UTR_variant;
 else if ((variant->chromStart < pred->txEnd && variant->chromEnd > pred->cdsEnd) ||
 	 (variant->chromStart == pred->cdsEnd && variant->chromEnd == pred->cdsEnd)) //insertion
     // we're in right UTR
     term = (*pred->strand == '-') ? _5_prime_UTR_variant : _3_prime_UTR_variant;
 if (term != 0)
     if (predIsNmd)
 	// This transcript is already subject to nonsense-mediated decay, so the effect
 	// is probably not a big deal:
 	term = NMD_transcript_variant;
     gpFx = gpFxNew(allele->sequence, pred->name, term, nonCodingExon, lm);
     setNCExonVals(gpFx, exonIx, txc->startInCdna);
 return gpFx;
 static struct gpFx *gpFxChangedNoncodingExon(struct allele *allele, struct genePred *pred,
 					     struct txCoords *txc, int exonIx, struct lm *lm)
 /* generate an effect for a variant in a non-coding transcript */
 struct gpFx *gpFx = gpFxNew(allele->sequence, pred->name, non_coding_transcript_exon_variant,
                             nonCodingExon, lm);
 setNCExonVals(gpFx, exonIx, txc->startInCdna);
 return gpFx;
 static int getCodingOffsetInTx(struct genePred *pred, char strand)
 /* Skip past UTR (portions of) exons to get offset of CDS relative to transcript start.
  * The strand arg is used instead of pred->strand. */
 int offset = 0;
 int iStart = 0, iIncr = 1;
 boolean isRc = (strand == '-');
 if (isRc)
     // Work our way left from the last exon.
     iStart = pred->exonCount - 1;
     iIncr = -1;
 int ii;
 // trim off the 5' UTR (or 3' UTR if strand is '-')
 for (ii = iStart; ii >= 0 && ii < pred->exonCount; ii += iIncr)
     if ((!isRc &&
 	 (pred->cdsStart >= pred->exonStarts[ii]) && (pred->cdsStart < pred->exonEnds[ii])) ||
 	(isRc && (pred->cdsEnd > pred->exonStarts[ii]) && (pred->cdsEnd <= pred->exonEnds[ii])))
     int exonSize = pred->exonEnds[ii] - pred->exonStarts[ii];
     offset += exonSize;
 if (strand == '+' && ii >= pred->exonCount)
     errAbort("getCodingOffsetInTx: exon number overflow (strand=+, exonCount=%d, num=%d)",
 	     pred->exonCount, ii);
 if (strand == '-' && ii < 0)
     errAbort("getCodingOffsetInTx: exon number underflow (strand=-, exonCount=%d, num=%d)",
 	     pred->exonCount, ii);
 // clip off part of UTR in exon that has CDS in it too
 int exonOffset = pred->cdsStart - pred->exonStarts[ii];
 if (strand == '-')
     exonOffset = pred->exonEnds[ii] - pred->cdsEnd;
 offset += exonOffset;
 return offset;
 static char *getCodingSequenceSimple(struct genePred *pred, char *transcriptSequence, struct lm *lm)
 /* Extract the CDS from a transcript, assuming frame is 0 for all coding exons.
  * Temporarily force transcriptSequence to + strand so we can work in + strand coords,
  * then restore transcriptSequence and put result on correct strand. */
 if (*pred->strand == '-')
     reverseComplement(transcriptSequence, strlen(transcriptSequence));
 // Get leftmost CDS boundary to trim off 5' (or 3' if on minus strand):
 int cdsOffset = getCodingOffsetInTx(pred, '+');
 char *newString = lmCloneString(lm, transcriptSequence + cdsOffset);
 // trim off 3' (or 5' if on minus strand)
 newString[genePredCdsSize(pred)] = 0;
 // correct for strand
 if (*pred->strand == '-')
     reverseComplement(transcriptSequence, strlen(transcriptSequence));
     reverseComplement(newString, strlen(newString));
 return newString;
 INLINE int calcMissingBases(struct genePred *pred, int exonIx, int cdsOffset)
 /* If pred's exonFrame differs from the frame that we expect based on number
  * of CDS bases collected so far, return the number of 'N's we need to add
  * in order to restore the reading frame. */
 int missingBases = 0;
 int exonFrame = pred->exonFrames[exonIx];
 if (exonFrame >= 0)
     int startingFrame = cdsOffset % 3;
     missingBases = exonFrame - startingFrame;
     if (missingBases < 0)
 	missingBases += 3;
 return missingBases;
 static char *getCodingSequence(struct genePred *pred, char *transcriptSequence,
 			       boolean *retAddedBases, struct lm *lm)
 /* Extract the CDS sequence from a transcript.  If pred has exonFrames, add 'N' where
  * needed (for example, if the coding region begins out-of-frame, add one or two 'N's
  * at the beginning of the cds sequence) and set retAddedBases if we do add 'N'.
  * If pred doesn't have exonFrames, use the simple method above. */
 if (retAddedBases)
     *retAddedBases = FALSE;
 if (pred->optFields & genePredExonFramesFld)
     boolean isRc = (pred->strand[0] == '-');
     int i, iStart = 0, iIncr = 1;
     if (isRc)
 	iStart = pred->exonCount-1;
 	iIncr = -1;
     char *cdsSeq = lmAlloc(lm, genePredCdsSize(pred) + 3 * pred->exonCount);
     int txOffset = getCodingOffsetInTx(pred, pred->strand[0]), cdsOffset = 0;
     for (i = iStart;  i >= 0 && i < pred->exonCount;  i += iIncr)
 	int start, end;
 	if (genePredCdsExon(pred, i, &start, &end))
 	    int exonCdsSize = end - start;
 	    int missingBases = calcMissingBases(pred, i, cdsOffset);
 	    if (missingBases > 0)
 		if (retAddedBases)
 		    *retAddedBases = TRUE;
 		while (missingBases > 0)
 		    cdsSeq[cdsOffset++] = 'N';
 	    memcpy(&cdsSeq[cdsOffset], &transcriptSequence[txOffset], exonCdsSize);
 	    cdsOffset += exonCdsSize;
 	    txOffset += exonCdsSize;
     return cdsSeq;
     return getCodingSequenceSimple(pred, transcriptSequence, lm);
 static int getCorrectedCdsOffset(struct genePred *pred, int cdsOffsetIn)
 /* Increment cdsOffset for each 'N' that getCodingSequence added prior to it. */
 int totalMissingBases = 0;
 int cdsOffsetSoFar = 0;
 if (pred->optFields & genePredExonFramesFld)
     boolean isRc = (pred->strand[0] == '-');
     int i, iStart = 0, iIncr = 1;
     if (isRc)
 	iStart = pred->exonCount-1;
 	iIncr = -1;
     for (i = iStart;  i >= 0 && i < pred->exonCount;  i += iIncr)
 	int start, end;
 	if (genePredCdsExon(pred, i, &start, &end))
 	    // Don't count missing bases after cdsOffsetIn:
 	    if (cdsOffsetSoFar > cdsOffsetIn)
 	    int exonCdsSize = end - start;
 	    totalMissingBases += calcMissingBases(pred, i, cdsOffsetSoFar + totalMissingBases);
 	    cdsOffsetSoFar += exonCdsSize;
 return cdsOffsetIn + totalMissingBases;
 static char *lmSimpleTranslate(struct lm *lm, char *dna, int size)
 /* Just translate dna into pep, use 'Z' and truncate for stop codon, and use localmem. */
 int aaLen = (size / 3) + 1;
 char *pep = lmAlloc(lm, aaLen + 1);
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < size;  i += 3)
     char aa = lookupCodon(dna + i);
     pep[i/3] = aa;
     if (aa == '\0')
 	pep[i/3] = 'Z';
 if (i < size && pep[i/3] != 'Z')
     // incomplete final codon
     pep[i/3] = 'X';
 return pep;
 static void truncateAtStopCodon(char *codingSeq)
 /* If codingSeq contains a stop codon, truncate any sequence past that. */
 if (codingSeq == NULL)
     errAbort("truncateAtStopCodon: null input");
 char *p = codingSeq;
 while (p[0] != '\0' && p[1] != '\0' && p[2] != '\0')
     if (isStopCodon(p))
 	p[3] = '\0';
     p += 3;
 static char *gpFxModifyCodingSequence(char *oldCodingSeq, struct genePred *pred,
 				      int startInCds, int endInCds, struct allele *allele,
 				      int *retCdsBasesAdded, struct lm *lm)
 /* Return a new coding sequence that is oldCodingSeq with allele applied. */
 boolean isRc = (pred->strand[0] == '-');
 char *newAlleleSeq = allele->sequence;
 int newAlLen = strlen(newAlleleSeq);
 if (! isAllNt(newAlleleSeq, newAlLen))
     // symbolic -- may be deletion or insertion, but we can't tell. :(
     newAlleleSeq = "";
     newAlLen = 0;
 if (isRc && newAlLen > 0)
     newAlleleSeq = lmCloneString(lm, newAlleleSeq);
     reverseComplement(newAlleleSeq, newAlLen);
 int variantSizeOnCds = endInCds - startInCds;
 if (variantSizeOnCds < 0)
     errAbort("gpFx: endInCds (%d) < startInCds (%d)", endInCds, startInCds);
 char *newCodingSeq = mergeAllele(oldCodingSeq, startInCds, variantSizeOnCds,
 				 newAlleleSeq, newAlLen, lm);
 // If newCodingSequence has an early stop, truncate there:
 if (retCdsBasesAdded)
     *retCdsBasesAdded = newAlLen - variantSizeOnCds;
 return newCodingSeq;
 static void setSpecificCodingSoTerm(struct gpFx *effect, char *oldAa, char *newAa,
 				    int cdsBasesAdded)
 /* Assuming that deletions are marked with dashes in newCodingSequence, 
  * and that effect fields aside from soNumber are already populated, use the
  * pep seqs and number of dashes to determine the appropriate SO term.
  * Probably the majority of cases will be synonymous_variant or missense_variant,
  * but we have to check for several other special cases esp. indels. */
 struct codingChange *cc = &effect->details.codingChange;
 int oldAaSize = strlen(oldAa), newAaSize = strlen(newAa);
 if (sameString(newAa, oldAa))
     if (cc->pepPosition == oldAaSize-1 && cc->aaOld[0] == 'Z')
 	effect->soNumber = stop_retained_variant;
 	effect->soNumber = synonymous_variant;
     if (cdsBasesAdded < 0)
 	// Got a deletion variant -- check frame (and whether we lost a stop codon):
 	if ((cdsBasesAdded % 3) == 0)
 	    if (strchr(cc->aaOld, 'Z') && !strchr(cc->aaNew, 'Z'))
 		effect->soNumber = stop_lost;
 		effect->soNumber = inframe_deletion;
 	    effect->soNumber = frameshift_variant;
 	// Not a deletion; could be single-base (including early stop) or insertion
 	if (newAaSize < oldAaSize)
 	    // Not a deletion but protein got smaller; must have been an early stop codon,
 	    // possibly inserted or following a frameshift caused by an insertion.
 	    int frame = cc->cdsPosition % 3;
 	    int alleleLength = strlen(effect->allele);
 	    if (! isAllNt(effect->allele, alleleLength))
 		// symbolic -- may be deletion or insertion, but we can't tell. :(
 		alleleLength = 0;
 	    int i, affectedCodons = (frame + alleleLength + 2) / 3;
 	    boolean stopGain = FALSE;
 	    for (i = 0;  i < affectedCodons;  i++)
 		if (cc->aaNew[i] == 'Z')
 		    effect->soNumber = stop_gained;
 		    stopGain = TRUE;
 	    if (! stopGain)
 		if (newAa[newAaSize-1] != 'Z')
 		    errAbort("gpFx: new protein is smaller but last base in new sequence "
 			     "is '%c' not 'Z'.\n"
 			     "oldAa (%daa): %s\nnewAa (%daa): %s\n"
 			     , newAa[newAaSize-1], oldAaSize, oldAa, newAaSize, newAa);
 		effect->soNumber = frameshift_variant;
 	else if (newAaSize > oldAaSize)
 	    // protein got bigger; insertion or lost stop codon
 	    if (cc->aaOld[0] == 'Z')
 		effect->soNumber = stop_lost;
 	    else if ((cdsBasesAdded % 3) == 0)
 		effect->soNumber = inframe_insertion;
 		effect->soNumber = frameshift_variant;
 	    // Single aa change
 	    if (cc->pepPosition == 0 && cc->aaOld[0] == 'M')
 		effect->soNumber = initiator_codon_variant;
 	    else if (cc->pepPosition == oldAaSize-1)
 		if (oldAa[oldAaSize-1] == 'Z')
 		    effect->soNumber = stop_lost;
 		    effect->soNumber = incomplete_terminal_codon_variant;
 		effect->soNumber = missense_variant;
 static struct gpFx *gpFxChangedCds(struct allele *allele, struct genePred *pred,
 				   struct txCoords *txc, int exonIx, boolean predIsNmd,
 				   struct dnaSeq *transcriptSequence, struct lm *lm)
 /* calculate effect of allele change on coding transcript */
 // calculate original and variant coding DNA and AA's
 boolean addedBasesForFrame = FALSE;
 char *oldCodingSequence = getCodingSequence(pred, transcriptSequence->dna, &addedBasesForFrame, lm);
 int startInCds = txc->startInCds, endInCds = txc->endInCds;
 if (addedBasesForFrame)
     // The annotated CDS exons were not all in frame, so getCodingSequence added 'N's
     // and now we can't simply use txc->startInCds.
     startInCds = getCorrectedCdsOffset(pred, txc->startInCds);
     endInCds = getCorrectedCdsOffset(pred, txc->endInCds);
 int oldCdsLen = strlen(oldCodingSequence);
 char *oldaa = lmSimpleTranslate(lm, oldCodingSequence, oldCdsLen);
 int cdsBasesAdded = 0;
 char *newCodingSequence = gpFxModifyCodingSequence(oldCodingSequence, pred, startInCds, endInCds,
 						   allele, &cdsBasesAdded, lm);
 int newCdsLen = strlen(newCodingSequence);
 char *newaa = lmSimpleTranslate(lm, newCodingSequence, newCdsLen);
 // allocate the effect structure - fill in soNumber and details below
 struct gpFx *effect = gpFxNew(allele->sequence, pred->name, coding_sequence_variant, codingChange,
 struct codingChange *cc = &effect->details.codingChange;
 cc->cDnaPosition = txc->startInCdna;
 cc->cdsPosition = startInCds;
 cc->exonNumber = exonIx;
 int pepPos = startInCds / 3;
 // At this point we don't use genePredExt's exonFrames field -- we just assume that
 // the CDS starts in frame.  That's not always the case (e.g. ensGene has some CDSs
 // that begin out of frame), so watch out for early truncation of oldCodingSequence
 // due to stop codon in the wrong frame:
 if (pepPos >= strlen(oldaa))
     return effect;
 cc->pepPosition = pepPos;
 if (cdsBasesAdded % 3 == 0)
     // Common case: substitution, same number of old/new codons/peps:
     int refPepEnd = (endInCds + 2) / 3;
     int numOldCodons = refPepEnd - pepPos, numNewCodons = numOldCodons;
     if (cdsBasesAdded > 0)
 	// insertion: more new codons than old
 	numOldCodons = (cc->cdsPosition % 3) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
 	numNewCodons = numOldCodons + (cdsBasesAdded / 3);
     else if (cdsBasesAdded < 0)
 	// deletion: more old codons than new
 	numNewCodons = (cc->cdsPosition % 3) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
 	numOldCodons = numNewCodons + (-cdsBasesAdded / 3);
     cc->codonOld = lmCloneStringZ(lm, oldCodingSequence + pepPos*3, numOldCodons*3);
     cc->codonNew = lmCloneStringZ(lm, newCodingSequence + pepPos*3, numNewCodons*3);
     cc->aaOld = lmCloneStringZ(lm, oldaa + pepPos, numOldCodons);
     cc->aaNew = lmCloneStringZ(lm, newaa + pepPos, numNewCodons);
     // frameshift -- who knows how many codons we can reliably predict...
     cc->codonOld = lmCloneString(lm, oldCodingSequence + pepPos*3);
     cc->codonNew = lmCloneString(lm, newCodingSequence + pepPos*3);
     cc->aaOld = lmCloneString(lm, oldaa + pepPos);
     cc->aaNew = lmCloneString(lm, newaa + pepPos);
 if (predIsNmd)
     // This transcript is already subject to nonsense-mediated decay, so the effect
     // is probably not a big deal:
     effect->soNumber = NMD_transcript_variant;
     setSpecificCodingSoTerm(effect, oldaa, newaa, cdsBasesAdded);
 return effect;
 boolean hasAltAllele(struct allele *alleles)
 /* Return TRUE if alleles include at least one non-reference allele. */
 while (alleles != NULL && alleles->isReference)
     alleles = alleles->next;
 return (alleles != NULL);
 char *firstAltAllele(struct allele *alleles)
 /* Ensembl always reports an alternate allele, even if that allele is not being used
  * to calculate any consequence.  When allele doesn't really matter, just use the
  * first alternate allele that is given. */
 while (alleles != NULL && alleles->isReference)
     alleles = alleles->next;
 if (alleles == NULL)
     errAbort("firstAltAllele: no alt allele in list");
 return alleles->sequence;
 static struct gpFx *gpFxInExon(struct variant *variant, struct txCoords *txc, int exonIx,
 			       struct genePred *pred, boolean predIsNmd,
 			       struct dnaSeq *transcriptSeq, struct lm *lm)
 /* Given a variant that overlaps an exon of pred, figure out what each allele does. */
 struct gpFx *effectsList = NULL;
 struct allele *allele = variant->alleles;
 for ( ; allele ; allele = allele->next)
     if (!allele->isReference)
 	if (pred->cdsStart != pred->cdsEnd)
 	    // first find effects of allele in UTR, if any
 	    effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
 				gpFxCheckUtr(allele, pred, txc, exonIx, predIsNmd, lm));
 	    if (txc->startInCds >= 0)
 		effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
 				    gpFxChangedCds(allele, pred, txc, exonIx, predIsNmd,
 						   transcriptSeq, lm));
 	    effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
 				gpFxChangedNoncodingExon(allele, pred, txc, exonIx, lm));
 	if (!predIsNmd)
 	    // Was entire exon deleted?
 	    int exonNumPos = exonIx;
 	    if (pred->strand[0] == '-')
 		exonNumPos = pred->exonCount - 1 - exonIx;
 	    uint exonStart = pred->exonStarts[exonNumPos], exonEnd = pred->exonEnds[exonNumPos];
 	    if (variant->chromStart <= exonStart && variant->chromEnd >= exonEnd)
 		struct gpFx *effect = gpFxNew(allele->sequence, pred->name, exon_loss,
 					      nonCodingExon, lm);
 		setNCExonVals(effect, exonIx, txc->startInCdna);
 		slAddTail(&effectsList, effect);
 		// If variant is in exon *but* within 3 bases of splice site,
 		// it also qualifies as splice_region_variant:
 		if ((variant->chromEnd > exonEnd-3 && variant->chromStart < exonEnd &&
 		     exonIx < pred->exonCount - 1) ||
 		    (variant->chromEnd > exonStart && variant->chromStart < exonStart+3 &&
 		     exonIx > 0))
 		    struct gpFx *effect = gpFxNew(allele->sequence, pred->name,
 						  splice_region_variant, nonCodingExon, lm);
 		    setNCExonVals(effect, exonIx, txc->startInCdna);
 		    slAddTail(&effectsList, effect);
 return effectsList;
 static struct gpFx *gpFxInIntron(struct variant *variant, struct txCoords *txc, int intronIx,
 				 struct genePred *pred, boolean predIsNmd, char *altAllele,
 				 struct lm *lm)
 // Annotate a variant that overlaps an intron (and possibly splice region)
 //#*** TODO: watch out for "introns" that are actually indels between tx seq and ref genome!
 struct gpFx *effectsList = NULL;
 boolean minusStrand = (pred->strand[0] == '-');
 // If on - strand, flip intron number back to + strand for getting intron coords:
 int intronPos = minusStrand ? (pred->exonCount - intronIx - 2) : intronIx;
 int intronStart = pred->exonEnds[intronPos];
 int intronEnd = pred->exonStarts[intronPos+1];
 if (variant->chromEnd > intronStart && variant->chromStart < intronEnd)
     enum soTerm soNumber = intron_variant;
     if (variant->chromEnd > intronStart && variant->chromStart < intronStart+2)
 	// Within 2 bases of intron start(/end for '-'):
 	soNumber = minusStrand ? splice_acceptor_variant : splice_donor_variant;
     if (variant->chromEnd > intronEnd-2 && variant->chromStart < intronEnd)
 	// Within 2 bases of intron end(/start for '-'):
 	soNumber = minusStrand ? splice_donor_variant : splice_acceptor_variant;
-    else if ((variant->chromEnd > intronStart+3 && variant->chromStart < intronStart+8) ||
-	     (variant->chromEnd > intronEnd-8 && variant->chromStart < intronEnd+3))
+    else if ((variant->chromEnd >= intronStart+2 && variant->chromStart < intronStart+8) ||
+	     (variant->chromEnd > intronEnd-8 && variant->chromStart <= intronEnd-2))
 	// Within 3 to 8 bases of intron start or end:
 	soNumber = splice_region_variant;
     if (predIsNmd)
 	// This transcript is already subject to nonsense-mediated decay, so the effect
 	// is probably not a big deal:
 	soNumber = NMD_transcript_variant;
     struct gpFx *effects = gpFxNew(altAllele, pred->name, soNumber, intron, lm);
     effects->details.intron.intronNumber = intronIx;
     slAddTail(&effectsList, effects);
 return effectsList;
 static struct gpFx *gpFxCheckTranscript(struct variant *variant, struct genePred *pred,
 					struct dnaSeq *transcriptSeq, struct lm *lm)
 /* Check to see if variant overlaps an exon and/or intron of pred. */
 struct gpFx *effectsList = NULL;
 uint varStart = variant->chromStart, varEnd = variant->chromEnd;
 if (varStart < pred->txEnd && varEnd > pred->txStart)
     boolean predIsNmd = genePredNmdTarget(pred);
     char *defaultAltAllele = firstAltAllele(variant->alleles);
     struct txCoords txc = getTxCoords(variant, pred);
     // Simplest case first: variant starts and ends in a single exon or single intron
     if (txc.startInExon == txc.endInExon && txc.startExonIx == txc.endExonIx)
 	int ix = txc.startExonIx;
 	if (txc.startInExon)
 	    // Exonic variant; figure out what kind:
 	    effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
 				gpFxInExon(variant, &txc, ix, pred, predIsNmd, transcriptSeq, lm));
 	    // Intronic (and/or splice) variant:
 	    effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
 				gpFxInIntron(variant, &txc, ix, pred, predIsNmd, defaultAltAllele,
 	if (!predIsNmd)
 	    // Let the user beware -- this variant is just complex (it overlaps at least one
 	    // exon/intron boundary).  It could be an insertion, an MNV (multi-nt var) or
 	    // a deletion.
 	    struct gpFx *effect = gpFxNew(defaultAltAllele, pred->name, complex_transcript_variant,
 					  none, lm);
 	    effectsList = slCat(effectsList, effect);
 	// But we can at least say which introns and/or exons are affected.
 	// Transform exon and intron numbers into ordered integers, -1 (upstream) through
 	// 2*lastExonIx+1 (downstream), with even numbers being exonNum*2 and odd numbers
 	// being intronNum*2 + 1:
 	int vieStart = (2 * txc.startExonIx) + (txc.startInExon ? 0 : 1);
 	int vieEnd = (2 * txc.endExonIx) + (txc.endInExon ? 0 : 1);
 	if (vieEnd < vieStart)
 	    // vieEnd == vieStart-1 ==> insertion at exon/intron boundary
             // vieEnd == vieStart-2 ==> insertion at exon-exon boundary (i.e. ref has deletion!)
 	    if ((vieEnd != vieStart-1 && vieEnd != vieStart-2) ||
                 varStart != varEnd)
 		errAbort("gpFxCheckTranscript: expecting insertion in pred=%s "
 			 "but varStart=%d, varEnd=%d, vieStart=%d, vieEnd=%d, "
 			 "starts in %son, ends in %son",
 			 pred->name, varStart, varEnd, vieStart, vieEnd,
 			 (txc.startInExon ? "ex" : "intr"), (txc.endInExon ? "ex" : "intr"));
 	    // Since it's an insertion, remember that end is before start.
 	    if (txc.startInExon)
 		// Intronic end precedes exonic start. Watch out for upstream as "intron[-1]":
 		if (txc.endExonIx >= 0)
 		    effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
 					gpFxInIntron(variant, &txc, txc.endExonIx, pred, predIsNmd,
 						     defaultAltAllele, lm));
 		effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
 				    gpFxInExon(variant, &txc, txc.startExonIx, pred, predIsNmd,
 					       transcriptSeq, lm));
 		// Exonic end precedes intronic start.
 		effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
 				    gpFxInExon(variant, &txc, txc.endExonIx, pred, predIsNmd,
 					       transcriptSeq, lm));
 		// Watch out for downstream as "intron[lastExonIx]"
 		if (txc.startExonIx < txc.exonCount - 1)
 		    effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
 					gpFxInIntron(variant, &txc, txc.startExonIx, pred,
 						     predIsNmd, defaultAltAllele, lm));
 	    } // end if variant is insertion
 	    // MNV or deletion - consider each overlapping intron and/or exon
 	    int ie;
 	    // Watch out for upstream (vieStart < 0) and downstream (vieEnd > last exon).
 	    for (ie = max(vieStart, 0);  ie <= min(vieEnd, 2*(pred->exonCount-1));  ie++)
 		boolean isExon = (ie%2 == 0);
 		int ix = ie / 2;
 		if (isExon)
 		    effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
 					gpFxInExon(variant, &txc, ix, pred, predIsNmd,
 						   transcriptSeq, lm));
 		    effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
 					gpFxInIntron(variant, &txc, ix, pred, predIsNmd,
 						     defaultAltAllele, lm));
 		} // end for each (partial) exon/intron overlapping variant
 	    } // end if variant is MNV or deletion
 	} // end if variant is complex
     } // end if variant overlaps pred
 return effectsList;
 static struct gpFx *gpFxCheckUpDownstream(struct variant *variant, struct genePred *pred,
 					  struct lm *lm)
 // check to see if the variant is up or downstream
 struct gpFx *effectsList = NULL;
 char *defaultAltAllele = firstAltAllele(variant->alleles);
 for(; variant ; variant = variant->next)
     // Is this variant to the left or right of transcript?
     enum soTerm soNumber = 0;
     if (variant->chromStart < pred->txStart &&
 	variant->chromEnd > pred->txStart - GPRANGE)
 	if (*pred->strand == '+')
 	    soNumber = upstream_gene_variant;
 	    soNumber = downstream_gene_variant;
     else if (variant->chromEnd > pred->txEnd &&
 	     variant->chromStart < pred->txEnd + GPRANGE)
 	if (*pred->strand == '+')
 	    soNumber = downstream_gene_variant;
 	    soNumber = upstream_gene_variant;
     if (soNumber != 0)
 	struct gpFx *effects = gpFxNew(defaultAltAllele, pred->name, soNumber, none, lm);
 	effectsList = slCat(effectsList, effects);
 return effectsList;
 static void checkVariantList(struct variant *variant)
 // check to see that we either have one variant (possibly with multiple
 // alleles) or that if we have a list of variants, they only have
 // one allele a piece.
 if (variant->next == NULL)	 // just one variant
 for(; variant; variant = variant->next)
     if (variant->numAlleles != 1)
 	errAbort("gpFxPredEffect needs either 1 variant, or only 1 allele in all variants");
 struct gpFx *gpFxNoVariation(struct variant *variant, struct lm *lm)
 /* Return a gpFx with SO term no_sequence_alteration, for VCF rows that aren't really variants. */
 char *seq = NULL;
 struct allele *allele;
 for (allele = variant->alleles;  allele != NULL;  allele = allele->next)
     if (allele->isReference)
         seq = allele->sequence;
         // Don't break out of the loop -- pick the last one we see because the first is likely
         // the "real" reference allele, while the other(s) is something like "<X>" or "<*>".
 return gpFxNew(seq, "", no_sequence_alteration, none, lm);
 struct gpFx *gpFxPredEffect(struct variant *variant, struct genePred *pred,
 			    struct dnaSeq *transcriptSequence, struct lm *lm)
 // return the predicted effect(s) of a variation list on a genePred
 struct gpFx *effectsList = NULL;
 // make sure we can deal with the variants that are coming in
 for (; variant != NULL;  variant = variant->next)
     if (! hasAltAllele(variant->alleles))
 	effectsList = slCat(effectsList, gpFxNoVariation(variant, lm));
         // check to see if SNP is up or downstream
         effectsList = slCat(effectsList, gpFxCheckUpDownstream(variant, pred, lm));
         // check to see if SNP is in the transcript
         effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
                             gpFxCheckTranscript(variant, pred, transcriptSequence, lm));
 return effectsList;