208da7ba73e4a9a84a6427b41f8f456ae280ae9f galt Tue Oct 17 17:56:51 2017 -0700 Fixing compile errors. diff --git src/hg/hgCustom/hgCustom.c src/hg/hgCustom/hgCustom.c index 2250055..5cca72a 100644 --- src/hg/hgCustom/hgCustom.c +++ src/hg/hgCustom/hgCustom.c @@ -1234,41 +1234,39 @@ if (startsWith(trackConfig, customText)) trackConfig = ""; else customText = "Duplicate track configuration found - remove track and browser lines from Configuration box or from Data"; } dyStringPrintf(dsTrack, "%s\n%s\n", trackConfig, customText); customText = dyStringCannibalize(&dsTrack); cartSetString(cart, hgCtDataText, customText); if (isNotEmpty(fileContents)) { /* already handled file */ cartRemove(cart, hgCtDataFile); cartRemove(cart, hgCtDataFileName); } } - boolean ctParseError = FALSE; struct errCatch *catch = errCatchNew(); if (errCatchStart(catch)) ctList = customTracksParseCartDetailed(database, cart, &browserLines, &ctFileName, &replacedCts, NULL, &err); errCatchEnd(catch); if (catch->gotError) { addWarning(dsWarn, err); addWarning(dsWarn, catch->message->string); - ctParseError = TRUE; } errCatchFree(&catch); /* exclude special setting used by table browser to indicate * db assembly for error-handling purposes only */ char *db = NULL; if (trackConfig && (db = stringIn("db=", trackConfig)) != NULL) { db += 3; char *nextTok = skipToSpaces(db); if (!nextTok) nextTok = strchr(db, 0); db = cloneStringZ(db,nextTok-db); if (!sameString(db,database)) err = "Invalid configuration found - remove db= or return it to it's original value"; @@ -1327,31 +1325,30 @@ } if (ctUpdated || ctConfigUpdate(ctFileName)) { customTracksSaveCart(database, cart, ctList); /* refresh ctList again to pickup remote resource error state */ struct errCatch *catch = errCatchNew(); if (errCatchStart(catch)) ctList = customTracksParseCartDetailed(database, cart, &browserLines, &ctFileName, &replacedCts, NULL, &err); errCatchEnd(catch); if (catch->gotError) { addWarning(dsWarn, err); addWarning(dsWarn, catch->message->string); - ctParseError = TRUE; } errCatchFree(&catch); } warn = dyStringCannibalize(&dsWarn); if (measureTiming) { long lastTime = clock1000(); loadTime = lastTime - thisTime; } if (ctList || cartVarExists(cart, hgCtDoDelete)) doManageCustom(warn); else doAddCustom(warn); }