  Mon Dec 11 15:36:25 2017 -0800
Support NT_ and NW_ accessions in genomic HGVS terms (not just NC; some alts are NT/NW).

diff --git src/hg/lib/hgHgvs.c src/hg/lib/hgHgvs.c
index 0557301..fd6ad07 100644
--- src/hg/lib/hgHgvs.c
+++ src/hg/lib/hgHgvs.c
@@ -1,2876 +1,2876 @@
 /* hgHgvs.c - Parse the Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) nomenclature for variants. */
 /* See http://varnomen.hgvs.org/ and https://github.com/mutalyzer/mutalyzer/ */
 /* Copyright (C) 2016 The Regents of the University of California
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hgHgvs.h"
 #include "bPlusTree.h"
 #include "chromInfo.h"
 #include "genbank.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "indelShift.h"
 #include "lrg.h"
 #include "pslTransMap.h"
 #include "regexHelper.h"
 #include "trackHub.h"
 void hgvsVariantFree(struct hgvsVariant **pHgvs)
 // Free *pHgvs and its contents, and set *pHgvs to NULL.
 if (pHgvs && *pHgvs)
     struct hgvsVariant *hgvs = *pHgvs;
 // Regular expressions for HGVS-recognized sequence accessions: LRG or versioned RefSeq:
 #define lrgTranscriptExp "(LRG_[0-9]+t[0-9]+)"
 #define lrgProteinExp "(LRG_[0-9]+p[0-9]+)"
 #define lrgRegionExp "(LRG_[0-9]+)"
-// NC = RefSeq reference assembly chromosome
+// NC = RefSeq reference assembly chromosome (NT = contig (e.g. alt), NW = patch)
 // NG = RefSeq incomplete genomic region (e.g. gene locus)
 // NM = RefSeq curated mRNA
 // NP = RefSeq curated protein
 // NR = RefSeq curated (non-coding) RNA
 #define geneSymbolExp "([A-Za-z0-9./_-]+)"
 #define optionalGeneSymbolExp "(\\(" geneSymbolExp "\\))?"
 #define versionedAccPrefixExp(p) "(" p "_[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?)" optionalGeneSymbolExp
 //                                 ........................       accession and optional dot version
 //                                              ...........       optional dot version
 //                                                         ...... optional gene symbol in ()s
 //                                                          ....  optional gene symbol
-#define versionedRefSeqNCExp versionedAccPrefixExp("[NX]C")
+#define versionedRefSeqNCExp versionedAccPrefixExp("[NX][CTW]")
 #define versionedRefSeqNGExp versionedAccPrefixExp("[NX]G")
 #define versionedRefSeqNMExp versionedAccPrefixExp("[NX]M")
 #define versionedRefSeqNPExp versionedAccPrefixExp("[NX]P")
 #define versionedRefSeqNMRExp versionedAccPrefixExp("[NX][MR]")
 // Nucleotide position regexes
 // (c. = CDS, g. = genomic, m. = mitochondrial, n.= non-coding RNA, r. = RNA)
 #define posIntExp "([0-9]+)"
 #define hgvsGenoPosExp posIntExp "(_" posIntExp ")?"
 //                   ......                     1-based start position
 //                           .............      optional range separator and end position
 //                               ......         1-based end position
 // n. terms can have exonic anchor base and intron offset for both start and end:
 #define offsetExp "([-+])"
 // c. terms may also have a UTR indicator before the anchor base (- for UTR5, * for UTR3)
 #define anchorExp "([-*])?"
 #define complexNumExp anchorExp posIntExp "(" offsetExp posIntExp ")?"
 #define hgvsCdsPosExp complexNumExp "(_" complexNumExp ")?"
 //                    ...                               optional UTR anchor "-" or "*"
 //                        ...                           mandatory 1-based start anchor base offset
 //                            .......                   optional offset separator and offset
 //                            ...                       intron offset separator
 //                                ...                   intron offset number
 //                                    ...............   optional range separator and complex end
 //                                    ...               optional UTR anchor "-" or "*"
 //                                        ...           1-based end anchor base offset
 //                                            .......   optional offset separator and offset
 //                                            ...       intron offset separator
 //                                                ...   intron offset number
 // It's pretty common for users to omit the '.' so if it's missing but the rest of the regex fits,
 // roll with it.
 #define hgvsCDotPosExp "c\\.?" hgvsCdsPosExp
 #define hgvsGMDotPosExp "([gm])\\.?" hgvsGenoPosExp
 #define hgvsNDotPosExp "n\\.?" hgvsCdsPosExp
 // Not supporting RDot at this point because r. terms may use either n. or c. numbering!
 // #define hgvsRDotPosExp "r\\.?" hgvsCdsPosExp
 // Protein substitution regex
 #define aa3Exp "Ala|Arg|Asn|Asp|Cys|Gln|Glu|Gly|His|Ile|Leu|Lys|Met|Phe|Pro|Ser|Thr|Trp|Tyr|Val|Ter"
 #define hgvsAminoAcidExp "[ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYVX*]|" aa3Exp
 #define hgvsAminoAcidSubstExp "(" hgvsAminoAcidExp ")" posIntExp "(" hgvsAminoAcidExp "|=)"
 #define hgvsPDotSubstExp "p\\.\\(?" hgvsAminoAcidSubstExp "\\)?"
 //                                 ...                                  // original sequence
 //                                              ......                  // 1-based position
 //                                                           ...        // replacement sequence
 // Protein range (or just single pos) regex
 #define hgvsAaRangeExp "(" hgvsAminoAcidExp ")" posIntExp "(_(" hgvsAminoAcidExp ")" posIntExp ")?(.*)"
 #define hgvsPDotRangeExp "p\\.\\(?" hgvsAaRangeExp "\\)?"
 //  original start AA           ...
 //  1-based start position                       ...
 //  optional range sep and AA+pos                          .....................................
 //  original end AA                                              ...
 //  1-based end position                                                          ...
 //  change description                                                                    ...
 // Complete HGVS term regexes combining sequence identifiers and change operations
 #define hgvsFullRegex(seq, op) "^" seq "[ :]+" op
 #define hgvsLrgGDotPosExp hgvsFullRegex(lrgRegionExp, hgvsGMDotPosExp)
 #define hgvsLrgGDotExp hgvsLrgGDotPosExp "(.*)"
 // substring numbering:
 //      0.....................................  whole matching string
 //      1.......................                LRG region
 //                              2.              g or m
 //                                3..           1-based start position
 //                                   4...       optional range separator and end position
 //                                     5..      1-based end position
 //                                        6...  change description
 #define hgvsRefSeqNCGDotPosExp hgvsFullRegex(versionedRefSeqNCExp, hgvsGMDotPosExp)
 #define hgvsRefSeqNCGDotExp hgvsRefSeqNCGDotPosExp "(.*)"
 // substring numbering:
 //      0.....................................  whole matching string
 //      1.................                      accession and optional dot version
 //               2........                      optional dot version
 //                       3......                (n/a) optional gene symbol in ()s
 //                        4....                 (n/a) optional gene symbol
 //                              5.              g or m
 //                                6..           1-based start position
 //                                   7...       optional range separator and end position
 //                                     8..      1-based end position
 //                                        9...  change description
 #define hgvsLrgCDotPosExp hgvsFullRegex(lrgTranscriptExp, hgvsCDotPosExp)
 #define hgvsLrgCDotExp hgvsLrgCDotPosExp "(.*)"
 // substring numbering:
 //      0.....................................................  whole matching string
 //      1...................                                    LRG transcript
 //                   2...                                       optional UTR anchor "-" or "*"
 //                       3...                                   mandatory first number
 //                           4.......                           optional offset separator and offset
 //                           5...                               offset separator
 //                               6...                           offset number
 //                                   7...............           optional range sep and complex num
 //                                   8...                       optional UTR anchor "-" or "*"
 //                                       9...                   first number
 //                                          10.......           optional offset separator and offset
 //                                          11...               offset separator
 //                                              12...           offset number
 //                                                  13........  sequence change
 #define hgvsRefSeqNMCDotPosExp hgvsFullRegex(versionedRefSeqNMExp, hgvsCDotPosExp)
 #define hgvsRefSeqNMCDotExp hgvsRefSeqNMCDotPosExp "(.*)"
 // substring numbering:
 //      0...............................................................  whole matching string
 //      1...............                                                  acc & optional dot version
 //             2........                                                  optional dot version
 //                       3.....                                           optional gene sym in ()s
 //                        4...                                            optional gene symbol
 //                              5...                                      optional UTR anchor
 //                                  6...                                  mandatory first number
 //                                      7.......                          optional offset
 //                                      8...                              offset separator
 //                                          9...                          offset number
 //                                             10...............          optional range
 //                                             11...                      optional UTR anchor
 //                                                12...                   first number
 //                                                     13.......          optional offset
 //                                                     14...              offset separator
 //                                                         15...          offset number
 //                                                             16........ sequence change
 #define hgvsLrgNDotExp hgvsFullRegex(lrgTranscriptExp, hgvsNDotPosExp) "(.*)"
 // substring numbering:
 //      0.....................................................  whole matching string
 //      1...................                                    LRG transcript
 //                   2...                                       n/a 4 n.: UTR anchor "-" or "*"
 //                       3...                                   mandatory first number
 //                           4.......                           optional offset separator and offset
 //                           5...                               offset separator
 //                               6...                           offset number
 //                                   7...............           optional range sep and complex num
 //                                   8...                       n/a 4 n.: UTR anchor "-" or "*"
 //                                       9...                   first number
 //                                          10.......           optional offset separator and offset
 //                                          11...               offset separator
 //                                              12...           offset number
 //                                                  13........  sequence change
 #define hgvsRefSeqNMRNDotExp hgvsFullRegex(versionedRefSeqNMRExp, hgvsNDotPosExp) "(.*)"
 // substring numbering:
 //      0...............................................................  whole matching string
 //      1...............                                                  acc & optional dot version
 //             2........                                                  optional dot version
 //                       3.....                                           optional gene sym in ()s
 //                        4...                                            optional gene symbol
 //                              5...                                      n/a 4 n.: UTR anchor
 //                                  6...                                  mandatory first number
 //                                      7.......                          optional offset
 //                                      8...                              offset separator
 //                                          9...                          offset number
 //                                             10...............          optional range
 //                                             11...                      n/a 4 n.: UTR anchor
 //                                                12...                   first number
 //                                                     13.......          optional offset
 //                                                     14...              offset separator
 //                                                         15...          offset number
 //                                                             16........ sequence change
 #define hgvsLrgPDotSubstExp hgvsFullRegex(lrgProteinExp, hgvsPDotSubstExp)
 // substring numbering:
 //      0.....................................................  whole matching string
 //      1............................                           LRG protein
 //                                   2.....                     original sequence
 //                                           3......            1-based position
 //                                                     4......  replacement sequence
 #define hgvsRefSeqNPPDotSubstExp hgvsFullRegex(versionedRefSeqNPExp, hgvsPDotSubstExp)
 // substring numbering:
 //      0.....................................................  whole matching string
 //      1................                                       accession and optional dot version
 //                 2.....                                       optional dot version
 //                         3.....                               optional gene symbol in ()s
 //                          4...                                optional gene symbol
 //                                   5.....                     original sequence
 //                                           6......            1-based position
 //                                                     7......  replacement sequence
 #define hgvsLrgPDotRangeExp hgvsFullRegex(lrgProteinExp, hgvsPDotRangeExp)
 // substring numbering:
 //      0.....................................................  whole matching string
 //      1..........................                             accession and optional dot version
 //                                 2...                         original start AA
 //                                       3...                   1-based start position
 //                                          4.................  optional range sep and AA+pos
 //                                            5...              original end AA
 //                                                 6...         1-based end position
 //                                                     7......  change description
 #define hgvsRefSeqNPPDotRangeExp hgvsFullRegex(versionedRefSeqNPExp, hgvsPDotRangeExp)
 // substring numbering:
 //      0.....................................................  whole matching string
 //      1................                                       accession and optional dot version
 //                 2.....                                       optional dot version
 //                         3.....                               optional gene symbol in ()s
 //                          4...                                optional gene symbol
 //                                 5...                         original start AA
 //                                       6...                   1-based start position
 //                                          7.................  optional range sep and AA+pos
 //                                            8...              original end AA
 //                                                 9...         1-based end position
 //                                                     10.....  change description
 // Pseudo-HGVS in common usage
 // g. with "chr" ID:
 #define pseudoHgvsChrGDotExp hgvsFullRegex("(chr[0-9A-Za-z_]+)", hgvsGMDotPosExp) "(.*)"
 // substring numbering:
 //      0.....................................  whole matching string
 //      1...........                            chr...
 //                   2.                         g or m
 //                     3......                  1-based start position
 //                            4.......          optional range separator and end position
 //                              5.....          1-based end position
 //                                    6....     change description
 // Sometimes users give an NM_ accession, but a protein change.
 #define maybePDot "[ :]+p?\\.?\\(?"
 #define pseudoHgvsNMPDotSubstExp "^" versionedRefSeqNMExp maybePDot hgvsAminoAcidSubstExp "\\)?"
 // substring numbering:
 //      0.....................................................  whole matching string
 //      1...............                                        acc & optional dot version
 //             2........                                        optional dot version
 //                       3.....                                 optional gene sym in ()s
 //                        4...                                  optional gene symbol
 //                                   5.....                     original sequence
 //                                           6......            1-based position
 //                                                     7......  replacement sequence
 #define pseudoHgvsNMPDotRangeExp "^" versionedRefSeqNMExp maybePDot hgvsAaRangeExp "\\)?"
 // substring numbering:
 //      0.....................................................  whole matching string
 //      1...............                                        acc & optional dot version
 //             2........                                        optional dot version
 //                       3.....                                 optional gene sym in ()s
 //                        4...                                  optional gene symbol
 //                                 5...                         original start AA
 //                                       6...                   1-based start position
 //                                           7..........        optional range sep and AA+pos
 //                                             8...             original end AA
 //                                                  9...        1-based end position
 //                                                      10....  change description
 // Common: gene symbol followed by space and/or punctuation followed by protein change
 #define pseudoHgvsGeneSymbolProtSubstExp "^" geneSymbolExp maybePDot hgvsAminoAcidSubstExp "\\)?"
 //      0.....................................................  whole matching string
 //      1...................                                    gene symbol
 //                                   2.....                     original sequence
 //                                           3......            1-based position
 //                                                     4......  replacement sequence
 #define pseudoHgvsGeneSymbolProtRangeExp "^" geneSymbolExp maybePDot hgvsAaRangeExp "\\)?"
 //      0.....................................................  whole matching string
 //      1...................                                    gene symbol
 //                                 2...                         original start AA
 //                                       3...                   1-based start position
 //                                           4................  optional range sep and AA+pos
 //                                             5...             original end AA
 //                                                  6...         1-based end position
 //                                                       7.....  change description
 // As above but omitting the protein change
 #define pseudoHgvsGeneSymbolProtPosExp "^" geneSymbolExp maybePDot posIntExp "\\)?"
 //      0..........................                             whole matching string
 //      1...................                                    gene symbol
 //                           2.....                             1-based position
 // Gene symbol, maybe punctuation, and a clear "c." position (and possibly change)
 #define pseudoHgvsGeneSympolCDotPosExp "^" geneSymbolExp "[: ]+" hgvsCDotPosExp
 //      0.....................................................  whole matching string
 //      1...................                                    gene symbol
 //                           2.....                             optional beginning of position exp
 //                                   3.....                     beginning of position exp
 static struct hgvsVariant *hgvsParseGDotPos(char *term)
 /* If term is parseable as an HGVS NC_...g. term, return the parsed representation, else NULL. */
 struct hgvsVariant *hgvs = NULL;
 int accIx = 1;
 int startPosIx = 3;
 int endPosIx = 5;
 int changeIx = 6;
 boolean matches = FALSE;
 regmatch_t substrs[17];
 if (regexMatchSubstr(term, hgvsLrgGDotExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
     matches = TRUE;
 else if (regexMatchSubstr(term, hgvsRefSeqNCGDotExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
     matches = TRUE;
     // The LRG accession regex has only one substring but the RefSeq acc regex has 4, so that
     // affects all substring offsets after the accession.
     int refSeqExtra = 3;
     startPosIx += refSeqExtra;
     endPosIx += refSeqExtra;
     changeIx += refSeqExtra;
 if (matches)
     // HGVS recommendation May 2017: replace m. with g. since mitochondrion is genomic too
     hgvs->type = hgvstGenomic;
     hgvs->seqAcc = regexSubstringClone(term, substrs[accIx]);
     hgvs->start1 = regexSubstringInt(term, substrs[startPosIx]);
     if (regexSubstrMatched(substrs[endPosIx]))
         hgvs->end = regexSubstringInt(term, substrs[endPosIx]);
         hgvs->end = hgvs->start1;
     hgvs->changes = regexSubstringClone(term, substrs[changeIx]);
 return hgvs;
 static void extractComplexNum(char *term, regmatch_t *substrs, int substrOffset,
                               boolean *retIsUtr3, int *retPos, int *retOffset)
 /* Extract matches from substrs starting at substrOffset to parse a complex number
  * description into anchor type, 1-based position and optional offset. */
 int anchorIx = substrOffset;
 int posIx = substrOffset + 1;
 int offsetOpIx = substrOffset + 3;
 int offsetIx = substrOffset + 4;
 // Determine what startPos is relative to, based on optional anchor and optional offset
 char anchor[16]; // string length 0 or 1
 regexSubstringCopy(term, substrs[anchorIx], anchor, sizeof(anchor));
 char offsetOp[16]; // string length 0 or 1
 regexSubstringCopy(term, substrs[offsetOpIx], offsetOp, sizeof(offsetOp));
 *retIsUtr3 = (anchor[0] == '*');
 *retPos = regexSubstringInt(term, substrs[posIx]);
 // Is pos negative?
 if (anchor[0] == '-')
     *retPos = -*retPos;
 // Grab offset, if there is one.
 if (isNotEmpty(offsetOp))
     *retOffset = regexSubstringInt(term, substrs[offsetIx]);
     if (offsetOp[0] == '-')
         *retOffset = -*retOffset;
 static struct hgvsVariant *hgvsParseCNDotPos(char *term)
 /* If term is parseable as an HGVS CDS term, return the parsed representation, otherwise NULL. */
 struct hgvsVariant *hgvs = NULL;
 boolean isNoncoding = FALSE;
 boolean matches = FALSE;
 int accIx = 1;
 int startAnchorIx = 2;
 int endAnchorIx = 8;
 int endPosIx = 9;
 int changeIx = 13;
 // The LRG accession regex has only one substring but the RefSeq acc regex has 4, so that
 // affects all substring offsets after the accession.
 int refSeqExtra = 3;
 int geneSymbolIx = -1;
 regmatch_t substrs[17];
 if (regexMatchSubstr(term, hgvsLrgCDotExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)) ||
     (isNoncoding = regexMatchSubstr(term, hgvsLrgNDotExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs))))
     matches = TRUE;
 else if (regexMatchSubstr(term, hgvsRefSeqNMCDotExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)) ||
          (isNoncoding = regexMatchSubstr(term, hgvsRefSeqNMRNDotExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs))))
     matches = TRUE;
     geneSymbolIx = 4;
     startAnchorIx += refSeqExtra;
     endAnchorIx += refSeqExtra;
     endPosIx += refSeqExtra;
     changeIx += refSeqExtra;
 if (matches)
     hgvs->type = isNoncoding ? hgvstNoncoding : hgvstCoding;
     hgvs->seqAcc = regexSubstringClone(term, substrs[accIx]);
     extractComplexNum(term, substrs, startAnchorIx,
                       &hgvs->startIsUtr3, &hgvs->start1, &hgvs->startOffset);
     if (isNoncoding && hgvs->startIsUtr3)
         warn("hgvsParseCNDotPos: noncoding term '%s' appears to start in UTR3 (*), "
              "not applicable for noncoding", term);
         hgvs->startIsUtr3 = FALSE;
     if (geneSymbolIx >= 0 && regexSubstrMatched(substrs[geneSymbolIx]))
         hgvs->seqGeneSymbol = regexSubstringClone(term, substrs[geneSymbolIx]);
     if (regexSubstrMatched(substrs[endPosIx]))
         extractComplexNum(term, substrs, endAnchorIx,
                           &hgvs->endIsUtr3, &hgvs->end, &hgvs->endOffset);
         if (isNoncoding && hgvs->endIsUtr3)
             warn("hgvsParseCNDotPos: noncoding term '%s' appears to end in UTR3 (*), "
                  "not applicable for noncoding", term);
             hgvs->endIsUtr3 = FALSE;
         hgvs->end = hgvs->start1;
         hgvs->endIsUtr3 = hgvs->startIsUtr3;
         hgvs->endOffset = hgvs->startOffset;
     hgvs->changes = regexSubstringClone(term, substrs[changeIx]);
 return hgvs;
 static struct hgvsVariant *hgvsParsePDotSubst(char *term)
 /* If term is parseable as an HGVS protein substitution, return the parsed representation,
  * otherwise NULL. */
 struct hgvsVariant *hgvs = NULL;
 boolean matches = FALSE;
 int accIx = 1;
 int refIx = 2;
 int posIx = 3;
 int altIx = 4;
 int geneSymbolIx = -1;
 regmatch_t substrs[8];
 if (regexMatchSubstr(term, hgvsLrgPDotSubstExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
     matches = TRUE;
 else if (regexMatchSubstr(term, hgvsRefSeqNPPDotSubstExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
     matches = TRUE;
     // The LRG accession regex has only one substring but the RefSeq acc regex has 4, so that
     // affects all substring offsets after the accession.
     int refSeqExtra = 3;
     refIx += refSeqExtra;
     posIx += refSeqExtra;
     altIx += refSeqExtra;
     geneSymbolIx = 4;
 if (matches)
     hgvs->type = hgvstProtein;
     hgvs->seqAcc = regexSubstringClone(term, substrs[accIx]);
     int changeStart = substrs[refIx].rm_so;
     int changeEnd = substrs[altIx].rm_eo;
     int len = changeEnd - changeStart;
     char change[len+1];
     safencpy(change, sizeof(change), term+changeStart, len);
     hgvs->changes = cloneString(change);
     if (geneSymbolIx >= 0 && regexSubstrMatched(substrs[geneSymbolIx]))
         hgvs->seqGeneSymbol = regexSubstringClone(term, substrs[geneSymbolIx]);
     hgvs->start1 = regexSubstringInt(term, substrs[posIx]);
     hgvs->end = hgvs->start1;
 return hgvs;
 static struct hgvsVariant *hgvsParsePDotRange(char *term)
 /* If term is parseable as an HGVS protein range change, return the parsed representation,
  * otherwise NULL. */
 struct hgvsVariant *hgvs = NULL;
 boolean matches = FALSE;
 int accIx = 1;
 int startRefIx = 2;
 int startPosIx = 3;
 int endPosIx = 6;
 int changeIx = 7;
 int geneSymbolIx = -1;
 regmatch_t substrs[11];
 if (regexMatchSubstr(term, hgvsLrgPDotRangeExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
     matches = TRUE;
 else if (regexMatchSubstr(term, hgvsRefSeqNPPDotRangeExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
     matches = TRUE;
     // The LRG accession regex has only one substring but the RefSeq acc regex has 4, so that
     // affects all substring offsets after the accession.
     int refSeqExtra = 3;
     startRefIx += refSeqExtra;
     startPosIx += refSeqExtra;
     endPosIx += refSeqExtra;
     changeIx += refSeqExtra;
     geneSymbolIx = 4;
 if (matches)
     hgvs->type = hgvstProtein;
     hgvs->seqAcc = regexSubstringClone(term, substrs[accIx]);
     int changeStart = substrs[startRefIx].rm_so;
     int changeEnd = substrs[changeIx].rm_eo;
     int len = changeEnd - changeStart;
     char change[len+1];
     safencpy(change, sizeof(change), term+changeStart, len);
     hgvs->changes = cloneString(change);
     if (geneSymbolIx >= 0 && regexSubstrMatched(substrs[geneSymbolIx]))
         hgvs->seqGeneSymbol = regexSubstringClone(term, substrs[geneSymbolIx]);
     hgvs->start1 = regexSubstringInt(term, substrs[startPosIx]);
     if (regexSubstrMatched(substrs[endPosIx]))
         hgvs->end = regexSubstringInt(term, substrs[endPosIx]);
         hgvs->end = hgvs->start1;
 return hgvs;
 struct hgvsVariant *hgvsParseTerm(char *term)
 /* If term is a parseable form of HGVS, return the parsed representation, otherwise NULL.
  * This does not check validity of accessions, coordinates or alleles. */
 struct hgvsVariant *hgvs = hgvsParseCNDotPos(term);
 if (hgvs == NULL)
     hgvs = hgvsParsePDotSubst(term);
 if (hgvs == NULL)
     hgvs = hgvsParsePDotRange(term);
 if (hgvs == NULL)
     hgvs = hgvsParseGDotPos(term);
 return hgvs;
 static char *npForGeneSymbol(char *db, char *geneSymbol)
 /* Given a gene symbol, look up and return its NP_ accession; if not found return NULL. */
 char query[2048];
 if (hDbHasNcbiRefSeq(db))
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select protAcc from ncbiRefSeqLink where name = '%s' "
              "and protAcc != 'n/a' and protAcc != '' "
              "order by length(protAcc), protAcc",
 else if (hTableExists(db, "refGene"))
     // Join with refGene to make sure it's an NP for this species.
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select l.protAcc from %s l, refGene r "
              "where l.name = '%s' and l.mrnaAcc = r.name "
              "and l.protAcc != '' order by length(l.protAcc), l.protAcc"
              , refLinkTable, geneSymbol);
     return NULL;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
 char *npAcc = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
 return npAcc;
 static char *nmForGeneSymbol(char *db, char *geneSymbol)
 /* Given a gene symbol, look up and return its NM_ accession; if not found return NULL. */
 if (trackHubDatabase(db))
     return NULL;
 char query[2048];
 char *geneTable = NULL;
 if (hDbHasNcbiRefSeq(db))
     geneTable = "ncbiRefSeq";
 else if (hTableExists(db, "refGene"))
     geneTable = "refGene";
 if (geneTable == NULL)
     return NULL;
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select name from %s where name2 = '%s' "
          "order by length(name), name", geneTable, geneSymbol);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
 char *nmAcc = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
 return nmAcc;
 static char *npForNm(char *db, char *nmAcc)
 /* Given an NM_ accession, look up and return its NP_ accession; if not found return NULL. */
 if (trackHubDatabase(db))
     return NULL;
 char query[2048];
 if (hDbHasNcbiRefSeq(db))
     // ncbiRefSeq tables use versioned NM_ accs, but the user might have passed in a
     // versionless NM_, so adjust query accordingly:
     if (strchr(nmAcc, '.'))
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select protAcc from ncbiRefSeqLink where id = '%s'", nmAcc);
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select protAcc from ncbiRefSeqLink where id like '%s.%%'",
 else if (hTableExists(db, "refGene"))
     // Trim .version if present since our genbank tables don't use versioned names.
     char *trimmed = cloneFirstWordByDelimiter(nmAcc, '.');
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select l.protAcc from %s l, refGene r "
              "where r.name = '%s' and l.mrnaAcc = r.name "
              "and l.protAcc != '' order by length(l.protAcc), l.protAcc",
              refLinkTable, trimmed);
 else return NULL;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
 char *npAcc = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
 return npAcc;
 static char *lrgProteinToTx(char *db, char *protAcc)
 /* Return the LRG_ transcript accession for protAcc.  Each LRG_NpM has a corresponding LRG_NtM. */
 int accLen = strlen(protAcc);
 char txAcc[accLen+1];
 safecpy(txAcc, sizeof(txAcc), protAcc);
 char *p = strrchr(txAcc, 'p');
 if (p)
     *p = 't';
 return cloneString(txAcc);
 static char *getProteinSeq(char *db, char *acc)
 /* Return amino acid sequence for acc, or NULL if not found. */
 if (trackHubDatabase(db))
     return NULL;
 char *seq = NULL;
 if (startsWith("LRG_", acc))
     if (hTableExists(db, "lrgPep"))
         char query[2048];
         // lrgPep is indexed by transcript ID not protein ID
         char *txAcc = lrgProteinToTx(db, acc);
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select seq from lrgPep where name = '%s'", txAcc);
         struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
         seq = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
     if (hDbHasNcbiRefSeq(db))
         char query[2048];
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select seq from ncbiRefSeqPepTable "
                  "where name = '%s'", acc);
         struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
         seq = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
         aaSeq *aaSeq = hGenBankGetPep(db, acc, NULL);
         if (aaSeq)
             seq = aaSeq->dna;
 return seq;
 static char refBaseForNp(char *db, char *npAcc, int pos)
 // Get the amino acid base in NP_'s sequence at 1-based offset pos.
 char *seq = getProteinSeq(db, npAcc);
 char base = seq ? seq[pos-1] : '\0';
 return base;
 struct hgvsVariant *hgvsParsePseudoHgvs(char *db, char *term)
 /* Attempt to parse things that are not strict HGVS, but that people might intend as HGVS: */
 // Note: this doesn't support non-coding gene symbol terms (which should have nt alleles)
 struct hgvsVariant *hgvs = NULL;
 regmatch_t substrs[11];
 int geneSymbolIx = 1;
 boolean isSubst;
 if ((isSubst = regexMatchSubstr(term, pseudoHgvsNMPDotSubstExp,
                                      substrs, ArraySize(substrs))) ||
          regexMatchSubstr(term, pseudoHgvsNMPDotRangeExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
     // User gave an NM_ accession but a protein change -- swap in the right NP_.
     int nmAccIx = 1;
     int geneSymbolIx = 4;
     int len = substrs[nmAccIx].rm_eo - substrs[nmAccIx].rm_so;
     char nmAcc[len+1];
     safencpy(nmAcc, sizeof(nmAcc), term, len);
     char *npAcc = npForNm(db, nmAcc);
     if (isNotEmpty(npAcc))
         // Make it a real HGVS term with the NP and pass that on to the usual parser.
         int descStartIx = 5;
         char *description = term + substrs[descStartIx].rm_so;
         struct dyString *npTerm;
         if (regexSubstrMatched(substrs[geneSymbolIx]))
             len = substrs[geneSymbolIx].rm_eo - substrs[geneSymbolIx].rm_so;
             char geneSymbol[len+1];
             safencpy(geneSymbol, sizeof(geneSymbol), term, len);
             npTerm = dyStringCreate("%s(%s):p.%s", npAcc, geneSymbol, description);
             npTerm = dyStringCreate("%s:p.%s", npAcc, description);
         hgvs = hgvsParseTerm(npTerm->string);
 else if ((isSubst = regexMatchSubstr(term, pseudoHgvsGeneSymbolProtSubstExp,
                                      substrs, ArraySize(substrs))) ||
          regexMatchSubstr(term, pseudoHgvsGeneSymbolProtRangeExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
     int len = substrs[geneSymbolIx].rm_eo - substrs[geneSymbolIx].rm_so;
     char geneSymbol[len+1];
     safencpy(geneSymbol, sizeof(geneSymbol), term, len);
     char *npAcc = npForGeneSymbol(db, geneSymbol);
     if (isNotEmpty(npAcc))
         // Make it a real HGVS term with the NP and pass that on to the usual parser.
         int descStartIx = 2;
         char *description = term + substrs[descStartIx].rm_so;
         struct dyString *npTerm = dyStringCreate("%s(%s):p.%s",
                                                  npAcc, geneSymbol, description);
         hgvs = hgvsParseTerm(npTerm->string);
 else if (regexMatchSubstr(term, pseudoHgvsGeneSymbolProtPosExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
     int len = substrs[geneSymbolIx].rm_eo - substrs[geneSymbolIx].rm_so;
     char geneSymbol[len+1];
     safencpy(geneSymbol, sizeof(geneSymbol), term, len);
     char *npAcc = npForGeneSymbol(db, geneSymbol);
     if (isNotEmpty(npAcc))
         // Only position was provided, no change.  Look up ref base and make a synonymous subst
         // so it's parseable HGVS.
         int posIx = 2;
         int pos = regexSubstringInt(term, substrs[posIx]);
         char refBase = refBaseForNp(db, npAcc, pos);
         struct dyString *npTerm = dyStringCreate("%s(%s):p.%c%d=",
                                                  npAcc, geneSymbol, refBase, pos);
         hgvs = hgvsParseTerm(npTerm->string);
 else if (regexMatchSubstr(term, pseudoHgvsGeneSympolCDotPosExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
     int len = substrs[geneSymbolIx].rm_eo - substrs[geneSymbolIx].rm_so;
     char geneSymbol[len+1];
     safencpy(geneSymbol, sizeof(geneSymbol), term, len);
     char *nmAcc = nmForGeneSymbol(db, geneSymbol);
     if (isNotEmpty(nmAcc))
         // Make it a real HGVS term with the NM and pass that on to the usual parser.
         int descStartIx = regexSubstrMatched(substrs[2]) ? 2 : 3;
         char *description = term + substrs[descStartIx].rm_so;
         struct dyString *nmTerm = dyStringCreate("%s(%s):c.%s",
                                                  nmAcc, geneSymbol, description);
         hgvs = hgvsParseTerm(nmTerm->string);
 else if (regexMatchSubstr(term, pseudoHgvsChrGDotExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
     int chrIx = 1;
     int startPosIx = 3;
     int endPosIx = 5;
     int changeIx = 6;
     hgvs->type = hgvstGenomic;
     hgvs->seqAcc = regexSubstringClone(term, substrs[chrIx]);
     hgvs->start1 = regexSubstringInt(term, substrs[startPosIx]);
     if (regexSubstrMatched(substrs[endPosIx]))
         hgvs->end = regexSubstringInt(term, substrs[endPosIx]);
         hgvs->end = hgvs->start1;
     hgvs->changes = regexSubstringClone(term, substrs[changeIx]);
 return hgvs;
 static struct bbiFile *getLrgBbi(char *db)
 /* Return bbiFile for LRG regions or NULL if not found. */
 struct bbiFile *bbi = NULL;
 // I don't think this will be called often enough to warrant caching open bbi file (and index?).
 // I expect it to be called a couple times when the user enters a LRG genomic HGVS pos/search term.
 // It would be cleaner to get fileName from tdb or db -- but this is much quicker & easier:
 char fileName[1024];
 safef(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "/gbdb/%s/bbi/lrg.bb", db);
 char *fileNameRep = hReplaceGbdb(fileName);
 if (fileExists(fileNameRep))
     bbi = bigBedFileOpen(fileNameRep);
 return bbi;
 static struct lrg *loadLrgByName(char *db, char *lrgId)
 /* Retrieve lrg data from bigBed. */
 struct lrg *lrg = NULL;
 struct bbiFile *bbi = getLrgBbi(db);
 if (bbi)
     int fieldIx = 0;
     struct bptFile *index = bigBedOpenExtraIndex(bbi, "name", &fieldIx);
     if (index)
         struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
         struct bigBedInterval *bb = bigBedNameQuery(bbi, index, fieldIx, lrgId, lm);
         if (bb)
             char *fields[bbi->fieldCount];
             char chrom[512], startBuf[16], endBuf[16];
             bigBedIntervalToRowLookupChrom(bb, NULL, bbi, chrom, sizeof(chrom),
                                            startBuf, endBuf, fields, bbi->fieldCount);
             lrg = lrgLoad(fields);
     // Don't bptFileClose(&index) -- index shares pointers with bbi!
 return lrg;
 static char refBaseFromNucSubst(char *change)
 /* If sequence change is a nucleotide substitution, return the reference base, else null char. */
 if (regexMatchNoCase(change, "^([ACGTU])>"))
     return toupper(change[0]);
 return '\0';
 static void hgvsStartEndToZeroBasedHalfOpen(struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, int *retStart, int *retEnd)
 /* Convert HGVS's fully closed, 1-based-unless-negative start and end to UCSC start and end. */
 // If hgvs->start1 is negative, it is effectively 0-based, so subtract 1 only if positive.
 int start = hgvs->start1;
 if (start > 0)
 // If hgvs->end is negative, it is effectively 0-based, so add 1 to get half-open end.
 int end = hgvs->end;
 if (end < 0)
 if (retStart)
     *retStart = start;
 if (retEnd)
     *retEnd = end;
 static boolean hgvsValidateGenomic(char *db, struct hgvsVariant *hgvs,
                                    char **retFoundAcc, int *retFoundVersion,
                                    char **retDiffRefAllele)
 /* Return TRUE if hgvs->seqAcc can be mapped to a chrom/LRG in db and coords are in range.
  * If retFoundAcc is non-NULL, set it to the versionless seqAcc if chrom is found, else NULL.
  * If retFoundVersion is non-NULL, set to seqAcc's version if chrom is found, -1 for LRG, else NULL.
  * If retDiffRefAllele is non-NULL and hgvs specifies a reference allele then compare it to
  * the genomic sequence at that location; set *retDiffRefAllele to NULL if they match, or to
  * genomic sequence if they differ. */
 boolean coordsOK = FALSE;
 char hgvsBase = '\0';
 if (retDiffRefAllele)
     hgvsBase = refBaseFromNucSubst(hgvs->changes);
     *retDiffRefAllele = NULL;
 if (retFoundAcc)
     *retFoundAcc = NULL;
 if (retFoundVersion)
     *retFoundVersion = 0;
 int start, end;
 hgvsStartEndToZeroBasedHalfOpen(hgvs, &start, &end);
 if (startsWith("LRG_", hgvs->seqAcc))
     struct lrg *lrg = loadLrgByName(db, hgvs->seqAcc);
     if (lrg && start >= 0 && start < lrg->lrgSize && end > 0 && end <= lrg->lrgSize)
         coordsOK = TRUE;
         if (hgvsBase != '\0')
             struct dnaSeq *lrgSeq = lrgReconstructSequence(lrg, db);
             lrgSeq->dna[start] = toupper(lrgSeq->dna[start]);
             if (lrgSeq->dna[start] != hgvsBase)
                 *retDiffRefAllele = cloneStringZ(lrgSeq->dna+start, 1);
         if (retFoundAcc)
             *retFoundAcc = cloneString(hgvs->seqAcc);
     char *chrom = hgOfficialChromName(db, hgvs->seqAcc);
     if (isNotEmpty(chrom))
         struct chromInfo *ci = hGetChromInfo(db, chrom);
         if (start >= 0 && start < ci->size && end > 0 && end <= ci->size)
             coordsOK = TRUE;
             if (hgvsBase != '\0')
                 struct dnaSeq *refBase = hFetchSeq(ci->fileName, chrom, start, end);
                 if (refBase->dna[0] != hgvsBase)
                     *retDiffRefAllele = cloneString(refBase->dna);
         // Since we found hgvs->seqAcc, split it into versionless and version parts.
         if (retFoundAcc)
             *retFoundAcc = cloneFirstWordByDelimiter(hgvs->seqAcc, '.');
         if (retFoundVersion)
             char *p = strchr(hgvs->seqAcc, '.');
             if (p)
                 *retFoundVersion = atoi(p+1);
         // Don't free chromInfo, it's cached!
 return coordsOK;
 static char *getCdnaSeq(char *db, char *acc)
 /* Return cdna sequence for acc, or NULL if not found. */
 if (trackHubDatabase(db))
     return NULL;
 char *seq = NULL;
 if (startsWith("LRG_", acc))
     if (hTableExists(db, "lrgCdna"))
         char query[2048];
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select seq from lrgCdna where name = '%s'", acc);
         struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
         seq = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
     struct dnaSeq *cdnaSeq = NULL;
     if (hDbHasNcbiRefSeq(db))
         cdnaSeq = hDnaSeqGet(db, acc, "seqNcbiRefSeq", "extNcbiRefSeq");
         cdnaSeq = hGenBankGetMrna(db, acc, NULL);
     if (cdnaSeq)
         seq = dnaSeqCannibalize(&cdnaSeq);
 return seq;
 static boolean getCds(char *db, char *acc, struct genbankCds *retCds)
 /* Get the CDS info for genbank or LRG acc; return FALSE if not found or not applicable. */
 if (trackHubDatabase(db))
     return FALSE;
 boolean gotCds = FALSE;
 char query[1024];
 if (startsWith("LRG_", acc))
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
              "select cds from lrgCds where id = '%s'", acc);
 else if (hDbHasNcbiRefSeq(db) &&
          // This is a hack to allow us to fall back on refSeqAli if ncbiRefSeqPsl is incomplete:
          strchr(acc, '.'))
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
              "select cds from ncbiRefSeqCds where id = '%s'", acc);
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
              "SELECT c.name FROM %s as c, %s as g WHERE (g.acc = '%s') AND "
              "(g.cds != 0) AND (g.cds = c.id)", cdsTable, gbCdnaInfoTable, acc);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
 char cdsBuf[2048];
 char *cdsStr = sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, cdsBuf, sizeof(cdsBuf));
 if (isNotEmpty(cdsStr))
     gotCds = (genbankCdsParse(cdsStr, retCds) &&
               retCds->startComplete && retCds->start != retCds->end);
 return gotCds;
 static char refBaseFromProt(char *change)
 /* If change starts with an amino acid 3-letter or 1-letter code then return the 1-letter code,
  * else null char. */
 regmatch_t substrs[1];
 if (regexMatchSubstr(change, "^" hgvsAminoAcidExp, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
     char match[256];  // 1- or 3-letter code
     regexSubstringCopy(change, substrs[0], match, sizeof(match));
     if (strlen(match) == 1)
         return toupper(match[0]);
         return aaAbbrToLetter(match);
 return '\0';
 static char *cloneStringFromChar(char c)
 /* Return a cloned string from a single character. */
 char str[2];
 str[0] = c;
 str[1] = '\0';
 return cloneString(str);
 static void checkRefAllele(struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, int start, char *accSeq,
                            char **retDiffRefAllele)
 /* If hgvs change includes a reference allele, and if accSeq at start does not match,
  *  then set retDiffRefAllele to the accSeq version.  retDiffRefAllele must be non-NULL. */
 char hgvsRefBase = (hgvs->type == hgvstProtein) ? refBaseFromProt(hgvs->changes) :
 if (hgvsRefBase != '\0')
     char seqRefBase = toupper(accSeq[start]);
     if (seqRefBase != hgvsRefBase)
         *retDiffRefAllele = cloneStringFromChar(seqRefBase);
 if (hgvs->type == hgvstProtein && *retDiffRefAllele == NULL)
     // Protein ranges have a second ref allele base to check
     char *p = strchr(hgvs->changes, '_');
     if (p != NULL)
         hgvsRefBase = refBaseFromProt(p+1);
         if (hgvsRefBase != '\0')
             int end1 = atoi(skipToNumeric(p+1));
             char seqRefBase = toupper(accSeq[end1-1]);
             if (seqRefBase != hgvsRefBase)
                 *retDiffRefAllele = cloneStringFromChar(seqRefBase);
 static int getGbVersion(char *db, char *acc)
 /* Return the local version that we have for acc. */
 if (trackHubDatabase(db))
     return 0;
 char query[2048];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select version from %s where acc = '%s'", gbSeqTable, acc);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
 int version = sqlQuickNum(conn, query);
 return version;
 static char *normalizeVersion(char *db, char *acc, int *retFoundVersion)
 /* LRG accessions don't have versions, so just return the same acc and set *retFoundVersion to 0.
  * The user may give us a RefSeq accession with or without a .version.
  * If ncbiRefSeq tables are present, return acc with version, looking up version if necessary.
  * If we look it up and can't find it, this returns NULL.
  * If instead we're using genbank tables, return acc with no version.
  * That ensures that acc will be found in our local tables. */
 if (trackHubDatabase(db))
     return NULL;
 char *normalizedAcc = NULL;
 int foundVersion = 0;
 if (startsWith("LRG_", acc))
     normalizedAcc = cloneString(acc);
 else if (hDbHasNcbiRefSeq(db))
     // ncbiRefSeq tables need versioned accessions.
     if (strchr(acc, '.'))
         normalizedAcc = cloneString(acc);
         char query[2048];
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select name from ncbiRefSeq where name like '%s.%%'", acc);
         struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
         normalizedAcc = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
     if (isNotEmpty(normalizedAcc))
         char *p = strchr(normalizedAcc, '.');
         foundVersion = atoi(p+1);
     // genbank tables -- no version
     normalizedAcc = cloneFirstWordByDelimiter(acc, '.');
     foundVersion = getGbVersion(db, normalizedAcc);
 if (retFoundVersion)
     *retFoundVersion = foundVersion;
 return normalizedAcc;
 static boolean hgvsValidateGene(char *db, struct hgvsVariant *hgvs,
                                 char **retFoundAcc, int *retFoundVersion, char **retDiffRefAllele)
 /* Return TRUE if hgvs coords are within the bounds of the sequence for hgvs->seqAcc.
  * Note: Transcript terms may contain coords outside the bounds (upstream, intron, downstream) so
  * those can't be checked without mapping the term to the genome.
  * If retFoundAcc is not NULL, set it to our local accession (which may be missing the .version
  * of hgvs->seqAcc) or NULL if we can't find any match.
  * If retFoundVersion is not NULL and hgvs->seqAcc has a version number (e.g. NM_005957.4),
  * set retFoundVersion to our version from latest GenBank, otherwise 0 (no version for LRG).
  * If coords are OK and retDiffRefAllele is not NULL: if our sequence at the coords
  * matches hgvs->refAllele then set it to NULL; if mismatch then set it to our sequence. */
 char *acc = normalizeVersion(db, hgvs->seqAcc, retFoundVersion);
 if (isEmpty(acc))
     return FALSE;
 boolean coordsOK = FALSE;
 char *accSeq = (hgvs->type == hgvstProtein ? getProteinSeq(db, acc) : getCdnaSeq(db, acc));
 if (accSeq)
     // By convention, foundAcc is always versionless because it's accompanied by foundVersion.
     if (retFoundAcc)
         *retFoundAcc = cloneFirstWordByDelimiter(acc, '.');
     int seqLen = strlen(accSeq);
     int start, end;
     hgvsStartEndToZeroBasedHalfOpen(hgvs, &start, &end);
     if (hgvs->type == hgvstCoding)
         struct genbankCds cds;
         coordsOK = getCds(db, acc, &cds);
         if (coordsOK)
             start += (hgvs->startIsUtr3 ? cds.end : cds.start);
             end += (hgvs->endIsUtr3 ? cds.end : cds.start);
             if (start > end)
                 coordsOK = FALSE;
             else if (retDiffRefAllele && hgvs->startOffset == 0 && start >= 0 && start <= seqLen)
                 checkRefAllele(hgvs, start, accSeq, retDiffRefAllele);
         if (start <= end)
             coordsOK = TRUE;
             if (retDiffRefAllele && hgvs->startOffset == 0 && start >= 0 && start < seqLen)
                 checkRefAllele(hgvs, start, accSeq, retDiffRefAllele);
 return coordsOK;
 boolean hgvsValidate(char *db, struct hgvsVariant *hgvs,
                      char **retFoundAcc, int *retFoundVersion, char **retDiffRefAllele)
 /* Return TRUE if hgvs coords are within the bounds of the sequence for hgvs->seqAcc.
  * Note: Transcript terms may contain coords outside the bounds (upstream, intron, downstream) so
  * those can't be checked without mapping the term to the genome; this returns TRUE if seq is found.
  * If retFoundAcc is not NULL, set it to our local accession (which may be missing the .version
  * of hgvs->seqAcc) or NULL if we can't find any match.
  * If retFoundVersion is not NULL and hgvs->seqAcc has a version number (e.g. NM_005957.4),
  * set retFoundVersion to our version from latest GenBank, otherwise 0 (no version for LRG).
  * If coords are OK and retDiffRefAllele is not NULL: if our sequence at the coords
  * matches hgvs->refAllele then set it to NULL; if mismatch then set it to our sequence. */
 if (hgvs->type == hgvstGenomic || hgvs->type == hgvstMito)
     return hgvsValidateGenomic(db, hgvs, retFoundAcc, retFoundVersion, retDiffRefAllele);
     return hgvsValidateGene(db, hgvs, retFoundAcc, retFoundVersion, retDiffRefAllele);
 static struct bed *bed6New(char *chrom, unsigned chromStart, unsigned chromEnd, char *name,
                            int score, char strand)
 /* Alloc & return a new bed with only the first 6 fields populated. */
 struct bed *bed6;
 bed6->chrom = cloneString(chrom);
 bed6->chromStart = chromStart;
 bed6->chromEnd = chromEnd;
 bed6->name = cloneString(name);
 bed6->score = score;
 bed6->strand[0] = strand;
 return bed6;
 static int pslMapQStartToT(struct psl *psl, int qStartIn)
 /* Map a query start coord to a target start coord; return -1 if qStart is not in the alignment. */
 int t = -1, qStart = qStartIn, ix;
 boolean isRc = pslQStrand(psl) == '-';
 if (isRc)
     int qEnd = qStart + 1;
     qStart = psl->qSize - qEnd;
 for (ix = 0;  ix < psl->blockCount;  ix++)
     int qOffset = qStart - pslQStart(psl, ix);
     if (qOffset >= 0 && qStart < pslQEnd(psl, ix))
         t = pslTStart(psl, ix) + qOffset;
 return t;
 static int pslMapQEndToT(struct psl *psl, int qEnd)
 /* Map a query end coord to a target end coord; return -1 if qEnd is not in the alignment. */
 int tEnd = -1;
 int qStart = qEnd - 1;
 int tStart = pslMapQStartToT(psl, qStart);
 if (tStart >= 0)
     tEnd = tStart + 1;
 return tEnd;
 boolean hgvsIsInsertion(struct hgvsVariant *hgvs)
 /* Return TRUE if hgvs is an insertion (end == start1+1, change starts with "ins"). */
 return (hgvs->end == hgvs->start1+1 && startsWith("ins", hgvs->changes));
 static void adjustInsStartEnd(struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, uint *retStart0, uint *retEnd)
 /* HGVS insertion coordinates include the base before and the base after the insertion point,
  * while we treat it as a zero-length point.  So if this is insertion, adjust the start and end. */
 if (hgvsIsInsertion(hgvs))
     *retStart0 = *retStart0 + 1;
     *retEnd = *retEnd - 1;
 static struct bed *hgvsMapGDotToGenome(char *db, struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, char **retPslTable)
 /* Given an NC_*g. or LRG_*g. term, if we can map to chrom then return the region, else NULL. */
 struct bed *region = NULL;
 if (startsWith("LRG_", hgvs->seqAcc))
     struct lrg *lrg = loadLrgByName(db, hgvs->seqAcc);
     if (lrg)
         uint chromSize = hChromSize(db, lrg->chrom);
         struct psl *psl = lrgToPsl(lrg, chromSize);
         int start = pslMapQStartToT(psl, hgvs->start1 - 1);
         int end = pslMapQEndToT(psl, hgvs->end);
         if (start >= 0 && end >= 0)
             region = bed6New(lrg->chrom, start, end, "", 0, '+');
     char *chrom = hgOfficialChromName(db, hgvs->seqAcc);
     if (isNotEmpty(chrom) && hgvs->start1 > 0)
         region = bed6New(chrom, hgvs->start1 - 1, hgvs->end, "", 0, '+');
 if (region)
     adjustInsStartEnd(hgvs, &region->chromStart, &region->chromEnd);
 if (retPslTable)
     *retPslTable = NULL;
 return region;
 static void hgvsTranscriptToZeroBasedHalfOpen(struct hgvsVariant *hgvs,
                                               int maxCoord, struct genbankCds *cds,
                                               int *retStart, int *retEnd,
                                               int *retUpstreamBases, int *retDownstreamBases)
 /* Convert a transcript HGVS's start1 and end into UCSC coords plus upstream and downstream lengths
  * for when the transcript HGVS has coordinates that extend beyond its sequence boundaries.
  * ret* args must be non-NULL. */
 hgvsStartEndToZeroBasedHalfOpen(hgvs, retStart, retEnd);
 if (hgvs->type == hgvstCoding)
     // If the position follows '*' that means it's relative to cdsEnd; otherwise rel to cdsStart
     *retStart += (hgvs->startIsUtr3 ? cds->end : cds->start);
     *retEnd += (hgvs->endIsUtr3 ? cds->end : cds->start);
 // Now check for coords that extend beyond the transcript('s alignment to the genome)
 if (*retStart < 0)
     // hgvs->start1 is upstream of transcript.
     *retUpstreamBases = -*retStart;
     *retStart = 0;
 else if (*retStart >= maxCoord)
     // Even the start coord is downstream of transcript -- make a negative "upstream"
     // for adjusting start.
     *retUpstreamBases = -(*retStart - maxCoord + 1);
     *retStart = maxCoord - 1;
     *retUpstreamBases = 0;
 if (*retEnd > maxCoord)
     // hgvs->end is downstream of transcript.
     *retDownstreamBases = *retEnd - maxCoord;
     *retEnd = maxCoord;
 else if (*retEnd <= 0)
     // Even the end coord is upstream of transcript -- make a negative "downstream"
     // for adjusting end.
     *retEnd += *retUpstreamBases;
     *retDownstreamBases = -*retUpstreamBases;
     *retDownstreamBases = 0;
 static struct psl *pslFromHgvsNuc(struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, char *acc, int accSize, int accEnd,
                                   struct genbankCds *cds,
                                   int *retUpstreamBases, int *retDownstreamBases)
 /* Allocate and return a PSL modeling the variant in nucleotide sequence acc.
  * The PSL target is the sequence and the query is the changed part of the sequence.
  * accEnd is given in case accSize includes an unaligned poly-A tail.
  * If hgvs is coding ("c.") then the caller must pass in a valid cds.
  * In case the start or end position is outside the bounds of the sequence, set retUpstreamBases
  * or retDownstreamBases to the number of bases beyond the beginning or end of sequence.
  * NOTE: intron offsets are ignored; the PSL contains the exon anchor point
  * and the caller will have to map that to the genome and then apply the intron offset. */
 if (hgvs == NULL)
     return NULL;
 if (hgvs->type == hgvstProtein)
     errAbort("pslFromHgvsNuc must be called only on nucleotide HGVSs, not protein.");
 struct psl *psl;
 psl->tName = cloneString(acc);
 safecpy(psl->strand, sizeof(psl->strand), "+");
 psl->tSize = accSize;
 if (hgvs->type == hgvstGenomic || hgvs->type == hgvstMito)
     // Sane 1-based fully closed coords.
     hgvsStartEndToZeroBasedHalfOpen(hgvs, &psl->tStart, &psl->tEnd);
     // Simple or insanely complex CDS-relative coords.
     hgvsTranscriptToZeroBasedHalfOpen(hgvs, accEnd, cds, &psl->tStart, &psl->tEnd,
                                       retUpstreamBases, retDownstreamBases);
 int refLen = psl->tEnd - psl->tStart;
 // Just use refLen for alt until we parse the sequence change portion of the term:
 int altLen = refLen;
 psl->qName = cloneString(hgvs->changes);
 psl->qSize = altLen;
 psl->qStart = 0;
 psl->qEnd = altLen;
 psl->blockCount = 1;
 AllocArray(psl->blockSizes, psl->blockCount);
 AllocArray(psl->qStarts, psl->blockCount);
 AllocArray(psl->tStarts, psl->blockCount);
 psl->blockSizes[0] = refLen <= altLen ? refLen : altLen;
 psl->qStarts[0] = psl->qStart;
 psl->tStarts[0] = psl->tStart;
 return psl;
 static struct psl *pslDelFromCoord(struct psl *txAli, int tStart, struct psl *variantPsl)
 /* Return a PSL with same target and query as txAli, but as a deletion at offset tStart:
  * two zero-length blocks surrounding no target and query = variantPsl's target coords. */
 struct psl *del = pslNew(txAli->qName, txAli->qSize, variantPsl->tStart, variantPsl->tEnd,
                          txAli->tName, txAli->tSize, tStart, tStart,
                          txAli->strand, 2, 0);
 // I wonder if zero-length blockSizes would trigger crashes somewhere...
 del->blockSizes[0] = del->blockSizes[1] = 0;
 del->tStarts[0] = del->tStarts[1] = del->tStart;
 del->qStarts[0] = del->qStart;
 del->qStarts[1] = del->qEnd;
 return del;
 struct psl *pslFromGap(struct psl *txAli, int blkIx, struct psl *variantPsl)
 /* Return a PSL with same target and query as txAli, but as a potentially double-sided gap between
  * two zero-length blocks surrounding skipped bases in target and/or query. */
 int qGapStart = txAli->qStarts[blkIx] + txAli->blockSizes[blkIx];
 int qGapEnd = txAli->qStarts[blkIx+1];
 int tGapStart = txAli->tStarts[blkIx] + txAli->blockSizes[blkIx];
 int tGapEnd = txAli->tStarts[blkIx+1];
 struct psl *gapPsl = pslNew(txAli->qName, txAli->qSize, qGapStart, qGapEnd,
                             txAli->tName, txAli->tSize, tGapStart, tGapEnd,
                             txAli->strand, 2, 0);
 int qBlockStart = txAli->qStarts[blkIx];
 if (variantPsl->tStart > qBlockStart && variantPsl->tStart < qGapStart)
     // keep non-zero overlapping part of preceding block, if any
     int overlapSize = qGapStart - variantPsl->tStart;
     gapPsl->blockSizes[0] = overlapSize;
     gapPsl->tStart = gapPsl->tStarts[0] = tGapStart - overlapSize;
     gapPsl->qStart = gapPsl->qStarts[0] = variantPsl->tStart;
     // zero-length block at beginning of gap
     gapPsl->blockSizes[0] = 0;
     gapPsl->tStarts[0] = tGapStart;
     gapPsl->qStarts[0] = qGapStart;
 int qNextBlkEnd = txAli->qStarts[blkIx+1] + txAli->blockSizes[blkIx+1];
 if (variantPsl->tEnd > qGapEnd && variantPsl->tEnd <= qNextBlkEnd)
     // keep non-zero overlapping part of next block, if any
     int overlapSize = variantPsl->tEnd - qGapEnd;
     gapPsl->blockSizes[1] = overlapSize;
     gapPsl->tStarts[1] = tGapEnd;
     gapPsl->tEnd = tGapEnd + overlapSize;
     gapPsl->qStarts[1] = qGapEnd;
     gapPsl->qEnd = variantPsl->tEnd;
     // zero-length block at end of gap
     gapPsl->blockSizes[1] = 0;
     gapPsl->tStarts[1] = tGapEnd;
     gapPsl->qStarts[1] = qGapEnd;
 return gapPsl;
 static struct psl *mapToDeletion(struct psl *variantPsl, struct psl *txAli)
 /* If the variant falls on a transcript base that is deleted in the reference genome,
  * (or upstream/downstream mapped to a zero-length point),
  * return the deletion coords (pslTransMap returns NULL), otherwise return NULL. */
 // variant start and end coords, in transcript coords:
 int vStart = variantPsl->tStart;
 int vEnd = variantPsl->tEnd;
 boolean isRc = (pslQStrand(txAli) == '-');
 if (isRc)
     vStart = variantPsl->tSize - variantPsl->tEnd;
     vEnd = variantPsl->tSize - variantPsl->tStart;
 if (vEnd < txAli->qStart)
     return pslDelFromCoord(txAli, isRc ? txAli->tEnd : txAli->tStart, variantPsl);
 else if (vStart > txAli->qEnd)
     return pslDelFromCoord(txAli, isRc ? txAli->tStart : txAli->tEnd, variantPsl);
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < txAli->blockCount - 1;  i++)
     int qBlockEnd = txAli->qStarts[i] + txAli->blockSizes[i];
     int qNextBlockStart = txAli->qStarts[i+1];
     int tBlockEnd = txAli->tStarts[i] + txAli->blockSizes[i];
     int tNextBlockStart = txAli->tStarts[i+1];
     if (vStart >= qBlockEnd && vEnd <= qNextBlockStart)
         if (tBlockEnd == tNextBlockStart)
             return pslDelFromCoord(txAli, tBlockEnd, variantPsl);
             return pslFromGap(txAli, i, variantPsl);
 // Not contained in a deletion from reference genome (txAli target) -- return NULL.
 return NULL;
 static struct psl *mapPsl(char *db, struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, char *pslTable, char *acc,
                           struct genbankCds *cds, int *retUpstream, int *retDownstream)
 /* If acc is found in pslTable, use pslTransMap to map hgvs onto the genome. */
 struct psl *mappedToGenome = NULL;
 char query[2048];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s where qName = '%s'", pslTable, acc);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 char **row;
 if (sr && (row = sqlNextRow(sr)))
     int bin = 1; // All PSL tables used here, and any made in the future, use the bin column.
     struct psl *txAli = pslLoad(row+bin);
     // variantPsl contains the anchor if a non-cdsStart anchor is used because
     // the actual position might be outside the bounds of the transcript sequence (intron/UTR)
     struct psl *variantPsl = pslFromHgvsNuc(hgvs, acc, txAli->qSize, txAli->qEnd, cds,
                                             retUpstream, retDownstream);
     mappedToGenome = pslTransMap(pslTransMapNoOpts, variantPsl, txAli);
     // If there is a deletion in the genome / insertion in the transcript then pslTransMap cannot
     // map those bases to the genome.  In that case take a harder look and return the deletion
     // coords.
     if (mappedToGenome == NULL)
         mappedToGenome = mapToDeletion(variantPsl, txAli);
 return mappedToGenome;
 static char *pslTableForAcc(char *db, char *acc)
 /* Based on acc (and whether db has NCBI RefSeq alignments), pick a PSL table where
  * acc should be found (table may or may not exist).  Don't free the returned string. */
 char *pslTable = NULL;
 if (startsWith("LRG_", acc))
     pslTable = "lrgTranscriptAli";
 else if (startsWith("NM_", acc) || startsWith("NR_", acc) ||
          startsWith("XM_", acc) || startsWith("XR_", acc))
     // Use NCBI's alignments if they are available
     if (hDbHasNcbiRefSeq(db))
         pslTable = "ncbiRefSeqPsl";
         pslTable = "refSeqAli";
 return pslTable;
 #define limitToRange(val, min, max) { if (val < min) { val = min; }  \
                                       if (val > max) { val = max; } }
 static struct bed *pslAndFriendsToRegion(struct psl *psl, struct hgvsVariant *hgvs,
                                           int upstream, int downstream)
 /* If hgvs has any intron offsets and/or upstream/downstream offsets, add those to the
  * anchor coords in psl and return the variant's region of the genome. */
 struct bed *region = bed6New(psl->tName, psl->tStart, psl->tEnd, psl->qName, 0, psl->strand[0]);
 // If the start and/or end is in an intron, add the intron offset now.
 boolean revStrand = (psl->strand[0] == '-');
 if (hgvs->startOffset != 0)
     if (revStrand)
         region->chromEnd -= hgvs->startOffset;
         region->chromStart += hgvs->startOffset;
 if (hgvs->endOffset != 0)
     if (revStrand)
         region->chromStart -= hgvs->endOffset;
         region->chromEnd += hgvs->endOffset;
 // Apply extra up/downstream offsets (usually 0)
 if (revStrand)
     region->chromStart -= downstream;
     region->chromEnd += upstream;
     region->chromStart -= upstream;
     region->chromEnd += downstream;
 limitToRange(region->chromStart, 0, psl->tSize);
 limitToRange(region->chromEnd, 0, psl->tSize);
 return region;
 static struct bed *hgvsMapNucToGenome(char *db, struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, char **retPslTable)
 /* Return a bed6 with the variant's span on the genome and strand, or NULL if unable to map.
  * If successful and retPslTable is not NULL, set it to the name of the PSL table used. */
 if (hgvs->type == hgvstGenomic)
     return hgvsMapGDotToGenome(db, hgvs, retPslTable);
 char *acc = normalizeVersion(db, hgvs->seqAcc, NULL);
 if (isEmpty(acc))
     return NULL;
 struct bed *region = NULL;
 char *pslTable = pslTableForAcc(db, acc);
 struct genbankCds cds;
 boolean gotCds = (hgvs->type == hgvstCoding) ? getCds(db, acc, &cds) : FALSE;
 if (pslTable && (hgvs->type != hgvstCoding || gotCds) && hTableExists(db, pslTable))
     int upstream = 0, downstream = 0;
     struct psl *mappedToGenome = mapPsl(db, hgvs, pslTable, acc, &cds, &upstream, &downstream);
     // As of 9/26/16, ncbiRefSeqPsl is missing some items (#13673#note-443) -- so fall back
     // on UCSC alignments.
     if (!mappedToGenome && sameString(pslTable, "ncbiRefSeqPsl") && hTableExists(db, "refSeqAli"))
         char *accNoVersion = cloneFirstWordByDelimiter(acc, '.');
         gotCds = (hgvs->type == hgvstCoding) ? getCds(db, accNoVersion, &cds) : FALSE;
         if (hgvs->type != hgvstCoding || gotCds)
             mappedToGenome = mapPsl(db, hgvs, "refSeqAli", accNoVersion, &cds,
                                     &upstream, &downstream);
         if (mappedToGenome)
             pslTable = "refSeqAli";
             acc = accNoVersion;
     if (mappedToGenome)
         region = pslAndFriendsToRegion(mappedToGenome, hgvs, upstream, downstream);
 if (region)
     adjustInsStartEnd(hgvs, &region->chromStart, &region->chromEnd);
     if (retPslTable)
         *retPslTable = cloneString(pslTable);
 return region;
 static struct bed *hgvsMapPDotToGenome(char *db, struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, char **retPslTable)
 /* Return a bed6 with the variant's span on the genome and strand, or NULL if unable to map.
  * If successful and retPslTable is not NULL, set it to the name of the PSL table used. */
 char *acc = normalizeVersion(db, hgvs->seqAcc, NULL);
 if (isEmpty(acc))
     return NULL;
 struct bed *region = NULL;
 char *txAcc = NULL;
 if (startsWith("LRG_", acc))
     txAcc = lrgProteinToTx(db, acc);
 else if (startsWith("NP_", acc) || startsWith("XP_", acc))
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
     char query[2048];
     if (hDbHasNcbiRefSeq(db))
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select mrnaAcc from ncbiRefSeqLink where protAcc = '%s'",
     else if (hTableExists(db, "refGene"))
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select mrnaAcc from %s l, refGene r "
                  "where l.protAcc = '%s' and r.name = l.mrnaAcc", refLinkTable, acc);
         return NULL;
     txAcc = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
 if (txAcc)
     // Translate the p. to c. and map c. to the genome.
     struct hgvsVariant cDot;
     zeroBytes(&cDot, sizeof(cDot));
     cDot.type = hgvstCoding;
     cDot.seqAcc = txAcc;
     cDot.start1 = ((hgvs->start1 - 1) * 3) + 1;
     cDot.end = ((hgvs->end - 1) * 3) + 3;
     cDot.changes = hgvs->changes;
     region = hgvsMapNucToGenome(db, &cDot, retPslTable);
 return region;
 struct bed *hgvsMapToGenome(char *db, struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, char **retPslTable)
 /* Return a bed6 with the variant's span on the genome and strand, or NULL if unable to map.
  * If successful and retPslTable is not NULL, set it to the name of the PSL table used. */
 if (hgvs == NULL)
     return NULL;
 struct bed *region = NULL;
 if (hgvs->type == hgvstProtein)
     region = hgvsMapPDotToGenome(db, hgvs, retPslTable);
     region = hgvsMapNucToGenome(db, hgvs, retPslTable);
 return region;
 static int getDotVersion(char *acc)
 /* If acc ends in .<number> then return number; otherwise return -1. */
 char *p = strrchr(acc, '.');
 if (p && isdigit(p[1]))
     return atoi(p+1);
 return -1;
 struct bed *hgvsValidateAndMap(struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, char *db, char *term,
                                struct dyString *dyWarn, char **retPslTable)
 /* If we have sequence for hgvs->seqAcc and the hgvs coords are within the bounds
  * of that sequence, and we are able to map the coords in seqAcc to genomic coords in
  * db, return a bed6 with those coords and strand.  If unsuccessful, or if the reference
  * sequence differs at the mapped location, then write a warning message to dyWarn.
  * If mapping is successful and retPslTable is not NULL, set it to the psl table
  * used for mapping. */
 struct bed *mapping = NULL;
 char *pslTable = NULL;
 char *foundAcc = NULL, *diffRefAllele = NULL;
 int foundVersion = 0;
 boolean coordsOk = hgvsValidate(db, hgvs, &foundAcc, &foundVersion, &diffRefAllele);
 if (foundAcc == NULL)
     dyStringPrintf(dyWarn, "Can't find sequence for accession '%s'", hgvs->seqAcc);
     int hgvsVersion = getDotVersion(hgvs->seqAcc);
     char foundAccWithV[strlen(foundAcc)+20];
     if (foundVersion)
         safef(foundAccWithV, sizeof(foundAccWithV), "%s.%d", foundAcc, foundVersion);
         safecpy(foundAccWithV, sizeof(foundAccWithV), foundAcc);
     if (hgvsVersion >= 0 && hgvsVersion != foundVersion)
         dyStringPrintf(dyWarn, "HGVS term '%s' is based on %s but UCSC has version %s",
                        term, hgvs->seqAcc, foundAccWithV);
     if (! coordsOk)
         dyStringPrintf(dyWarn, "HGVS term '%s' has coordinates outside the bounds of %s",
                        term, foundAccWithV);
     else if (diffRefAllele != NULL)
         dyStringPrintf(dyWarn, "HGVS term '%s' reference value does not match %s value '%s'",
                        term, foundAccWithV, diffRefAllele);
     if (coordsOk)
         mapping = hgvsMapToGenome(db, hgvs, &pslTable);
 if (retPslTable)
     *retPslTable = cloneString(pslTable);
 return mapping;
 char *hgvsChangeGetAssertedRef(struct hgvsChange *change)
 /* If change asserts a reference sequence value, return that, otherwise return NULL. */
 if (change->type == hgvsctSubst || change->type == hgvsctDel || change->type == hgvsctDup ||
     change->type == hgvsctInv || change->type == hgvsctNoChange || change->type == hgvsctIns ||
     change->type == hgvsctCon)
     return cloneString(change->value.refAlt.refSequence);
 // When change->type is hgvsctRepeat, the actual reference sequence usually spans a larger region
 // than the repeating unit.  Without applying a fuzzy* tandem-repeat search to the reference
 // assembly in the neighborhood of the HGVS coordinates, we can't tell what the true reference
 // coords and sequence are.
 // *fuzzy: ClinVar sometimes gives repeat counts that imply a few mismatches from
 // the strict repetition of the consensus sequence.
 // HGVS repeat notation is inherently flaky because the reference's repeat count may differ
 // between assemblies, and is subject to how many mismatches are considered tolerable.
 // So don't support it.
 return NULL;
 static struct dnaSeq *getGenbankSequenceRange(char *db, char *acc, int start, int end)
 /* Look up acc in our local GenBank data; if found, and if both start and end are in bounds,
  * return sequence from start to end; otherwise return NULL. */
 struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL;
 int accVersion = getDotVersion(acc);
 int foundVersion = 0;
 char *normalizedAcc = normalizeVersion(db, acc, &foundVersion);
 if (accVersion < 0 || accVersion == foundVersion)
     char *wholeSeq = getCdnaSeq(db, normalizedAcc);
     if (wholeSeq && start >= 0 && end <= strlen(wholeSeq))
         int size = end - start;
         char *name = ""; // ignored
         // newDnaSeq does not clone its dna input!  So allocate here.
         char *dna = cloneStringZ(wholeSeq+start, size);
         seq = newDnaSeq(dna, size, name);
 return seq;
 static boolean hgvsToTxCoords(struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, char *db, uint *retStart, uint *retEnd)
 /* If hgvs is not coding then set *retStart to hgvs->start1-1 and *retEnd to hgvs->end & ret TRUE.
  * If coding and we have complete CDS info then apply cdsStart and/or cdsEnd offset to start & end.
  * If start or end is intronic, or start is negative (genomic upstream of tx) then return FALSE.
  * Note: at this point we don't know the length of the sequence so can't tell if start and/or end
  * fall past the end of the transcript (genomic downstream). */
 boolean coordsOk = TRUE;
 int start, end;
 hgvsStartEndToZeroBasedHalfOpen(hgvs, &start, &end);
 if (hgvs->type == hgvstCoding)
     struct genbankCds cds;
     if (getCds(db, hgvs->seqAcc, &cds))
         // Determine whether to use cdsStart or cdsEnd for hgvs start and hgvs end.
         // Make sure the cds start and end are marked as complete.
         if (hgvs->startIsUtr3 && cds.endComplete)
             start += cds.end;
         else if (!hgvs->startIsUtr3 && cds.startComplete)
             start += cds.start;
             coordsOk = FALSE;
         if (hgvs->endIsUtr3 && cds.endComplete)
             end += cds.end;
         else if (!hgvs->endIsUtr3 && cds.startComplete)
             end += cds.start;
             coordsOk = FALSE;
         coordsOk = FALSE;
 if (hgvs->startOffset != 0 || hgvs->endOffset != 0)
     // intronic start and/or end -- not in transcript bounds
     coordsOk = FALSE;
 if (start < 0)
     coordsOk = FALSE;
 // Unfortunately we don't know if start and end are past the end of transcript without
 // doing another database query...
 if (retStart)
     *retStart = start;
 if (retEnd)
     *retEnd = end;
 return coordsOk;
 static char *getHgvsSequenceRange(struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, char *db)
 /* If we have the sequence specified in hgvs, return the portion covered by hgvs. */
 char *seq = NULL;
 char *acc = hgvs->seqAcc;
 // First see if acc can be translated to an internal chrom name.
 // Note: an NC_ version from a different assembly might be used.  To be really fancy
 // we could try hgOfficialChromName in other dbs... but wait for users to request it!
 char *chrom = hgOfficialChromName(db, acc);
 uint start = hgvs->start1-1;
 uint end = hgvs->end;
 if (chrom)
     // Simple sequence range
     struct dnaSeq *dnaSeq = hChromSeq(db, chrom, start, end);
     seq = dnaSeqCannibalize(&dnaSeq);
 else if (hgvsToTxCoords(hgvs, db, &start, &end))
     // Leave it up to getGenbankSequenceRange to reject out-of-bounds coords because
     // it will look up the sequence size.
     struct dnaSeq *dnaSeq = getGenbankSequenceRange(db, hgvs->seqAcc, start, end);
     seq = dnaSeqCannibalize(&dnaSeq);
 return seq;
 char *hgvsGetRef(struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, char *db)
 /* Return the sequence from the HGVS accession at the HGVS coords, or NULL if HGVS coords are
  * out of bounds (e.g. up/downstream or intronic) or otherwise unsupported.  Use "" as insertion
  * reference sequence. */
 return getHgvsSequenceRange(hgvs, db);
 static char *altFromNestedTerm(struct hgvsVariant *nestedTerm, char *db)
 /* If we have sequence for the accession */
 char *nestedRefSeq = getHgvsSequenceRange(nestedTerm, db);
 if (nestedRefSeq && sameOk(nestedTerm->changes, "inv"))
     // If nested term ended with "inv" then reverse-complement the sequence.
     reverseComplement(nestedRefSeq, strlen(nestedRefSeq));
 return nestedRefSeq;
 static void copyMaybeRc(char *buf, size_t bufSize, char *seq, boolean isRc)
 /* Copy seq into buf; if isRc, reverse-complement the copied sequence in buf. */
 int seqLen = strlen(seq);
 safencpy(buf, bufSize, seq, seqLen);
 if (isRc)
     reverseComplement(buf, seqLen);
 char *hgvsChangeGetAlt(struct hgvsChange *changeList, char *hgvsSeqRef, char *db)
 /* Unpack changeList and return the alternate (changed from hgvsSeqRef) sequence, or NULL
  * if unable. */
 struct dyString *alt = dyStringNew(0);
 boolean success = TRUE;
 if (hgvsSeqRef == NULL)
     errAbort("hgvsChangeGetAlt: must provide non-NULL hgvsSeqRef");
 struct hgvsChange *change;
 for (change = changeList;  change != NULL && success;  change = change->next)
     if (change->type == hgvsctRepeat)
         // Unsupported -- abort and return NULL.
         success = FALSE;
     if (change->type == hgvsctNoChange)
         dyStringAppend(alt, hgvsSeqRef);
     else if (change->type == hgvsctDup)
         dyStringAppend(alt, hgvsSeqRef);
         dyStringAppend(alt, hgvsSeqRef);
     else if (change->type == hgvsctDel)
         // alt is the empty string
     else if (change->type == hgvsctInv)
         int refLen = strlen(hgvsSeqRef);
         char refInv[refLen+1];
         copyMaybeRc(refInv, sizeof(refInv), hgvsSeqRef, TRUE);
         dyStringAppend(alt, refInv);
     else if (change->type == hgvsctSubst || change->type == hgvsctIns || change->type == hgvsctCon)
         struct hgvsChangeRefAlt *refAlt = &change->value.refAlt;
         if (refAlt->altType == hgvsstSimple)
             dyStringAppend(alt, refAlt->altValue.seq);
         else if (refAlt->altType == hgvsstLength)
             int i;
             for (i = 0;  i < refAlt->altValue.length;  i++)
                 dyStringAppendC(alt, 'N');
         else if (refAlt->altType == hgvsstNestedTerm)
             char *nestedTermSeq = altFromNestedTerm(&refAlt->altValue.term, db);
             if (nestedTermSeq)
                 dyStringAppend(alt, nestedTermSeq);
                 success = FALSE;
             success = FALSE;
 if (success)
     return dyStringCannibalize(&alt);
     return NULL;
 static boolean doDupToIns(boolean isRc, int *pLeftShiftOffset,
                           char *genomicRef, char *genomicRefFwd, char *hgvsSeqRef, char *hgvsSeqAlt,
                           char *pLeftBase, struct bed *mapping)
 /* HGVS dup is TMI for VCF, so simplify to an insertion -- this can modify all of its inputs!
  * We need to maintain HVGS right-shifting before we do VCF left-shifting, so if this is a dup
  * then change chromStart to chromEnd (vice versa if isRc), update leftBase, trim duplicate seq
  * from start of alt, and set ref to "". */
 boolean dupToIns = FALSE;
 int refLen = mapping->chromEnd - mapping->chromStart;
 int altLen = strlen(hgvsSeqAlt);
 if (refLen > 0 && altLen >= 2*refLen &&
     sameString(genomicRef, hgvsSeqRef) &&
     startsWith(genomicRef, hgvsSeqAlt))
     dupToIns = TRUE;
     if (isRc || sameString(genomicRef, hgvsSeqAlt+refLen))
         // '-' strand or pure dup ==> insertion at chromStart, no change to leftBase
         mapping->chromEnd = mapping->chromStart;
         // '+' strand and extra seq after dup ==> insertion at chromEnd, update leftBase & offset
         *pLeftShiftOffset += refLen;
         *pLeftBase = genomicRef[refLen-1];
         mapping->chromStart = mapping->chromEnd;
     memmove(hgvsSeqAlt, hgvsSeqAlt+refLen, altLen-refLen+1);
     genomicRef[0] = genomicRefFwd[0] = hgvsSeqRef[0] = '\0';
 return dupToIns;
 static char *makeVcfAlt(char *genomicRef, char *hgvsSeqRef, char *hgvsSeqAlt, struct bed *mapping,
                         boolean isRc, char leftBase, boolean leftBaseRight, boolean *retIsIndel)
 /* Based on comparing the three possibly differing alleles (genomic, hgvs ref, hgvs alt),
  * determine which sequence(s) will go in alt.  Determine whether this variant is an indel
  * (alleles not all the same length), and if so prepend leftBase to alt allele(s). */
 int hgvsSeqRefLen = strlen(hgvsSeqRef);
 int hgvsSeqAltLen = strlen(hgvsSeqAlt);
 // VCF alleles are always on '+' (Fwd) strand of genome.
 char hgvsSeqRefFwd[hgvsSeqRefLen+1];
 copyMaybeRc(hgvsSeqRefFwd, sizeof(hgvsSeqRefFwd), hgvsSeqRef, isRc);
 char hgvsSeqAltFwd[hgvsSeqAltLen+1];
 copyMaybeRc(hgvsSeqAltFwd, sizeof(hgvsSeqAltFwd), hgvsSeqAlt, isRc);
 int genomicRefLen = strlen(genomicRef);
 // The alt allele string will contain 0 to 2 sequences, maybe a comma, and 0 to 2 leftBases:
 int altMaxLen = genomicRefLen + hgvsSeqRefLen + hgvsSeqAltLen + 16;
 char vcfAlt[altMaxLen];
 // If the HGVS change is "=" (no change) then vcfAlt will be "."
 boolean noChange = sameString(hgvsSeqRef, hgvsSeqAlt);
 // VCF indels have start coord one base to the left of the actual indel point.
 // HGVS treats multi-base substitutions as indels but VCF does not, so look for
 // differing length of ref vs. each alt sequence in order to call it a VCF indel.
 boolean isIndel = (genomicRefLen != hgvsSeqRefLen || genomicRefLen != hgvsSeqAltLen ||
                    genomicRefLen == 0);
 if (sameString(hgvsSeqRef, genomicRef))
     // VCF alt is HGVS alt
     if (noChange)
         safecpy(vcfAlt, sizeof(vcfAlt), ".");
     else if (isIndel)
         if (leftBaseRight)
             safef(vcfAlt, sizeof(vcfAlt), "%s%c", hgvsSeqAltFwd, leftBase);
             safef(vcfAlt, sizeof(vcfAlt), "%c%s", leftBase, hgvsSeqAltFwd);
         safecpy(vcfAlt, sizeof(vcfAlt), hgvsSeqAltFwd);
 else if (sameString(genomicRef, hgvsSeqAlt))
     // Genomic reference allele is HGVS alt allele; VCF alt is HGVS ref allele
     if (noChange)
         safecpy(vcfAlt, sizeof(vcfAlt), ".");
     else if (isIndel)
         if (leftBaseRight)
             safef(vcfAlt, sizeof(vcfAlt), "%s%c", hgvsSeqRefFwd, leftBase);
             safef(vcfAlt, sizeof(vcfAlt), "%c%s", leftBase, hgvsSeqRefFwd);
         safecpy(vcfAlt, sizeof(vcfAlt), hgvsSeqRefFwd);
     // Both HGVS ref and HGVS alt differ from genomicRef, so both are VCF alts (unless noChange)
     if (noChange)
         if (isIndel)
             if (leftBaseRight)
                 safef(vcfAlt, sizeof(vcfAlt), "%s%c", hgvsSeqRefFwd, leftBase);
                 safef(vcfAlt, sizeof(vcfAlt), "%c%s", leftBase, hgvsSeqRefFwd);
             safef(vcfAlt, sizeof(vcfAlt), "%s", hgvsSeqRefFwd);
     else if (isIndel)
         if (leftBaseRight)
             safef(vcfAlt, sizeof(vcfAlt), "%s%c,%s%c",
                   hgvsSeqRefFwd, leftBase, hgvsSeqAltFwd, leftBase);
             safef(vcfAlt, sizeof(vcfAlt), "%c%s,%c%s",
                   leftBase, hgvsSeqRefFwd, leftBase, hgvsSeqAltFwd);
         safef(vcfAlt, sizeof(vcfAlt), "%s,%s", hgvsSeqRefFwd, hgvsSeqAltFwd);
 if (retIsIndel)
     *retIsIndel = isIndel;
 return cloneString(vcfAlt);
 static char *makeHgvsToVcfInfo(boolean dupToIns, int basesShifted, boolean isIndel, int end)
 /* Make a semicolon-separated list of any applicable interesting things. */
 struct dyString *info = dyStringNew(0);
 if (dupToIns)
     dyStringAppend(info, "DupToIns");
 if (basesShifted)
     dyStringAppendSep(info, ";");
     dyStringPrintf(info, "BasesShifted=%d", basesShifted);
 if (isIndel)
     dyStringAppendSep(info, ";");
     // yet another special case for indel at beginning of chrom
     if (end == 0)
         end = 1;
     dyStringPrintf(info, "END=%d", end);
 if (dyStringIsEmpty(info))
     dyStringAppendC(info, '.');
 return dyStringCannibalize(&info);
 int vcfRowCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare for sorting based on chrom,pos. */
 const struct vcfRow *a = *((struct vcfRow **)va);
 const struct vcfRow *b = *((struct vcfRow **)vb);
 int dif;
 dif = strcmp(a->chrom, b->chrom);
 if (dif == 0)
     dif = a->pos - b->pos;
 return dif;
 void vcfRowTabOutList(FILE *f, struct vcfRow *rowList)
 /* Write out each row of VCF to f. */
 struct vcfRow *row;
 for (row = rowList;  row != NULL;  row = row->next)
     fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t.\t%s\t%s\n",
             row->chrom, row->pos, row->id, row->ref, row->alt, row->filter, row->info);
 static char *makeHgvsToVcfFilter(char *genomicRef, char *hgvsSeqRef, char *hgvsTermRef)
 /* Check for sequence disagreements that we can report in the FILTER column */
 struct dyString *filter = dyStringNew(0);
 if (differentString(hgvsSeqRef, genomicRef))
     dyStringAppend(filter, "HgvsRefGenomicMismatch");
 if (hgvsTermRef != NULL && differentString(hgvsTermRef, hgvsSeqRef))
     dyStringAppendSep(filter, ";");
     dyStringAppend(filter, "HgvsRefAssertedMismatch");
 if (dyStringIsEmpty(filter))
     dyStringAppend(filter, "PASS");
 return dyStringCannibalize(&filter);
 static struct vcfRow *vcfFromHgvs(char *db, char *term, struct bed *mapping,
                                   struct hgvsVariant *hgvs, struct hgvsChange *changeList,
                                   boolean doLeftShift, struct dyString *dyError)
 /* Determine ref and alt sequence, move start left one base if indel, and return vcfRow.
  * If doLeftShift, also shift items with ambiguous start as far left on the genome as
  * possible.  That is the VCF convention but it is inconvenient for variant annotation;
  * the HGVS standard is to shift right as far as possible on the tx strand, so consequences
  * are reported at the point where the sequence has changed. */
 // Include some genomic sequence to the left (if possible) in case we need to left-shift
 // an ambiguous mapping and/or include the base to the left of an indel.
 int genomicRefLen = mapping->chromEnd - mapping->chromStart;
 uint winStart, winEnd;
 indelShiftRangeForVariant(mapping->chromStart, genomicRefLen, strlen(hgvs->changes),
                           &winStart, &winEnd);
 struct seqWindow *seqWin = chromSeqWindowNew(db, mapping->chrom, winStart, winEnd);
 int varWinStart = mapping->chromStart - seqWin->start;
 int indelOffset = (mapping->chromStart == 0) ? 0 : 1;
 char leftBase = seqWin->seq[varWinStart-indelOffset];
 char genomicRefFwd[genomicRefLen+1];
 safencpy(genomicRefFwd, sizeof(genomicRefFwd), seqWin->seq + varWinStart, genomicRefLen);
 // VCF is always on '+' (Fwd) strand of reference.  HGVS sequences may be on the '-' strand.
 // Make a version of the genome assembly allele for comparison to HGVS sequences.
 boolean isRc = (mapping->strand[0] == '-');
 char genomicRef[genomicRefLen+1];
 copyMaybeRc(genomicRef, sizeof(genomicRef), genomicRefFwd, isRc);
 // Get HGVS ref and alt alleles
 char *hgvsSeqRef = hgvsGetRef(hgvs, db);
 if (hgvsSeqRef == NULL)
     // hgvsSeqRef can be NULL when sequence coords are out of transcript bounds e.g. intron.
     // Use genomic reference sequence (rev-complemented if mapped to '-' strand)
     hgvsSeqRef = cloneString(genomicRef);
 char *hgvsTermRef = hgvsChangeGetAssertedRef(changeList);
 char *hgvsSeqAlt = hgvsChangeGetAlt(changeList, hgvsSeqRef, db);
 if (hgvsIsInsertion(hgvs))
     // HGVS insertions are two bases (before and after), but ours are zero-length points,
     // so adjust hgvsSeqRef accordingly.
     hgvsSeqRef[0] = '\0';
 if (hgvsSeqAlt == NULL)
     dyStringAppend(dyError, "Unable to get alternate sequence");
     return NULL;
 char *filter = makeHgvsToVcfFilter(genomicRef, hgvsSeqRef, hgvsTermRef);
 // doDupToIns and indelShift may modify the contents of their arguments:
 boolean dupToIns = doDupToIns(isRc, &varWinStart, genomicRef, genomicRefFwd,
                               hgvsSeqRef, hgvsSeqAlt, &leftBase, mapping);
 if (dupToIns)
     genomicRefLen = strlen(genomicRef);
 int basesShifted = 0;
 if (doLeftShift &&
     sameString(genomicRef, hgvsSeqRef))
     int altLen = strlen(hgvsSeqAlt);
     char hgvsSeqAltFwd[altLen+1];
     copyMaybeRc(hgvsSeqAltFwd, sizeof(hgvsSeqAltFwd), hgvsSeqAlt, isRc);
     basesShifted = indelShift(seqWin, &mapping->chromStart, &mapping->chromEnd,
                               hgvsSeqAltFwd, INDEL_SHIFT_NO_MAX, isdLeft);
     if (basesShifted)
         varWinStart = mapping->chromStart - seqWin->start;
         int leftBaseOffset = max(0, varWinStart - 1);
         leftBase = seqWin->seq[leftBaseOffset];
         copyMaybeRc(hgvsSeqAlt, altLen+1, hgvsSeqAltFwd, isRc);
         safencpy(genomicRefFwd, sizeof(genomicRefFwd), seqWin->seq+varWinStart, genomicRefLen);
         copyMaybeRc(genomicRef, sizeof(genomicRef), genomicRefFwd, isRc);
         safecpy(hgvsSeqRef, genomicRefLen+1, genomicRef);
 // VCF special case for indel at beginning of chromosome: there is no left base, so instead
 // put the first base of the chromosome to the right!
 // See https://samtools.github.io/hts-specs/VCFv4.2.pdf REF and discussion at
 // https://sourceforge.net/p/vcftools/mailman/vcftools-spec/thread/508CAD45.8010301%40broadinstitute.org/
 boolean leftBaseRight = (mapping->chromStart == 0);
 // Make REF and ALT strings ('+' strand, leftBase for indels) and write VCF
 boolean isIndel = FALSE;
 char *vcfAlt = makeVcfAlt(genomicRef, hgvsSeqRef, hgvsSeqAlt, mapping, isRc,
                           leftBase, leftBaseRight,  &isIndel);
 int pos = mapping->chromStart + 1;
 if (isIndel && !leftBaseRight)
 char vcfRef[genomicRefLen+1+1];
 if (isIndel)
     if (leftBaseRight)
         safef(vcfRef, sizeof(vcfRef), "%s%c", genomicRefFwd, leftBase);
         safef(vcfRef, sizeof(vcfRef), "%c%s", leftBase, genomicRefFwd);
     safecpy(vcfRef, sizeof(vcfRef), genomicRefFwd);
 char *info = makeHgvsToVcfInfo(dupToIns, basesShifted, isIndel, mapping->chromEnd);
 struct vcfRow *row;
 row->chrom = cloneString(mapping->chrom);
 row->pos = pos;
 row->id = cloneString(term);
 row->ref = cloneString(vcfRef);
 row->alt = vcfAlt;
 row->filter = filter;
 row->info = info;
 return row;
 struct vcfRow *hgvsToVcfRow(char *db, char *term, boolean doLeftShift, struct dyString *dyError)
 /* Convert HGVS to a row of VCF suitable for sorting & printing.  If unable, return NULL and
  * put the reason in dyError.  Protein terms are ambiguous at the nucleotide level so they are
  * not supported at this point. */
 struct vcfRow *row = NULL;
 struct hgvsVariant *hgvs = hgvsParseTerm(term);
 if (!hgvs)
     dyStringPrintf(dyError, "Unable to parse '%s' as HGVS", term);
     return NULL;
 else if (hgvs->type == hgvstProtein)
     dyStringPrintf(dyError, "HGVS protein changes such as '%s' are ambiguous at the nucleotide "
                    "level, so not supported", term);
     return NULL;
 struct dyString *dyWarn = dyStringNew(0);
 char *pslTable = NULL;
 struct bed *mapping = hgvsValidateAndMap(hgvs, db, term, dyWarn, &pslTable);
 if (!mapping)
     dyStringPrintf(dyError, "Unable to map '%s' to reference %s: %s",
                    term, db, dyStringContents(dyWarn));
     if (dyStringIsNotEmpty(dyWarn))
         dyStringAppend(dyError, dyStringContents(dyWarn));
     struct hgvsChange *changeList = hgvsParseNucleotideChange(hgvs->changes, hgvs->type,
     if (changeList == NULL)
         if (isEmpty(hgvs->changes))
             dyStringPrintf(dyError, "HGVS term '%s' does not specify any sequence changes", term);
         else if (dyStringIsNotEmpty(dyWarn))
             dyStringPrintf(dyError, "Unable to parse HGVS description in '%s': %s", term,
             dyStringPrintf(dyError, "Unable to parse HGVS description in '%s'", term);
     else if (dyStringIsNotEmpty(dyWarn))
         dyStringPrintf(dyError, "Unable to parse HGVS description in '%s': %s",
                        term, dyStringContents(dyWarn));
     else if (changeList->type == hgvsctRepeat)
                        "Can't convert '%s' to VCF: HGVS repeat notation is not supported.", term);
         row = vcfFromHgvs(db, term, mapping, hgvs, changeList, doLeftShift, dyWarn);
         if (dyStringIsNotEmpty(dyWarn))
             dyStringPrintf(dyError, "Can't convert '%s' to VCF: %s",
                            term, dyStringContents(dyWarn));
 return row;
 static int allNCount(char *seq)
 /* If seq is entirely N's, return its length, otherwise 0. */
 int nLen = 0;
 for (nLen = 0;  seq[nLen] != '\0';  nLen++)
     if (seq[nLen] != 'N')
         return 0;
 return nLen;
 // HGVS allows terms to specify deleted or duplicated bases if there are "several bases".
 // Search for "NOTE: it is allowed" here:
 //   http://varnomen.hgvs.org/recommendations/DNA/variant/deletion/
 //   http://varnomen.hgvs.org/recommendations/DNA/variant/duplication/
 // It does not say how many "several" can be.  It doesn't specify for inv, but common
 // practice is to include bases and I don't see why it should be different from del or dup.
 // If somebody complains about hardcoding then I guess we could make it a parameter of
 // hgvsAppendChangesFromNucRefAlt.
 #define HGVS_SEVERAL 30
 static void hgvsAppendChangesFromNucRefAlt(struct dyString *dy, char *ref, char *alt, int dupLen,
                                            boolean breakDelIns)
 /* Translate reference allele and alternate allele into an HGVS change description, append to dy.
  * If breakDelIns, then show deleted bases (e.g. show 'delAGinsTT' instead of 'delinsTT').
  * Note: this forces ref and alt to uppercase.
  * No support for con or repeats at this point, just {=, >, del, dup, ins, inv}. */
 if (sameString(ref, alt))
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s=", ref);
     int refLen = strlen(ref);
     int altLen = strlen(alt);
     char refInv[refLen+1];
     safencpy(refInv, sizeof(refInv), ref, refLen);
     reverseComplement(refInv, refLen);
     if (refLen == 1 && altLen == 1)
         dyStringPrintf(dy, "%c>%c", ref[0], alt[0]);
     else if (dupLen > 0)
         dyStringAppend(dy, "dup");
         if (dupLen <= HGVS_SEVERAL)
             dyStringAppendN(dy, alt, dupLen);
         // Could be a pure duplication followed by insertion:
         if (altLen > dupLen)
             dyStringPrintf(dy, "ins%s", alt+dupLen);
     else if (refLen == 0)
         int allNLen = allNCount(alt);
         if (allNLen)
             dyStringPrintf(dy, "ins%d", allNLen);
             dyStringPrintf(dy, "ins%s", alt);
     else if (altLen == 0)
         dyStringAppend(dy, "del");
         if (refLen <= HGVS_SEVERAL)
             dyStringAppendN(dy, ref, refLen);
     else if (refLen == altLen && refLen > 1 && sameString(refInv, alt))
         dyStringAppend(dy, "inv");
         if (refLen <= HGVS_SEVERAL)
             dyStringAppendN(dy, ref, refLen);
         dyStringAppend(dy, "del");
         if (breakDelIns && refLen <= HGVS_SEVERAL)
             dyStringAppendN(dy, ref, refLen);
         int allNLen = allNCount(alt);
         if (allNLen)
             dyStringPrintf(dy, "ins%d", allNLen);
             dyStringPrintf(dy, "ins%s", alt);
 void hgvsAppendChangesFromPepRefAlt(struct dyString *dy, char *ref, char *alt, int dupLen)
 /* Translate reference allele and alternate allele into an HGVS change description, append to dy.
  * ref and alt must be sequences of single-letter IUPAC amino acid codes.
  * Note: this forces ref and alt to uppercase. */
 if (sameString(ref, alt))
     dyStringAppendC(dy, '=');
     int refLen = strlen(ref);
     int altLen = strlen(alt);
     char altAbbr[3*altLen+1];
     int ix;
     for (ix = 0;  ix < altLen;  ix++)
         aaToAbbr(alt[ix], altAbbr+3*ix, sizeof(altAbbr)-3*ix);
     if (refLen == 1 && altLen == 1)
         // Simple substitution
         dyStringAppend(dy, altAbbr);
     else if (dupLen > 0)
         dyStringAppend(dy, "dup");
         // Could be a pure duplication followed by insertion:
         if (altLen > dupLen)
             dyStringPrintf(dy, "ins%s", altAbbr+(dupLen*3));
     else if (refLen == 0)
         dyStringPrintf(dy, "ins%s", altAbbr);
     else if (altLen == 0)
         dyStringAppend(dy, "del");
         dyStringPrintf(dy, "delins%s", altAbbr);
 char *hgvsGFromVariant(struct seqWindow *gSeqWin, struct bed3 *variantBed, char *alt, char *acc,
                        boolean breakDelIns)
 /* Return an HGVS g. string representing the genomic variant at the position of variantBed with
  * reference allele from gSeqWin and alternate allele alt.  3'-shift indels if applicable.
  * If acc is non-NULL it is used instead of variantBed->chrom.
  * If breakDelIns, then show deleted bases (eg show 'delAGinsTT' instead of 'delinsTT'). */
 struct dyString *dy = dyStringCreate("%s:g.", acc ? acc : variantBed->chrom);
 uint vStart = variantBed->chromStart, vEnd = variantBed->chromEnd;
 gSeqWin->fetch(gSeqWin, variantBed->chrom, vStart, vEnd);
 int refLen = vEnd - vStart;
 char ref[refLen+1];
 seqWindowCopy(gSeqWin, vStart, refLen, ref, sizeof(ref));
 int altLen = strlen(alt);
 char altCpy[altLen+1];
 safecpy(altCpy, sizeof(altCpy), alt);
 if (differentString(ref, altCpy))
     // Trim identical bases from start and end -- unless this is an assertion that there is
     // no change, in which case it's good to keep the range on which that assertion was made.
     trimRefAlt(ref, altCpy, &vStart, &vEnd, &refLen, &altLen);
 if (indelShiftIsApplicable(refLen, altLen) &&
     indelShift(gSeqWin, &vStart, &vEnd, altCpy, INDEL_SHIFT_NO_MAX, isdRight))
     // update ref
     seqWindowCopy(gSeqWin, vStart, refLen, ref, sizeof(ref));
 int dupLen = 0;
 if (refLen == 1)
     // Single base: single 1-based coordinate
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "%d", vStart+1);
 else if (refLen == 0)
     // Insertion or duplication
     if (altLen > 0 && altLen <= vStart)
         // Detect duplicated sequence
         uint seqStart = vStart - altLen;
         char precedingRef[altLen+1];
         seqWindowCopy(gSeqWin, seqStart, altLen, precedingRef, sizeof(precedingRef));
         if (sameString(altCpy, precedingRef))
             dupLen = altLen;
     if (dupLen > 0)
         if (dupLen == 1)
             // Single-base duplication
             dyStringPrintf(dy, "%d", vStart); // - dupLen + 1 cancel each other out
             // Multi-base duplication: range is the dupLen bases preceding vStart
             dyStringPrintf(dy, "%d_%d", vStart - dupLen + 1, vStart);
         // Insertion: two-base range enclosing zero-base insertion point
         dyStringPrintf(dy, "%d_%d", vStart, vEnd+1);
     // Deletion or MNV
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "%d_%d", vStart+1, vEnd);
 hgvsAppendChangesFromNucRefAlt(dy, ref, altCpy, dupLen, breakDelIns);
 return dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
 static int findDup(char *alt, struct seqWindow *seqWin, uint refPoint, boolean isRc)
 /* Given that the variant is an insertion of alt at refPoint (minding isRc), if alt looks
  * like a duplicate of the sequence before refPoint, return the length of duplicated sequence. */
 int altLen = strlen(alt);
 // Don't underflow the sequence:
 if (!isRc && altLen > refPoint)
     return 0;
 uint seqStart = refPoint - (isRc ? 0 : altLen);
 uint minEnd = seqStart + altLen;
 if (seqWin->start > seqStart || seqWin->end < minEnd)
     seqWin->fetch(seqWin, seqWin->seqName,
                   min(seqStart, seqWin->start),
                   max(seqWin->end, minEnd));
 // Get sequence, reverse-complement if necessary
 char precedingRef[altLen+1];
 seqWindowCopy(seqWin, seqStart, altLen, precedingRef, sizeof(precedingRef));
 if (isRc)
     reverseComplement(precedingRef, altLen);
 if (sameString(alt, precedingRef))
     return altLen;
     // Detect an insertion plus a few slop bases at the end, like "dupinsTAT" where
     // alt starts with precedingRef[3..] followed by new "TAT".  Then dupLen is altLen-3.
     // Unfortunately, indelShift can actually shift far enough to prevent a perfect match. :(
     // Example: ClinVar NM_000179.2(MSH6):c.1573_3439-429dupinsTAT -- the insertion is right-
     // shifted by 1 and then there's no longer a perfect dup. :b  We would have to do dup-aware
     // indel shifting!!
     int searchLimit = 5;
     int offset;
     for (offset = 1;  offset < searchLimit;  offset++)
         if (sameStringN(alt, precedingRef+offset, altLen-offset))
             return altLen-offset;
 return 0;
 static int tweakInsDup(struct vpTxPosition *startPos, struct vpTxPosition *endPos, char *alt,
                        struct seqWindow *gSeqWin, struct psl *txAli, struct dnaSeq *txSeq)
 /* If this variant is an insertion, HGVS needs the 2-base range surrounding the insertion point.
  * However, if an inserted sequence happens to be identical to the preceding sequence then
  * HGVS calls it a dup on the range of preceding sequence.  If this is a dup, return the length of
  * duplicated sequence (else return 0).
  * This modifies startPos and endPos if the variant is an insertion/dup.
  * For non-exonic insertions, the preceding reference sequence is from the genome not tx.
  * Note: this doesn't yet detect "dupins", where most of the inserted sequence (starting from the
  * beginning of the inserted sequence) matches the previous ref sequence */
 int dupLen = 0;
 int isIns = vpTxPosIsInsertion(startPos, endPos);
 if (isIns)
     // Yes, this is a zero-length insertion point -- see if it happens to be a duplication.
     // "insTCA" is preferable to "dupTinsCA"... where to draw the line for when dup is worth it??
     // For now, just say half of altLen... but an argument could be made for some small constant too
     int minDup = strlen(alt) / 2;
     // Fetch preceding sequence from tx if exonic, otherwise from genome.
     if (startPos->region == vpExon && endPos->region == vpExon)
         struct seqWindow *txSeqWin = memSeqWindowNew(txSeq->name, txSeq->dna);
         dupLen = findDup(alt, txSeqWin, startPos->txOffset, FALSE);
         if (dupLen > minDup)
             // Since txSeqWin was used to find dup, the new startPos must also be exonic.
             // In case startPos was looking forward from the boundary between an exon and an intron
             // or downstream, adjust its other fields to be exonic now:
             startPos->region = vpExon;
             startPos->txOffset -= dupLen;
             startPos->gDistance = startPos->intron3TxOffset = startPos->intron3Distance = 0;
             dupLen = 0;
         boolean isRc = (pslQStrand(txAli) == '-');
         dupLen = findDup(alt, gSeqWin, startPos->gOffset, isRc);
         if (dupLen > minDup)
             uint newGOffset = startPos->gOffset + (isRc ? dupLen : -dupLen);
             vpPosGenoToTx(newGOffset, txAli, startPos, FALSE);
             dupLen = 0;
 if (dupLen == 0 && isIns)
     // Expand insertion point to 2-base region around insertion point for HGVS.
     // startPos = base to left of endPos whose region looks left/5';
     // endPos = base to right of startPos whose region looks right/3'.
     struct vpTxPosition newStart = *endPos;
     vpTxPosSlideInSameRegion(&newStart, -1);
     struct vpTxPosition newEnd = *startPos;
     vpTxPosSlideInSameRegion(&newEnd, 1);
     *startPos = newStart;
     *endPos = newEnd;
 return dupLen;
 static uint hgvsTxToCds(uint txOffset, struct genbankCds *cds, boolean isStart, char pPrefix[2])
 /* Return the cds-relative HGVS coord and prefix corresponding to 0-based txOffset & cds. */
 // Open end adjustment for determining CDS/UTR region:
 int endCmp = isStart ? 0 : 1;
 // For adjusting non-negative coords to HGVS's positive 1-based closed:
 int oneBased = isStart ? 1 : 0;
 // For adjusting negative coords to HGVS's negative 0-based closed:
 int closedEnd = isStart ? 0 : 1;
 pPrefix[1] = '\0';
 uint cdsCoord = 0;
 if (txOffset - endCmp < cds->start)
     // 5'UTR: coord is negative distance from cdsStart
     pPrefix[0] = '-';
     cdsCoord = cds->start - txOffset + closedEnd;
 else if (txOffset - endCmp < cds->end)
     // CDS: coord is positive distance from cdsStart
     pPrefix[0] = '\0';
     cdsCoord = txOffset - cds->start + oneBased;
     // 3'UTR: coord is positive distance from cdsEnd
     pPrefix[0] = '*';
     cdsCoord = txOffset - cds->end + oneBased;
 return cdsCoord;
 static void appendHgvsNucPos(struct dyString *dy, struct vpTxPosition *txPos, boolean isStart,
                              struct genbankCds *cds)
 /* Translate txPos (start or end) into an HGVS position (coding if cds is non-NULL). */
 // Open end adjustment for determining region:
 int endCmp = isStart ? 0 : 1;
 // For adjusting non-negative coords to HGVS's positive 1-based closed:
 int oneBased = isStart ? 1 : 0;
 // For adjusting negative coords to HGVS's negative 0-based closed:
 int closedEnd = isStart ? 0 : 1;
 if (txPos->region == vpUpstream)
     uint distance = txPos->gDistance;
     if (cds)
         distance += cds->start;
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "-%u", distance + closedEnd);
 else if (txPos->region == vpDownstream)
     uint distance = txPos->txOffset + txPos->gDistance;
     if (cds)
         dyStringPrintf(dy, "*%u", distance - cds->end + oneBased);
         dyStringPrintf(dy, "%u", distance + oneBased);
 else if (txPos->region == vpExon)
     char cdsPrefix[2];
     cdsPrefix[0] = '\0';
     uint hgvsCoord = cds ? hgvsTxToCds(txPos->txOffset, cds, isStart, cdsPrefix) :
                            txPos->txOffset + oneBased;
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s%u", cdsPrefix, hgvsCoord);
 else if (txPos->region == vpIntron)
     // If intron length is odd, bias toward picking the 5' exon (middle base has positive offset).
     char cdsPrefix[2];
     cdsPrefix[0] = '\0';
     char direction;
     uint exonAnchor, intronOffset;
     boolean anchorIsStart;
     if (txPos->gDistance - endCmp < txPos->intron3Distance)
         exonAnchor = txPos->txOffset;
         direction = '+';
         intronOffset = txPos->gDistance + oneBased;
         anchorIsStart = FALSE;
         exonAnchor = txPos->intron3TxOffset;
         direction = '-';
         intronOffset = txPos->intron3Distance + closedEnd;
         anchorIsStart = TRUE;
     exonAnchor = cds ? hgvsTxToCds(exonAnchor, cds, anchorIsStart, cdsPrefix) :
                        exonAnchor + (anchorIsStart ? oneBased : 0);
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s%u%c%u", cdsPrefix, exonAnchor, direction, intronOffset);
     errAbort("appendHgvsNucPos: unrecognized vpTxRegion value %d", txPos->region);
 static char *refFromVpTx(struct vpTx *vpTx)
 /* If vpTx->txRef is non-NULL and both start & end are exonic, return txRef;
  * otherwise return genomic.  For example, if a deletion spans exon/intron boundary, use genomic
  * ref because it includes the intron bases.  Do not free the returned value. */
 if (vpTx->txRef != NULL &&
     vpTx->start.region == vpExon && vpTx->end.region == vpExon)
     return vpTx->txRef;
 return vpTx->gRef;
 char *hgvsNFromVpTx(struct vpTx *vpTx, struct seqWindow *gSeqWin, struct psl *txAli,
                     struct dnaSeq *txSeq, boolean breakDelIns)
 /* Return an HGVS n. (noncoding transcript) term for a variant projected onto a transcript.
  * gSeqWin must already have at least the correct seqName if not the surrounding sequence.
  * If breakDelIns, then show deleted bases (eg show 'delAGinsTT' instead of 'delinsTT'). */
 struct dyString *dy = dyStringCreate("%s:n.", vpTx->txName);
 // Make local copies of vpTx->{start,end} -- we may need to modify them for HGVS ins/dup.
 struct vpTxPosition startPos = vpTx->start, endPos = vpTx->end;
 int dupLen = tweakInsDup(&startPos, &endPos, vpTx->txAlt, gSeqWin, txAli, txSeq);
 appendHgvsNucPos(dy, &startPos, TRUE, NULL);
 if (!vpTxPosRangeIsSingleBase(&startPos, &endPos))
     dyStringAppendC(dy, '_');
     appendHgvsNucPos(dy, &endPos, FALSE, NULL);
 char *ref = refFromVpTx(vpTx);
 hgvsAppendChangesFromNucRefAlt(dy, ref, vpTx->txAlt, dupLen, breakDelIns);
 return dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
 char *hgvsCFromVpTx(struct vpTx *vpTx, struct seqWindow *gSeqWin, struct psl *txAli,
                     struct genbankCds *cds,  struct dnaSeq *txSeq, boolean breakDelIns)
 /* Return an HGVS c. (coding transcript) term for a variant projected onto a transcript w/cds.
  * gSeqWin must already have at least the correct seqName if not the surrounding sequence.
  * If breakDelIns, then show deleted bases (eg show 'delAGinsTT' instead of 'delinsTT'). */
 struct dyString *dy = dyStringCreate("%s:c.", vpTx->txName);
 // Make local copies of vpTx->{start,end} -- we may need to modify them for HGVS ins/dup.
 struct vpTxPosition startPos = vpTx->start, endPos = vpTx->end;
 int dupLen = tweakInsDup(&startPos, &endPos, vpTx->txAlt, gSeqWin, txAli, txSeq);
 appendHgvsNucPos(dy, &startPos, TRUE, cds);
 if (!vpTxPosRangeIsSingleBase(&startPos, &endPos))
     dyStringAppendC(dy, '_');
     appendHgvsNucPos(dy, &endPos, FALSE, cds);
 char *ref = refFromVpTx(vpTx);
 hgvsAppendChangesFromNucRefAlt(dy, ref, vpTx->txAlt, dupLen, breakDelIns);
 return dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
 static boolean isStartLoss(struct vpPep *vpPep)
 /* Return TRUE if vpPep shows that the start codon has been lost. */
 return (vpPep->start == 0 &&
         isNotEmpty(vpPep->ref) && vpPep->ref[0] == 'M' &&
         (isEmpty(vpPep->alt) || vpPep->alt[0] != 'M'));
 char *hgvsPFromVpPep(struct vpPep *vpPep, struct dnaSeq *protSeq, boolean addParens)
 /* Return an HGVS p. (protein) term for a variant projected into protein space.
  * Strict HGVS compliance requires parentheses around predicted protein changes, but
  * nobody seems to do that in practice.
  * Return NULL if an input is NULL. */
 if (vpPep == NULL || protSeq == NULL)
     return NULL;
 struct dyString *dy = dyStringCreate("%s:p.", vpPep->name);
 if (addParens)
     dyStringAppendC(dy, '(');
 int refLen = vpPep->end - vpPep->start;
 // When predicting frameshift/extension, the length of ref may be different from refLen
 int refExtLen = vpPep->ref ? strlen(vpPep->ref) : refLen;
 int altLen = vpPep->alt ? strlen(vpPep->alt) : 0;
 char refStartAbbr[4];
 if (vpPep->ref)
     aaToAbbr(vpPep->ref[0], refStartAbbr, sizeof(refStartAbbr));
     // If ref is null then we should be writing just '=' or '?' but prevent garbage just in case:
     safecpy(refStartAbbr, sizeof(refStartAbbr), "?");
 // protSeq may or may not end with X, so treat protSeq->size accordingly
 boolean hitsStopCodon = (vpPep->end > protSeq->size ||
                          ((protSeq->dna[protSeq->size-1] == 'X') && vpPep->end == protSeq->size));
 if (vpPep->cantPredict || isStartLoss(vpPep))
     dyStringAppend(dy, "?");
 else if (vpPep->frameshift)
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s%d", refStartAbbr, vpPep->start+1);
     if (altLen == 1)
         dyStringAppend(dy, "Ter");
         char altStartAbbr[4];
         aaToAbbr(vpPep->alt[0], altStartAbbr, sizeof(altStartAbbr));
         // For stop-loss extension, make it "ext*"
         if (hitsStopCodon && altLen > refExtLen)
             dyStringPrintf(dy, "%sext*%d", altStartAbbr, altLen - refExtLen);
             dyStringPrintf(dy, "%sfsTer%d", altStartAbbr, altLen);
 else if (hitsStopCodon && altLen > refExtLen)
     // Stop loss extension from something that doesn't disrupt frame
     char altStartAbbr[4];
     aaToAbbr(vpPep->alt[0], altStartAbbr, sizeof(altStartAbbr));
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s%d%sext*%d", refStartAbbr, vpPep->start+1,
                    altStartAbbr, altLen - refExtLen);
     int dupLen = 0;
     if (refLen == 0 && altLen > 0)
         // It's an insertion; is it a duplication?
         struct seqWindow *pSeqWin = memSeqWindowNew(protSeq->name, protSeq->dna);
         dupLen = findDup(vpPep->alt, pSeqWin, vpPep->start, FALSE);
     if (refLen == 1)
         dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s%d", refStartAbbr, vpPep->start+1);
         int rangeStart = vpPep->start, rangeEnd = vpPep->end;
         char *pSeq = protSeq->dna;
         if (dupLen > 0)
             // Duplication; position range changes to preceding bases.
             rangeEnd = rangeStart;
             rangeStart -= dupLen;
             aaToAbbr(pSeq[rangeStart], refStartAbbr, sizeof(refStartAbbr));
         else if (refLen == 0)
             // Insertion; expand to two-AA range around insertion point
             aaToAbbr(pSeq[rangeStart], refStartAbbr, sizeof(refStartAbbr));
         hitsStopCodon = (rangeEnd > protSeq->size ||
                          ((protSeq->dna[protSeq->size-1] == 'X') && rangeEnd == protSeq->size));
         char refLastAbbr[4];
         if (hitsStopCodon)
             aaToAbbr('X', refLastAbbr, sizeof(refLastAbbr));
             aaToAbbr(pSeq[rangeEnd-1], refLastAbbr, sizeof(refLastAbbr));
         dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s%d_%s%d", refStartAbbr, rangeStart+1, refLastAbbr, rangeEnd);
     hgvsAppendChangesFromPepRefAlt(dy, vpPep->ref, vpPep->alt, dupLen);
 if (addParens)
     dyStringAppendC(dy, ')');
 return dyStringCannibalize(&dy);