  Mon Nov 20 16:02:36 2017 -0800
CIRM: fix websync program to deal properly with symlinks

diff --git src/utils/webSync src/utils/webSync
index 5a8c7df..0015cd2 100755
--- src/utils/webSync
+++ src/utils/webSync
@@ -1,270 +1,270 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import logging, sys, optparse, os, time, atexit
 from collections import defaultdict
 from os.path import join, basename, dirname, isfile, isdir
 import string
 logDir = "webSyncLog"
 flagFname = join(logDir, "isRunning.flag")
 # ==== functions =====
 def parseArgs():
     " setup logging, parse command line arguments and options. -h shows auto-generated help page "
     parser = optparse.OptionParser("""usage: %prog [options] <url> - download from https server, using files.txt on their end to get the list of files
     To create files.txt on the remote end, run this command:
       du -ab > files.txt
     Or preferably this command (otherwise empty directories will lead to "transmit" errors):
       find . -type f -exec du -ab {} + > files.txt
     Or this one if you have symlinks:
       find -L . -type f -exec du -Lab {} + > files.txt
     Then run this in the download directory:
       webSync https://there.org/
     This will create a "webSyncLog" directory in the current directory, compare
     https://there.org/files.txt with the files in the current directory,
     transfer the missing files and write the changes to webSync/transfer.log.
     The URL will be saved after the first run and is not necessary from then on. You can add
     cd xxx && webSync to your crontab. It will not start if it's already running (flagfile).
     Status files after a run:
     - webSyncLog/biggerHere.txt - list of files that are bigger here. These could be errors or OK.
     - webSyncLog/files.here.txt - the list of files here
     - webSyncLog/files.there.txt - the list of files there, current copy of https://there.org/files.txt
     - webSyncLog/missingThere.txt - the list of files not on https://there.org anymore but here
     - webSyncLog/transfer.log - big transfer log, each run, date and size of transferred file is noted here.
     parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="show debug messages")
     parser.add_option("-x", "--connections", dest="connections", action="store", help="Maximum number of parallel connections to the server, default %default", default=10)
     parser.add_option("-s", "--skipScan", dest="skipScan", action="store_true", help="Do not scan local file sizes again, in case you know it is up to date")
     #parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file", action="store", help="run on file") 
     #parser.add_option("", "--test", dest="test", action="store_true", help="do something") 
     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
     if args==[] and not isfile(join(logDir, "url.txt")):
     if options.debug:
     return args, options
 # ----------- main --------------
 def run(cmd, mustRun=True):
     " wrapper around os.system "
     logging.info("Running %s" % cmd)
     ret = os.system(cmd)
     if ret!=0 and mustRun:
         logging.error("Could not run command %s" % cmd)
     return ret
 def delFlag():
     " called on exit "
     if isfile(flagFname):
         logging.debug("Removing flag file")
 def parseFileList(fname):
     " read output from 'du -ab' and return as dict filename -> size. Skips directory names "
     logging.info("Reading %s" % fname)
     sizes = dict()
     dirs = set()
     for line in open(fname):
        size, fname = string.split(line.rstrip("\n"), maxsplit=1)
        size = int(size.strip())
        fname = fname.strip().lstrip(".").lstrip("/")
        fdir = dirname(fname)
        if fdir!="":
        sizes[fname] = size
     for d in dirs:
         if d in sizes:
             del sizes[d]
     logging.info("Read %d filenames, %d directories" % (len(sizes), len(dirs)))
     return sizes, dirs
 def writeDiffUrls(thereFiles, hereFiles, url, outFname, biggerHereFname, missingThereFname, logFh):
     " write missing or unequal sized files to outFname, prefixed by url. Return false if nothing was found. "
     logging.debug("Writing missing files to %s" % outFname)
     ofh = open(outFname, "w")
     missingCount = 0
     smallerHereCount = 0
     smallerThereCount = 0
     count = 0
     biggerHereFh = open(biggerHereFname, "w")
     missingThereFh = open(missingThereFname, "w")
     totalSizeToGet = 0
     for fn, sizeThere in thereFiles.iteritems():
         if fn=="files.txt":
         sizeHere = hereFiles.get(fn)
         doGet = False
         if sizeHere==None:
             missingCount +=1
             doGet = True
         elif sizeHere > sizeThere:
             errMsg = "File %s is bigger here than there: here %d bytes, there %d bytes, diff %d" %\
                 (fn, sizeHere, sizeThere, (sizeHere-sizeThere))
             shortErr = "%s %d %d %d\n" % (fn, sizeHere, sizeThere, (sizeHere-sizeThere))
             smallerThereCount += 1
         elif sizeHere < sizeThere:
             smallerHereCount += 1
             doGet = True
         if doGet:
             totalSizeToGet += sizeThere
             ofh.write(join(url, fn))
             ofh.write(" dir=%s\n" % dirname(fn)) # special syntax of aria2c config file to specify output filename
             ofh.write(" out=%s\n" % basename(fn))
             count += 1
     missingThereCount = 0
     for fn, sizeHere in hereFiles.iteritems():
         if fn not in thereFiles:
             missingThereFh.write("%s\n"% fn)
             missingThereCount += 1
     if missingThereCount!=0:
         logging.info("Found %d files that are missing there (removed by upstream, see webSyncLog/missingThere.txt)" % missingThereCount)
     if smallerThereCount!=0:
         logging.info("Found %d files that are bigger here (errors? see webSyncLog/biggerHere.txt)" % smallerThereCount)
     if missingCount!=0:
         logging.info("Found %d files that are missing here" % missingCount)
     if smallerHereCount!=0:
         logging.info("Found %d files that are smaller here" % smallerHereCount)
     if count==0:
         logging.info("Nothing to download")
         return False
     logging.info("downloading %d files now (missing here or smaller here), %d bytes" % (count, totalSizeToGet))
     logFh.write("========== webSync start %s ===========\n" % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
     logFh.write("missingHere=%d smallerHere=%d biggerHere=%d\n" % (missingCount, smallerHereCount, smallerThereCount))
     return True
 def runAria2c(fname, ariaLog, logFh, connCount):
     "run aria2c with fname as the input file "
     # XX is continue=true a good idea? 
     # XX check-certificate=false is definitely a bad idea
     logFh.write("aria2c start %s \n" % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
     cmd = "aria2c -x %d -Z -i %s --summary-interval=0 --continue=true --enable-color=false --check-certificate=false --auto-file-renaming=false --file-allocation=none --allow-overwrite=true > %s" % \
         (connCount, fname, ariaLog)
 def rewriteAriaLog(ariaLogFname, logFh, fileSizes):
     " rewrite aria log lines to logFname "
     # 660a86|OK  |       0B/s|DCM_FrazerGroup/07.26.2017/RSEM_out/b0e17437-900f-423f-a6e8-30f725eefe2f.RSEMLog
     # ff071f|ERR |       0B/s|https://cirmtransfer.salk.edu/DCM_FrazerGroup/02.16.2017/STAR_out/f7b48d9d-678d-4121-a4eb-b6b3f3ebf983__STARtmp/BAMsort/2
     # 1ac78e|INPR|        n/a|https://cirmtransfer.salk.edu/DCM_BruneauGroup/08.08.2017_IK-2056_3BsdmRNA/QC_figures/per_sequence_gc_content.jpg
     logFh.write("aria2c transfer log parsing %s\n" % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
     for line in open(ariaLogFname):
         if line.count("|")==3:
             if line.startswith("gid"):
             row = line.split("|")
             gid, status, speed, fname = row
             status = status.strip()
             speed = speed.strip()
             fname = fname.strip()
             fSize = fileSizes[fname]
             logFh.write("*%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\n" % (status, speed, fname, fSize))
     logFh.write("aria2c log parse done %s\n" % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
 def webSync(url, options):
     " download using files.txt and aria2c "
     if not isdir(logDir):
     if isfile(flagFname):
         logging.error("%s exists. It looks like another instance of webSync is already running." % flagFname)
     open(flagFname, "w")
     filesThereName = join(logDir, "files.there.txt")
     filesHereName = join(logDir, "files.here.txt")
     if isfile(filesThereName) and not options.skipScan:
     if isfile(filesHereName) and not options.skipScan:
     if not isfile(filesThereName):
         fileUrl = join(url, "files.txt")
         logging.debug("Downloading %s" % fileUrl)
         cmd = "wget -q %s --no-check-certificate -O %s" % (fileUrl, filesThereName)
     if not isfile(filesHereName):
-        cmd = "du -ab > %s" % filesHereName
+        cmd = "find -L . -type f -exec du -Lab {} + > %s" % filesHereName
     hereFiles, hereDirs = parseFileList(filesHereName)
     thereFiles, thereDirs = parseFileList(filesThereName)
     logging.debug("checking %d directories, e.g. %s" % (len(thereDirs), list(thereDirs)[:3]))
     for d in thereDirs:
         if not isdir(d):
     biggerHereFname = join(logDir, "biggerHere.txt")
     missingThereFname = join(logDir, "missingThere.txt")
     ariaCmdFname = join(logDir, "aria2c.in.tmp")
     logFname = join(logDir, "transfer.log")
     logFh = open(logFname, "a")
     doDownload = writeDiffUrls(thereFiles, hereFiles, url, ariaCmdFname, biggerHereFname, missingThereFname, logFh)
     if doDownload:
         ariaLogFname = join(logDir, "aria2c.out.tmp")
         runAria2c(ariaCmdFname, ariaLogFname, logFh, options.connections)
         rewriteAriaLog(ariaLogFname, logFh, thereFiles)
     logFh.write("========== webSync end %s ===========\n" % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
     logging.info("websync done")
 def main():
     args, options = parseArgs()
     urlFname = join(logDir, "url.txt")
     if len(args)==1:
         url = args[0]
         open(urlFname, "w").write(url)
         url = open(urlFname).read()
     webSync(url, options)
     #if options.test:
         #logging.debug("test is set")
         #f = open(options.file, "r")