  Tue Nov 14 14:17:38 2017 -0800
minor change to make usage message cleaner, no redmine

diff --git src/utils/qa/updateTimesDb.sh src/utils/qa/updateTimesDb.sh
index 6d3b8d3..a8bcaf5 100755
--- src/utils/qa/updateTimesDb.sh
+++ src/utils/qa/updateTimesDb.sh
@@ -21,31 +21,31 @@
 #  updateTimesDb.csh
 ##### Variables #####
 # Set by command-line options
 ##### Functions #####
 showHelp() {
 cat << EOF
-Usage: $0 [-hf] [-d DATABASE DEV] [-b DATABASE BETA]
+Usage: `basename $0` [-hf] [-d DATABASE DEV] [-b DATABASE BETA]
 	-h                  Display this help and exit
 	-d DATABASE DEV     Database to check on Dev, e.g. hg19 or hg38.
 	-b DATABASE BETA    Database to check on Beta.
 	-f 		    Output lists of tables on Dev and Beta into 
 Shows table update times for an entire database on Dev and Beta. If you wish to
 compare databases between the machines, use the -b option to specify the
 database on Beta.
 For example, to compare the same assembly on Dev and Beta
 	updateTimesDb.sh -d ce10